AoS Saurus models amongst GW's worst?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by samheim, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    I am not claiming to be a greek philosopher who spends all day long fashioning nobs from clay, but even I am going to have to come out and say, the saurus models are really terrible.

    Now I have them somewhat painted, I am really disappointed with them.

    My positive is this, the Saurus old blood on foot, looks good. And is a good model with good proportions.

    The standard saurus look like crap because their legs and bodies are too spindly. Compared to Stormcast models they look ridiculous. The stormcast's legs are about 7-8 times thicker then the sauruses.

    Do you think that new Saurus models are coming? have I wasted my time and money on these?

    Not really sure I can be bothered to buy any more Seraphon. Also must confess, my orange cold ones with yellow riders, didn't come together as well as I thought it would.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    honestly we have no idea we haven't gotten new anything in a wile a good sign is the new blood bowl box with very cool saurus models but until we get a new book or any positive news on future models we just don't know.

    sorry you haven't been having fun with your sauri models most of our painting fun comes from the dinos and i share your frustration.
    samheim likes this.
  3. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    If i try hard I can kind of like them. The cold one knights are pretty good. Mainly because the cold one is good model and the Saurus legs are sort of invisible.

    This leads to the question, if new Saurus models are coming, does this mean new Saurus knights as well?

    To be fair the reason is I am disappointed is because I have been so spoilt. After a decades long holiday from miniatures, the first things I bought were Dark Imperium and Soulwars. All the figures in these boxes are understandably amazing, because they have to be good enough to get people into the hobby in 2019!

    To be honest, I dropped a clanger with the colour scheme. Yellow and orange are a big no-no imo. I should have done yellow and green or even purple.

    I can't paint them blue, because I already have a lot of things painted blue, and was told off for this.

    Oh well,

    I suppose I will finish this seraphon army to about 1500 points. The troglodon is my favourite model that I own so far. Maybe its more the contrast, that makes the saurus warriors look out of place.

    The other models are all really good, and then the saurus look like geko's.
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    we can all hope for a redisine of our stuff but most of us are realy gunning for plastic replacements for our resin models and the kroxigars neeeed a rework there arms have never fit well manly we are tide with skaven for most out of date models and need a lot of work to put us back in the prity table.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    but blue is the best lizard color sigh if you need ideas check out the paint corner we have a lot of cool disines there
  6. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Here is my Seraphon's so far.
  7. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    IMG_0006.JPG Sorry my photos didn't upload in previous post. 2019-08-11 11.24.47.jpg 2019-08-11 11.24.54.jpg 2019-08-11 11.24.58.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Imrahil, Ixt and ASSASSIN_NR_1 like this.
  8. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    oooh that looks fairly good as a base color kind of like the desert Seraphon that have been going around Reddit i think with a good wash and highlight you could make a nice looking army out of these guys maby sunrise or set themed.
  9. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! and I think you are right,

    I need to add more highlights to them.

    I was going for a yellow theme. But you are right about the dessert, it just felt right to base them with the extremely expensive Armageddon dust.

    I now work out how to make my own texture paint, by mixing paint with sand and pva glue. I am going to use a lot more of this on the bases.

    The question is tho, if I buy a carnosaur, what colour should he be, if everything else is yellow? maybe luminous green?
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  10. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    to be honest im not much of a painter but Seraphon are made of imagination and starlight so they can be whatever you wan't most eather stick to a theme across the army mine is poison dart frogs or they just go nuts and paint whatever.
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I think they are perhaps one wash and a few details away from looking really good. The yellow/orange theme does look cool!

    About the sculpts.... I am not the biggest fan of them, but I think there are worse ones.
    I doubt we will get new models, maybe one or two heroes to replace some resin ones, but no new Saurus Warriors.
  12. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Looks like this time GW must license CA's 3d models from Total War to have a decent looking Sauruses :D
  13. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for help everyone! I feel better about Seraphon after working on them all day.

    This is what I did today.

    I made some objective markers I wanted them to be things can could be moved around instead of just a location on the board. I make a sacrafice alter thing. When I get another box for another faction, hopefully I will get some spare body parts to add to it.
    2019-08-11 18.22.40 HDR.jpg

    I made my own spawning pool. To be honest I didn't have exactly the green paints I would like to have.

    The only greens I own, are death guard green and loot green + hex wraith flame. I need to buy a more general colour green. I like this spawning pool because the snakes and small size make it feel a bit like Zelda to me.
    2019-08-11 18.23.09 HDR.jpg

    Then I added some boulders to the troglodons base. They are polystyrene and then I paint them with mix
    of pva glue, zandri dust and sand. To me the end result doesn't look so far away to the armageddon dust.

    Maybe this way doesn't paint crack. But it also saves a lot of money.

    2019-08-11 18.23.15.jpg

    And I also a fair bit of painting to the cold one knights. I think the more details and colours on them, the more I like them.

    Might even buy another start collecting box, and do it all again!

    2019-08-11 18.23.41 HDR.jpg
  14. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I imagine this was because they were originally designed to fit in ranks on 25x25mm bases to be used in Warhammer Fantasy, not the 32mm round bases GW later gave them for Age of Sigmar, and they had to slim them down slightly so they would all fit together. They were also released a long time ago in 6th Edition fantasy. The Oldblood was released a lot later as part of the 2013 Carnosaur kit for 8th Edition, and it seems that GW revised their Saurus sculpting techniques with him and the 7th Edition Temple Guard to make them suitably more macho.

    You think they look terrible? Being slightly thinner than they should be is, at least to me, a relatively minor fault compared to the deformed faces of the Empire State Troops/Freeguild Guard, for example.

    I don’t know if GW will release a new Saurus Warrior box, but I certainly don’t think a Lizardmen update will come this year (GW seem to have a lot of other stuff to release, like the ghastly plastic Sisters of Battle), and even then, there’s nothing to say that it will be anything more than just a tome, endless spells and possibly a scenery piece - Skaven and Beastmen got no updated kits when they got their Battletomes, so I certainly don’t think you’ve wasted your time with the ones you’ve got, especially as they’re looking pretty good already.
  15. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    To be fair, now I have painted these ones, I don't want them to be updated, otherwise I would have to buy the new ones and paint them all over again.

    The problems with them are, how small the legs and arms are when compared to stormcast eternals. Specially when the warscroll reads "powerful Jaws". The Saurus look like if they bit a Storm cast, all their teeth would fly out like someone biting a lamp post.

    Its just that the Saurus old blood model is perfect. All they needed to do was make the the regular saurus look exactly like him.

    Again tho, against Night Haunt the Saurus don't look to bad, because NH are very small models.

    Personally I think a huge Seraphon update is coming very soon. The whole reason they didn't release the Seraphon war cry cards is because they want to obviously release the cards with a new Warcry Seraphon team when the battle tomb drops.

    The thing about updating these model ranges, is they can't just update 1 or 2 models. They have to do everything all at once. Otherwise everything will look weird.

    So I am more then sure at the end of the summer every single Seraphon model is going to be replaced. Something really big is happening right now for Seraphon. They are a massively popular faction. Skaven are no where near as popular as Lizardmen.
  16. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I’m impressed by your optimism, and indeed I think it would be great to see that happen (especially if it had been instead of the dull-as-ditchwater umpteenth Space Marine release that’s blighting my birthday month), but I detect some wishful thinking in your words. While it’s entirely possible that Lizardmen are more popular than Skaven, I’m sceptical on whether they are as much more popular as you say. Skaven certainly had almost as much attention from GW in the Warhammer Fantasy years, hinting they must have been almost as popular, and although their popularity did obviously dip in First Edition AoS as GW did nothing with them, I’m expecting the still-recent release of the new Battletome for them to cause a resurgence, especially as their lore and character has remained pretty much the same except for the new setting (still a bit early to tell yet as it’s only been out half a year). Bearing that in mind, I can’t see GW giving Lizardmen any different treatment when their Second Edition update does come. Furthermore, while GW have done some amazing things in AoS (Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Idoneth, Gloomspite Gitz) they have also made some pretty awful decisions as well (Sigmarines, Daughters of Khaine, Alarielle’s resurrection, Cities of Sigmar), so their track record is probably about 50/50 I’d say.
  17. Val Muna

    Val Muna Active Member

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    • Best case (but still plausible) Scenario - we get the Gloomspite treatment around the holidays. New BT, new Endless Spells, and 4-5 new plastic kits. The new saurus models follow the design aesthetic of some of the newer-old-kits (heros on carno, BloodBowl)
    • Modal outcome: we get a 2ed BT and endless spells sometime before the holidays. 50/50 on a new plastic Leader/Hero.
    • Plausible worst-case: We get a 2ed book and endless spells in 2nd quarter 2020. no models, and the BT cuts a lot of models, and takes away a bit of flavor. - Seraphon remain in the top ten of tournament attendance, and lately jumped to 4th(!) place for winningest, ahead of Skaven! So your assumptions about their popularity, while too granular, is generally not wrong.
    Schwaaah likes this.
  18. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Cold ones are FAR... FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR worse than the warriors.... id kill for the ones the Elves have... which is why I came "this" close to buying the Lost kingdoms models... if only they weren't so expensive for that model...

    Speaking of... only a month until the second time around folks (like myself) get our models!!! woot woot
  19. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Well it was really bad news for Free Peoples with all the kits being axed!

    But Skaven didn't get anything axed. I do find it frustrating now with Seraphon, because I can't even find the old models anywhere except the GW website.

    The prices are really high without the 20% discount offered by online retailers.

    I can't lie, I have had a really great time with start collecting Seraphon. The models were very diverse and its really rewarding now I have them mostly done.

    Its expanding the army where I am lost at sea.

    The odd thing is, I could almost see myself adding in another box of 20 Saurus warriors, as they are actually really nice in big units.

    I don't see myself buying a Slann because £40 for a 20 year old resin model is no good.

    But I might try and convert my own Skink Star priest.
  20. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    They lost one of the weapons teams.

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