When it comes to saurus warriors I paint all the scale on the back regal blue then any skin iceblue and every spike on the back a layer of vermin brown followed by a smaller layer of bleach bone and then a tiny part of it skull white. Then all the gold parts shinning gold and then a layer of asurmen blue and devlan mud... pretty much same way I painted my CoC. Would really recommend try not to paint them all the same color like paint the temple guards darker as they are "older" and the skinks a light color (if your painting all your lizardmen the same colors) if not paint them something that makes them stand out.
Well my skinks have an interesting paint job, basicly I prime black (white would work too) then I paint their bellies, chest, back of legs, and underneath their airms blue, then I blend the color to a bright green on the other side of the model, to do this I do a semi dry brush the colors, while slowly changing the ratio of blue to green as I work my way around to the other side of the model... I know this sounds complicated, but it practice it's not that hard. Look over at my paint blog to see what I am talking about. Ps. mixing your colors on a pallate makes the whole process a lot easier. also you are going to want a little bit of water on your brush, but not much.
Mine are based off a poison dart frog: Body is primed black, then a like drybrush of ultramarines blue over the whole thing. The hands get another, heavier drybrushing of magic blue to make them pop. The back scales get a basecoat of iyanden darksun foundations yellow, then sunburst yellow to give it a nice solid yellow color. I then wash the yellow in the light brown (sepia?) wash so the scales stand out, and pick out each scale with the sunburst yellow. Back spines a black, and the metal trim is done in boltgun, washed with flesh wash, and drybrushed boltgun again to give it a slightly rusty look. Weapons are based in beastial brown, with the trim getting the rusty metal look. The teeth on the hand weapons/spear tips are bleached bone with a bit of white hightlighting. Tip: Washing and Drybrushing are two of the best tricks to learn, it will enable you to make just about everything reasonably well painted. Not golden demon caliber, but definately solid.
I use a very handy technique I learned from teh webz. First I prime the models white, then I wash with Badab black and then I drybrush lightly with skull white. Then just wash on whatever colour you want and BAM! instant highlights all over
I paint my lizards dark red with clean red scales. Basics: Prime black. Skin: 1. Put down a layer of Scorched Brown. 2. Mix Scorched Brown and Blood red 50/50 and paint all areas but those you want the to be shaded. 3. Mix in more Blood red and do the same again, but on smaller areas. 4. Make a Scorched Brown wash with water (30/70) and go over all the areas. 5. Do step 3 again. Scales: 1. Paint all scales with Red Gore. 2. Drybrush with Blood Red. 3. Wash with Chaos Black. Shields: 1. Paint the whole shield Scorched brown. 2. Paint all raised areas with Graveyard Earth. 3. Mix Graveyard Earth and Bleached Bone 50/50 and go over all raised areas again. Light coat, leave some of the previous layer showing. 4. Dark Angels Green wash (30/70) over the whole shield. Gold: 1. Scorched brown. 2. Scorched brown mixed with Shining Gold. 50/50. put down on all but the most shaded areas. 3. Shining Gold on all the non-shaded areas. 4. Shining Gold mixed with Mithril Silver for highlights. 5. Wash with Scorched Brown. Weapons, teeth, claws: 1. Dark grey. 2. Lighter grey. 3. Fortress grey for highlights. Leather stuff: 1. Scorched Brown 2. Scorched Brown mixed with Graveyard Earth. 50/50. 3. Graveyard Earth. Eyes: 1. Scorched Brown. 2. Blazing orange. 3. Chaos black iris. Tongue: 1. Darkish purple. 2. Mix with Skull white for highlights. 20/80. Results: Saurus Champion + Standard - Skinks
I try to use drybrush only on chainmail, nothing else. I also use washes only in very small and controlled amounts as glazes, never in a "bung a wash over it" sense.