Tutorial Priority Targets

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by LizardWizard, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    A recent post by @Jason839 titled: "Target Priority List?" has prompted me to write a tutorial of the units that I find to be the most significant threats within the various factions. This will be followed by a brief overview of how I play vs those specific units.

    Due to the breadth of the topic I have dedicate an entire thread to the endeavor. I will do my best to keep this thread up to date as new Battletomes and Errata/FaQ's release. Because of the shear volume of this massive undertaking I expect the overview section will take several weeks to complete.

    During the development phase of this thread I plan to provide reasoning for why I view the various units as a threat. Once that is compete I will return to each unit and add advice on how to play vs them. Critique welcome!

    These list are organized by Grand Allegiance followed by faction alphabetically. The units within each army are listed starting from highest threat in descending order.

    Consolidated List

    Grand Allegiance Order:
    Grand Allegiance Chaos:
    Grand Allegiance Death:
    Grand Allegiance Destruction:
    Other Resources:
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Age of Sigmar is a massive game in scope of rules & units within the game. These list are crafted from my experience as a player in many tournaments based off what I have found to be the current competitive meta and through extensive theory crafting. Thus these list are a generalized theory on which units within each army produce the greatest threat. All of these targets in-game threat will change based upon the opponent's list, your own list, the battleplan, and current game state.

    There are several factors that go into determining a units place within the list. Firstly is how great of a potential they have to do harm. Second is how much synergy they provide to the army they are part of. Thirdly is how easily they can be killed. If a unit is highly disruptive and easily slain then they are an ideal priority target. The final factor is subjective in nature and simply boils down to which units I prefer to focus on. My play style revolves around limiting enemy movement, thus I prefer to kill things which reduce my movement or have high movement for my opponent.

    In addition to considering this list it is good practice to ask your opponent where their abilities come from and which units they affect. Ask them their saves, their damage values, the ability for a unit to be buffed and who provides that buff. It is the rules of the game that your opponent must answer these questions truthfully. This doesn't mean they have to talk strategy with you. Just that they are required to answer any rules related questions specific to their army. The only way there should be any gotcha moments is if you aren't asking question.

    A final piece of advice. Go for what is achievable. If there is a high priority target that you can't reach or won't reasonably kill then instead choose a lower priority unit which you can diminish or remove.

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  3. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Consolidated Priority Target List



    • Hearthguard Berserkers
    • Battlesmith
    • Auric Runemaster/Runesmiter
    Daughters of Khain
    • Witch Aelves
    • Cauldron of Blood
    • Morathi
    Idoneth Deepkin
    • Akhelian Morsar Guard
    • Akhelian Ishlaen Guard
    • Akhelian Leviadon
    • Eidolon of Mathlaan
    Kharadron Overlords
    • Endrinriggers
    • Skywardens
    • Aether Khemist
    • Brokk Grungsson
    • Slann
    • Razordons
    • Engine of the Gods
    • Ripperdactyl Ridders
    • Skinks
    Stormcast Eternals
    • Celestar Ballista
    • Evocators
    • Longstrike Crossbows
    • Any of SCE Priest
    • Sequitors
    • Judicators
    • Spirit of Durthu
    • Arch-Revenant
    • Kurnoth Hunters
    • Drycha Hamadreth
    • Alarielle
    • Branchwych
    • Branchwraith
    Mixed Order
    • Frostheart Phoenix
    • Freeguild Handgunners
    • Freeguild Crossbowmen
    • Celestial Hurricanium
    • Free Guild General
    • Eternal Guard

    Best of Chaos

    • Bestigors
    • Tzangor Enlightened
    • Chimera
    • Great Bray-Shaman
    • Bullgors
    Blades of Khorne
    • Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage
    • Blood Secrator
    • Mighty Skullcrushers
    • Slaughter Priest
    • Bloodletters
    Disciples of Tzeentch
    • Lord of Change
    • Tzangor Enlightened
    • Pink Horrors
    • Wizard Heroes
    Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness
    • Archaon
    • Lord of Chaos On Manticore
    • Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch
      • If a Baleful Realm Gate is available
    • Sorcerer Lord of Chaos
    • Chaos Marauders
    Hedonites of Slaanesh
    • Keeper of Secrets
    • Daemonettes
    • The Contorted Epitome
    • Infernal Enraptures
    • Chaos Marauders
    Maggotkin of Nurgle
    • Any Hero Bearing the Wither Stave
    • Great Unclean One
    • Harbinger of Decay
    • Lord of Blights
    • Plague Drones
    • Blightkings
    • Plaguebearers
    • Plague Furnace
    • Plague Monks
    • Ratling Guns
    • Grey Seer
    • Verminlord Corruptor
    • Warp Lightning Cannon

    Flesh-Eater Courts

    • Abhorrent Archregent
    • Abhorrent Ghoul King on ZD/TG
    • Royal Terrogheist
    • Royal Zombie Dragon
    • Varghulf
    • Ghouls
    • Crypt Flayers
    Legions of Nagash
    • Nagash
    • Arkhan
    • Necromancer
    • Grimghast Reapers
    • Chainrapse Hordes
    • Skeleton Warriors
    • Guardian of Souls
    • Grimghast Reapers
    • Black Coach
    • All other Heroes
    • Chainrapse Hordes

    Beastclaw Raiders

    • Thundertusks
    • Stonehorns
    • Mournfang
    • Savage Orruk Arrow Boyz
    • Wurrgog Prophet
    • Savage Big Boss
    • Big Stabbaz
    • Skragott the Loonking
    • Stabbas
    • Spore Splatter Fanatics
    • Sneaky Snufflers
    • Fungoid Cave Shaman
    • Loon Boss on Manger Squig
    • Dankhold Trogboss
    • Tyrant
    • Ironguts
    • Butcher
    • Warchanter
    • Maw Krusha
    • Mega Boss

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  4. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Daughters of Khaine:
    • Witch Aelves
    • Cauldron of Blood
    • Morathi
    Witch Aelves:
    Witch Aelves priority is pretty self apparent. They have a high volume of attack and low save. Combined with the units muscian which allows them to run and charge and these units have an impressive reach. Witch Aelves will normally make up the bulk of most Daughters of Khaine armies.

    Cauldron of Blood:
    This behemoth makes the list due to several factors. Universally is the Blood Shield it provides which grants a +1 modifier to saves for nearby Daughters of Khaine. This unit becomes even more threatening when it is bearing an Avatar of Khaine into battle. Lastly is the potential for the Slaughter Queen's Command ability Orgy of Slaughter which allows a DoK unit within 3" of an enemy unit to pile in and attack in the hero phase as if it were the combat phase.

    Morathi is a power house as both a Sorcerer in her less form or as a behemoth in her true form. Her main threat is derived from her weapons profile and her Command Ability Worship Through Bloodshed, which is basically a 2 for 1 Orgy of Slaughter. Were it not for Heart of Iron, which prevents her from taking more than 3 damager per turn, she would be a higher priority target.

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  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    • Hearthguard Berserkers
    • Battlesmith
    • Auric Runemaster/Runesmiter
    Hearthguard Berserker:
    Hearthguard are one of the most resilient and damaging units in the game. Their base stats are impressive. Duty Unto Death provies them with a 6+ save after save. This increases to a 4+ when they are within range of a supporting hero. If these units aren't dealt with swiftly they will be nearly impossible to remove from objectives.

    This unit has a moderate state line. However, its real potency emanates from the Icon of Grimnir which allows the Battlesmith to choose one nearby friendly Fyreslayers unit to add +1 to their save roll until its next hero phase.

    Auric Runemaster/Runesmiter:
    Both the Runemaster and Runesmiter have respectable stats. The Runesmiter has the futher ability to deepstrike units of Fyreslayers 9" away from enemy units with its Magmic Tunneling ability. This is something that has to be countered via movement and deployment and not through targeting.

    The reason both of these priest are such high priorities is due to the prayers available to them through the Fyreslayers Allegiance abilities. Prayer of Ash allows one of the units to add +1 to the saves of a Fyreslayers unit until their next herophse. Ember storm enables them to allow a unit of Vulkite Berzerkers or HEARTHGUARD Berserkers to run and charge until the next hero phase.

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  6. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Idoneth Deepkin:
    • Akhelian Morsar Guard
    • Akhelian Ishlaen Guard
    • Akhelian Leviadon
    • Eidolon of Mathlaan
    Akhelian Morsar Guard:
    These over-powered eels are probably the single best unit in the whole game. Take note of the 14" movement. In AoS, which is a movement-centric game, this is huge.

    The only thing this unit lack is rend to help them get through more elite units. However, they happen to have a built in trick for just this instance. Biovaltic Blast is a once per game ability that is usable at the start of the combat phase and allows them to target an enemy unit within 3". They then roll a dice for each Morsar Guard. Every 3+ deals 1 mortal wound, or d3 mortal wounds on a 6+ to the chosen unit.

    Akhelian Ishlaen Guard:
    These eel riders have nearly the same stats as their Morsar bortheren. They trade ther Biovaltic Blast ability to gain a Biovaltic Shield. This translates into them being immune to the rend of enemy attacks. They also add +1 to their save characteristic if they charged that turn.

    Both Morsar and Ishlaen Guard are made further deadly by the Isharaan Soulscryer's Finder of Ways ability which allows for bothe units to be placed within 6" of the board edges and 9" away from enemy units during their movement phase. Combined with the Seeker of Souls ability that allows for an increase or 3" to charge a target unit and eels will get almost anywhere they want to be.

    Akhelian Leviadon:
    This behemoth has a high potential for combat damage. In addition it provides Void Drum which bolsters all Idoneth Deepkin units wholly within 12" of it the benefit of cover.

    Eidolon of Mathlaan:
    Both the Combat and Scorcer variant of the model demand attention. If either are armed with the Sword of Judgement on their Stormshoal they can deal impressive damage to heroes and behemoths. The Eidolon of the Storm is rather beefy in combat and has the potential for self healing and increased damage on the charge. The Eidolon of the storm has access to the various lores of the Deepkin and has a potent native spell which allows them to select d6 units and apply a -1 modifier to the hit rolls and bravery characteristic.

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  7. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Kharadron Overlords:
    • Endrinriggers
    • Skywardens
    • Aether Khemist
    • Brokk Grungsson
    To start this off, I do feel bad about telling people which units to kill first in an army that is already suffering.

    In addition to Endrinriggers impressive weapons profiles they can also fly and move 12". In summantion they are one a very few units within the KO army that can prove effective.

    These are the ranged focused budget versions of Endrinriggers. What they give up in combat prowess they gain in versatility.

    Aether Khemist:
    This support hero is quite capable in its own right. When equipped with the Aethershock Earbuster on its Noxious Aether it is capable of forcing an enemy unit which suffered casualties from its missle weapon to take a battle-shock test in the their shooting phase. This means no Inspiring Presence.

    Where the Khemist really shines is its built in ability Aetheric Augmentation. This allow the Khemist to choose a nearby friendly Skyfairers unit and add 1 to a single weapon weapons attack profile. Looking at your Endginrigger's Athermatic Saw and Arkhaunt Company's Light Skyhooks.

    Lastly, thanks to Atmospheric Isolation, each enemy unit with 3" of the Khemist reduces the attack characteristic of all its weapon profiles by 1 to a min of 1.

    Brokk Grungsson:
    One of KO's few heroes with a decent profile. The main reason he is a threat is his command ability, Frist Rule of Grungsson, which allows KO units with 18" to charge even if they ran in the previous movement phase. This is most effective for Endrinriggers and Skywardens.

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  8. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    • Slann
    • Razordons
    • Engine of the Gods
    • Ripperdactyl Ridders
    • Skinks
    Saving this for later. I am debating if I REALLY want to give people advice on how to defeat MY army. lol. I will expand this section after I have finished all the other threads. I want to be careful not to give too much insight into them. Simply because I am VERY familiar with the army. While also still providing meaningful measures to counter our units.

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  9. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Stormcast Eternals:
    • Celestar Ballista
    • Evocators
    • Longstrike Crossbows
    • Any of SCE Priest
    • Sequitors
    • Judicators
    Celestar Ballista:
    It really really really hurts. luckily it only has a 4+ save. Killing off these units will drastically reduce the reach of your SCE opponent.

    This unit combines the awesome combat powers of SCE's Paladins with the utility of a wizard. Additionally, Celestial Lightning Arch lets them reroll save rolls of 1 against shooting attacks and deal extra mortal wounds at the end of their combat sequence by rolling 2 d6 for each model in the unit and dealing 1 mortal wound for each 4+ to an enemy unit with 3".

    Longstrike Crossbows:
    Likely the single best unit from the entire Vanguard Wing of the SCE. Their 30" range and mortal wounds on 6+ to hit make them a threat to friendly support heroes, behemoths, and elites. Fortunately they don't have any inbuilt ways to reroll saves.

    All of the army's priest are valuable on their own merit. Mostly you want to rob the opponent of Translocation which allows them pick up a friendly SCE unit and place it 9" away from your units.

    This can be either one of the hardest to remove or one of the heaviest hitting battleline units in the game. Their versatility makes it easy for your opponent to get value out of them. They are high priority in your shooting phase where they will only be able reroll saves of 1 or in the combat phase when they have channeled into their weapons.

    This unit has a solid shooting profile. They will be a major annoyance until they are removed.

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  10. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    • Spirit of Durthu
    • Arch-Revenant
    • Kurnoth Hunters
    • Drycha Hamadreth
    • Alarielle
    • Branchwych
    • Branchwraith
    Sylvaneth's Wizard have seen a massive increase in importance due to all their Wizards knowledge of Verdant Blessing which allows for the placement of additional Awakened Wyldwoods. Verduous Harmony's ability to return slain Kurnoth also makes wizards who know this spell a top priority.

    Spirit of Durthu:
    Thanks to changes in command traits and relics this behemoth is no longer as tanky as he use to be. The only downside is he is still as murderous. You definitely want to make sure this unit isn't at its top tier before it gets a combat phase.

    The new kid on the block. This unit offers strong support to all friendly Kurnoths. In addition to having a decent combat stat line, this support hero lets nearby Kurnoths reroll hit rolls of 1. However, the dominate contribution is found in its command Ability, Call to Battle. This lets the Arck-Revenant add +1 attack to the attack profiles of a Sylvaneth unit. Making Spirit or Durthu or Kurnoth Hunters that much scarier.

    Kurnoth Hunters:
    Kurnoth are the MVPs of the updated Sylvaneth. Their ability to act as vectors for command abilities gives Sylvaneth a lot of positional flexibility. Additionally they are all heavy hitters. Add in rerolls form relics and they become a threat requiring immediate response.

    Drycha Hamadreth:
    Drycha has received a much needed boost. Her ability to clean hordes off of objectives either through range or melee makes her a versatile and capable asset.

    Alarielle the Everqueen:
    Alarielle is a powerful wizard and support hero. If allowed to heal she can apply continuous pressure in combat.

    Branchwych & Branchwraith:
    They're both wizards. The new endless spells, Verduous Harmony, Throne of Thornes, and Verdant Blessings are the reasons you want these dead. Also who wants to deal with more Dryads popping up?

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  11. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Mixed Order:
    • Frostheart Phoenix
    • Freeguild Handgunners
    • Freeguild Crossbowmen
    • Celestial Hurricanium
    • Free Guild General
    • Eternal Guard
    Frostheart Phoenix:
    These beauties have a few very synergistic things going for them. Firstly is their Blizzard Aura which makes enemy units within range suffer a -1 modifier to their to wound characteristic.

    The combination of the next two abilities makes them imbues them with extreme durability. Attuned to Magic give each Frostheart Phoenix with 12" of any friendly wizards a +1 to their save if that wizard successfully cast a spell on the roll of a 2+. This can stack indefinitely. Witness to Destiny gives this unit a 4+ save after save against wounds and mortal wounds.

    You want to kill these guys early before the enemy is able to stack up a bunch of spells. Or bide your time until your opponent has a weak hero phase. Kill off as many enemy wizards as early as possible to lessen the potency of Attuned to Magic on subsequent turns.

    Freeguild Hangunners:
    This unit shines best when inside of a Freeguild Great Company. Even on their own merit they make for a nasty ranged battleline. Their musician allows them to shoot enemy units who end a charge move with 3" of them once per charge phase. Bring this unit down below 20 as soon as possible to drastically reduce their volume of fire, ideally from range to avoid their pipers wrath.

    Freeguild Crossbowmen:
    The other ranged battleline unit from Freepeoples. They hit better but lack the rend of Handgunners. They have the same unit size buff of bonus 1 attack characteristic as the Hundgunners and the same musician ability.

    Celestial Hurricanium:
    This unit can carry a lot of weight. It has two passive abilities worth mentioning. Locus of Azyr give all Collegiate Aracanum heroes within 10" of the Hurricanium +1 to their casting rolls. This includes itself. Portents of Battle gives nearby Order units a +1 modifier to their hit rolls.

    In terms of its offensive power it has several things going for it. Storm of Shemtek has an 18" and can attack up to 3 times on a degrading behemoth table. Each attack does either 1, D3, or D6 Mortal wounds based on a D3 table. None of its combat profiles are overwhelming, but it does have a number of them. Finally, the Hurricanum can cast 1 Spell per turn. In addition to the generic wizard spells it knows Comet of Casandora. This spell goes off on a 6+ and does d6 mortal wounds to a target you choose on a 4+ and or to an enemy target your opponent chose on a 1,2, or 3. It only hits the one you want 50% of the time, but it is still doing d6 MW to an enemy unit regardless.

    Freeguild General:
    These heroes come in a variety of flavors, either mounted, behemoth edition, or on foot. The reason they need to die is because they provide a reroll to battleshock test for nearby Freeguild. Their Command ability also lets them pick 3 Freeguild units. Those units can't run or charge, but they get to add a +1 modifier to both hit and wound rolls until their next hero phase.

    Eternal Guard:

    These wardens of the woods appear occasionally in mixed order list. They aren't too special, but you want them dead before they reach an objective within range of cover.

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  12. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Beast of Chaos:
    • Bestigors
    • Tzangor Enlightened
    • Chimera
    • Great Bray-Shaman
    • Bullgors
    Aptly named, these are the best of the various gors. Three attacks per model and they even have rend. They can run and charge to top it off. Kill these early in the combat phase or from range.

    Tzangor Enlightened:
    These disc-riding Tzaangor can pack a punch. They also get to reroll all hit and wound rolls if any enemy unit with 3" of them has already fought. Expect them to hurt.

    In the new era of worthwhile behemoths the Chimera shines. This behemoth has a lot of attacks. And if those attacks aren't dealing mortal wounds then they are doing normal damage with high rend. Oh, it can fly with a +2" to charge rolls.

    Great Bray-Shaman:
    There are a number of spells available to these guys that you don't want to go off. Not much more than a standard burn the witch going on here.

    What these beast lack in quantity they make up for in high rend and high damage.

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  13. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Blades of Khrone:
    • Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage
    • Blood Secrator
    • Mighty Skullcrushers
    • Slaughter Priest
    • Bloodletters
    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage:
    Bloodthristers are big, fast, can fly, and deal a lot of damage. This particular one deals mortals to all enemy units within 8" of it when it rolls a 6 to wound thanks to the accurately named Outrageous Carnage.

    Blood Secrator:
    Like most Khrone heroes this support totem has a better than expected stat line. Loathsome Sorcery caused wizard within 16" to reroll successful casting rolls. However, the main event is Rage of Khrone which adds 1 to the attack characteristics of any units while they are wholly with 16" or any Blood Secrators.

    Mighty Skullcrushers:
    These are the biggest winners of the latest Blades of Khrone battletome. They are tough. They have a base 3+ save. They also have a ton of attacks. Oh, did I mention they deal 1 to D3 MW on the charge per model within 1" of an enemy unit on a 2+ or automatically if they have 6 or more in the Skullcrusher unit.

    Slaughter Priest:
    These gruesome priest of Khorne are the viscus gore that greases the wheels of the army. Focus on these guys to rob your opponent of their Judgements of Khrone, Blood Boils, and Blood Fueled Prayers.

    They might be one of the less impressive demons, but they are still demons. A horde of these guys can deal a shocking amount of mortal wounds thanks to Decapitating Blow which now deals a mortal on an unmodified 6 to hit in ADDITION to normal damage.

    Oh, they also get +1 to hit if there are 20 or more in the unit. Not to mention they also have rend -1. Their 5+ save and high damage makes them ideal targets.

    They have the standard demonic musicians and icon bearers rules.

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  14. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Disciples of Tzeentch:
    • Lord of Change
    • Tzangor Enlightened
    • Pink Horrors
    • Wizard Heroes
    Lord of Change:
    These Greater Deamons of Tzeentch are a spell slinging nightmare. Thanks to Mastery of Magic their spells are all but unstoppable. In addition to having their own mortal wound dealing spell they can also choose from any number of painful spells from the Lores of Change.

    Their command ability also allows them to add 1 to both casting and unbinding rolls for all Tzeentch demons with 18" of themselves. They are no slouch when to comes to combat either.

    Not that these weren't reason enough to want their beak on a pike, but every spell they cast or help go off just adds to Disciples of Tzeentch's summoning mechanic from the GHB2019.

    Tzaangor Enlightened:
    These disc-riding Tzaangor can pack a punch. They also get to reroll all hit and wound rolls if any enemy unit with 3" of them has already fought. Expect them to hurt.

    Pink Horrors:
    You know they are good because they are cost a bunch of matched play points. In addition to being wizards Pink Horrors have a respectable ranged attack. Flickering Flames lets them add one to the hit rolls of their ranged attack while their units have 20 or more models in it.

    Their Locus adds +1 to the casting rolls when near a demon of Tzeentch. Yep, that means even more summoning.

    They have the standard demonic musicians and icon bearers rules.

    Wizard Heroes:
    Burn the witch +1. Every spell that is successfully cast and not unbound means more summoning for Disciples of Tzeentch. Simple solution, kill all wizards!

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  15. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Everchoosen/Slaves to Darkness:
    • Archaon
    • Lord of Chaos On Manticore
    • Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch
      • If a Baleful Realm Gate is available
    • Sorcerer Lord of Chaos
    • Chaos Marauders
    The big cheese himself. He has eight unique rules, he has to be important.

    Archaon not only has the potential to unleash massive damage or slay a target out right due to The Slayer of Kings, but also provides a lot of synergistic buffs and debuffs. The Crown of Domination allows Archaon to add or subtract 2 from any battle shock result taken by any unit with 10" of him. His command ability, Warlord without Equal, allows all other friendly chaos heroes to use their command ability free of cost until your next hero phase.

    His Runeshield, Armor, and Eye of Sheerian all add to his resiliency. Add this to his 3+ save and 20 wounds and you can see that he takes a concerted effort to remove from the table.

    Guant Summoner:
    These Del Toro'esqu nightmares are are superb wizards able to cast two spells a turn. If near a Realm Gate they can also summon on Bloodletters, Plaguebearers, Deamonets, or Pink Horrors.

    Sorcer Lord of Chaos:
    There two things that make Sorcers worth killing. Firstly is their signature spell, Demonic Power. Cast on a low 5+ it allows the caster to a unit within 18". Until their next hero phase that unit can reroll hit, wound, and save rolls of 1. Not only is it easier to cast than Mystic Shield, it is three times as good. Next is Oracular Visions. Choose a unit within 10" and give them Mystic Shield without having to cast it!

    Chaos Marauders:
    These barbaric hordes are fast, punchy, and fragile. If you swing at them they will die. If you don't they will kill things. Pretty simple reason to target them.

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  16. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Hedonites of Slaanesh:
    • Keeper of Secrets
    • Daemonettes
    • The Contorted Epitome
    • Infernal Enraptures
    • Chaos Marauders
    Keeper of Secrets:
    This androgynous clawed behemeoth is at the top of the monster pack. Locus of Diversion only serves to make KoS that much scarier. On a 2+ they can make a target unit in range fight at the end of the combat phase.

    If high damage and priority in the combat phase wasn't enough, then consider their command ability. Excess of Violence allows the KoS to pick a friendly Hedonite unit within range that has already fought in the combat phase and allows them to pile in and fight once more.


    These have to the best of the lesser demons. If you thought Witch Aelves were good then you haven't meet these gals. When run in a Hedonite army in a unit of 20+ they cause 3 hits on an unmodified 6 to hit, or 2 hits when less than 20.

    Like witch Aleves they can also run and charge thanks to Lithe and Swift. Daemonettes get the same Icon and Musician as all lesser demon units. However, they also get a bonus banner which allows them to reroll charges. This means they can spend all those saved charge roll command points on fighting more each combat phase.

    The Contorted Epitome:

    Whats better than Locus of Diversion and casting 1 Spell? Getting to use Locus of Diversion on all units within 6" and having 2 Spells! For only 200 Match Play Points this is one of the best wizards in the game.

    The Epitome can cast two spells. Its native spell, Overwhelming Acquiescence, allows the caster to pick D3 units within range and reroll hit rolls of 1 against them. Gift of Power allows this unit to reroll casting, unbinding, and dispelling rolls.

    Now, what was that about getting Locus of Diversion on all units with in 6'? Horrible Fascination is actually better than first describe. Like the Hedonite Locus, they roll a dice for the affected unit and on a 4+ they fight at the end of the combat phase. The wonderful thing is it hits all units with 6" instead of only one. On top of of this the Epitome still gets to use Locus of Diversion.

    Lastly, Swallow Energy, give the Epitome a 2+ save against mortal wounds.

    Infernal Enraptures:
    These buttes make the most hardcore death metal bands seem like madrigals.

    Discordant Disruption causes all successfully cast enemy spells within 24" to be rerolled. If the reroll is a double then the caster takes D3 mortal wounds. They also get to dispell one endless in their hero phase in the same manner as a wizard, but they naturally get to add +1 to the roll. When combined with an Epitome you can forget about getting to play in the hero phase.

    Additionally they are a decent artillery pieces able to shoot at good range to pick off supporting heroes. Oh, and they generate an automatic 1 Depravity per their hero phase.

    Chaos Marauders:
    These barbaric hordes are fast, punchy, and fragile. If you swing at them they will die. If you don't they will kill things. Pretty simple reason to target them.

    Also, thanks to them being in a Slaanesh army each hit of an unmodified 6 is actually 3 hits when in a unit of 20+!

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  17. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Maggotkin of Nurgle:
    • Any Hero Bearing the Wither Stave
    • Great Unclean One
    • Harbinger of Decay
    • Lord of Blights
    • Plague Drones
    • Blightkings
    • Plaguebearers
    Wither Stave:
    This artefact is amazing. It cause all enemy units within 12" to reroll unmodified hit rolls of 6's. If the bearer is accessible then it is in your interest to remove it.

    Great Unclear One:
    It is best to kill these greater deamons earlier than later. There are two main variants of the GUO. One is a melee monstrosity. The other is more support and magic focused.

    Nurgle units withing 7" of any GUO with a Doomsday Bell add 3" to the their move characteristic until the end of the phase. Combined with the Feculent Gnawrlmaw this leads to a shockingly swift army. If the GUO happends to have a Bileblade then they are able to make a Putrid Offerings. This allows the GUO to add 1 to any of their casting or unbinding rolls at the cost of suffering a mortal wound.

    The Sword and Flail are are the more damaging loadout. Both of these weapons hit hard, but also degrade hard. Keep in mind that if you tier one of these behemoths you will want to account for their potential healing.

    The GUO's command ability is Grandfather's Joy. It allows them to pick a nurgle demon unit within 21" and 1 to all its attack characteristics until their following hero phase.

    Harbinger of Decay:
    These apocalyptic equestrians are one of the most potent support heroes within Chaos.

    Soul Bound Shield provides a 4+ save vs damage from spells. The Rot Sword can also deal some decent mortal wounds once per game during the HoD's hero phase. These guys even have a decent weapon profile. Not to mention they are have the demon, mortal, and Maggotkin keywords which makes them a versatile platform for artifacts and command traits.

    The real reason your want these guys off the table is because of the resilience they impart to nearby Nurgle aligned mortals. Their command ability, Morbid Vigour, allows them to give mortal Nurgle units within 7" of them a 5+ save after save.

    Lord of Blights:
    One of the two new Nurgle Specific Chaos Lords. There are a few reasons to prioritize killing the LoB. For one, they have a rather solid weapons profile for a supporting hero. Next they are able to buff nearby Blightkings with a moderately effective shooting attack.

    The primary reason this guy warrants your wrath is their command ability. Plague of Flies causes the affected unit to be -1 to hit in the shooting phase. If the target unit has 20 or more models then the they are -2 to be hit in the shooting phase and -1 to hit in combat until the Lob's next hero phase.

    Plague Drones:
    What could be more troublesome than the disgustingly resilient Plaguebearers? The answer is Plaguebears who ride Plague Drones. The guys are fast for Nurgle, can fly, have 5 wounds, and a 5+ save after save. If they are near a Nurgle Deamon Hero then they get to add +1 to the attack characteristics of all their weapons.

    If your back field objectives are in danger vs Nurgle then it likely because of Bloat Drones.


    What rhymes with Vikings and you can smell before you see? The answer is Blightkings! At 4 wounds a piece with a 4+ save they are pretty tough. Sonorous Tocsin grants the unit a bonus 1" to their run and charge rolls. This means an increase threat range of 2" when near the Fecullent Gnawrlmaw.

    At 3 attacks each hitting on 3's and wounding on 3's these guys can pack a punch. If they are in a Blight Cyst then they can get a rend of -1 and ignore enemy units cover benefit. Oh, and because of Blighted weapons any 6+ to hit is actually d6 hits.

    Plague Bearers:

    What these lesser demons lack in damage they make up for in toughness.

    Instead of the 6+ save affixed to most lesser demons, Nurgle's are gifted with a 5+ base save. Disgustingly Resilient gives Plaguebearers a further 5+ save vs wounds and mortal wounds. Cloud of Flies subtracts 1 from hit rolls that target this unit in the shooting phase. If there are 20 or more Plaguebearers in the unit they are -2 to hit in shooting and -1 to hit in combat. On top of all this, their Locus gives them Mystic Shield.

    Plaguebearers are equipped with the standard demonic musician and icon bearer buffs.

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  18. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    • Plague Furnace
    • Plague Monks
    • Ratling Guns
    • Grey Seer
    • Verminlord Corruptor
    • Warp Lightning Cannon
    Plague Furance:
    Don't let the shoddy craftsmanship fool you. In a game that is all about searching out syngergizes this is one of the best-best supporting heroes. Despite the obviously questionable structural integrity, Protection of the Great Horned Rat blesses this model with a 5+ to ignore wounds and mortal wounds.

    The Plague Furnace is surprisingly effective in combat. On a 2+ the Plague Censor does D3 +4, 3, 2, or 1 mortal wounds depending on the number of wounds currently allocated. It also does D6, or 2D6 on a charge, attacks with its Rusty Spikes at rend -1. These rats are so fragrant that any enemy unit within 3" takes 1 MW on the roll of a 4+, or d3 if a 6 is rolled, at the end of the combat phase.

    However, the damage is not why you want these dead. Altar of the Horned Rat means that Skaventide units wholly within 13" do not take battleshock test. This ability will give your opponent a lot of mileage considering that one of Skaven's biggest weakness is their bravery. The Priest which rides the Furnace is able to attempt one of two prayers in each of their hero phases, both of which succeed on a 3+. Filth-Filth lets the monk choose a Pestilence unit wholly within 13" and grants that unit rerolls to woundl until their following hero phase. Rabid-Rabid has the same range, duration, and keyword restrictions. The target gets to add 1 to the unit's attack characteristics.

    Plague Monks:
    Don't let these rascals fool you just because plague laden rats never hurt anyone. Three attacks base is pretty respectable. If they charged in the previous phase then you can up that number to 5 due to Frenzied Assault. If they are blessed with Rabid-Rabid you can up that to 7.

    One in every ten models in the unit can carry one of two different decorated sticks into battle. Contagion banner allows your opponent to roll a d6 for each Plague Monk slain in combat. On a 6+ the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Icon of Pestilence causes unmodified wound rolls of 6 to deal 2 damage instead of 1. One in every ten monks can also carry one of two instruments into battle. Doom Gong gives the unit +1" to run and charge rolls. Bale-Chime adds -1 rend to attack that hit on an unmodified 6.

    Luckily these guys wear sack cloth instead of armor. Due to their high damage out put and 6+ save they certainly earn their spot as a priority target. Call it a tie when it comes to priority on the Furnace or Monks. Choose the one that is most accessible or hasn't swung yet.

    Ratling Guns:

    Proving that the only thing more expendable than Skaven are bullets. These will put some serious hurt on anything within 12". Under the right combination of buffs they can become 2d6 x2 shoots at 2 damage. However, these murderous duos only have 3 wounds and a 6+ save.

    Grey Seer:

    The only rats known to use "study aids". It isn't the standard magic womping stick that makes these egomaniacs terrifying.

    If two spells per hero phase isn't enough, these dappled magic rats can pop one WarpstoneToken per hero phase. When they do so the next spell cast by the Grey Seer is rolled with 3d6 picking the two highest. However, if the three dice total thirteen then the spell cannot be unbound, but the caster is slain after the spell is resolved. Placed near a Gnawhole for the extra +1 to cast and these guys can all but grantee the dreaded Warp Lightning Vortex.

    The good news is they only have 5 wounds with a 5+ save. This make them much more slayable then their larger brothers and earns them their spot on the list.

    Verminlord Corruptor:

    One of the giant rats has to worth killing early. Check out the shear volume of attacks. Imagine one of these guys equipped with a Sword of Judgement. Well your in luck, you likely won't have to image if you play against one because they all use it. Plaguemaster caused this lord of vermin to deal d3 mortal wounds to every enemy unit with 1" on a 4+ at the end of combat. They also lower the bravery characteristic of enemy units near it by one.

    In addition to their prolific ability to dish our slaughter in combat, they are also expert wizards. The Corruptor can cast two spells in each of its hero phases. Their native spell Dreaded Plague is cast on a 7+. If successful they choose a unit within 13" and then roll one d6 for each model in the chosen unit. For each roll of a 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Their other spell slot is perfect for Clans Pestilence armies to cast Warp Lightning Vortex. Which they almost certainly will be doing if they didn't bring a Grey Seer.

    However, it is the verminlord alone that deals increased damage while on the field. Its command ability Lord of Pestilence allows all Clans Pestilence units wholly within 13" to reroll hit rolls.

    Verminlord Corruptors have the same Protection of the Great Horned Rat as all Skaven Behemoths. However they only have a 4+ base save with no other rerolls or Suspicous Stones to help them.

    Warp Lightning Cannon:

    The only logical conclusion to Skaven's Warpstone obsession. While inconsistent, these fel artillery pieces deal mortal wounds from 24" away. When near a Warplock Engineer the cannon can double the number of dice it rolls when fishing for mortal wounds, but each roll of a 1 causes it to suffer d3 mortal wounds at the end of the attack sequence.

    Putting even a few wounds onto the cannon can make it much more risky for your opponent to declare More-more Warp Lightning.

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  19. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Flesh-Eater Courts:
    • Abhorrent Archregent
    • Abhorrent Ghoul King on ZD/TG
    • Royal Terrogheist
    • Royal Zombie Dragon
    • Varghulf
    • Crypt Ghouls
    • Crypt Flayers
    Abhorrent Archregent:
    The unique ghoul hero from the under-stocked Carrion Empire box.

    Expect to find one or two of these in every FeC list. They have decent sustain thanks to Imperial Blood which heals them 3 wounds in each of their hero phases. They are a two spell slot wizard. Their native spell, Ferocious Hunger, is cast on a 6 and allows them to add D3 to the attack characteristics of if a friendly Flesh-Eater Court's melee weapons until their next hero phase.

    Summon Imperial Guard is a once per game command ability that that can be used at the end of any of their movement phases. It allows them to place 1 keyword Courtier, 1 unit of up to 3 Keyword Knights, or 1 unit of up to 20 Serfs wholly within 6" of any board edge and more than 9" from your models. This translates to a few different heroes, cryt(-Flayers/-Horrors), or 20 Cryptghouls. Ideally you want them dead before they get the opportunity to summon.

    Abhorrent Ghoul King on TG:

    Its a Bat-hemoth?!? ridden by an Abhorrant Ghoul King. In addition to having all the warscroll abilities and combat profiles of the Royal Terrorgheist they also have the added attacks and abilities of the Ghoul Kings which ride them.

    The only reason you want them more dead than their baseline version is because of the King's Command ability and spells. Summon Royal Guards lets the AGK on TG summon a unit of 3 Knights (see Crypt Flayers) to the battlefield wholly within 6" of the battle field edge and more than 9" from your stuff once per game. Their spell, Unholy Vitality, lets them give a Flesh-Eater Courts unit within 24" a 5+ save against wounds and mortal wounds.

    Royal Blood also lets these guys heal and automatic D3 wounds in their hero phase.

    Abhorrent Ghoul King on ZD:

    Dragon with finrot ridden by a King with everythingrot. They have the same high rend high damage profile as the standard Royal Zombie Dragon plus the extra abilites of a just-different-enough-from-their-Terrogheist-ridding-brothern-Ghoul-King's abilites that I couldn't combine them into a single entry.

    Okay, so they both have Royal Blood and the same extra combat attacks. Their spells and command abilities are what is different. Summon Courtier allows the AGK on ZD to summon a unit of 1x Courtier (see Vargulf) to the battlefield wholly within 6" of the edge and more than 9" from your stuff. Malefic Hunger lets all friendly Flesh-Eater Courts units wholly within 16" of the caster reroll their hit rolls until their next hero phase.

    Royal Terrogheist:

    Bat-hemoths?!? Reasons you want these dead: high movement, fly, lots of rend, lots of damage, and a warscroll full of special abilities.

    They have a bravery based scream attack similar to Crypt Flayers that does decent mortal wounds. Gaping Maw causes any 6's to hit with their bite to deal 6 mortal wounds. OUCH! Infested causes them to deal d3 mortal wounds to all units within 3" upon the units death. Lastly, Royal Menagerie causes them to heal d3 wounds in each of their hero phases if they are within 6" of a friendly Abhorrant.

    Royal Zombie Dragon:

    These dragons with finrot have lots of damage preceded by lots of rend. Their shooting attack is particularly strong vs units with 6 or more models due to it automatically hitting.

    If these winged shaggy heroes aren't natively in your opponent's list then expect them to summon one. Their attack profile is very respectable. Thanks to King's Champion they get even more fighty when near 10 enemy models or more. Feed on Dark Magic allows to reroll all their hits in the following combat phase if a friendly abhorrent successfully cast a spell in their vicinity.

    If their damage isn't enough to scare you then consider their innate ability Muster Royal Household. This lets them roll six dice. For each 2+ they can return a slain Serfs model (see Crypt Ghouls) or on a 5+ return one Knights model (see Crypt Flayers) to a unit with 10" of the Vargulf.

    Crypt Ghouls:

    These feral undead hordes are the backbone of most FeC. When in units above 20x they jump from 2 attack apiece to 3. Fortunately they only have a 6+ save. This means that only a few attack can reducing their fighting power significantly.

    Crypt Flayers:

    Crypt Ghoul's jock friends. These guys are beefy with 4 wound each and a 5+ save. They are fast with 14" movement and fly. And they pack a punch with 4 attack each at rend -1. Any 6 to hit also does a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. The battle field reach on these guys when inside of a Blisterskin army is ridiculous.

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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
  20. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Legions of Nagash:
    • The General
    • Nagash
    • Arkhan
    • Necromancer
    • Grimghast Reapers
    • Chainrasp Hordes
    • Skeleton Warriors
    The General:
    General's in Legion of Nagash armies have a unique command ability. Endless Legions targets a gravesite within 9" of the General. They may then setup a previously slain summonable Death unit wholly within 9" of that gravesite and more than 9" from enemy models.

    The ultimate edgelord who isn't Archaon. He is a god. Despite his emaciated appearance, Nagash is a beast in combat. He also has a 3+ save and 16 wounds.

    The reason you want Nagash Dead though is because of his hero phase. He is a Wizard with 3 cast and 3 unbinds. Nagash has two base spells. Hand of Dust has a fun little mini game attached to it. If you lose the game Nagash gets to kill an enemy model with 3" of him. Soul Stealer lets the opponent choose an enemy target within 26" and roll 2 dice. If they roll higher than the target unit's bravery then that unit take 3d mortal wounds. If the roll is double or greater than the unit's bravery then that unit suffers d6 mortal wounds. Nagash gets to heal 1 wound for damage dealt by this spell.

    Nagash also knows any spells that any friendly Death Wizards on the table know. His Nine Books of Nagash affect his behemoth wounds table. While at full health he can cast and unbind and extra 5 spells. He also gains bonus to casting and unbinding from the same table, starting at +3 to each!

    Nagash's Deathly Invocation is more invocating. He gets to choose 5 different summonable death units instead of 2 to heal/ressurect d3 wounds to. He also gets to reroll that D3.

    Supreme Lord of Death is Nagash's command ability. It allows all friendly Death units ANYWHERE ON THE TABLE to reroll hits and saves of 1. Oh, all death is also battle shock immume. This last until their next hero phase.


    The gaping wound of a reminder that Tomb Kings are gone. Arkhan is capable in combat. However, he is generally to valuable of a caster to risk in melee.

    He is basically Nagash -1. His Deathly Invocation is 4 units instead of 5, he does still get to reroll the D3 though. He can cast two spells base instead of 3. Kenash-en doesn't give Arkhan any extra spell slots, but it does have a degrading behemoth table that adds bonuses to casting and unbinding: starting at +2.

    Curse of Years is cast on a 6. The caster then picks a visible unit with 18" and rolls 10 dice. For each 6+ the unit takes a mortal wound. For each mortal wound inflicted roll that many dice and for each 5+ deal a mortal wound. This continues with each consecutive roll getting lower until either Curse of Years runs out of dice or the unit is dead.

    First of the Mortarchs is Arkhan's command ability. If used then all Death Wizards within 18" of him get to add 6" to the max range of all their spells.


    Walking Deathly Invocations. These death wizards have the standard womping stick.

    Deathly Invocations allows them Necromancer to choose 2 different nearby and friendly summonable death units to heal/ressurect d3 wounds to.

    Vanhel's Danse Macabre is the why these Death Wizards merit your wrath more than flying deathly invocations. Cast on a 6+ the Necro can choose a summonable Death unit within 18". That unit can pilein and attack twice in the following combat phase instead of only once.

    If Nagash is in their army then you want them dead even more, as each ones that dies is one less spell Nagash knows.

    Grimghast Reapers:
    Elite murdering ghost.

    Chainrasp Hordes:

    Persistent ghostly hordes.

    Skeleton Warriors:

    Arguably the best horde unit in the game for their cost. Slow moving and endless. Skeleton Warriors alongside Chainrasp are the primary objectives holders and takers for LoN. Expect to see Skeletons in MaxSU of 40.

    Skeleton Warriors are generally armed with Spears & Shields to enable them to fight in 3 ranks and add +1 to their save characteristic unless the attack has any rend. The unit's Hornblower helps to make up for Skeleton's slower movement speed by letting the unit automatically take a charge of 6" unless their roll is greater.

    Serve Unto Death causes the unit to gain +1 to their hit rolls so long as they are within 18" of a friendly death hero. This effectively cancels out Spear hitting on 5+'s. Skeleton Legion adds 1 to the unit's attack characteristic while over 20 models or 3 if over 30 models.

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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019

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