AoS So if you were collecting 1 army from each Grand alliance?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by samheim, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Yes Seraphon's are great, but the thing is, I have to collect all the armies myself. I can find people to give me games, but they would not be into buying and painting them themselves. Which is fine.

    I could never just collect one army anyway. The problem I have is, every AoS army I look at I want to collect!

    But I have narrow it down to a plan now. I am going to try and collect one army from each Grand Alliance. Excluding Stormcast, because they kind of don't count, as everybody has them anyway.

    So for Order It's going to be:
    Serephon, Stormcast

    Death = Nighthaunt

    Chaos = This is a really hard one for me, because there are so many Chaos options I really love.
    Except for Tzeench, which is just not my thing for some reason.

    I really like slaves to darkness, was thinking about getting some and painting them in a slannesh theme and combining with some demons. For some reason the AoS demon prince model is one of my favourite models.

    Khorne, Really love Khorne. The only thing I have against them, is the start collecting boxes are crap, because they don't have anything big that comes with them.

    And yea Nurgle is perfect as well. The blight kings are some amazing models, and the start collecting boxes are awesome. The only thing that makes me not dive right in, is because I already own Nurgle for 40k.

    Destruction is easy tho, It will definitely definitely be, Beast Claw Raiders. That's not to say I don't love orcs and goblins. But BCR have some really nice models, and very cheap and easy to build army from. I like the idea of only having to paint 10 models and your army is complete! Very refreshing!

    I work out that for me to paint a miniature it will take me about 2-3 hours. But I do it over the course of a day.

    The assembly line thing, doesn't work for me. I can assembly line them in the early stages, Where I paint them all the base colours. But ultimately it comes down to painting and highlighting all the details. I don't even think assbley lining them would make that process any faster. As for instance while I am waiting for the wash to dry on one thing, I am edge highlighting another thing. That's the main reason I probably won't be going for another high model count army.

    So what factions would you collect?
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    i would wait to start collecting STD and BCR they are currently the worst armies in the game but there are rumors about a new ogres book and slaves should be the next big chaos release
    as for the question
    death osiark bone reapers i like the construct idea and some of the models are really cool
    destruction iron jaws just for the maw crusher i like me some cabbage
    chaos i have a inherent distaste for chaos (hense why i run seraphon) but if you twisted my arm probably khorn
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Death: Legions of Nagash. I just like the regular classic Skeletons.

    Order: Well, Seraphon obviously. But the second place goes to the forces of nature, the Sylvaneth

    Chaos: Beastmen. I don't know why. Maybe it is their wildness. I also like Khorne Daemons though.

    Destruction: I like the idea of Gargants and/or Troggoths. That or Bonesplitterz.
    The least interesting Grand alliance for me though.
  4. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Yes, agreed, I understand STD and BCR are not the best armies at all. But I just love the aesthetics of them.

    All the armies I am building will be about 1500 points each. So 5 armies is only 7500 points. Some of you guys on here probably have that many points in Skinks alone!

    BCR I view as a "free" army, because you only have to paint 10 or so fantastic looking models.

    STD I can buy the Godsworn warband and that is basically the army there. But Nurgle might edge out because you have to paint much less Nurgle miniatures.

    Seraphon is a love hate thing as far as painting goes, I loved painting the Troglodon and the old blood. But the knights were hard work, and the I am not sure if I ever find the motivation to paint the Saurus warriors anything above the bare minimum.

    Stormcast, are like Ultramarines, extremely hard to work out the process to paint them. I am now at a point where I am happy with how my stormcast look to me. But its very time consuming to do each model. The first goes I tried to paint them, was like my first goes with Ultramarines. Horrendous.

    And I am sure now, many expert painters would cringe at my Stormcast, but its only about where I am happy with them. And for that they have to be as neat as I can do them etc.

    Nighthaunt is an army like Seraphon, as in they are fun to paint early on, when base coating, dry brushing and washing, blending etc, but putting the details in becomes extremely repetitive.
    Erta Wanderer and LizardWizard like this.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    not quite i only have 1000 and if you like them go for it for beast claw the best army build is a stone horn with ethereal amulet and yetties i can't help you with STD i don't do chaos

    im not a fan of painting honestly im painfully slow at it contrast paints realy help but even then its taken me 5 monthes to paint most of my army i just bukle down and grind it out probably takes me 45 minuts for a troop modle 4 hours for a hero and 8 for a behemoth
    Womboski, LizardWizard and samheim like this.
  6. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    The only reason I say this, is not to put down Seraphon. Stormcast are fantastic models, and when you finish painting a Sequitor the best you can, you really feel like it was worth while. However with Saurus warriors and Saurus knights, its hard to get over that however good you paint them, they are some old models, that just don't favourable compare to some of GW's new stuff. But of course there are some great models in the Seraphon line as well, just not the rank and file.

    Nighthaunt is kind of like, deep down you know that your wet blending is never going to compare to how the wet blending was done on the box. And you already know you kind of fail at that point, because Nighthaunt are only about the wet blending on the robes. Sure you can fight on and finish them and poke in the details. But you know that you are so far away, that it's hard to get excited about them. Where as Stormcast, if you really do put the time in, you can get something not one million miles away from how they are suppose to look. (Yes I understand that its relative etc, but...)
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    it just tales time and pashence im a lot better then when i started and given time you will be to (and don't worry im bad at wet blending to)and don't count us out we have a lot of potential for great painting. check out these guys by never raven if you wan't to feel horribly inadiquit
    LizardWizard and samheim like this.
  8. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I realise early on that, most of the hobby was painting. I wanted to have already painted armies, but I knew that was not going to happen unless I painted them myself. I worked hard to get into painting. I have 0 artistic talent. But I did watch the Vince Venturella channel and some others on youtube, and with perseverance, they have helped me become a not 100% crap painter. But I understand the feeling when its painful to pick up the paintbrush. And I feel like now, I really enjoy painting and look forward to picking up the brush and having ago. That to me is probably more important then how well the models come out looking. Also a lot of techniques I learned about early on, like edge highlighting. I am only now just starting to be able to use it effectively. As it took me a lot of practise to make sense of it. Such as working out, how to get the paint the right consistency and how to only dip tiny end of brush in paint, then dab off and only paint a little bit before refreshing. Also now I feel pretty confident about mixing paint.

    So yea that's what I would say to anyone, painting is the unavoidable brick one is going to have to eat to get their army to the table top, so work on making that fun.
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  9. Boshea

    Boshea Active Member

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    Order: Besides Seraphon, probably Stormcast. Like Marines in 40k, if you are playing order its not a bad choices to dip in to. Also Stardrakes. I've looked into DoK and slayers, but the limited model ranges makes lists really similar compared to other order choices. Be interestimg to see what the cities book brings to tge alliance.

    Chaos:Right now my pick would be doing Skaven, pestilense specifically. Kind of want to see how a proper Slaves to Darkness book shakes up Chaos before making a call on mortals. Khorne is my god of choice for a mortal force, however bloodbound just hasnt interested me.

    Death: Despite the limited range, Flesh eaters just because of the crazy lore you can do with them to give your army character. Ossiarch may shake things up for death sonce I do like the skeleton range, but didnt like how Legions played.

    Destruction: Looked at doing Bloodtoofs for Ironjaws and Squigs in Gloomspites. The alliance really needs the Orruk and a proper Ogre books to be on level with the other alliances.
    samheim and Erta Wanderer like this.
  10. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Order: Nothing but Seraphon :cool:

    Chaos: I despise all of the daemon types... Skaven have a good range of models, but i prefer the Beasts of Chaos.

    Death: Legions of Nagash, skeletons all the way (Tomb Kings still in my blood)

    Destruction: At the moment i am starting an Ironjawz army(Bloodtoofs), so that will be my pick for Destruction.

    Gr, Imrahil
  11. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Serphon, Tzeentch suplemented with slaves of darkness & I kinda want to start a squig army, they're funny.

    I also have a significant amount of skaven, and tried starting some nurgle stuff, but it's getting a bit much to all maintain. Probably should finish one of the armies first :p

    I tried starting a nighthaunt army after I got some spirit hosts and really liked painting them. But the other nighthaunt I reaaaally don't like painting. So that rather fell through.
    Womboski, LizardWizard and samheim like this.
  12. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Lol that's how I feel, like I am maintaining all these armies. They are never finished, and always need updating.

    I really think, I am going to just stick to Nighthaunt, Stormcast and Seraphon. At least until I have 2000points of each finished. I am not buying a Chaos or Destruction army for the foreseeable future because it just means another distraction.

    This hobby quickly becomes a full time job really. I might start to print up some time sheets, and set targets for when each unit or character is expected to be painted by.
  13. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Try building it a battalion at a time. That'd allow you to switch between several armies without it becoming too overwhelming and does allow you to eventually fill out your entire roster.
    LizardWizard, Imrahil and samheim like this.
  14. HelloBear

    HelloBear Member

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    Ignoring the new Cities of Sigmar book that's about to drop:

    Order: Wanderers. I remember being so torn between Wood Elves and Lizardmen when I was younger. Not into the forest spirits really so Sylvaneth can go hang. Or a mix of kharadron overlords and dispossessed.

    Death: Legions of Nagash. Go skelly or go home (still not over TK snif). I am still on the fence about the Ossiarch Bonereapers

    Chaos: I hate all Chaos and Skaven even more, so probable Beastmen?

    Destruction: Gloomspite Gitz? (Is that what night goblins are now, I am so out of the loop)
  15. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Dayum, I broke my own rule so quickly. Just bought a Blades Of Khone army.

    My plan is to keep it in a safe place for a while though. I am going to build it up but not do any painting of it, until I finish the Seraphon.

    I think that, my plan now is just to finish buying the parts for the armies. Then I won't buy anything else for probably a whole year. Of course we all know that is an absolute lie.
    Imrahil and HelloBear like this.
  16. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Daemons or mortals?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  17. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Mortals all the way. Was thinking about mixing them with some demons, but nah...

    Instead of buying a blood thirster I am gonna add 6 Mighty Blood Crushers instead. I think that fulfils a similar role.

    But back to the task at hand. Have to think hard about next purchases for Seraphon. Either going to another start collecting box (but its exhausting to work through) or a box of skinks and a basilidon.
  18. Schwaaah

    Schwaaah Active Member

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    This seems like fun, so what the hell.

    Order: Seraphon (plus 1 nekkid Dwarf because why the hell not?) - I love our lizards, our lazerbeams, and our lizards riding bigger lizards. The models could use an update, though. Currently have almost 3k points, but am lacking in battleline units.

    Chaos: Slaanesh - The Keeper of Secrets model is incredible. Add in tons of crabby claws, spikey chariots, and demons riding danger noodles I can't help but say yes. Currently have about 1.4k points here.

    Death: Nighthaunt - I love the look of these spooky bois. I would love to learn to wetblend and they seem like they would be the perfect army to practice this technique. Dont have any points of this yet. Want to finish other projects first.

    Destruction - Gloomspite Gitz. And more accurately, a squiggalanche. I just wanna plop down a hundred of those goofy bouncey bois and wreak havoc.
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Order- Lizards and Bretonnians of course

    Destruction- I like the savage orc models, maybe a small force of them. Convert up a spider or two, toss an orc barbarian on top of that squat dragon they have.

    Death- some sort of skeletons of the old Vampire Counts variety. Maybe throw in a Black Coach as it really updates the old model to a level you can't get to unless you use plastic. I only actually have kings of war skeletons though, and the Wight King.

    Chaos- no clue. Brother has some beastmen, and I don't have much love for the chaos gods (heresy) so maybe the rat men? Nothing interests me much here, if I was looking to make some baddies I would stick with the skeletons.
  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I honestly have loads of Fantasy and historical stuff to work on at the moment, but I’ve been drawing my plans for AoS.

    Order: I’ll give you 3 guesses (clue: look at my avatar and many of my posts) :D. I love my Lizardmen in Fantasy, but I just can’t get with the exploding into stardust and hordes of Skinks competitive mechanics of the AoS version. I also have Dwarfs and High Elves as Fantasy armies, but the former has been subsumed into the AoS version of the Empire and the latter’s been executed.

    Chaos: Skaven, partly because I play them in Fantasy already and they are pretty much the same in AoS so don’t need to spend much more to get them battle-ready, partly because they are just hilarious all-round (don’t tell my Lizardmen army that).

    Destruction: Gloomspite Gitz, for the same reasons as Skaven.

    Death: Before AoS my favourite undead army was Tomb Kings, and I was really annoyed when they got squatted in favour of Vampire Counts/Legions of Nagash. Nighthaunt and Flesh Eater Courts also are more Vampire Counts oriented, so while the Ossiarch could have been better, I think they would look good once I’ve got my paws on some of them and Egyptified them a bit more.
    HelloBear and samheim like this.

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