Great to see something so vilely uncivilised being used for a far more productive and aesthetically-pleasing purpose!
I was going to say caliban green, warpstone and moot with maybe some ... wait a miniture there was a video on this wasn't there! Yeah warhammer tv did a tip of the day on it, I think theirs is a bit dark, I would go bit heavier on the warpstone glow (or maybe a warpstone/moot mix) and maybe a light dry brush to get some of a brighter edges. For the skin zandri dust or maybe drag brown with fleshshade and then some highlights? If you are using citadel paints get their app for triad ideas.
Does anyone know what colours GW uses to paint the mouth/tongue? P.s. damn hard to get a brush in there!
Oh boy, I hate those ones where you can’t even get a brush in. I started painting at GW, so they kinda told me what to do.
Here's my bastiladon, also the first major model I've completed for my Seraphon! I had a great time working with the color shift paint for the shell and the water effects on the base.
Nice job painting Love the base and how the colors of the model fit in it. Keep up the Good Work Gr, Imrahil
I entered my Bastiladon in my school’s Warhammer painting competition and I came second! First place was an amazing Reikenor the Grimhailer from the Nighthaunt faction, but I got a £5 Games Workshop voucher.
My Bastiladon. Hopefully he will have a brother one day (Ark of Sotek). Known to the Skinks as the Bastiladon, this hulking quadruped is perhaps the most heavily-armoured beast in Lustria. It is a walking fortress, a living bastion covered in rock-hard bony skin, and then further protected by massive iron-like plates - a natural armour so dense that it can, sometimes, thwart the bite of the mighty Carnosaur. Even those blows that crack the outermost armour plates cannot penetrate deeply into the beast due to the Bastiladon's alternating layers of thick leathery skin and additional scales. Their incredibly thick and armoured hides allow them to carry devices which other beasts, even the revered Stegadon, steadfastly refuse. These revered and holy objects are mounted upon the great beast's back so that they might be activated to smite any who dare set foot in sacred Lustria. Upon need, the eldritch and inexplicable artefact known as a Solar Engine is taken from its secure chamber deep within the confines of a pyramid-temple and manoeuvred onto a Bastiladon’s carapace. Skink Priests declare that the Bastiladon is favoured by Chotec — the Lord of the Sun — and that this creature alone is worthy to carry the Solar Engine. Whether this is true, or if the hoary Bastiladon is simply the only jungle creature that will bear the superheated device upon its back, is unknown. When activated, the arcane machine radiates invigorating rays that stir nearby reptilian creatures to energetic new heights of action and violence. When the attending Skink crew intone the correct blessings to Chotec, the Solar Engine also blasts forth a beam of intense heat, which burns the foe like the condensed rays of the sun itself.
All the bastiladon in this thread are over the top incredible... I post mine to represent the normal people out there as encouragement that they're not alone!