Blog Ved's Paint Blog

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Vedras, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    Guess what arrived yesterday :)


    .... and I've not wasted time getting stuck in - My Saurus are currently under construction and I'll be keeping this blog up to date as possible as a means to keep motivated. The question is, clubs or spears? (Online consensus seems to be clubs)

    Seraph 2.jpg

    So far I think I'll build then paint each unit before looking at or entertaining the next. As this blog evolves, the paint scheme -while not 100% decided- looks as if it may be "T'Lixa's Shield", or at least inspired by it.

    Seraph 3.jpg
    A few concerns so far is that from what limited references I've seen. this scheme can be really variable with the end result really swinging on the skin tone. Already I can tell I may not like my own final product, possibly opting for a different color scheme in time, but then again, painting is trial and error anyway right ?

    Going to give @Crowsfoot a mention here for his help in one of my other threads regards to painting direction for when I get to that stage....

    "I would paint the Skin in Celestra Grey. Then thin a mixture of Drakenhof Nightshade and Coliea Greenshade with Lahmian medium until the color looks correct. Thinly glaze the Grey skin and build up the color blend as the scales darken. The scales appear to be Steggadon Scale Green."

    With more to come :)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2019
    Warden, Crowsfoot, Imrahil and 5 others like this.
  2. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    I’m sure people will be keeping an eye out ;D good luck
    Crowsfoot and Vedras like this.
  3. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I can’t wait to see your results! I always like it when people choose colours from the Battletome or similar - while it’s nice seeing people’s own custom ones, some of the ones in the book look great but you never get to see them in an army. Any ideas as to how you’ll do the Cold Ones and Carno?
    Crowsfoot and Vedras like this.
  4. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    If I am being completely honest I have no idea.

    I know I would want both Cold one's and (generally all big dinosaurs) to share the colour scheme (I'm a stickler for continuity). Ideally it would be softer colours and nothing too strong or starkly contrasting. Between the white/grey, dark teal and orange on the other units there is a balance I can see in my head I'd like to strike so everything isn't all quite "in your face"

    I cannot recall for the life of me where I saw it. Could well have been on Lustria or the web, but I saw someone paint a trogolodon in a very nice light sandy sort of colour. The markings/recesses with a gentle shade of brown with the raised features more of a cream colour. It was definitely more subtle/reserved and I really liked it. I really need to try and find that again.

    Or....possibly keeping with the lighter theme and have a motr albino look with a slight green tint. I really liked the result Aginor achieved on his trog.

    I may ask to see if he can recall the recipie. Really liked that too.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I just saw that picture and thought "totally looks like mine" and then I read the text. :D

    My recipe was VERY easy, since that was the first big dino I ever painted.
    It is:
    1. prime/base coat with a solid white. I used an Army Painter matt white spray can.
    2. Shade it green. (I used Army Painter green tone, but any not too dark green shade will do. Thin it down if necessary but it doesn't really matter as the base coat is white so it will turn out pretty bright unless you apply it really thickly).
    3. Drybrush it with white (I used Army Painter matt white) Don't apply too much pressure so you don't paint the recesses.
    The snout was just drybrushed a bit longer so the white is more pronounced there.

    That's all!
    If you want to go the extra mile you can apply another shade, just in the recesses instead of all over it, and/or add white edge highlights.

    This will probably work with any color as long as you have a shade that fits.
    Crowsfoot and Vedras like this.
  6. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    Oh wow, that's awesome I really appreciate that @Aginor ! To be honest there's a part of me that is really up for using that white/green/orange
    scheme for my entire army. Would look very stimulating on the table top!

    I also found what I was trying to describe earlier. Again, from another Lustria poster but couldn't find it (had to google image it)
    Definitely think the big Dino's will be either one of the two. Maybe even a mix between the colours and patterns.

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
  7. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    If you are stumped and want to go down the lore accurate route, on one of the later pages of the Battletome there is a picture of a Tlixa’s Shield Saurus on a Cold One:


    However, it sounds like you already have a good idea as to how you want to do it! Besides, instead of going with an interesting different colour scheme, they’ve instead just opted for the bog standard normal green, which I don’t know about you but I think is rather boring. If I were you, I’d stick with what you’ve got planned (after all, as teachers go, @Aginor definitely sits amongst our forum greats!)
    Warden, Crowsfoot and Vedras like this.
  8. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    Thanks @ravagekitteh. Going to have to admit to not having the Battle Tome yet. All my research as been purely from online sources but it's interesting to see they've defaulted for the green. It also kinda looks as if the back scales for the Saurus are black instead of "steg-scale-green" from your picture.

    At this rate I may have to paint 3 separate test models just to see how they actually come out. Maybe even put up a pole for forum opinion *ponders*

    I will most certainly be pestering @Aginor, his time and schedule permitting of course :)
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  9. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I can confirm that it is definitely not black, that’s just my shoddy photo taking!

    Ultimately, you should do them however you feel is best - don’t worry about anyone else. They’re your models after all; nobody else’s opinion matters other than yours!
    Aginor, Vedras and Crowsfoot like this.
  10. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    Saurus Progress update 2:

    The troops are now together, undercoated and I am now putting on some base coats on a test model. It is far from being finished but at least I am getting some sort of idea.

    I have to be honest I am not 100% confident on what I am seeing so far. Reality not quite meeting expectation. Washed, the stegadon scale green is very very dark and with a restrained ulthuan grey drybrush over the celestra gey, the skin looks very white/stark. I think I was hoping for a more for a more "warmer" look as it is quite cold so far.

    Saur1.jpg Saur2.jpg Saur3.jpg

    At this point I am asking myself;

    1. If I should give the model some kind of EXTREMELY watered down green wash to the light areas in order to push in to the the green spectrum by 1/4 of a tone? and hope I get something close to the concept image?
    2. If instead of going celestra -> drybrush ulthuan -> spot edge highlight white scar (which isnt even on yet).....I go drybrush celestra on the grey base coat then edge highlight with Ulthuan to bring it down a little?

    I am very open to feedback and interpretation.
  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Wow that troglodon turned out really great! Great job getting inspiration and executing your concept!

    And a nice jungle base too :lurking:
    Crowsfoot and Vedras like this.
  12. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Greys will always produce those rather "stark" contrasts, if you want warmer colors you need to go into the beige off-whites. From the GW paint range stuff like Flayed One Flesh, Ushabti Bone or Screaming Skull. Not sure about the green color problem, haven't used green as a main color so far.
    Crowsfoot and Vedras like this.
  13. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the feedback @Acehilator. I'm waiting on a few new paints at the moment (my first set of vallejo pants, new territory for me!) to try something different, but will keep this blog up-to-date as I experiment/make my way though finding the colour scheme that resonates with me.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  14. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    Saurus progress update 3:

    Apologies in advance for the horrid lighting!

    They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, well having taken a few notes from the book of @ASSASSIN_NR_1 I've be able to produce something I am very very happy with. In an attempt to directly copy him, the result isn't 100% the same, sort of close but sort of different as well. Maybe I've just let the brown come through a little more but this has been such an improvement over the first attempt....

    64353386_2362571284066577_4484701844282540032_n.jpg 64507840_334171340611254_9144830296330338304_n (1).jpg

    I've given mine a white chest, lower-jaw, belly and tail-lining in an attempt to have the tan and black pop a little more.


    I was going to fully paint one model as proof concept so I could gauge how good or bad I am at paining. Believe me when I say it has been a long time since I've fully painted a model :( but even with just the skin, scales and spikes done I didn't need more convincing


    It is annoying when you are the sort of person that agonizes over every small detail. Thankfully with that creative roadblock out of the way I can finally go full throttle - batch painting now underway (took me so long to decide what I wanted to do, this honestly feels like a small milestone)


    What I am thinking right now....

    Weapons - I am really liking the idea of painting the weapons Jade. It would off-set the current color palette nicely. Keeping Duncan's GW tutorial in mind but it is a little on the dark side. I may in time roam the community once more for other recipie's/methods.

    Shield - Quite tempted to use the T'Lixa's shield design. Black shield, gold trim and orange host Icon (different design).

    Eyes - Struggling here. Yellow would work, but where Assassin used blue I am wondering if a bright, almost warpstone-glowy-green-like thing might work? Would it tied in more if I made the host icon green as well instead of orange as noted above?

    Mettalics - I think I'll just keep them the same as suggested on the GW app.

    Thanks for taking an interest once again.

    I won't get these guys finished before July but looking forward, I would hope to be be well on my way with painting them.

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    I am indeed flattered :D They are looking very good ;)

    Boy don't I know how that is, you just have to work through it.

    Okay, here is what I'm thinking regarding what you are thinking:

    I like the Jade idea, it's what I tried to achieve myself, just using blue instead of the green in the video.
    I think it could work quite well if you want to use the green jade and have green eyes on them; Then you could very well use orange for the banner as that is close to a contrast color for green . Alternatively you could use green as you suggested keeping the green theme going.
    It's trial and error through experimentation I guess.

    I like this, dark colors go well with the bright skin.


    Take the time you need :)

    Looking forward to seeing the finished models. :D
    Crowsfoot, Vedras and Imrahil like this.
  16. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    Good work so far, I like the new colour scheme :)

    I agree with @ASSASSIN_NR_1 that the green eyes and jade weapons would work together. You could also try orangey-yellow eyes to go with the shield pattern you suggested.

    If you're going to be paining a bunch of these guys it might be worth grabbing the new Apothecary White Contrast paint from GW.
  17. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Nice work so far!
    I like the idea of the jade, agreeing with you that a brighter jade might look better.

    for the eyes either green or orange will look great.

    Good luck deciding and Keep up the good painting :artist:

    Gr, Imrahil
    ASSASSIN_NR_1, Crowsfoot and Vedras like this.
  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    They look almost albino to me.
    Red-ish eyes could work well.

    As for the weapons: dark brown for the wooden handles, bronze or gold for the metal, jade for the blades. I think that would look cool.
  19. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the feedback so far comrades!

    Yes I think so!

    Hmmmmm, never considered that. It would definitely save a LOT of time. Will definitely look in to that!
  20. Vedras
    Chameleon Skink

    Vedras Well-Known Member

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    Hi Comrades,

    Wanted to post to wish everyone happy and well. I've not been able to do any painting for the past couple of months due to issues we've had with our bathroom having been effected by water damage. Suffice to say we've had to move out and live with family while dealing with lots of issues with our neighbour upstairs whom is not insured. It has been a mix of stressful, infuriating and upsetting for us both and my wife particularly.

    By this point I had wanted to have been much further on with lots of posts showing my progress (and likely over-anal thought processes).

    Just wanted to let you wonderful people know I am still here and hoping to get back in to full Hobby swing after next week (maybe a bit longer)
    Even if I am not able to paint for now I'll certainly try to log on and interact with everyone.

    I just had to find a moment to post while at work as I often wonder how the community has been.

    Thinking of you wonderful people!

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