6th Ed. Large Dinos vs....Undead

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gary_M, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    yeah, I took terror / fear inducing beasties, only to face an army immune to psychology.
    Oh well, on with the game.
    His list had lots of chaff, something I wasn't really able to deal with effectively early on.
    His magic was phenomenal. Something like 9 dice to cast, plus two or three bound items, and 7 to dispel, against my 6 to cast and 4 to dispel.
    I lost two units of skinks early on, when they failed to flee far enough from charges, and also managed a couple of stupid moves which blocked my old blood on carnosaur from charging.
    That said I did some early kills with the giant bow which was unexpected.
    Plenty of undead shenanigans ensued, units raised, units charging magically.
    Mid game lost a steg, when it got ran down.
    Old blood was charged in the flank (my stupid positioning) about T3, but boy was he a beast.
    He lasted the rest of the game. Although he did not wipe out a unit (and I didn't realise/had forgotten I could allocate who I was hitting so I didn't go for any of his magic users) he just kept killing skeletons. Yes they tarpitted him successfully, but lesson learned regarding allocating hits.
    My oppo also had a Banshee - Potentially devasting, but luckily for me his rolls were quite poor. The banshee was part of my problem re positioning - I got fixated with it, but was never able to engage it.
    In the end I was able to land a comet - This would hit two big units of skeletons, the banshee and also the oldblood. It hit after two turns. My rolls for hits on the units were as follows:
    Skeleton unit - 6
    Skeleton unit - 2
    Banshee - 3
    Oldblood - Wait for it, 11! (Yes11 effing hits from my own comet!)
    Rolled for his first, got a few skeletons, got 2 out of three on the banshee, but it was enough to kill it.
    Then my old blood - Randomised the hits. The old blood got 3, the carnosaur 8. Thanks to his starting saves of 2+/4++ I saved them all. When rolling to wound the carnosaur, karma decided to step up, and I rolled a large proportion of 1, 2 and 3s. Only one wound! Which I also saved. Both my oppo and I thought he would be toast.
    Unfortunately we ran out of time, but it was clearly a win for the undead, two units of krox gone, both stegs and 2 out of three skink units. He'd lost most of his chaff (wolves), 5 dark knights, and a small unit of zombies he'd raised.
    I'd like to try the army again, but against an army which might be affected by terror/fear!
    I also need to work on my deployment and movement.

    Next up, a very good skaven player.
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    At least all the units that caused Fear and Terror you brought in also were immune to his undead’s Fear and Terror, so I actually think that was not too bad a choice.

    One thing is for certain though - your Fear and Terror-causing units will have a field day against his Skaven who have rubbish morale (don’t know if they have Strength in numbers in 6th) :p
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    I didn't take the dinos against the skaven (probably should have done!)
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    You certainly should have done, as Skaven are one of the armies with lower morale in the game (except with strength in numbers, although I don’t know if that applied in 6th Edition, it definitely applies in 7th onwards). Largely a wasted opportunity there. Using Skinks rather than Saurus was also a bad move in my view - Skaven are one of the armies you can easily outfight in melee with Saurus despite the lower initiative, as you have more attacks than they do, even Stormvermin with halberds are still wounding you on 4s (everything else except the monstrous infantry and monsters is wounding on 5s) and you have better armour and leadership, so can easily shrug off their attacks coming at you and then deal a nasty counter-attack. Skinks on the other hand are nothing but fodder for Jezzails and their war machines.
  5. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl you are spot on with both those comments re dinos and saurus against the Skaven.
    I'm not yet in double figures for games played of 6th edition so am trying different things out, but at some point a dino/saurus list will land on the skaven I'm sure!
    I loved saurus in 8th (I know they weren't very good in that edition) and have seen them do some pretty good stuff in 6th. They are part of my long term plan! (I have 25 nearly painted with hand weapon and shield and another 25 nearly painted with spears. And then theres 30 Temple Guard....)
    I also prefer to use all comers lists (or something completely quirky like the dinos) rather than tailor to fit, so a unit of saurus and a couple of skink units will likely be what I end up having in core.
    Strength in numbers was not something my oppo mentioned in my last game, but he might have forgotten it.
    I have done a short batrep for the skaven game, while it was a loss, they only got a minor victory.
    Next few games will be using a slann (both with TG and without - The latter can get a 2+ ward save to shooting and magic. All I have to do is keep him out of combat)

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