6th Ed. 2000 Points to face Tomb Kings

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Gary_M, May 13, 2019.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Tonight I face a very good player who will be using Tomb Kings.
    It will be my fourth ever game of sixth edition!
    In my last game I went combat oriented (Old Blood and Scar Vet, plus a couple of skink priests for support) and managed to beat an Empire army (more by luck than judgement), this one, is magic oriented as TKs look like they are quite strong in that department:

    Slann, 4th Generation, Dispel Scroll, Plaque of Tepok (know one extra spell), Plaque of Dominion (1 extra power dice to cast and dispel pools).
    - Going with Heavens.

    Scar Vet, Light Armour, Burning Blade of Chotec (-12 to oppos A/S and counts as flaming attacks), Glyph Necklace (5+ Ward), Spawning of Itzl, Cold One, Shield. Will have a +1 Armour save as well as the ward save.

    Skink priest, level 2, Dispel Scroll.

    24 temple guard, shields, full command

    2 x 10 skink skirmishers

    2 x 5 Saurus Cav, each with a champion.

    5 Chamo skinks


    3 salamanders.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    With seven levels of Heavens casters that means you are forced to take Second Sign of Amul twice, which is awesome because Second Sign of Amul is the best spell. So huzzah.

    I never read the Tomb Kings 6th edition book, but your army list seems pretty competitive in general and you got cheap flaming attacks, so I think you are set.
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Scalenex yes, it went well, although my oppo didn't make me take 2 x 2nd Sign spells. Is that wrong in 6th edition?

    A short story based on my game:

    The General had felt something wrong with the winds of magic for some time. A small scouting party had been sent to the small warm blood settlement to investigate, but none had returned. Something was definitely wrong.

    Raising himself from his contemplations, he ordered an army gathered. Temple Guard for himself, cold one cavalry as the shock troops, some skirmishers to scout ahead and Salamanders for the terrifying effects they had on the warm bloods.

    Approaching the edge of the settlement he could now sense what was wrong....there were no warm bloods. What faced him were skeletal forms. Archers, warriors, cavalry....and then he saw them....chariots. So the Tomb Kings were to blame. These travesties could not be allowed to exist any longer. They were not part of The Old Ones plans.

    As the forces deployed, The General refused his left flank, holding it with skirmishers and Salamanders. He positioned the Temple Guard in the middle, with more skirmishers to his right, and then the two units of cold one cavalry, plus a scar veteran, out on the right flank. Facing the cold ones, the Tomb King himself could be seen in a chariot. On a hill facing his Temple Guard were two small units of archers and a catapult. To their right were some warriors. The refused left flank would have to deal with more chariots and the cavalry. Finally a second catapult was way over on the Generals far left.

    Early manoeuvring was cagey, but The General was delighted to see the effect of some chameleon skink shooting when one of the Kings chariot unit disintegrated. Now it was time bait a charge with the cold ones and hope they could hold for a bit. The other cold ones would then flank charge the King to finish him off.

    Over on the left, the the Salamanders and skinks moved to Attack the chariots, although the cavalry were closing too.

    But what was this, a salamander must have been poorly trained as he ate a handler rather than flaming the chariots. At the end there was one damaged chariot left.

    The charge of the Tomb King was held, with magical help from The General. The cavalry fought well, without loss, sending two chariots to oblivion in return. The General felt the King weaken, just slightly.

    Over on the left, the lone chariot was healed. Having used all his efforts to protect the cold ones, he had little choice but to let this happen.

    It charged the skinks, who bravely held. The cavalry charged the Salamanders, who fled. The charge fell just short. The skinks may have been brave to hold, but ultimately it was a foolish thing to do. A number died, the rest fled. They were run down after combat.

    As the battle moved on, the other unit of cold ones flank charged the Tomb King. However a challenge was issued and eagerly accepted by the scar veteran.

    The scar vets eagerness to prove himself was to be his undoing. His swings went wide, and he was hurt by the King.

    The retreat by the Salamanders was stopped. They turned to face the dual threats of the chariot and cavalry. It was the turn of The General to assist again. Spells were cast and the chariot was destroyed. However the Salamanders would have to deal with the cavalry on their own.

    As expected the cavalry charged. Fleeing again wasn’t an option, so stand and fight it would have to be. Unexpectedly the Salamanders beat the cavalry easily. Destroying more than half their number in combat. The scar vet succumbed to the King without scoring one hit, but the King was weakened again.

    Having killed the scar vet, the King again issued a challenge, accepted reluctantly by a unit champion. Despite also falling to the Kings blows, a wound was dealt. However having killed the champion, the King crumbled to dust.

    The Salamanders finished off the cavalry, but were now out of the fight.

    The General looked around, the remains of the Tomb Kings army could be left to the creatures of the jungle. He was content that the Old Ones plan could still be followed.

    When totted up the points, I’d won by 754 for a solid victory! (At some point towards the end of the game, one of his catapults misfired and was destroyed, which was nice!)

    Very happy as that was my first ever win over my oppo at any edition of WHFB.
    Scalenex likes this.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Cool, you should consider putting your battle report on the Battle Report subforum. More people will read it.
  5. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    I have done, although turn based, not a story.

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