7th Ed. Lizardmen Vs. Dwaves, My enemies 1500 point list.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Scaper, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. Scaper

    Scaper New Member

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    I"m building a Lizardmen Army and my friend is building Dwarves. His style of play is going to be very shooty. At 1502 his list is as follows.

    The Shooty Dwarf Army

    120 Organ Gun

    240 Four Bolt Throwers with Engineers

    125 Canon with Master Rune of Forging

    280 Ten Thunderers (Two Squads)

    320 Fifteen Man Warrior Squad with Full Command (Two Squads)

    217 Sixteen Man Long Beard Squad with full command

    90 Thane with Army Standard

    110 Thane with Master Rune of Gromril and Rune of Cleaving

    My list is going to look something like this. The Anti-Shooty Dwarf Army.

    810 Twenty Man Saurus Unit with Full Command ( Three Squads)

    180 Ten Skink Skirmishers (Three Squads)

    190 Three Lizard Salamander Hunting Pack

    135 Nine Chameleon Skinks

    182 One Scar Veteran with Spawning of Itzl and Quetzl, a cold one, Scimitar of the Sun, Light Armor and a shield. This gives him a 0+ armor save and seven attacks on the charge that hit on threes and wound on threes leaving the dwarves with a 6+ save. Not to mention the cold one might get lucky and snag one.

    Total of 1497.

    My thoughts.
    I"m considering liquidating one of the saurus squads and throwing in some calvary or maybe even some Terradons, ... as for the Chamelion Skinks, they're on probation, depending on how they handle Dwaves high armor saves. I doubt his warrior squads can stand up to a double charge of Saurus, I"m hoping I can break one of the squads and just smash his line while the skinkings and Chameleon skinks and maybe the Scar Vet worry them down. The chameleons are going after the organ gun I think. Hmm.... another thing, the Scar Vet still might get turned into a JSOD.

    I figure as Dwarves trying to outcast him would be nigh impossible so this list has no magic in it.

    Question, if he fires a cannon into my Skink Skirmishers can it bounce into the Saurus squads behind them?

    Anyone have any thoughts on this matchup?
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    With the amount of shooting your friend is bringing, I think that you should seriously reconsider the approach you are taking. Now I generally have nothing but good words for Saurus ;) , but against a shooty list like this your Saurus are going to be severely depleted before they get to the warrior units. With m4, and the fact that thunderer fire is very accurate, you'll see your screen quickly shrink if they stay in front of the Saurus. Remember it only takes several skink casualties for a bolt thrower to be able to skewer a rank of Saurus. Consider also that you're spending ~800 pts to deal with ~510 pts, which because of the BSB and point distribution are their only to hold off your R&F from his gunline (and the majority of your army is R&F)

    (1) You need more anti-warmachine/thunderer units. Terradons are indeed a good idea, as a unit of 3/4 should be able to break a warmachine on average in 1/2 turns (assuming an engineer). A JSoD will probably also be a better idea as you've kitted him out to deal with R&F and in all likelihood with a master rune of gromril your opponent will challenge your Scar Vet. right off the bat.

    (2) Be very wary of sending chamo skinks against organ guns, as the organ gun's autohits will make those 15 pt a pop skinks not very useful.

    (3) If you have kroxigor I would suggest using them, as at m6, theyll be able to make it to your opponent 1 turn swifter. Alternatively, you can screen a unit of cold one riders with a unit of skinks, and once ur within 16-18" just move the skink screen aside and use a huanchi totem to launch a charge.

    (4) If your addament about Saurus, get more screening skinks, IMO.

    and just as a note

    *1* Yes, a cannonball can bounce through a unit of skinks and land in your Saurus.

    *2* Unless I am mistaken, a bolt thrower is not 1-2 for one special choice in the current Dwarf list. Just double check with your opponents army book, as ive only browsed their new book.
  3. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Welcome to the site mate, I hope you pick up some good tips here :)

    Does the scar-vet have a unit? I would probably recommend you find one for him since he's going to be the target of a lot of shooting I would say. Remember that your 0+ won't be worth anything against cannons and bolt throwers which both ignore saves (and do D3 wounds)

    Dwarf bolt throwers are 1-2 per special choice :)
  4. Scaper

    Scaper New Member

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    Thanks for the suggestions Toa and Hambey, to be honest I"ve never played a game of Fantasy in my life. I"m getting the Lizzies together now but I only have about half of what I'll need. I wasn't sure how well all the fire would wear down on the Saurus units, my thought was that I could hit the dwarves hard enough to break em and massacre into the warmachines. I think my buddy plans on keeping a pretty tight formation in order to protect his artillery from my fast units. Hmmm.... Kroxigors and Terradons, maybe I'll phase out the Chamelion Skinks in favor of some a regular skink squad deployed as scouts, then drop a Saurus block in favor of Terradons and Kroxies. Once I get these things up and run I'll let you all know how it works out, another thing is I think a JSOD will be a lot cheaper than the way I have him speced now. Well thanks again guys, I appreciate the help.

    Oh another thing I wanted to ask about, terrain. I"ve played 40k for years and I've never really been a stickler about terrain, probly should have been with my Dark Eldar though. Anyway a big part of my friends plan is going to be bringing in a hill and putting all of his artillary on the hill with the warriors at the bottom. I was going to bring in a big wall and just cut the board in half with it limiting his line of sight if he brings the hill. Is this a common occurence in fantasy games, for people to bring their own terrain?
  5. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    lol, you can't just "bring a hill" and deploy it as thought it were part of your army list! If he's been doing that then he's not been playing very fairly.

    Usually you randomly generate the terrain pieces or if you have only a few pieces to choose from then randomly generate where it is placed on the table.

    If it ends up with a hill in one deployment zone you still get to roll for sides so all is not lost. :)
  6. Scaper

    Scaper New Member

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    Thanks, I didn't think it worked like, I have to read up on Terrain, we havn't played any games yet but I thought his theory was kind of weak. I didn't realize that Kroxigors are hitting with a -4 to armor saves. That's pretty solid against dwarves.

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