Good afternoon patrons of Lustria Online! Got my confirmation email today, after a week or so of serious confusion! So here I am, saying hello. Been painting and modelling for nearly ten years now (God, that makes me feel old!) But only started gaming in the last eighteen months. Kicked myself for leaving it so long! At the moment I'm cranking out the Pre-Heresy White Scars mostly, as I'm attending a cool Seige of Terra event next month, but as soon as that's over and done with I'll be showing the Lizzies some lovin'! Other projects include my own bespoke Black Legion company for 40k, and some Howling Griffons every now and then. In case you hadn't noticed already I am a GW and Space Marine fanboy xD Though I have been seriously tempted by the new plastic Warmachine stuff recently... but I feel that I should get my head round the rules of one game system before I attack another! I'll be lurking mostly, but will probably start a LM blog sometime soon, as I find them really good sources of motivation when I'm trying to do an army... So, catch you on the flip side! V Frog
Welcome Slimey brother. Ya we are having some system issues with the emails atm. Again welcome glad to have you onboard