AoS Bases for Tournaments

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by A_Reptile_Dysfunction, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. A_Reptile_Dysfunction
    Cold One

    A_Reptile_Dysfunction Well-Known Member

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    I have rebased my WHFB days Stegadon on a base made from an old movement tray cut to exact size using my Trogolodon base as a template. Does it matter what material your bases are made out of at a competitive tournament as long as they are round/oval and of the correct size for the model on it as stipulated by GW?

    The guidelines for the tournament are:

    “Each player needs to have a fully painted & based army using suitable models to represent
    their units on appropriate round or oval bases as per the GW basing guide (please contact us beforehand if you are unsure). Any models which do not meet this minimum standard listed will be removed from the table. The player will also incur a 10 sigil penalty. We really don’t want to have to do this, so please make sure you check prior to the event. Please note that What You See Is What You Get is still a thing!!”

    The only thing I can find resembling a “GW basing guide is this -

    As far as I can tell I should be okay considering it’s the correct shape and size and it doesn’t say anywhere that it HAS to be a plastic GW type base?

    What are people’s thought, is there another guide I’ve missed or do you think I’m good?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Material doesn't matter. The one issue for tournaments will be if you have non-GW brand sculpted bases. If you go to an event that streams the top tables and you have any IP from other companies then you might be asked to use a substitute model or forfeit.
    A_Reptile_Dysfunction likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, materials don't matter, up til the dimensions are the right ones.

    That said:

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  4. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Also, what happened to the original AoS rule that the old, ninety degree corner bases from WFB would always be allowed?
    A_Reptile_Dysfunction likes this.
  5. A_Reptile_Dysfunction
    Cold One

    A_Reptile_Dysfunction Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the responses guys, I did send a picture to the TO in the end and they were more than happy with the base.

    Just thought I’d double check here to make sure I covered all bases... yeah, I’m here all week!
  6. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Yep. Top Tables at LVO could only use intellectual property from GW. If they had micro art or other sculpted bases then they had to find replacement models, because those top tables were streamed. To my knowledge that is also the case with GW sponsored events as well.

    GW decided to not continue with the base rules from 1st ed. However, most events I have been too are find with using WHFB squares so that players don't have to change their older armies. Some events are needless strict about it though. Most TOs will rule in favor of the person on rounds over squares if an issue of pile-ins, objective control, ect related to base sizes is every an issue though.

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