A voyage to remember

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Sammy the Squib, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Port of Ulthuan

    Ships of all sizes and from all regions of the globe harbour at this port, just east of Lothern. The usual humdrum of
    ship repairs, intense bartering as well as the clamour from the seaside taverns are all rife, and the salty air swept
    in from the Great Ocean fills one with a sense of wellbeing and whets one's desire to embark on adventure.

    It is a bright and busy morning, nothing out of the ordinary. The elves work on their sleek ships, the men on theirs,
    and a small group of goblins are making a meal out of blowing up a rubber dinghy.


    Caranthir, Johannes and Luthor:

    You look around and draw in a lungful of air, a smile crosses your face. You have a strange feeling that
    your aim of finding something to occupy you at this port is not going to go unfulfilled. You really have two options:
    Either you can walk toward the sea front, with the potential for speaking to any number of sailors, captains and
    the like, or you can turn your back on the ships for now, and make your way toward the shops and taverns that
    face the sea.



    Washed up on the shore, with only your sodden clothes to your name, you have little choice but to make your way to
    town area, relying on your head for business and general banter to clothe and feed you. Or at the very least pay
    for a drink.



    Eltherion's request that you rendez vous with one of his acquaintances at the Port of Ulthuan seemed a bit out
    of the ordinary to you, but you agreed nevertheless. You ask how to find this man and what you should
    do when you meet with him, but Eltharion tells you only that he will find you, and that you should only concern yourself with making your way there and finding
    a place to stay for a few days. With a certain degree of unease you mount the back of a great eagle who flies
    you the distance to a hill looking down on the coast side town. Adjusting your blindfold you use all of
    your senses to draw a picture of your new surroundings. Still unsure about this whole affair, you walk toward the
    town. Behind you, the great eagle soars into the sky and makes it's way back to the White Tower.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. dr_nick22

    dr_nick22 New Member

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    Making his way from the hill down through the town, Imriel delighted in the sounds, smells and feel of the nature around him. This slowly faded as he ventured through the streets, surveying his surroundings with what few senses he had left;

    The smell of the sea air filled his nostrils...the harsh, salty sea-breeze, the cool, calm waters...that was the natural, but then there was also the smell of men. The men, elves and whatever other races that were welcome here, mulling about the port, unwashed, unshaven...despoilers of the sanctity of a place such as this.

    It went hand in hand with the sounds...the grating, irksome sounds of the sawing of wood, the hammering of nails, the boisterous voices of still hung-over sailors, stumbling about on deck and on shore. The sounds of civilsation drowned out the soothing sea breeze, the lapping of waves upon the shore, and the calls of the many sea-birds that nested in the area.

    Sensing someone close to him, Imriel turned. Perhaps two metres away, he heard a relieved sigh, and the sound of a stream of liquid running down a wooden surface. Taking the opportunity, he took a step forward, and spoke up, "Excuse me, would you be so kind as to direct me to a tavern or inn? I'm looking for lodgings."
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. gingerninja
    Jungle Swarm

    gingerninja New Member

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    Caranthir looked about in the bright sunshine of the great port. The High elves had always been masters of the oceans, and from the look of the surrounding area you can really understand why. Commerce had begun to return after the great war, and the port was full of all manner of vessels, providing plenty of opporunity for work.

    On a day like this, I would expect to find the sailors by there ships, but the Captains getting some food and a drink, Caranthir thought to himself. With that, he turned his back on the ships and begun to head towards the taverns and resturants in the main quarter, looking for an opportunity.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. SilverMane
    Jungle Swarm

    SilverMane New Member

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    "So this is what my dad called the stench of the sea", Johannes thought to himself," It is smells rather better than I thought it would, and look at these other races! I never thought I would be so lucky as to see so many!"

    With a broad smile, he set off excitedly towards the docks, hoping to experience the sea for the first time. As he walked along the paved roads he kept his eyes sharp for anyone who looked intriguing to converse with. He hoped to glean as much knowledge as possible in his time here, he had a lot of catching up to do compared to many other travelers.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  5. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    Luthor walked unsteadily up to the nearest traven, he still wasnt quite used to these ports he hated the smell
    and the constant noise that drowned out the comforting sound of the sea. He stepped into the traven, but was knocked back when a huge man barged out knocking Luthor to the ground. The taste of the ground was better than that of his homeland although he suspected he'd have a hard time with the drunkards of these travens, especially men. The man who had knocked him over didnt seem to have noticed and he continued to swagger on, luckily he wasnt very fast so luthor reached out and attempted to grab the mans wallet. The man swung round and smashed luthor in the face. It was like being hit by a boulder luthor collapsed blood covered his face, his nose felt numb and blood was slowly seeping out through it.

    "Broken nose" thought luthor as the man swaggered away, inwardly cursed himself for his clumsiness. He'd been to quick to take revenge and that could cost him much more than a brocken nose elsewhere...
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  6. Keith

    Keith New Member

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    Barrington groaned, shivered and spat. He couldn't shift the taste of sea-water from his mouth.

    Lying prostrate on the beach with the warm sun drying his wet garments, he began to think more clearly. He dragged himself up onto a nearby rock and lay there with his back against it. What on earth had induced him to get so drunk, and follow that floozy onto the barge at the docks? "It'll be more romantic" she'd said, "with the soft sounds of the sea and gentle flicker of a single oil-lamp". What seemed like a moment later, he had awoken to find himself adrift, struggling with the terrifying power of the sea, thunder crashing and brilliant blue lightning splitting the sky, the screams of drowning men filling his ears; he had struggled for what seemed like an eternity until finally his limbs became sluggish and his eyes clouded. He had given up the fight, and welcomed the embrace of death.

    Yet, it seemed, he was blessed with unusual luck, despite having lost his money and his jewels, that he had been keeping in a secret compartment in his jacket for many years. Looking about him, he could see a town on the horizon. "Bound to have a port", he thought to himself, and he felt renewed hope. Surviving the storm had given him a feeling of invincibility, of power untold. None of the crew had been so lucky, only a few pieces of driftwood told the story of what had happened. "Maybe iI'll pick up a few bargains while I'm there" he chuckled to himself, and headed off along the road to the town.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    "What the...!? Let me finish first!" said the Dwarf that Imriel had started speaking to. After a while the
    dwarf turned and spoke, "A tavern eh?" then he seemed to notice Imriel's cloth "Ah, I don't suppose you can see
    can ya boy?"

    Behind Imriel, mounted on the wall of a nearby building, was a pink and blue glowing neon sign, roughly 2ft
    by 6ft. The sign flickered "TAVERN"

    "Don't ask me how it works" said the dwarf "ol' jeff who works down on the ships sometimes at the docks keeps
    it running, magic I reckon. Don't go in for all that hocus pocus stuff myself, more trouble than it's worth"

    The dwarf grabbed Imriel by the shoulders and pointed him toward the door under the sign.

    "Just keep going that way and you're good. Anything else I can help you with?"


    Caranthir walked through the town. It certainly was a hybrid of races, he thought to himself. Hungry, he stopped
    to buy some food at a nearby market stall.

    Caranthir inquired as to what the man was selling.

    "What do you think I've got?" replied the man, leaning casually against the stall. "You're on a fantasy
    adventure my friend, the only food people ever eat is bread and cheese. Oh and occassionally a broth or stu
    if it's cold outside, which is always hearty"

    Caranthir stood and looked puzzled.

    "...not that bread and cheese can't be hearty either mind you. It's just that the broth or stu is ALWAYS

    After buying some bread and cheese and paying the man, Caranthir sat down to eat a hearty meal of bread
    and cheese. Afterwards he felt thirsty, and looking around his gaze was immediately drawn to the flickering neon
    sign mounted on the wall of a nearby building...


    Johannes wandered through the docks admiring the ships and watching the captains and sailors working on their
    vessels. He felt something tugging at his shirt, he looked down to see it was a goblin.

    "Please shir, we is having trouble blowink up our dingy and could uses a strongzor man like you
    to helps us? We will pay you, we don't have much but it's somethink eh?"

    The goblin pulled a puppy dog style face and looked up at Johannes.

    "Don't trust them" said a nearby sailor, without turning round. "They'll take the shirt from your back if you're not


    Luthor continued into the tavern despite the broken nose. Inside he got a few sideward glances but nothing too
    lingering. It seemed a bloody face might be the norm in a place like this, it sure did look rough.

    A layer of smoke hung just above everyone's head, and people of all races were sitting or standing enjoying a
    quiet drink of ale.

    Luthor made his way to the bar and found himself standing between two ogre bulls, what a ridiculous sight I must
    look, he thought to himself.

    The bar maid (a dark elf wytch) sauntered up to Luthor, he was surprised she even noticed him.

    "What can I get you hunny?" she said, with a wry smile.


    As Barrington was making his way across the docks, he wondered if he might be able to make a few coins off
    some of the less bright sailors, since at the moment he didn't have a penny to his name. He pulled a couple
    of dice from under his robes and tossed them nonchelantly in his hands as he surveyed the scene.

    "Anyone for craps?" he chuckled to himself.

    Alternatively he could seek other means of making his first buck. Either at the port or continue up to the portside
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  8. dr_nick22

    dr_nick22 New Member

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    "No, you have been very helpful. I give you my thanks." With that, Imriel walked in the direction the man had faced him, and headed for the tavern.


    Pushing open the door and heading inside, Imriel's senses were flooded with all manner of unpleasant stimuli. The smell of watery beer masked the choking musk of smoke and stale vomit. Voices murmured, mingled and shouted throughout the room. A roll of the dice on a hard-wood table resounded from the back corner. This was what Imriel was after alright, a genuine sea-port tavern.

    Venturing further inside, careful to dodge the tables, chairs and patrons jutting out all over the place, he felt his way to the bar, taking a seat on the stool. "Barkeep," Imriel asserted in a quiet but firm voice, "I wish to inquire as to whether any events of consequence have taken place recently, or if there may be anything of interest to a traveller like myself that you may know?"
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    "can i have a room" asked Luthor
    "lets see" the barmaid muttered as she took out a big black book "Theres one free room just up the stairs first on the le..
    "Me wanna room" bellowed the ogre bull to the right of Luthor "dont give it to scrawny little halfling elf."
    There was a roar of laughter from the other patrons in the traven as Luthor made his way towards the stairs encouraged by the barmaid. His room was big and comfortable, Luthor collapsed onto the bed and was about to fall asleep when he heard a knock on his door...
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  10. SilverMane
    Jungle Swarm

    SilverMane New Member

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    Johannes pondered the mans statement before dismissing it.

    " No way this creature could be so vile!" , he thought to himself.

    He proceeded to ask the goblin to lead the way, while he drew up his sleeves in preparation of the work.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  11. gingerninja
    Jungle Swarm

    gingerninja New Member

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    Caranthir looked upon the glowing sign. "This seems promising" he thought to himself. He walked towards the building, sheathing his dagger under his sleeve in case of trouble. After pushing through the door, his senses were battered by a cavalcade of smells and sights, culminating in a bar right at the end of the building.

    Caranthir strode through, dodging the various obstacles blocking his path. As he came upon the bar he heard a voice asking about events of consequence. He piped up as he stood next to the gentleman in question. "I'd be interested to hear that information too Barkeep, and a couple of glasses of your finest ale for myself and this young traveller"

    Caranthir then motioned his hand out to his new compatriot, making sure it was the hand that didn't have the dagger concealed. "My name is Caranthir, a pleasure to meet you...?"
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  12. dr_nick22

    dr_nick22 New Member

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    Imriel heard the footsteps approaching, and readied himself for whatever eventuality presented itself. He then heard the voice...he could tell from his accent and inflection that he was one of his race, and the light smell of a refined perfume cemented in his mind that he was indeed talking to another elf.

    "Imriel," he replied, "Of the White Tower. Thankyou for your generosity. Tell me, Caranthir, what brings you here?"
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  13. gingerninja
    Jungle Swarm

    gingerninja New Member

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    "Ah the white tower, I trained there an age ago. Could never get used to one of those", pointing to the large sword his new compatriot was carrying, "but I trained in the off hand method, as well as meditation before I went on to Lord Aislinns sea force"

    "As to why I am here, I have come looking for work. The great war is over now, and I was wondering if anyone here could use my special skill set. How about yourself?"

    Caranthir motioned to the younger elf to tell his story, as he had indulged his question with an honest answer, drinking the rather nice wine the barkeep had provided.
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  14. dr_nick22

    dr_nick22 New Member

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    Imriel knew he couldn't tell his newfound friend exactly why he was here, but neither did he want to lie to him. "I am here on business for a friend. I'm seeking transport to a distant land...but I doubt the locale I am after is on any charters leaving from this port, at least. I shall see where I can be taken, and make my way from there."

    Imriel raised his wine glass, taking in the aroma. He swirled it, and took a sip. It was far better fare than he exprected from a tavern of this calibre. Something told him that this meeting was auspicious, and Caranthir and he may well be seeing more of each other soon enough...especially if these skills of his were as good as he claimed.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  15. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Luthor got up and walked to the door, weapon ready, and saw a shadow moveing in the slither of light
    filtering into the room.

    "Who is it?" he inquired

    "Is that you Dave?" a voice replied, sounding slightly surpised, "I...I guess not,
    must've got the wrong room, sorry to disturb yer slumber sir" and with that the man was gone.

    Luthor waited a while, then made his way back to his bed and slept, but kept one hand on his weapon.


    After a lot of huffing and puffing, Johannes finally had the dingy up. Red faced, he layed back to
    catch his breath.

    "Thank you sir, much appreciated it is" the goblin replied, grinning broadly.

    Johannes got up and looked around before making his way toward the town.

    "That sun's quite warm today" he thought to himself, idly rubbing the back of his neck.

    Suddenly he froze, as the slow realisation of what had happened dawned on him. He had no clothing
    on the upper half of his body.

    "Blody greenskins have stolen the shirt from my back!" he fumed. He turned to give chase bu the goblins
    were already too far gone.

    Johannes sighed, and made his way toward the town, looking for a place to stay.


    The barkeep serving Caranthir and Imriel poured them both another and leaned on the bar.

    "Can't say there's been much out of place going on around here" he said, butting into their conversation
    "well, nothing out of place for a town like this" he chuckled. "I have a room for
    the both of you if you wish to stay for a while? You never know, something might crop up, there's
    plenty of captains down at the docks who would love the skills two...'gents' like yourself can provide"

    At that moment the kitchen door swung open and an Ogre butcher walked out, his apron covered in all
    manner of foul things, as to what they were, both elves didn't even want to begin to guess. After a
    brief exchange with the barkeep the butcher walked back to the kitchen.

    "Ogre butchers, great chefs and cheap too. Great at handling compaints, if you know what I mean..."

    As the door to the kitchen closed, Caranthir caught a glimpse of what looked like a severed hand
    protruding from one of the stew pots...

    "Anyways" the barkeep continued "I know Jeff down by the docks is always looking for people for his
    ship, and know most things that happen round these parts. Might want to catch up with him tomorrow if
    you're looking for adventure?"
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. dr_nick22

    dr_nick22 New Member

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    Imriel obviously couldn't see the article of itnerest in the kitchen, nor the horrid appearence of the butcher, but he gathered enough from the barkeep's inference and the smell of death reeking from the chef to know he wasn't going to stick around for breakfast.

    "Thankyou for the information, I believe I shall check in with a captain come the morn. For now, however, I believe I may get some rest. Good evening gentlemen," Imriel stated as he checked which room he was in, then headed upstairs to turn in for the night.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  17. SilverMane
    Jungle Swarm

    SilverMane New Member

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    Shocked to see that he had been robbed so easily, Johannes decided to pay more attention to those more experienced in the future.

    But deciding not to dwell on the present, he proceeded to search for a tavern to stay the night, rather enjoying the sun's rays dancing on his bare back. After a short walk, he found a building with a large glowing sign, " Tavern ", in a splendid blue and pink.

    Heading inside, he went straight for the counter, ignoring curious stares at this topless newcomer.

    " Hey, I need a place to rest my weary feet, is there a room available for a night?"
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.

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