AoS 1K against IDK

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Ivo, May 11, 2019.

  1. Ivo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ivo New Member

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    Hello lizard fans,

    a little battle report for you.
    I played one 1k game today against Idoneth. It was a preparation for upcoming tournament.
    Mission: Starstrike (random objectives in the middle and in each deployment zone)
    (all of this is from my head, I didn’t make any notes, so I‘‘m sorry if I missed something)

    My list was:
    Slann (general) Lord of Space and Time
    EotG (Ignax Scales)
    3x 10 skinks
    2x 4 Razors

    His list:
    6x Morsarr
    3x Morsarr
    3x Ishlaen

    He deployed his Soulscryer into the sea alongside with his 6 and 3 Morsarr. I had more drops, so he let me go first.

    Seraphon T1
    Constelation – re-reroll 1’s to hit, nice! Teleport on Razordons, 1! I rol it for the same unit again, 2! I guess they are not moving then… I roll for the engine, but nothing usefull as I was not in range. Slaan conjures his 10 pts. I just formed a castle and made sure that he will have a hard time with his charge. I didn’t move much, as there were no objectives yet.
    I was in no rush. I knew, that I will have to withstand his attack, possibly a double turn.

    IDK T1
    He runs forward with his king and with 3 defensive eels. Then at the end of his movement phase the Soulscryer and 9 eels appear on my right flank. Now the luck is with me and he fails all his charges (he later recalled that he can get +3 to charge with Soulscryer). Now, he is in a bad spot open to my shooting.
    Roll off, he wins. Double turn for IDK (I was almost ready to throw towel there, but wait and see). Objective is in the middle.

    IDK T2
    He moves everything into position, but he leaves his defensive eels on the objective. Charge phase, and everything smashes into my right flank (Skink screen), but he also managed to get to one unit of Razors with his flying eels. Razors fail their 4+… He releases biovoltaic energy into the engine and into Razors. 6 go into Engine and 3 into razors. That’s when Ignax Scales saved my… cloaca? Engine took about 5 MW's after the save. He started the combat with his six eels and finished the Razors as well as 9 poor Skinks. I piled the Engine to get away from Volturnos and and the 3 eels that would still attack. Engine does 0 wounds with in melee. He was able to get in reach of Engine with 1 of his 3 eels and did 2 more wounds to it (down to 3). 2 PTS for Deepkin

    Seraphon T2
    Engine rolls 6-9 and 3 sends mortals into the big squad of eels (I really needed to get rid of these). Then I teleport the Engine to the other side of the map, as there was no way it would survive another combat. Slann also teleports away and conjures another 10 points. I spend 6 to get 10 Skinks that will guard the Slann. One unit of Skinks runs and steals the objective from the 3 eels in the middle. Other just run in the middle of board to distract my enemy. Razors move closer to the eels (to get rend) and unleash hell on them! 3 eels are dead. Skinks do no wounds. 2 PTS for Seraphon

    Roll off and I win! Double turn for lizads, yes! Objectives spawn on my left flank and on the opposide side of enemies territory. Not bad.

    Seraphon T3
    I tp Engine on his unguarded objective and also the Slann (I move him as far away from the enemy as possible). Engine rolls, and it’s a summon! I decided to summon 20 Skins as Rippers would be useless when always he attacks first in 3rd round. I conjure more points for the total of 24. Razors stay where they are, as I want to kill more eels. I move the 10 Skinks that were guarding Slann in the last turn on my objective. I do few wound with skinks shooting and the the 4 Razors kill another few eels, . I summon 10 more skinks to protect the wounded Engine and to have more bodies on the enemies objective.
    11 PTS for Seraphon

    Idoneth T3
    He tries to get some objectives, so he flies over the Razors and charges into the Skinks on my objective as well as into Skinks in the middle and kills them all.
    8 PTS for Idoneth

    He wins the roll off.

    Idoneth T4
    2 Remaing eels stay on my objective (we forgot that you don’t have to stay on it after you get it, but it wouldn’t make much difference, I guess) and the other 3 and Volturnos go to get theirs and finish the Engine. He charges into Engine, but he activated the eels in the middle (to make sure that the skinks near the objective don’t just run away from combat) and kills them. I then run away with the skinks that guard the Engine, which then dies, but I have more models on objective, so it’s still mine. 16 PTS for Idoneth

    I win the roll off.
    Seraphon T4
    Slann teleports to safety near my home objective and conjures for the total of 28 points. Razors move up and shoot the remainin 2 eels of the objective. Troglodon is summoned, and I score all objectives
    23 PTS for me. It is already decided at this point, but we just played it to the end. I ended up with 38 pts. Major victory for lizards! It was a really good game. I feel like this army is good, but really hard to play and you need at least a bit of luck. You just have to play for the objectives and harrass enemy with shooting. Razors are really good. I feel like you always want as many of them as possible. If he didn’t kill one of the units in T2 it would’ve been a different game. Sadly, no pictures.
    Last edited: May 11, 2019
    Warden, Nart, Aginor and 2 others like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria!

    Gratz on your Win. Idoneth are not easy to beat.

    Thanks for the batrep.
    Schwaaah and Ivo like this.
  3. Ivo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ivo New Member

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    Hey, thanks! It was really nice game. This might be one of the best lists for 1k imo.
    Last edited: May 11, 2019
    Schwaaah and LizardWizard like this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    And thanks for the report. :)

    Deepkin can be tough enemies. Good job showing them their place. They might rule the waves, but we rule the stars! :D
    Ivo and LizardWizard like this.
  5. Ivo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ivo New Member

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    No souls for them indeed :cool:
    I will try to take pictures next time. This was my first batrep, and I enjoyed writing it.
    Aginor and LizardWizard like this.

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