Thanks, I'll definitely do more Larger creatures in the future, prehaps a stegodon as that is an awesome kit. Got to agree with the gold, I could definitely improve upon it, and I'm glad for the comments and critique. Definitely try the scales, I found the hardest part to be the placement, as I was trying to make it look natural. Work with light strokes of paint, and just take your time. Thanks
I wanted him to look well travelled, as I've read that skink oracle's travel far in search of artifacts. This will tie into the display base, which is meant to be an old abandoned castle or church. I'll post more pics to the blog as I begin to paint it. Thanks for the support
So next up, here is a pretty large project that has been ebbing and flowing over the last 6 months. This is a mock up test He's pretty big, funny thing is though I feel that this is much more manageable than the Troglodon. Also whilst drilling holes for magnets for the head carapace I managed to drill a hole right through the head Some green stuff should clean things up. Well I'm unsure when the next update for this guy will be, but there will be plenty of other projects to go through. Just cracking open a box of wraithguard. Thanks
@Sir Rathalos Unbelievably beautiful work! That trog may be the best model I've ever seen I'd love to know how you did the red crest on the trog, my Seraphon are all classic blue but with red heads/crests and your red is absolutely gorgeous I'd also love to know your process for the underbelly skin on the Trog, you managed to capture a translucent and organic quality that I've never seen before
I plan on doing it in the colours of Legio Gryphonicus, as I have got the Forge World Decal sheet. Here is a Titanicus scale warhound I did quite a while ago, Im thinking of using similar colours. Hopefully it should all turn out alright, still got quite a bit of greenstuff work to do. Also got to paint the interior before the exterior. Thanks
Thank you for your kind words. The underbelly was based in Rakarth flesh, I then gave it an all over wash using a mix of 25% rakarth 75% Seraphim sepia. I didnt want the wash to be too intense. I then began to spit blend Rakarth into the raised areas, as well as into large areas, such as the forearm. I then began to mix rakarth flesh with vallejo Ivory, and repeated the process. As I added more Ivory to the mix, I reduced the surface area it covered. So basically when it was near pure ivory it only covered the most raised areas. Carroburg Crimzon was glazed into some recesses to get the red,fleshy hue. I also glazed pure Seraphim sepia into areas that i wanted darkest. For the red, I based it in vallejo burnt red, mixed with rhinox hide, about 50/50. I then gave it a wash of Carroburg crimzon, Followed by successive spit blending of pure burnt red. I then began to blend vallejo flat red towards the top, followed by vallejo scarlet. I then finished off the edges with fire dragon Bright. In both areas (flesh and crest) I would add scratches via very fine lines of highlight colour. Though i didnt do this quite so much on the crest. I hope this helps in some way, I'm sorry if its long winded or a little poorly explained. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions. Thanks
Hopefully we'll see it painted by the end of this year. I tend to work on this on and off as its such a large project. Thanks
Hi all Got another Troglodon update, as well as another project. Managed to get the display base done, overall I'm really pleased as I haven't had too many attempts at building a base like this. C&C is welcome I've also speed painted 5 Wraithblades for a small Iyanden project of mine. Thats all for now, thanks for reading.
Dude. Those scales. That model has eyes????!!!????? Overall, tremendous job. From the model to the gigabase, fantastic work!
Sneak peak into my next project... Really looking forward to this, waited nearly a year to start this guy, I want to do him justice. Probably be working on my warhound too, as I'm now at a stage where I can finally start painting it. Albeit the interior... Thanks