AoS Need help whit 1350 points list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Dr.Doom, Sep 10, 2019.

  1. Dr.Doom

    Dr.Doom Active Member

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    Hello, fellow Lizardmen,

    I'll be facing LoN this weekend he will be running a list as follows:

    Mannfred Mortarch of Night – 380

    Vampire Lord - 140

    Necromancer – 130

    5x Black Knights - 120

    5x Black Knights – 120

    40x Skeleton Warriors - 280

    10x Skeleton Warriors - 80

    10x Skeleton Warriors – 80

    A total of 1330

    I need help building a list from the following units:

    1x Saurus Oldblood

    1x Skink Starpriest

    1x Saurus Sunblood

    1x Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur

    1x Lord Kroak

    1x Slann Starmaster

    1x Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One

    1x Saurus Astrolith Bearer

    20x Saurus Warriors

    15x Saurus Knights

    3x Terradon Riders

    10x Saurus Guard

    1x Bastiladon

    1x Troglodon

    I'm currently thinking of going whit the following:

    Slann Starmaster – 260

    Skink Starpriest – 80

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer – 160

    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One – 100

    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur – 240

    5x Saurus Knights – 80

    5x Saurus Knights - 80

    5x Saurus Knights - 80

    3x Terradon Riders – 120

    Firelance Starhost – 150

    A total of 1350

    My plan is to take out Mannfred round 1 or 2 because after that he´ll lose almost all of his moveability.

    I´ll buff Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur up whit Serpent Staff and pop Ancient Warlord LoST him in plus put make sure his in combat whit either Terradon Riders or Knights so he can´t escape or charge other units.

    That will hopefully bring him down and my opponent will lose a lot of confidence.

    What do you guys think?
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I like it.

    If you will be playing with the Malign Sorcery book then you should consider the Realm of Ulgu for your realm of origin. If you do then putting Doppelganger's Cloak on the Oldblood will give you more options with dictating the activation sequence in the combat phase once per game. This can be very helpful for ganging up on Manfred. You might also consider using your second artefact slot to give you ScV on CO the Betrayer's Crown. It is pretty fanominal at thinning down hordes. Try to save it till after the Necromancer is dead and his ability to resurrect them is diminished.

    After Manfred falls your next priority should be to lock down gravesites and kill his Necromancer. Keep resummoning your Terradons and Carno with CCP.

    Not sure exactly how many points you will be playing at, but if you drop the ScV on CO and the Firelance Starhost then you can add in a Bastiladon to put you are 1380. If you are playing below 1500 and matched play then you are only allowed 4 hero slots anyways.
    Lizerd and Dr.Doom like this.
  3. Dr.Doom

    Dr.Doom Active Member

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    We are just getting started, so to not get confused we are just using the battletomes artifacts.

    But I really like the idea and will use it further on.

    We Are playing the maximum points that we own basically, he only have the 1330.

    Yeah, I know but I can argue that we are closer to 1500 which should allow 1 extra hero.

    But I see your point.

    I'll only play whit 2 friends now but moving toward playing at local clubs, so I'm all for following matched play rules.

    I'm might be able to convince him to take a command point instead of the extra 50 I'm taking whit the Basildon.

    Do you think the Basildon is a better choice?

    I really want to try the SVoCO, the warscroll looks interesting
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  4. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I think the Bastiladon will give you some needed reach to finish off enemy heroes and weaken his Black Knights while they move up field. You should try out Firelance though. Anytime you want to try out a battalion/hero then that is the right choice :D
    Lizerd and Dr.Doom like this.
  5. Dr.Doom

    Dr.Doom Active Member

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    Then I'm going to try it out.:D

    Does Ancient Warlord stack whit Fury of the Seraphon again if the second or third round goes of?

    Also an update concerning what my opponent will bring:

    Mannfred Mortarch of Night – 380

    Vampire Lord - 140

    Necromancer – 130

    10x Black Knights - 240

    30x Skeleton Warriors - 240

    30x Skeleton Warriors - 240

    A total of 1370

    so ill be 20 points under whit my list.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  6. Dr.Doom

    Dr.Doom Active Member

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    So the game went unbelievable good, I crushed my opponent.

    I had killed all of his heroes at the start of round 3, whit total board control.

    I'm thinking of writing a battle report, I might do it later this week.

    Thanks for all the help.
    LizardWizard and Aginor like this.
  7. NorthernLizardLord

    NorthernLizardLord New Member

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    Please do, I'd love to hear how this crushing went.

    I went with Firelance for my first game/tourney, and it was a ton of fun. Glad you had success with it too. I'm going to upgrade my list with a Slaan like yours, since my first game was 1000pts, and the next tournament is going up to 1250. Maybe I'll post a batrep of that as well.
    LizardWizard and Dr.Doom like this.
  8. Dr.Doom

    Dr.Doom Active Member

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    I'll do a very short version of it here:

    Round 1: I win the roll-off and take the lead, he had put Mannfred in the middle of the field and I had positioned my SVoCO, OBoC and Terradon riders so they were able to charge right into him after movement.

    I buff up the Old blood on carnosaurs whit skink starpriests serpents staff.

    First off the Terradon riders shots him whit sunbleached bolas doing some damage, after that they all charge into him killing him before he can attack back.

    On his turn, he uses he's skeleton warriors to kill off my Terradons.

    Round 2: He gets the double turn and gets to my carnosaurs, he miraculously survives all the hits from the 30 unit blob of warriors, he hits back and gets to 6 on wounds som he does like 18+ damage.

    On my turn, I LoST the SVoCO and OBoC to the back and so they can charge his Necromancer, so he dies and my OBoC also dies from his skeleton warriors.

    But I summon a Bastilladon and together whit my knights, together they annihilate his black knights unit of 10 that pop up to challenge one of my objectives.

    Round 3: he gets the roll-off again and does some repositioning and attacks my SVoC whit 10 skeleton warriors and he's vampire lord, my SVoC kills of the vampire lord whit ease.

    He calls the game after that.

    I think that knights are a very good unit compared to Warriors, they have the same amount of wounds but the knights have 2 more attacks and a small chance of extra mortal wounds.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  9. NorthernLizardLord

    NorthernLizardLord New Member

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    Thanks for the battle report! Sounds like you truly dominated that game.

    Knights are great. They're also battleline, which is awesome. If they suit your style of play and you don't mind not having blobs of Saurus, then by all means go for the knights.
    LizardWizard and Dr.Doom like this.

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