I hope that I'll be welcome in the jungle, as I hear that you've got fun and games... I'm a long-time fluff nut for the Warhammer universe who's just started collecting armies within the last two years, having played some 40k way back in second edition using friends' models but never owning any until a Christmas or two ago. Early last year, a friend of mine tried to get me into squarebasing and loaned me his Daemons to play against his Lizards. I tabled him a time or two and so decided that I'd rather pick the scaly creations of the Old Ones, which I've now bought from him and am in the process of bringing up to a full-scale force. On my worktable at the moment are my Temple Guard, my Space Marines, and some Cryx warjacks and casters. In boxes and awaiting their turn are two Stegadons and a regiment each of Skinks, Temple Guard, and Saurus. I love wargames in general and am willing to talk about nearly anything related to them, whether fluff or crunch. Hopefully, I'll eventually be a worthwhile contributor instead of just leeching advice in my noobness. ...and I guess that's it. Have a nice day and thanks for looking.
Glad to have you with us! I've also got a space marine army (Black Templars) and am seriously considering getting into Warmachine. At any rate I think you'll find the Lizardmen to be a satisfying army. Welcome aboard!
Not only do we have fun and games...we also have cookies! And you want a full-Scale force of Lizardmen?....Sorry, just couldn't resist Warm welcome to the site! The Hunted
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm glad that someone picked up on the pun. I'd have been a sad destiny-guiding, world shaping, life creating ancient power if one of you hadn't caught that. What do I have to do, engrave it on a golden plaque and hide it in the jungle?
Actually, that's quite a good idea.... Although I suggest you add some nice gems to it. And temples. And traps, definetaly traps. And beer, definetaly..wait wut? The Hunted