I like the way the larger scales have a depth to them. It gives them a semi - transparent look, just like real scales. Very nice.
Thanks man. Btw I love your work, I was going to try do freehand scales like yours but I don't think I have the technique. Was also great to see your work at Golden demon, a massive inspiration.
Back onto some 40k... After seeing an awesome scion conversion (A simple leg swap) I just had to give it a go myself. Overall gives the scions a more 'in proportion' look. Here is a little photo dump.
What an amazing model. May I ask how did you achieve this outrageously beautiful leather color on the right side of Trog ??
Outstanding! That is exactly what I meant, well done! Keep on the good work, because what we do I here without such beautiful models, meticulously painted to pervection!? I love him!
Casting my mind back a bit now, The darker leather straps and tarps were based in Rhinox Hide, washed in Agrax and then had progressive highlights of rhinox mixed with zandri dust. I believe the final mixes also had some Screaming skull mixed in too. ( This was because I didn't want the leather to have a more worn look to the highlights) The lighter tarp was based in zandri and washed in seraphim sepia, I once again built up layers and highlighting with a zandri/screaming skull mix. Not the best explanation I know, I don't think I've used this recipe since so I can't remember exactly what I did, sorry about that. Thanks
We should be seeing more lizardboi stuff fairly soon, got my eyes on Tik'taq'to… Appreciate all the support! Thanks
Hi all Haven't logged in for a while, mostly been posting on instagram. Here are a few models I've done for my Free cities army, some averland greatswords and 'spine of sotek' dwarves. I'm actually not going to do any more Averland freeguild, instead I'm going to do altdorfs red and blue. Took me tge whole unit to realise I prefer a different colour... Anyways here are some pics I'll try be a more active member, I've kinda neglected the forums, just been lurking in the shadows. As always C&C is welcome Thanks
Thanks Hopefully be doing more freeguild soon, I really enjoyed these. Indeed he has teeth, I always find that taking extra time on the head of a miniature improves the overall look of the model. These are really quick batch painted minis, areas like leather was a simple (base, wash, highlight) but the heads received several highlights and blends. As always, thanks for the support
Small update, started painting my saurus for tabletop (pretty much finished his shield) as well as a display standard ultramarine for my dad. Only done the head of the marine so far. C&C Is always welcome Thanks
Hi all Little project I've been working on, Havent posted any updates here. Decided to just wham out the final product. He's a blood bowl saurus C&C will be greatly appreciated Thanks
Ooooohhhh that one is nice! I will start painting my own team next week. Your model sets the bar very high though!