AoS TrevBot's Battle Reports

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by TrevBot, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    Hello all!

    I had my first few games this weekend and had a ton of fun!
    • Blades of Khorne vs Casual Shitty List
    • Blades of Khorne vs Shadowstrike
    • Nagash list vs Shadowstrike (Silly, silly match)
    I unfortunately did not take any pictures for my first two games, but I'll do my best to explain what happened.

    Game 1 (1,000 Points) : Seraphon vs Blades of Khorne

    My list was terrible here, I just wanted to run as many models as possible that I had available in a list. I was also really excited to use both a Carnosaur & Bastiladon.

    • Skink Starpriest (General)
      • Master of Star Rituals
      • Stellar Tempest
    • Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur
      • Doppleganger Cloak
    • Skinks x 10
      • Boltspitters + Shields
    • Skinks x 10
      • Boltspitters + Shields
    • Skinks x 10
      • Boltspitters + Shields
    • Skinks x 10
      • Boltspitters + Shields
    • Razordons x 3
    • Bastiladon
    • Bloodsecrator (General)
    • Korghos Khul
    • Bloodstoker
    • Blood Warriors x 10
    • Bloodreavers x 40
    Other Units:
    • Flesh Hounds x 5
    • Garrek's Reavers x 5

    Battleplan: Shifting Objectives
    Not sure if this was the exact name, but the one where you roll at the start of each round to see which objective is worth 3 points and the other 2 are worth 1.

    Screen Shot 2019-09-16 at 9.46.10 PM.png

    Turn 1: Blades of Khorne
    He took first turn, and ran up to get as close to each of the 3 objectives as possible. With his big block of 40 heading right towards the 3 point objective in the middle. However, terrible run rolls prevented him from getting within 6" of any objective.

    Screen Shot 2019-09-16 at 9.52.26 PM.png
    Score: 0 - 0

    Turn 1: Seraphon
    Buffed Carnosaur with Skink Starpriest (Celestial Rites + Serpent Staff) then use LoSaT on Star Priest to get him into range of the 40 block of Bloodreavers. Attempted to cast Stellar Tempest and had it unbound by Flesh Hounds.

    Moved all units of skinks to be just barely within 6" of all 3 objectives. Moved Carnosaur to about 10" away from Flesh Hounds.

    Shot Flesh Hounds with Bastiladon + Oldblood to bring the unit down to 1 model. Shot Garreck's Reavers with Skinks and CLEARED the entire unit.

    Failed Carnosaur charge.

    Screen Shot 2019-09-16 at 10.09.54 PM.png
    Score: 5 - 0 (Seraphon)

    Turn 2: Seraphon (DOUBLE TURN!)
    Was super excited to get my double turn. I ended up using LoSaT on my Carnosaur to get him 9" from Bloodsecrator with intent to charge it. Buffed Razordons this time with Skink Starpriest. Attempted (and failed) ANOTHER cast of Stellar Tempest on Bloodreavers.

    Moved Razordons slightly up behind a unit of Skinks barely within middle objective, everything else stayed in place.

    Shot Blood Warriors with Bastiladon doing 5 wounds. Shot Bloodsecrator with Old Blood for a big ol' whiff. Every Skink missed their shots. Razordons were not in range.

    Whiffed my charge for Carnosaur, leaving him now in range of the remaining Flesh Hound.

    Screen Shot 2019-09-16 at 10.23.21 PM.png
    Score: 5 - 0 (Seraphon)
    Actual Score: 10 - 0 (Seraphon)

    Another rule oopsie. My opponent was adamant that points only accrue at the end of BOTH turns.

    Turn 2: Blades of Khorne
    He used 5 blood to cast Brass Skull Meteor on my Skinks, Razordons, Starpriest doing several mortal wounds to each. Then used 5 blood to reinforce his unit of Flesh Hounds. Then another 3 blood to summon a Skullmaster near my Carnosaur.
    • We later learned this was MASSIVELY wrong. He also summoned these outside of the 12" range of a hero.
    Long story short he charges my Carnosaur with the reinforced Flesh Hounds & Skullmaster and kills it. I attempted to use Doppleganger Cloak, but attacked his Flesh Hounds right before being killed by Skullmaster, misunderstanding that attacking means it doesn't work.

    He also wiped 3 units of skinks and was now within striking range of my Bastiladon, Razordons & Starpriest with 30+ Bloodreavers and 8 Blood Warriors supported by a Bloodstoker, Korghos Khul & Bloodsecrator.

    Screen Shot 2019-09-16 at 10.33.18 PM.png
    Score: 5 - 2 (Seraphon)
    Actual Score 10 - 2 (Seraphon)

    Turn 3: Blades of Khorne
    I went ahead and conceded at this point after he got the double turn.

    I was sad learning later that after you spend blood tide you lose ALL of it. Also we did points wrong, I wouldn't have conceded this game and had a much better chance at the battle if things went as they should. Plus my mistake with the cloak meant deep striking my carnosaur was a dumb, dumb move.

    Up next, a much more even battle with Lizardwizard's Shadowstrike 1k List!

    EDIT: I made a silly MSPAINT mockup for each round!

    (Also JOHN MADDEN!)
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    I would say that was a win, even if it didn’t end like one. The fact that you controlled the objectives and the misreading of the rules by your opponent still should count as a win. Overall very well played and your battle report style is very cool!
    LizardWizard and TrevBot like this.
  3. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    Thank you! I decided to add some pictures to help visualize what happened.

    Will post the next battle tomorrow!

    EDIT: Will post soon! (been busy)
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2019
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I also like the painted battle plan report style. :)
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  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, Blood Tide is nice but limited in its usage.
    I'm sad you losed a game that you was winning, by correct rules…

    nice BatRep style
    TrevBot and LizardWizard like this.
  6. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    Game 2: (1,000 points) : Seraphon vs Blades of Khorne

    • Skink Starpriest (General)
      • Miasmatic Blade
      • Master of Star Rituals
      • Meteoric Convocation
    • Skinks x 10
      • Boltspitters & Shields
    • Skinks x 10
      • Boltspitters & Shields
    • Skinks x 10
      • Boltspitters & Shields
    • Razordons x 3
    • Razordons x 3
    • Ripperdactyl Raiders x 6
    • Shadowstrike Starhost
    • Bloodsecrator (General)
    • Korghos Khul
    • Bloodstoker
    • Blood Warriors x 10
    • Bloodreavers x 40
    • Flesh Hounds x 5
    • Garrek's Reavers x 5

    Battleplan: The Better Part of Valor
    Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 11.56.00 AM.png

    I had fewer drops and chose to go first. He left his Korghos Khul & Bloodsecrator open for a ripper drop, figured it was best to take advantage of that mistake even though he was likely to just move up and do nothing with first turn. Moved skinks & priest up using Shadowstrike.

    Turn 1: Seraphon
    Cast Celestial Rites & Serpent Staff on one group of Razordons, then LoSaT them behind enemy lines on the northern edge of the map as close to the 9" as possible.

    Brought Rippers down right behind his Bloodstoker & Korghos Khul. Moved 3 groups of skinks to be just barely within 6" of each of my objectives. Moved Razordons to just behind the center group of skinks to be screened by them. Starpriest is next to Razordons. Thought pattern here was to force him to come to me and still barely hold those objectives by making him have to travel as far as possible.

    Shot with Razordons into the large group of Bloodreavers dealing 8 wounds, giving him 8 blood tide. They were also within range of the Bloodstoker, which ended up being a big mistake on my part.

    Charged with rippers into his two heroes, making it with ease. Unfortunately, their positioning means I'd pull in most of his army after the charges. Decided to do it anyway.

    Rippers were overwhelmingly successful, absolutely wrecking the two heroes before even getting to vicious beak attacks. This was due to great rolls on my part (I don't think I missed a single roll) and horrible saves on his part. He then piled in with his warriors & hounds which was enough to wipe the entire unit.

    Score: 0 - 0 (I held all 3 objectives near me)

    Turn 1: Blades of Khorne
    My opponent was really demoralized after the rippers tore into his heroes. With his 10 blood tide he then summoned a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage spending 8. It appeared near the southern objective nearest to him.

    Moved Garrek's Reavers to the top objective, and moved the center mass of his force to his center objective. Nothing within range of charges or attacks. The unit of 5 hounds moved into position for a charge on my Razordons that took a chunk out of his horde of 40.

    Hounds made the charge and did surprisingly only 1 wound to my unit of Razordons.

    Score: 0 - 0 (Both sides each hold their 3 objectives)

    Turn 2: Seraphon
    Spying his northern objective, I used LoSaT on my deep striking Razordons to put them within 9" of his Garrek's Reavers and within 6" of the objective. I cast the same two buffs onto my other squad of Razordons near my Starpriest (because why not).

    No movement on my turn, I still want to keep my units as far back as possible while holding my 3 back objectives.

    Shoot the squad of 5 Garrek's Reavers killing 3, barely giving me control of his objective!

    Nothing within range of combat or charges, then I burned that objective earning me 2 points.

    Score: 2 - 0 (Seraphon)

    Turn 2: Blades of Khorne
    This is where the game sorta fizzled out. He was ready to give up stating that with teleports and the amount of time it would take him to get over to my side means that it was impossible for him to win. We did some theory crafting and I told him to not give up.

    What we decided was he was going to attempt to clear out my unit of Razordons near my north objective. If he failed he would give up. They made the charge and killed 1 of 3 of the unit, then offered the handshake.

    Score: 2 - 0 (Seraphon)

    I'm sad that this one ended so quickly. I felt I did have very good chance of taking this one, but not enough of a solid lead to necessitate an early quit.

    My plan was the following:
    - Keep most of my force back at 3 x objectives, forcing my opponent to come to me.
    - Teleport Razordons with following target priority (Bloodthirster > Bloodstoker > Horde of 32 > Blood Warriors)
    - When the enemy was close to my side, teleport to any open objective on his end and burn it. Then, potentially burn my side.

    I explained the above to my opponent, and he stated he likely couldn't stop that and decided to call it. My suggestion at the time to him after he gave the handshake was to leave his reavers / warriors on his two objectives and send his hounds/bloodthirster to my side to take my objectives. He unfortunately felt confident that my units of razordons could take out the bloodthirster and that would be game.

    Honestly, my opinion on this is it would have been a really close victory favoring me as long as the bloodthirster rolled bad otherwise it would be a horrible loss.

    What I could've done better: TAKE OUT THE BLOODSTOKER instead of doing 8 x wounds to a unit of 40. That would have prevented him from summoning his Bloodthirster and netted me a super easy win.

    NOTE: MSPAINT pictures coming soon!
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
    Warden, Aginor and LizardWizard like this.
  7. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    Game 3 (1,000 Points) : Seraphon vs Legions of Nagash
    This was a silly match, but I really enjoyed it. I used the same list as Game 2.

    • Nagash
    • Zombies x 10 (he used chain rasp as a proxy)
    • Skeletons x 10

    Battleplan: Custom! This battle was basically a test of my shadow strike list to see how much damage rippers can put out in a single turn. We had 1 central objective on the board worth 1 point per turn.

    Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 2.09.51 PM.png

    Deployment: Sadly no picture for this, I forgot to take one until after I started moving things. I took first turn as we were both 3 drop and I started deploying first.

    Turn 1: Seraphon
    Cast Celestial Rites & Serpent Staff on 3 x Razordons, then LoSaT to get them within 9" of Nagash behind his lines.

    Shot Nagash with 3 x Razordons and did I believe 9 wounds with only 5 going through after his feel no pain rolls.

    Dropped in 6 x Rippers within 3" of Nagash, then easily made my charge to get within range.


    Ended up doing around 5 more wounds with spears/claws. Then with vicious beaks and rerolls ended up turning 18 attacks into something like 40-50 hit rolls. Then of that roll did somewhere around 25 wounds, of which only 8 wounds went through doing JUST barely enough damage to kill him before he even got to move.


    Turn 1: Legions of Nagash
    He went ahead and threw out the handshake, a also sent a few choice words my way about how insane rippers are.

    This was more of a test than a real battle, but it was still a lot of fun and both sides really laughed at how absurd the rolls ended up being with those rippers.

    To make sure we did this correctly though the sequence of attacks with vicious beaks for Blot Toads are as follows:

    - For a unit of 6 you roll 18 dice.
    - For every HIT you get roll that dice again (don't save the original HIT) as a D3 to get your total number of HITS.
    - Roll the total number of HITS to get your WOUNDS.
    - Everything is pretty much normal from here.
    Warden, Aginor and LizardWizard like this.
  8. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    I've got my Slann, Banner, and Engine of the Gods coming this Wednesday. Also will be ordering a second Bastilodon so I'm super excited to get some 2k games in soon. I'll post them up once they happen and will make sure to take pictures!
    LizardWizard likes this.
  9. A_Reptile_Dysfunction
    Cold One

    A_Reptile_Dysfunction Well-Known Member

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    I think your Khorne opponent needs to look at how blood tithe points work properly.

    You get a blood tithe point for each “unit” destroyed, not each model which I think may be the case if I read your report correctly. If he’s managed to summon a Bloodthirster of IR on the first turn he’s likely got no army left as 8 of his (or your) units should have died.
    LizardWizard and TrevBot like this.
  10. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    :eek: Holy crap!

    Yeah we had no idea, thanks for the heads up! No ill intensions or anything, we're all new to the game and are just playing each other at the moment.
  11. A_Reptile_Dysfunction
    Cold One

    A_Reptile_Dysfunction Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I completely understand. I’ve had the same with my local opponent as we are both recently returning to the hobby with AoS. He’s plays Khorne too, be careful of the Bloodthirsters area of effect “outrageous carnage” it’s nasty!
    TrevBot and LizardWizard like this.
  12. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Well played. Shadowstrike at 1k is very fun to pilot!
    TrevBot likes this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Cool board!
    TrevBot and LizardWizard like this.

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