Begun working on a jungle diorama for my Primaris. Gotta buy shit tons of plastic plants for this one Looking forward to it nontheless. Also might look good with my Lizardmen! And I bought some Necromunda Cawdor gang models and bunch of Empire heads to kitbash for my Knight World army! Along side their Lady, a converted Genestealer Magus
My lowborn Noble Lady for my Knight World militia. Will work as a commissar. I suck at painting faces.. almost ragequit while doing the eyes... still not that pleased but wth.. Some progress on my diorama thingy. Ran by a zoo shop and bought two plastic plants for aquariums and cut them up. Have ordered some more smaller plants to work as bushes and ferns etc. Also been trying to find some stones around where I live but no luck. Primed and ready! For my Inquisitor retinue. Commanders in basic power armor.
Awesome! You’re posts are always a pleasure to see - I love how interconnected and fitting into the lore your armies are, and it’s always great seeing them expand further and hearing more about them!
Time for another update of what has been going on on my end. I've put in another gear towards making more 40k stuff so I've actually begun to sell some of my fantasy stuff to free up some space and to get some cash. But fear not fellow lizardmen, I´m not going to get rid of my Lizards anytime soon. Still waiting for GW to give them a update.. please GW please.. In the mean time I've done plenty for my Knight World and Primaris forces. Kitbashed Chapter Champion in action. More of a display model for my army! Quite pleased. Still a WIP in the pic. My own take on a Primaris techmarine. Some personal guards for my High Chaplain's retinue. With the deathwatch bolter shotguns. Another Company Captain at the ready! At some point I got to make up new ranks and titles I feel... A Intercessor veteran squad! With golden masks, inspired by the game Death Stranding. And some more Intercessor squads! These pics are also of work in progress models. That last coat of white is always a pain to put on so I have alot of models stuck in this stage so to speak.
And due to the limit of pics per post... And a kitbashed Company Captain(?) or something I made the other day out of spare bits. And lastly, I got myself my first Armiger Warglaives. They were very fun to build and paint! A fine addition to my Kingsguard, currently awaiting some bits to begin my second Knight world force.
Thanks! They are meant to be Rough Riders. Although I hear they aren't very good game wise, I'm all about the rule of cool
That’s the sort of army building I like to see - none of this powergaming rubbish! Interesting to see they still have rules for rough riders in 8th Edition, I thought GW had scrapped them by 8th. I’m still going to stick with 5th and 6th myself, but I love your Medieval heraldry!
Time for a little update on what's up.. Almost finished with this Captain! Very pleased with white paint as I stopped using the citadel white and began using a local white hobby paint. Some work done on my Apothecaries. And this is my third Redemptor coming along nicely. This is the begining of my second army for my Knight World force. The Mechanicus aided force. Been a clusterf*ck to get going as the first type of head I was going for ended up being too small.. So had to find another, found these on anvil industry where I got the legs and torsos from. Currently waiting for some shoulderpads and backpacks before I begin priming / painting them but I look forward to it. This is my kitbashed Navigator model from the black fortress box. Converted it into a tech priest for the Knight World force in the picture above, went with a purple color scheme which turned out great. Hope it will look good on the soldiers as well! A simple kitbash but turned out very good imo. Also got this rogue trader model which I gave the same color scheme so can be proxy commissar or something.