Hey guys, my name is Jason. I've been browsing over your forums for a week or so now and finally decided to buckle down and join. I've been an off and on fantasy and 40k player for awhile now. I really wanted to pick up fantasy again and when I was doodling around online trying to decide on an army, I was pretty torn btwen Vamp Counts and Lizardmen. While playing around with zombies and whatnot is fun, and the Kings of War models make elves and vamps incredibly cheap to play, theres something I really like about the way a lizard army looks when its all laid out and assembled. I love magic heavy armies, so the lure of a lizard army with as many skinks and slaan as I can shoehorn in is a strong one. Plus, you guys have a pretty cool forum here too, which I'll admit was kinda a deciding factor. Anywho a little background info on me. I started playing way back when with a silver helms loaded high elf army backed by bolt throwers, followed shortly there after by a dark elf army innundated with coldone knights, dark riders and reaper bolt throwers (An unfortunate pattern I guess...) . I hope noone holds the elf thing against me ^_^. Trust me, as much as I love mounted units, I'm done with toughness 3 cavalry. Other than that, I'm a pretty good painter tend to do decent conversions as well. Admittedly, I much prefere to get units painted and out on the board as quickly as possible, so some of my paintjobs on big infantry blocks are less than stellar. While I haven't tallied up the points of my lizards yet, its getting to be a pretty good sized little army. I've got 48 skinks, 40 saurus, 20 temple guard, 16 cold one cavalry, 2 skink priests, a slaan, 6 krox and 7 terradons (the models for those are reptus tyrants and gaan hor warriors respectively. Both suggestions from around here, thx by the way!) and my batch of models is shortly to include a scar-vet and a stegadon. I prefer smaller games (1000-1500pts) as do the few ppl around here in Charlottesville who play fantasy, but I'm gradualy getting better at bigger matches. Other than that, thanks for having me on here, and I hope to learn plenty! ~Jason
Welcome to the forum, and good to have you. I'm relatively new here as well, and I've found this to be hands down the friendliest, most helpful hobby site... well, anywhere, really. I'm sure the Old Ones have already forgiven your earlier dealings with the lesser warmblooded races- and after all, if you're going to play around with toy soldiers, they might as well be awesome dinosaur toy soldiers. Welcome aboard!
I think you'll find this is an excellent site for learning about your army (and not just Lizardmen, other races too). And the nice thing too is that the members here are polite and nice, unlike some other forums I've been around