Hello I just got hold of the old Tehenhauin metal model and I'm planning on using him as a skink priest. However, I also want to include his scenic base. The problem is that the Skink priest's base size is only 25mm. Anyone have any good ideas for inspiration for conversions/modelling so that I can include the scenic base?
Skink priest bases are actually only 20mm Tehenhauin I believe uses a 40mm base maybe? The only thing I can think of is if you mounted him on a Stegadon (priests can take them as a mount option). That should give you the real estate required. Alternatively, a bastiladon with ark of sotek would look badass but would have to be used as a “counts as Stegadon” model.
I would just use the base he comes with. Your opponent will likely not have anything against you using him as a skink priest with a bigger base, since that is pretty much just a disadvantage for you. If you really want to have him in a smaller base, you could make floating rocks, since you can then have them get a bit larger as the height increases, giving you enough space for Tehenhauin on top (There'll likely be problems with balance though so maybe not ideal).
I think the base is 50mm round or something like that. What I would do: - build a nice, small base - magnetize the base - magnetize the big base - magnetize his feet Ask your opponent whether they are OK with using the big base (with all its advantages and disadvantages). If they are OK with the big one, use it. If they aren't OK with the big one, just place him on the small one. Magnets rule.
Thanks for the replies everybody! I will try to magnetize him and go with the floating rock idea. Hopefully it turns out alright.
I used stirland mud texture paint to blend the square base out of sight. I also trimmed off the corners with clippers. EDIT: Correction I remembered I first glued on rocky dirt stuff from the ground then covered it all up with stirland mud to get the texture you see above.