ok the thing is he takes Throg with allows him to take trolls as core units. so his list: Throgg + 3 trolls 3 trolls 5 chaos knights 5 chaos knights what in the world could we offer againts this list? i dont even amagine.... mutant regenaration.... chaos knights has a hell of an armor save.... in my game i managed to kill 3 trolls and nothing else. even stegadons ar not so strong againts them... HELP please!
What about bombarding him with stones from the terradons, since they have hit and run they can attack without being hurt.
Drop rocks on a troll unit could work if you have enough terradons. Taking a scar vet with Burning Blade would also help - as that gives you some flaming attacks(also is 4 attacks with a -4 total armor save). Put him on a cold one and then stick him in a warrior block. Salamander spit is also flaming and a -3 armor save. Here's a 1000 point list I'm using currently with some of that to start with, though I think you'd need to modify it some for fighting this army. Heroes: Scarvet on Cold One. BBoC, EnchSh, LA Lv2 Priest with Dispel Scroll and Tepok Core: 18 Warriors with Spears, Musician, Banner 3x10 Skirmishers Special 6 Chameleons (could drop a chameleon if you wanted Tepok swapped to Diadem) 4 Terradons Rare Salamander with extra handler Though the shooting attacks won't be overly effective against heavily armored troops... So it might be worth it to drop 2 of the skirmisher units and the chameleons and insert some cavalry instead. I'd also suggest running your scarvet in the warrior block so that way they don't need to make fear checks. Also possibly rank them only 5 wide instead of 6 just so you can keep your rank bonus for a bit longer and hopefully win on static resolution. You may want to include a champion in the warrior unit as well... just in case his throgg unit gets the charge on your warriors - I'm not sure how well the scar vet could take a first attack - but after that if you get good rolls, a challenge could go your way. The other option is take the sword of the hornet, and a ward save item instead - so that way you get first attack, and hope he fails his regen saves.
Well, the good news is that he has no ranks in his whole army. It wouldn't take much to wittle down some of those cav units. Once they lost 2 models they would be a LOT less scary. A big block of saurus would be your friend. I like the idea that has already been suggested about taking a scarvet on a coldone in your block of saurus. He has no magic defense either, so you could go for some spells. Take the staff which gives you a free urannon's thunderbolt to fry one of his units of knights. I would definitely go for 2 units of terradons for march blocking and the drop rocks ability. Plus, redirecting when he gets close. I'm pretty confident that you could take the troll units in a one on one fight regardless of regen. But, the knights are scary at this point level. If you can somehow get a flank against this army you should have whatever unit that was in the bag. I mean, I would almost be willing to make those skirmishers ranked skinks so you could take flanks (+1 combat res and you may lose a model or two in return...) and they have no shooting to gain the benefit of skirmishing. Plus they're cheaper. If you can direct most or some of his units away from your main block so you could focus on one unit at a time, you should have this game in the bag. Don't be intimidated by the massive amounts of knights.
Quite honestly, I'd sink 390 of my points into a priest on engine. Burning alignment will tear through his knights, expecially when combined with a charge (impact hits and steggie attacks). Hide him behind a forest so that the opponent must spend a turn getting line of sight. You don't want him getting the charge off, because that will equal a dead priest. A note on the trolls. Make sure you force him to make his stupidity tests! Here is the list I would bring: Skink Skirmishers 11 Skink Skirmishers 11 Saurus Warriors 17 Spears 17 Standard, Champ 1 Terradon Riders 3 Skink Priest LVL 2 1 Stegadon with Engine Saurus Scar-Veteran 1 Light Armor Shield Burning Blade of Chotek Jaguar Charm Skinks are for the trolls, terradons drop rocks on trolls and march block them or cavalry. Saurus sit back and help counter charge with the engine (who is there for the knights). The Scar-Vet is a nice little suprise. He can jump out of the saurus unit 20 inches and dish out some serious pain. Strength 5 attacks that do -4 to armor (and negate regeneration) will be VERY powerful against the list you're up against. I might even shave the skinks down to 10 each and take a few saurus off in order to put a salamander in there... which is great against trolls as well. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Just because of the amount of armor on the chaos knights, I'd consider not bothering with shooting units other than the terradons... deal with the trolls with the salamander instead. So this would be my list suggestion: Heroes ScarVet on Cold One with LA, BBoC, and EnchSh (possibly BSB too, run him in your warrior unit) Priest, Lv2 with Plaque or Rod of Storm and Bane Head (hope you get Uranon's on roll) Core 17 Warriors, Full command (you'll want a champ to avoid Throgg if he gets the charge, and as much static resolution as possible) 10 Ranked Skinks (for redirecting a charge) Special 5 Saurus Cavalry (Banner, possibly upgrade to a magic one depending on your priest kit) 4 Terradons (march block, drop rocks on a troll unit) Rare Salamander with extra handler (target the other troll unit with this one) Total is around 989, giving a little bit of play for kitting or unit sizes for your taste. This way you have two blocks (warriors and cavalry) that have fear in them, so you don't need to worry about his fear causing units. Also, the Terradons and Salamander should be able to handle his trolls (provided you don't eat your skinks on the first shot)... I don't believe they've a skirmish rule, so his entire army is all blocks... use that to your advantage with the terradons and salamander and always stay out of his LOS. If you can get the trolls gone quick enough, the salamander could also do some damage to the knights.
Let us know how it goes! (and the reason I was building lists without an EOTG is I don't own one and have never tried one, and didn't know whether you did or not - so was building in a way I would, working around the lack of an EOTG)
Be sure to give your priest the staff which gives him a free uranons thunderbolt. Between that, the burning blade of chotec/jag charm and the EotG should you take it, this army will fall apart. Really you only have to deal with 10 wounds of knights. After that the trolls might be a bit of a speed bump but I don't see them lasting long against a more balanced army. Especially once Throgg goes down.