I started playing the great lizardmen about 15 or so years ago when the lizard/bretonnian box came out. A friend and I both got the box for christmas then and as he decided for bretonnians we swapped models so i got all the lizards and he all the knights. Remembering that now... it was one of the greatest gifts ever, as pathetic as this might sound... Since then I played a lot with him and a couple of other friends and one day I decided to get a second army. I hope you forgive me for chosing Skaven. As I never liked anything with human faces in my early days I thought – even if they polluted the jungles and doomed many unspawned tadpoles to painful short lives – that the ratlings were the second greatest army of WFB. (And I still do btw) Soon after that I also tried 40k a bit and started Tyranids and actually even played on a ouple of tournaments. But as my painting skills are greater than my gaming skills I had not too much luck there. In the last couple of years my chances to play became less and less. After I finished studying and now got a real job for the first time in my life I’ve got quite some time to paint but didn’t play in a while. So, I’m a noob again concerning the new rules. And after lurking on this board for a few weeks I decided to join and pester you with army lists and stuff. Btw as I’m from Germany I’ve got the german army book and may sometimes use wrong vocabulary when it comes to lizards. You seem too nice to admonish me for that, but I wanted to warn you anyway. I don't know why but the german GW translators seem to have made the worst job in the world translating the army book. Not only did they choose names with different meanings for magic items, powers and even units (why did they name teRRadons teRadons in german?), but their spelling is riddled with mistakes too. Enough of that, I'm happy to be here!
I, in fact, am not Dutch, but stuck in the middle of the United States. But with all my hickish ways, I welcome you! --DF2K
Serdecznie zapraszamy! (I'm Midwest USA as well, but grandparents came from Poland and I still remember a tiny bit) And don't worry about perfect spelling... No one butchers the English language like we Americans