AoS Sue and the Seraphons! my first AoS short story!

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by samheim, Aug 20, 2019.

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  1. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    "You been blasting on my spell ingredients again Captain?" Kirkah asked to Vullox who was sitting on the stairs inside the burnt out remains of the Hot Clam
    Vullox focused on the blurry shapes in front of him.
    "Got someone here to see you, a ratty, wants to help" Kirkah finished introducing the rodent man wearing torn filthy green robes.
    "Master Vullox, great-great exulted l-lord of Nurgle, fa - famous champion of-of a hundred dae-daemon wars-wars"
    "I - I present myself as a - a humble ser-servant of - of plague seer-seer Malgrix of clan Vagulch"
    Vullox rolled his head to one side "What you got for me, Mr rat man".
    "Ha-ha your lord - sh - ship is certainly, bless - blessed with fath - father Nugles - bes - bestest humour"
    "We see - see that you are track - tracking prey. Great seer Malgrix re-requests, you - you an - and your men, allow - allow clan Vagulch to - to
    follow prey - prey instead. Find - find where Seraphon ar - are hiding."
    Vullox thought over his predicament. He had no option of any infiltration as the stench of his troops alone would alert people for miles around.
    He was forced to make frontal attacks, and hope a lucky cannon shell had killed the yellow skink. If they could become aware of a Seraphon location
    that would make up for the Seraphon becoming alert to Father Nugles great plan he had for the Realm of Ghyran.
    "Ok sounds good, there's probably a relief force from another town going to be here in a few days. We don't have enough men left to do much anyway."
    "Ex - excellent. Malgrix will remember you - you master Vullox for - for gre - great reward."
    The plague monk turned around and ran off through the town and then to somewhere beyond Vullox's sight.
    "Ok lets get back to the Cunt Juice" Vullox ordered.
    The remaining Blight Kings loaded on to the long boats that had been patched up by some nurgurlings and began to heave the heavy oars into the murky depths.
    The strong current quickly pulling them out to sea.
    The long boats finally made it back to the Rotten Cunt Juice. Vullox looked over the ship. "You had me scarred for a moment there, I thought I almost lost you."
    He said his eyes passing over the giants head.
  2. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    "Ok ya ve rest here for a moment" Walter said pointing to a felled tree.
    Peter and Rudolph rested Eligbert against the big tree. Some insects ran up the wizards robes and he quickly tried to brush them off.
    Sue sat down next to Walter, in between Peter and Rudolph.
    Chadsun hovered around a few yards from the tree.
    "Zo Sue, do you know where you are going?". Walter asked the pretty brunette.
    "Well not really, we are fleeing the town and kind of following Choo Choo I suppose" said Sue.
    "Oh yar, thee yellow guy right." Walter replied while Peter and Rudolph watched Choo Choo hunt some dragon flys.
    "Hey, if you vant ve can take you to the next town, its about 20 miles through the jungle, over that way" Walter gestured behind him with his hand.
    "I know the vay, ve do marching routine there."
    "Mein Farter has a house there. You can stay vit mein parents while I report to Holstenburgh town garrison".
    "Yes that does sound good, are you sure your parents won't mind?"
    "Sue can you come over please I need to speak to you." Chadsun beckoned Sue with his hand.
    "Can't you see I am resting?" Sue replied.
    "It's very important, can you come here please"
    "Well why can't you just say it ?"
    "I can't its a very important matter regarding Choo Choo"
    Choo Choo took a break from his hunting and looked round at Chadsun, and then continued on with catching the tasty dragon flys.
    Sue stood up as Chadsun lead her about 100 yards away from the rest of the group.
    "What is it" Said sue, her face looking irritated.
    Chadsun begun "Sue I have something I need to tell you."
    Sue looked at him peeling her eyes back as if to say hurry up.
    "When I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful women i had ever seen."
    Sue waved her hand, "I don't want to listen to this pot wash" she made to turn.
    Chadsun grabbed her shoulders and held her in place.
    "Please, listen to me, when I saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful women I have ever seen, but now I got to know you, I feel like you are
    my soul mate."
    Sue struggled against Chadsuns grip. "I haven't even known you a day, look get off me".
    "Everything alright over there?" called Walter.
    "No, Chadsun is being creepy, and won't let me go".
    "No im not" said Chadsun, panicking and releasing Sue.
    "Cmon leave the girl alone will you, let her do what she wants" Walter called out.
    Sue walked back and took her seat again on the tree.
    Sue made big eyes at Walter as if to say, he's mad.
    Chadsun remained where he was, obscured by some bushes and trees. He was able to make out Sue from where he was, he
    removed his codpiece and began to fellate himself for a moment. He tucked himself into his tight leggings and walked over to where the others were talking by the fallen tree.
    They carried on talking without noticing him.
    "Ya its no problem Sue if you come and visit mein mutter and farter." Walter continued.
    "Oh that sounds fantastic! I can help your mother with her baking!"
    "Ya ya, you ave a great time for certain"
    All of a sudden Chadsun placed his left leg in between Walter and Sue and then raised his eye brows.
    "So you were wearing that great big cod piece to keep that little thing safe?" Sue said laughing.
    "What do you mean small" Chadsun said hurt, his face becoming white with emotion.
    "Well if its not small, its not exactly big either" Sue stated.
    "Have you seen many bigger ones then?"
    "Yes of course I have, I have seen one two times the size of that before."
    "What.. really? when you work as nurse for Sigmar?"
    "No" Said Sue. "I had 2 lovers that were in about that region"
    "Hold on" Said Chadsun. "If you had 2 lovers like that, that's highly unusual. That means you must have been with hundreds of men" Chadsun responded worried.
    "Yes" said Sue.
    "To be fair, you could lend that one to Choo Choo and he could use it as bait to catch his dragon flys with."
    Rage and emotion filled Chadsun and he swung his hand to slap Sue around the face.
    Walter grabbed Chadsuns leg that rested on the tree and pushed him backwards. He fell hard on the floor.
    Walter went and stood over him.
    "You know what I hate most about men like you Walter".
    Walters eyes gave a shocked look for just a second.
    "vait yar, I give to much and other people do not much, yar yar"
    "No" Said Chadsun.
    "I hate men like you, because you get to sleep with the women, but don't care if they slept with other men with bigger willies then you have".
    Walter stood befuddled at Chadsuns profound statement.
  3. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    "So how will you find your friends Choo Choo" Sue asked the yellow Skink, now proudly marching lock step along side Walter.
    "Friends leave markings on trees in forrest. Look for markings, follow to meeting point"
    "But how will your friends know what forrest to leave markings in?" asked Sue.
    "Friends leave markings in all forests".
    "Every forrest in Realm of Ghyran?" said Sue puzzled.
    "But there are many forrests in Ghyran Choo Choo".
    "Choo Choo has lots of friends" Choo Choo replied.

    Chadsun had been offered an ultimatum, he was to stay at the back of the party and help carry Eligbert at all times. He was to come no closer then 40 yards to Sue. He was not to make anymore inappropriate statements or make any more attempts to seduce Sue, or Walter said he would recommend to the commanding officer of Holstenburgh that he be shot for being a pervert.
    Chadsun had accepted, the alternative was he would be expelled from the party.

    Chadsun died a thousand deaths stuck under the gold wizards stinking arm pit. What Sue had said looping over and over in his mind.

    "You do know what I said back there to Chadsun, wasn't true" Sue said to Walter.
    "no" Said Walter, an interested look on his face.
    "I just wanted to shut him up, I haven't courted a man yet. And I have certainly never been to bed with anyone, I'm a virgin". Sue said blushing, as she defended her modesty.
    Walters eyes lit up and a wide smile appeared on his face "So did I tell you mein farter farm is 400 acres".
    "Wow that is a big farm" said Sue.
    "So Choo Choo have you seen any of your friends markings yet then"
    "What do the markings look like?"
    "Bird, snake" Choo Choo said.
    "Well we are not far from Holstenburgh now Choo Choo, and we have not seen any markings yet. Do you want to come with us and stay at Walters parents farm?".
    "That's good then." Sue turned to Walter "Is it ok if Choo Choo stays at the farm too?"
    "Ya sure, no problem"
  4. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Alfred looked over to Rondney Woofington
    "Sorry boy."
    Rodney looked confused, he recognised his master but sensed the unnatural presence in him.
    "I know, I know, daddy does love you, but sometimes..."
    Alfred sighed. He went over to the small barn area he used to store his produce and opened the door.
    "Here you go Rodney. After its all gone or rotten I don't know what you are going to do my friend."
    Alfred picked up a knife he used to slaughter animals with, and went to stand by the front of his house. He hid the knife behind his waist. He put on a sack cloth hat and tilted it forwards to cover his boil covered face.
    And waited for the station wagon to appear on the horizon.
    Alfred thought about a lot of things. He thought about Louise and how he had no idea about her feelings towards him. He thought about the church of Sigmar in
    Sigmuntun. He forced himself to not think about Lilly and Daisy, as he promised to only mourn them when they had been fully avenged.
    The black coach appeared on the horizon and then approached the house.
    "Oh I see, all better then" The old driver said to Alfred.
    "Well still here "Alfred smiled
    "You going to town?" The driver asked.
    "Sure" Alfred replied.
    "8 pieces of silver".
    "I thought it was only 6?" Alfred responded smiling.
    "No its 8 now".
    Alfred approached the driver. And put his hand in his pocket.
    The driver reached out to Alfred.
    Alfred grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him hard, he fell from his seat screaming on to the ground.
    He rolled around on the floor, Alfred kicked him hard in the head, connecting with his jaw, the few remaining rotten teeth he had went flying into the air
    and dispersed on the ground. The driver was passed out for a moment.
    The passengers excitedly screamed. One man opened the door, and began to climb out, Alfred pushed the door hard trapping the mans hand so hard that 2 fingers were broken.

    The 3 passengers including the wounded man were now hysterical.
    Alfred opened the door, and grabbed the wounded man by the leg and pulled, until he fell out of the coach, the man begged and begged.
    Alfred said in a cold tone "Life didn't forgive me for the things I got right, let alone the things I got wrong".
    The wounded man was hunched in a ball, Alfred kicked him so hard in the back, he heard his spine crack.
    The man convulsed in a spasm, foam spraying from his mouth.
    The male passenger remaining tried to escape through the opposite door, only to find Kirkah holding the handle with a big
    smile on his face.
    Alfred took the long knife he used to slaughter sheep with, and jumped in the carriage. In flurry of thrusts and swipes the man and women lay dead, dozens of knife wounds
    littered their cadavers.
    Alfed got back out of the carriage, and went over to the driver who was starting to groan.
    He carefully began to cut open the drivers stomach, the driver screamed. Alfred didn't hear, he only heard Lilly and Daisys cry's.
    He grabbed the drivers intestines and pulled them out with his hand. The driver still fully conscious convulsed in agony.
    He left the dying driver as Kirkah beckoned him over.
    "So that's just a taster, how did revenge feel?" Kirkah said to Alfred.
    "It felt so good" Alfred replied.
    "Well that's good to know" Kirkah said smiling warmly at Alfred.
    "However, I am afraid Alfred, nothing comes with out cost." Kirkah continued.
    Alfred looked at him with a serious face.
    "You got to earn the rest of your revenge I am afraid."
    With that Kirkah waved his hand and a black pulsating hole appeared in the sky next to them.
    "After you" Kirkah jestured to Alfred.
    "Why didn't you mention this before" Alfred said rage burning in his eyes.
    "You didn't ask" Kirkah said shrugging.
    "And if I don't go?"
    "Well, you won't have the gift anymore, you die slowly and your children go with out being avenged."
    Alfred stepped through the vortex and into the Realm of Chaos.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
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  5. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Alfred opened his eyes to the strange world he now inhabited.
    It seemed like the ground was made of skin. He looked out and there was a cliff in the distance with what looked like a giant nipple pointing towards the ground.
    He was in a group of men who looked like they were from various walks of life. Some were smartly dressed, some were dressed in rags, some like farmers
    some like merchants. There was about one hundred of them.
    Kirkah stood on a small hill over looking them.
    "Right, to be honest with you, most of you have very little chance of surviving this battle. Today we are fighting against our ancient foe.
    if you want to continue to not die, that is in your hands."
    "Also, today is yesterday and today is tomorrow. This battle might happen once or a thousand times. So even if you die here today, you might
    fight tomorrow as well." Kirkah burst into laughter as he finished his inspiring speech.
    Across the flat field of skin, about two miles away Alfred could see strange monsters assembled in a line moving towards them. They were scantly dressed
    and had huge claws. Some of them looking like they were riding bizarre horses with long tongues.
    Looking around to his left and right to look at who was on his own side, he came to the realisation that this engagements was seriously lopsided in the
    enemies favour. There were about a dozen green cycloptian monsters, a few more of them riding on some weird looking giant flys, Kirkah and the men he was standing with.
    The army opposing Alfred started to move towards them, at super natural speed, huge daemon claws snapped and long tongues lashed.
    Many of the men Alfred was standing with started to cry and defecate themselves with fear. Alfred felt immense fear, like he had never felt in his life.
    Not fear of the oncoming daemons however, fear he might die here and not be able to fulfil his mission.
    Kirkah motioned, "forward you scums, HAHAHA"!
    Some of the damned men Alfred was standing with tried to turn and flee, instantly huge black boils appeared on them and they began to melt with contagion.
    Kirkah laughed again "Onward's and upwards boys!".
    The pathetically out numbered force began to run towards the perverted looking monsters.
    Alfred drew his farm knife and prepared for oblivion.
    The 2 dozen fast horse like daemons and their riders charged into the doomed men first. Instantly huge barbed tongues wrapped around men's faces, and created huge gashes.
    The scissor like claws of the riders made clip clip clipping sounds as they dismembered the front rank of the doomed men.
    Alfred launched himself through his own men, and with his knife, stuck it as hard as he could into a horse like demons head, in one fluid motion he placed his left leg on the side of the beast
    and leveraged himself up, reaching up, he grabbed the weird pervert rider by the throat, yanking out the knife from the beast, he then stuck it repeatedly into the deamonettes face.
    All of a sudden there was a flash of green light, and a huge bronze decaying axe appeared in Alfreds hands. Alfreds body contorted, his stomach burst and a mess of writhing tentacles shot forth.
    Alfred opened his mouth and roared at a deafening level.
    Most of the men he had been standing with had now been reduced to pieces of various sizes. Alfred ran forward into the consolidating fiends and swung
    his huge axe in great furious arches. Bits of the devils showered down, his axe spinning again before they even landed.
    Kirkah watched with absolute fascination at the new far more deadly monstrosity that had now worked its way through 12 of the fiends.
    Alfreds new tentacles zipped out and wrapped themselves around the fiends and their riders holding them in place, until his axe sang its bloody song through the air
    impacting on their skulls and smashing them into pieces.
    Another flash of green light stuck Alfred, and he was entombed in a huge suit of heavy iron plate armour.
    The group of deamonettes were about to join the fray. Kirkah ran up to Alfred and blew a cloud of yellow dust from his hand in the direction of the clawed monsters.
    The dust mushroomed into a huge stinking ball of energy and washed over the deamonettes, paralysing many of them.
    The cycloptian demons on Alfreds side jumped in with their own rotten swords and began to detach the claws from the arms of the demonettes.
    The flying deamons attacked as well, the big insects shooting spines into the deamonettes and sucking out their insides, leaving them as hollow husks.
    Alfred moved forward, the huge plate armour he found himself in, didn't seem to weigh anything, for he had been blessed with the strength of a dragon.
    Extending his axe out in front of him, he began to spin round, like a spinning top, magically placing heel over heel, with super natural timing.
    He span through the demon horde like a scythe through a corn field. The bodies of the Demonettes formed piles on the ground before dissolving into no where.
    Alfred walked to the last demon, and swung his axe severing one of its claws from its wrist. With his left hand he grabbed its other wrist, dropping his axe, he then used his right newly mailed fist
    to smash the deamonettes face repeatedly, it to then evaporated.

    Kirkah in awe shouted at the top of his lungs "All hail Alfred Vullox, he who is touched by Nurgle"!
    The cycloptian rotting demons began to jump up and down, making very strange attempts at trying to cheer.
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  6. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    And there was great feasting!
    Alfred and his motley crew of demons and Kirkah, drank all night long.
    Some of the plague bearers played a smooth shuffle beat on some bum cheeks of the dead condemned men.
    Everybody danced and had the time of their life!
    "You want to kiss a pretty girls" Laughed Kirkah, passing one of the deamonettes heads that didn't get whisked back to Slanessh to Alfred.
    "Ya I sure do" Alfred said laughing, "The most honest girl I ever kiss haha"!
    "Here, enjoy these tasty boobs" Kirkah passed some roasted demonettes breasts to Alfred.
    Alfred died laughting. They all had a blast, blasting on Kirkahs warp dust.
    The twisted hellscape around them, seemed to change and warp as well.
    "So Alfred, my good friend, my brother in decay" Kirkah, said placing one leg on a small mound that appeared to be shaped like a scrotum in the perverted skin land they had invaded.
    "Yea, what is it magic pants?" Alfred replied.
    "We need to give you a name worthy of your greatness."
    "What kind of name?" Alfred said.
    "Well my name is Kirkah Maggot Arse, you got to make a name, and its got to be kind of goofy and to do with decay" Kirkah said inhaling huge lung fulls of warp dust, that billowed out
    of all kinds of open wounds on his chest.
    "That's dumb" Alfred replied.
    "Its tradition. Papa Nurgle likes bad jokes the best!" Kirkah said nodding his head with a knowing smile.
    "Ok, how about, Vullox Pus Farter UnKeeper Of Silent Promises!" Alfred said, holding out one hand, in a what you think gesture.
    "7 words! truly worthy of a great hero such as yourself, lord Vullox" Kirkah replied.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
    Aginor likes this.
  7. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Good work on the story so far! It keeps building and making you wait for the next part :bookworm:
    Killer Angel, Aginor and samheim like this.
  8. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Agree. I especially like the way you describe battles. Brutal and fast paced.
    samheim likes this.
  9. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Alfred woke up, he looked over at some of the plague bearers who were up and pottering about by the fire. Kirkah had fallen asleep in a sitting up position
    by the scrotum mound.
    Alfred then stood up and walked over to the other side of the encampment, and went to relieve himself on a tree that was full of fruits that looked like cocks.
    As he pulled his head up to turn away, he saw at the other end of the field where the battle had been, a new army of Hedonite demons had taken its place.
    This time it looked like they had gone all in. There must have been thousands of them. And in the middle a huge bull headed demon, with 4 arms and cloven hoofs was making alluring gestures and cracking a large whip.
    Alfred ran over to Kirkah and shook him. "Wh.. ye,.. yas" Kirkah opened his eye lids.
    "Yes Alfred, how can I help you this un day?"
    "Kirkah there back!"
    "Oh right, the pink boys?"
    "Right, lets me have a look then" Kirkah stood up and walked over to get a better view of the assembling horrors.
    "Oh right, I see, quite a lot of them really." Kirkah said, as if he was looking at a basket of potatoes.
    "What do we do!" Alfred said panicking.
    "Well I suppose we better get ready for some fighting i suppose".
    Alfred appeared bemused at Kirkahs completely nonchalant composure.

    "YOOOO HOOOOOO!" Said a huge booming voice, from below the ravine behind them.

    Kirkah froze, dead.

    "FUCK!" said Kirkah running over to get a better look at what was coming up from the hill.
    "Oh No!" Kirkah said panicking.

    "What is it?" Alfred asked worried.
    "It's Bulbous Mike and he's brought Johny Big Dung with him as well!" Kirkah said walking from side to side.
    Alfred ran over to where Kirkah was standing to look as well.
    Arrayed before him, making their way up the skin hill, were endless columns of plague bearers, armoured men with huge picks and untold numbers
    of small green demons running around on the ground. At the front of the column was a huge bloated, rotting demon the size of the town hall of Sigmuntun.
    Walking next to the massive demon, was a huge man clad in greenish iron plate armour, very similar to Alfred's own, like Alfred's the armour was broken around his abdomen and his
    entrails swung loosely as he walked. He carried a huge hammer, the head of the hammer seemed to drip constantly with green slime.
    The huge green demon spotted Alfred and Kirkah and began to wave at them "HALLLOOOOOO" It boomed again.

    "HAHA, Kirkah you dick head, we come to see you my fellow!" the man walking next to the demon said.
    "Shit, bulbous Mike is going to smoke me out of house and home!" Kirkah said to Alfred, blind panic filling his eyes.
    "Yes" Said Alfred completely bamboozled.
    "Oi Kirkah, you got your little magic pouch with you my fellow! YEEEEAAAA WWOOOOOO" Bulbous Mike bellowed again.
    "FUKING BASTARD!" Kirkah said in an aggressive whisper, mainly to himself.
    "Oh Bulbous Mike, my fellow, I do indeed have but only a small amount, my good man" Kirkah shouted back at the approaching scrounger.
    The huge demon and Bulbous Mike made it up the hill and to Kirkah and Alfred.
    Bulbous Mike extended his hand to Alfred, "Hello there, my good fellow, been hearing entertaining tales of you my friend".
    Alfred took his hand and shook, "Thank you Bulbous Mike" he replied.
    Bulbous Mike then turned to Kirkah "Well my fellow, do you have your little pouch with you?".
    "Well there is a big army of the pink boys over there, I think we should handle them first, don't you think, my good fellow?" Kirkah said hopefully.
    "Nah, Nah, I would like something to lift my spirits before the battle starts my good friend". Bulbous Mike said giving Kirkah a forceful look.
    "I really am low on supplies my good fellow, I have barely enough left to cast 3 spells with" said Kirkah desperately.
    "Look my good friend, if you do what you can now, I will reimburse you with one whole case of warp dust by the end of the battle".
    Kirkahs eyes stood up "Do speak more of this my dear fellow, how is it such a good friend, could be so woefully short now, but will have such an abundance so shortly".
    "Look, the reason I am here, is because Peter The Sinful ambushed two wagons full of warp dust, my good friends were escorting, from Freddy Fanny Stench's abode to Slime Hill" Bulbous Mike stated with absolute conviction.
    "I plan to strangle him with his own tail, and recover my lost property, then my good fellow you shall receive a joyous abundance of supplies".
    "Well my wonderful dear fellow, why did you not say thusly sooner?" Kirkah replied holding out his half empty pouch.
    Bulbous Mike snatched the pouch from Kirkahs hand and immediately brought it to his face, he stuck his nose in the bag and inhaled with all he could.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2019
  10. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Sue and her friends approached the edge of the jungle, they could just start to see the cobbled road that lead to Holstenburgh.
    "I don't think I have been as thirsty as this in my life" said Sue.
    "Ya, I know its awful" Walter agreed.
    "How far is it from here to the town now then?"
    "Vell, you can see as soon as we get out of here. The road dips down, and you see the town at the bottom of the hill, zo about 1 hour walk." Walter ended.
    The party exited the jungle and began to walk down the winding road to Holstenburgh. The town was much bigger then Saliberg, being the size of almost a city.
    The study buildings of the town and their thatched roofs seemed out of place to their tropical surroundings.
    Finally the party made it to the out skirts, and began to head towards the town centre.
    "Ok, zo first things first, lets get zum water"
    "Yes, I don't think I have ever been this thirst in my life!" Sue said her throat dry.
    Walter lead them to small cafeteria, there were a few tables outside with some chairs which were vacant, the sign above the cafeteria read
    "Drink Nice Coffee"
    "Ok, hallo" Walter said to the barrister.
    "Ya hallo, vhat vould be very nice for you today?" The barrister responded.
    "Ok seven cafe big, and also 2 buckets of clean water, thank you" Walter placed some silver pieces on the counter.
    "Ya, no problem, here is the water, please sit out side, and I will follow with cafe. Thank you".
    Walter returned to the rest of the group, They had all taken up seats and leaned tiredly on the tables. Choo Choo, was sharpening a stick he had found in the
    "I can't tell you how good this is!" Eligbert said, dipping his mug for the 3rd time into the bucket of water.
    Peter, Rudolph and Chadsun were drinking water while Chadsun entertained them with some stories.
    "Yes, and then I asked her, was it good for you?" Chadsun said, Peter and Rudolph listened with intense concentration.
    "And then she said, yes, but not the best!"
    "So I said what could I improve apon?"
    "And then she said, if you had another thumb in length on your..."
    "Hey, that's enough of that" Walter barked at Chadsun.
    Walter went to sit down at Sue's table. "So is the farm far from here" Sue inquired.
    "A little way, but ve can get a coach from the centre."
    They all sat drinking their coffees in the warm late afternoon sun.
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I find myself rooting for Alfred Vullox.
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  12. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    The bells screamed
    "DONG DONG,Clong Dong!"
    "INTO THEM YOU FUCKERS" Bulbous Mike roared, unnatural overtones filled the lower octaves of his voice.
    The first line of Blight Kings marched forward towards the Slaneesh demon's. Huge iron clad boots pounded on the skin landscape, making it shake with
    the weight of the numbers.
    Kirkah levitated, hovering above the 1st line as they stomped forwards.
    Vullox marched behind the Blight Kings, with Johnny Big Dung and Bulbous Mike.
    "So many new friends to play with" Lasrrisas said to Peter the Sinful
    the Keeper of secrets motioned it's forces forwards "Now they come to play in my den".
    Dozens of demon chariots lined up to lead the charge, accompanied by hundreds of seekers, strange horse like cavalry with long lashing toungues and demon riders.
    "Oi Kirkah you dick head, those chariots are going right through us my good fellow. DO SOMETHNG!" Mike shouted.
    The air around Kirkah began to turn green and hot as he began to channel energy into himself from the atmosphere. His brain pulsed againt the inside
    of his skull as he hurriedly began to recite the incantations, one mistake was all that stood between casting the spell and being turned into a mass of
    mutated spawn.
    This spell was hard, it took many words to infuse, he sweated as he tried to remember all the complex pronunciations.
    The chariots were only 400 yards or so now.
    "Gurrka xans kuhlfur saffin xrts sabba" The sweat now stinging Kirkahs eyes...

    The chariots wheels screamed and made a zipping noise against the flesh landscape, the spiked wheels tore the skin land and blood seeped from the wounds in the earth.
    Kirkah now looked like a glowing lantern, the air being sucked into him sounded like a hurricane.

    "Yaghnxan fututu slanphans DUKMAR!"....

    All of sudden there was no sound, and the evil moon was blotted out of the dying sky...
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
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  13. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    The skin earth tore open, just in front of the incoming chariots, tentacles, the width and length of ship masts shot outwards and wrapped themselves
    around the spoked wheels of the first incoming chariot, crushing it as easily, as a Steggadon would crush a melon.
    Kirkah had brought forth something truly evil, an abomination that lived at the bottom of Nurgles great cauldron.
    The horror's head now started to break through the earth. The Chariots desperately swerved to avoid driving into the great beasts mouth.
    two of the chariots collided with each other, crashing then rolling, the riders were thrown to the ground, in front of the other chariots, and were cut in two
    by the barbed wheels.
    "NOW! GET THEM BEFORE THE BUBGOREX RETURNS TO ITS HOME". Bulbous Mike motioned to his hosts of plague drones, the thirty or so of the flying demons flew towards the
    the Bubgorex's head, having to ascend sharply to circumvent the mountain sized obstacle.
    The Bubgorex swung mightily with it's huge limbs into the oncoming seekers, dozens of them were thrown hundreds of yards into the air. Smashing into the
    ground with great velocity.
    Lasrrisas watched with great amusement at the summoned Bubgorex.
    "A man with some talent it would seem" Lasrrisas said as he watched Kirkah fall slowly to the earth exhausted.
    Lasrrisas focused hard to negate the fragile magical threads, stopping the Bubgorex from returning to its home in the pot.
    "Ohhh that's it" he said, as he began to direct the negative energy away from the summoned behemoth.
    The Bubgorex began to lower it self back into the great hole it had created. The Plague Drones fell upon the stalled chariots and Seekers, they wouldn't last long
    but it would give time for the Blight Kings to navigate around the great hole in the earth the Bubgorex had created and negate their potentially devastating charge.
    "My go now" Lasrrisas extended out his arms and prepared to recite the incantations to cast The Dreadful Visage into the tightly packed Blight Kings
  14. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Sue and her refugee companions walked through the bustling streets of Holstenburg.
    There were lots of nice shops, Sue looked at the brightly coloured garments on display in the windows.
    "Can we come back and go shopping here?" Sue asked Walter.
    "Sure, ve can Sue, but I think you have more fun to go with my mutter then myself." Walter said carefully.
    "Yes, that would be great! I can't wait to meet your mother!". Sue replied.
    "Right" Walter stopped and pointed down a seedy looking street.
    "Ok Chadsun, you can stay somewhere down there for the next few days. It has many places, you can empty your pistol".
    "What, I thought I was coming with you to the farm" Chadsun said furiously.
    "No that's not going to vork, look go down there, you have the time of your life... so I hear, I don't know I never go though". Walter looked at Sue who
    was now wacthing him with a curious stare.
    "But I want to come to the farm with you and Sue, and meet your mutter. Choo Choo needs me to look after him. I saved him from Eligbert." Chadsun continued to argue.
    "Well, if Chadsun is staying, I insist on staying as well." Said Elibert.
    "To make sure he doesn't cause anymore trouble."
    "I think you need some treatment for your leg first vizward, they won't let you in those places in your condition." Walter countered.
    Eligbert's brain went into overdrive to come up with a convincing reason, why he could stay in Happy Pennies Lane.
    "Nonsense!, why a quick sponge on my leg and i will be fine. Also farms give me terrible hay fever."
    "ok vhat ever, you stay here with Chadsun".
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
  15. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Sue, Peter Frank Furton, Rudolph Ausfarht and Choo Choo, followed Walter thru the bustling streets of

    Walter lead them through some short cut back alleys until they arrived at the towns main street.

    Sue was overwhelmed, the town of Holstenburgh was so much bigger Then Salisberg.

    There were people everywhere dressed in extravagant cloths.

    Sue watched as a beautiful blonde woman, brow beat her husband in front of a
    clothier shop.

    He eventually gave in and entered the establishment with her.

    Walter led them to a rank of coaches waiting for passengers.

    "Zo Peter, Rudolph. I am going to take Sue to my parents farm. I vant you two to go and report to the
    town garrison. I vill be back mid day tomorrow."

    "Yes Sir" Peter and Rudolph saluted.

    "Ok you done vell, I vill put in recommendation for medal of
    Azry for the both of you."

    With that Peter and Rudolph, headed off down a side street in the direction of the Holstenburgh barracks.

    "Ok Suzy, jump in" Walter held open the door for Sue and Choo Choo, who both climbed into the coach.

    Walter shouted to the driver "Little Meadow Farm."

    "Yes of course" The driver shook the reigns and the horses began to trot forward.


    "Chadsun, help carry me to the door of that building over there will you" Eligbert pointed at "Miss Shanty's Lost Knickers.

    "Look you old pervert, I don't need to pay for it. I am not going in any of these disease ridden pits with you." Chadsun stood up and began to walk off in the opposite direction out of Happy Pennies Lane.

    "Chadsun, don't be a fool! look come in and talk to some of the girls." Eligbert called after Chadsun. Chadsun waved a hand and carried on walking.

    "I know your stuck on that Sue, why not come with me and you can ask some of her former colleagues all about her"

    Chadsun stopped and turned around to face Eligbert. "What do you mean?" He asked quickly.

    "Well that's all I am saying. I don't know anything. I am just guessing that a young woman like Sue, would not be in strange places like Salisberg unless there was a reason for her to be in strange place where nobody knows her."

    Chadsun sensed that Eligbert knew a lot more about Sue then he was ever going to tell him.

    "Alright wizard, I go with you, but I don't have any money for a room, you will have to pay. And I need a strong drink." Chadsun said, feeling trite that he was yet again, to late to save another damsel from taking the sad, fun path.

    "Why my dear boy, I would not have it any other way!, its so good to have company for once. A friend to help share and remember my experiences with."

    "Right come on then you dirty sod." Chandsun lifted Eligbert up and helped him hobble over to the door of Shanty's.

    They approached the solid looking oak door. "Well give it a good knock then! a good strong knock to signify your vitality!" Eligbert said smiling and raising his eye brow's.

    "Alright, but keep it under control will you, don't go to pervy before they even let us in." Chadsun reached forward and gave a heavy three knocks on the door.

    The shutter in the door slid back and a large monstrous face stared at them from the other side.

    "Evening, what you dirty boys doing knocking on this door then?"

    Chadsun replied "Well it say's on the side of your establishment that a young maiden has lost one of her garments. I was merely here to offer my services to help recover said garment".

    "HAHAHA" The monster laughed. "Well alright then. That never gets old."

    "Here... I will let you 2 boy's in, but you got to follow the rules." The Ogor said.

    "The first rule is, no haggling with the prices."

    "The 2nd rule is, no willy's bigger then a haflings forearm, looking at you two vagabonds that's unlikely to be an issue though HA HA HA HA"

    "The 3rd rule is that, you buy me at least one drink. Are these rules going to be a problem for you?" The Ogor asked.

    "Why one drink? I will buy you a whole barrel!" Eligbert exclaimed cheerily.

    "HA HA HA, I can see your gonna fit in here like a small cock in a sock grandad!. By the way, my name is Barry."

    Elibert and Chadsun introduced themselves, and the Ogor opened the door and invited them into the gentleman's club.

    Chandsun supported Eligbert and they walked through to the narrow hallway and into the main room of the tavern. There were provocatively dressed ladies sitting on stools around tables. There didn't seem to be many patrons around at the moment
    probably due to the early time of the evening.

    Two of the ladies stood up and walked over to Chandsun and Eligbert. "Look at you, you carried your poor wounded friend to us. What dedication to a friend." The first dark haired woman said giggling.

    "Here let us help" The 2nd tart said, as the two women wrestled Eligbert into a comfortable chair at one side of the room.

    Another brunette appeared in front of Chadsun, covering her modesty with only two half coconut shells and a leaf. "We don't normally get pretty boys like you come in here." She said in a rough voice.

    "Tell me something I don't know." Chadsun quipped.

    "Oh, cocky as well, I like that." The prostitute said flirting.

    "You want to buy a beautiful lady a drink?" She said alluringly.

    "Yea sure, where is she?" Chadsun fired back.

    "Oi, less of that. You know we don't like liars in Holstenburgh."

    "I'm sorry, I am just accompanying my... companion the wizard. I Chadsun Rodrigo, don't need to use places like this, to blow my beans. Sorry princess."

    "It's not about if you need to, its about if you would like to."

    "My name is Roberta. Now would you like to buy me a drink?"

    "That sure is one ugly name. But yea let's get something to drink at least. Ask the wizard for the coin."

    Roberta walked off to where Eligbert was seated, who after a brief conversation handed her a gold piece. She then went to the bar and returned to Chadsun handing him a cup of rum punch.

    "So whats the biggest monster you ever slayed then, adventurer" Roberta said playfully to Chadsun.

    "Well, there was this nasty red headed dragon I was going to marry, but she doubted my ability to provide her with a big enough lair." Chadsun said angrily.

    "So.." Roberta's eye's begged Chadsun to continue.

    "So." Chandsun said.

    "So did you love her?"

    "Chadsun Rodrigo never loved any bitch woman." Chadsun said proudly.

    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
  16. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    A large face appeared in front of the crammed Blight Kings. Out of it's mouth, multiple lashing whip like tongues, shot forth and struck at the incoming rotting, heavy infantry.

    "Kirkanovich! My fellow, no time to rest! get rid of that thing!" Bulbous Mike bellowed.

    Kirkah, weiry from the massive exertion of summoning the Gorbelux, focused hard on the Eviscerating Mask.

    It had worked it's way through several dozen Blight Kings, who now lay in pieces, the bits of their bodies still moved on the ground.

    Kirkah gave everything he had, the Mask Began to evaporate.


    Mike, Johny and Alfred charged into the stalled chariots. Bulbous Mike swung his huge hammer over his head, directly contacting with the Daemonette champions head, who was riding the chariot.

    Ichor sprayed over Alfred from the impact. The Daemonette fell like a rag dole, its head caved in from Mikes mighty blow.

    Mike swung again smashing the chariots carriage. It buckled, the wheels were left standing at inverted angles. The steeds pulling the chariot lashed Mikes armour. Mike using his left hand, grabbed the extended tongue of the beast. He then pulled as hard as he
    could, dragging the screaming steed towards him. He kicked the steed with his right foot repeatedly in the stomach. Wrestling the creature to the ground, he then stood up, placing his foot on it's head, he continued to pull its tongue
    until, he yanked it free.

    Daemonic blood sprayed freely into the air, the beast looked dumb founded. Mike brought his hammer down on it's neck, smashing it's throat. He swung again, and again.

    Johny Big Dung, used his huge sword to cut the 2nd seeker in half.

    The Seekers and the remaining chariots had now rallied, and crashed into the ranks of Blight Kings.

    Alfred watched as one of the charioteers riding on the Slaanesh chariot, hooked a Blight King with its huge claw limb, crushing the Blight Kings helmet and skull. In true testament to Nurgles
    resilience, the Blight King fought on, raising its pick and landing a deciding blow in the charioteers eye socket.

    The battle now met with Seekers covering the entire front ranks, the chariots tearing through Boulbous Mike's blighted soldiers, until they became stuck, their wheels clogged with limbs, tentacles and armour. The stalled chariots were quickly
    covered with many tiny Nurglings, small daemons that picked and clawed at the charioteers and the Seekers pulling them down to the ground. Some even climbed into the Seekers mouths and lodged themselves in the throats of the perverse beasts, chocking them.

    Mike surveyed the Blight Kings immediately in front of him. They were taking the blows of the Seekers and their Daemonette riders and resisting them, but they moved like statues compared to the lighting reflexes of the Slaanesh daemons.
    They were landing few return blows.

    Bulbous Mike roared and charged into the Seekers, his hammer swinging from left to right and landing on the the side of a Seekers body, it crumpled the creature, smashing its rib bones. The Daemonette rider pinched its claws deep into Mikes
    torso, but it lacked the strength to piece the heavy iron cursed plate mail Mike was wearing.

    Alfred who had followed Mike, grabbed the Daemonette in a head lock, holding its other pincered claw behind its back. Mike dropping the hammer from his right hand, grabbed the claw trying to gouge him, and using his two hands, pulled
    until he heard a cracking, sucking sound as he pulled the claws as far back as he could, in the opposite direction of the Daemonette's wrist. Its arm now limp, Mike picked up his hammer again, and holding it near the head of the hammer, he bashed on the bridge
    of the nose of the daemon. It flashed an disappeared, to somewhere else in the warp.

    The greater daemon Johny Big Dung, had also joined in now as well. Its huge left hand had grabbed a Daemonette. It was using its right hand, to unscrew the things head. All across the field of battle, Blight Kings were being cut to pieces or else
    using their huge picks and rusted swords to turn Peter The Sinful's army into cadavers.

    Alfred shuddered at the insanity of the whole affair. Did any of this really matter? What was this all for? Why were they fighting?

    He quickly pushed these thoughts out of his head, and focused on the task at hand.

    He could see Peter the Sinful and his hordes of Daemonettes now rapidly closing the distance between them. The Seekers and their riders were mostly dealt with now, but they had caused terrible damage on Bulbous Mike's infantry.

    "Switch Ranks" Mike bellowed. The Blight kings began to make way for the Plague Bearers to move to the front.

    "Alfred, my fellow" Mike beckoned to Alfred with his hand.

    "Alfred, you have the most important mission today."

    "Yes" said Alfred nervously.

    "Look my fellow, all this hack and slash, it's no good I tell you." Mike continued.

    "I want you to get on this drone fly, and I want you to fly over all this mess, and scout where Peter the Sinful has stored my wagons."

    "Can't Peter the Sinful fly as well though?" Alfred said, not feeling very confident with Mike's plan.

    "Yes indeed he can, but fly to the edge over that way, wait.. take Kirkah with you as well. Look my fellow, can't you see I am in the middle of a battle here? you are going to have to use some initiative yourself, I can't think for you and
    fight this demon army coming towards us at the same time. Now find my wagons my good fellow." With that Mike turned and ran to stand next to Johny Big Dung and brace for the oncoming charge.

    Alfred ran over to the huge Drone fly. The weird and disgusting insect looked at him defensively. The idea of climbing on top of this thing, seemed that it was much easier said then done.

    He walked closer to it and put out his hand to grab onto it. The beast span round and its proboscis pointed at Alfred and oozed green pus.

    "Look like this" Kirkah said, who had appeared behind Alfred from somewhere. He ran towards the Drone fly.

    "Once your on its back, its no problem. Right call it towards you" Alfred began to walk to towards the Drone fly with his hand raised. While the drone was focused on Alfred, Kirkah moved quickly round the side, put his hand on the creatures
    back and hoisted himself up quickly. The creature bucked and Kirkah brought his fist down on the back of its head. It relented.

    "Ok now your turn. Look there is another loose drone over their." Kirkah pointed to another aimless Drone fly, who's Plague Bearer rider had been lost.

    "Quick before it attacks something else and gets killed." they began to move towards it.


    Mike watched as Peter the Sinful positioned himself in line to charge at himself and Johny Big Dung. They were only a little way out now.

    "Peter you silly cunt, why did you steal my wagons? you knew I would come for you." Mike shouted.

    "I wanted you to come for me, so I could hear all of your screams." Peter the Sinful said in a breathy voice, the demons huge claws making a loud clunking noise as it snapped them open and shut fast.

    "Peter, you'll not hear my screams today my fellow. The only sound your going to hear, is the sound of Johny here eating you... legs first".

    The Daemonettes erupted into the final stage of their charge. Their claws swung open and they flew at the Plague Bearers and the remaining Blight Kings who still had enough limbs to carry on the fight.

    Peter the Sinful motioned with one of his limbs that didn't end in a claw, and some of the Daemonettes began to move twice as fast.

    Johny Big Dung at that moment released a huge wave of magical energy himself. It radiated out from him, and many of the approaching Daemonettes were struck with fast acting plagues, killing them instantly.

    Peter the Sinful burst into a furious charge, he moved so quickly that Mike saw his silhouette was blurred where he was a moment before.

    The huge Greater Demon of Slaanesh lowered its head, its horns poised at Jhony Big Dung. It crashed into Johny, its horns impaling the Nurgle Greater Deamon's torso.

    Noxious gases began to billow out from Jhonys chest wound. Johny began to move back his sword arm to thrust at Peter, but the Slaanesh deamon snapped into the Nurgle demons arm, with his right claw, pinning it in place and applying as much pressure as he could.

    "So do you want to pull my finger Peter?" Johny said.

    Peter yanked his head upwards tearing a big chunk of Johny's torso off, "More then anything else in the world" The huge bull looking demon, holding on to Johny's sword arm with it's claw, cart wheeled to it's right. Severing Johny's arm.

    The huge plague sword in Johny's severed hand fell to the floor with a loud clang.

    Mike anticipating the move, had swung his hammer from right to left. Just as Peter landed Mike's ferocious swing struck the daemon on the side of it's knee. The force was so great, the head of the hammer lodged itself into Peter the Sinfuls knee cap.

    The daemon howled with pain and delight, as it stumbled backwards and tripped over.

    Mike moved fast and grabbed at Johny's sword on the floor. The huge blade was almost as tall as him. The badly wounded Johny limped forward and belly flopped on top of the Keeper of Secrets.

    At that moment, Peter became a flurry of swords and claws, ripping into the Great Unclean One's bloated stomach and in the process covering itself with green slime.

    Mike off kilter from the demon swords huge weight, walked to position himself where Peter's head was poking out from underneath Johny's great body.

    "Hey Peter my fellow, situation getting a little heavy for you?" Mike said looking into the demons wicked eyes.

    Peter writhed with blind fury, cutting and stabbing at the great mound of flesh lying on top of him.

    Mike lined up the sword, timing it, he brought the daemon sword down, missing entirely Peter the Sinful's head. The heavy sword stuck in the ground, black marks of damp shooting across the floor where it had hit.

    With that Peter's head disappeared underneath Johny's bulk.

    Johny's big eye began to look anxious. There were muffled grinding and crunching noises coming from somewhere inside Johny, and then a huge claw shot through the Great Unlcean One's back, followed a moment later by two horns.

    Mike began to retreat from the scene. He motioned to an incoming group of Plague Bearer reinforcements, about fifty or so, to tie up Peter, while he went to look for a weapon.

    Mike surveyed the battlefield. It was no longer looking to be holding in his favour. The Daemonettes were numberless, and though his troops were tough, they were not sending enough of the enemy back to their god.

    He guessed out of the original wagon relief force of 5 thousand men and monsters, he had about one third left. Peter the Sinful's army looked like they had almost double his numbers.


    Kirkah and Alfred flew over the battle field and headed towards where Lasrrisas was summoning reinforcements about a three mile's behind the fighting.

    "Look over there." Alfred pointed towards the delicate looking wizard standing in front of two wagons, there was a group of three large demons with strange horse heads and long tongues defending him.

    "Over there as well." Kirkah pointed to the west of the wizard, there was a large groups of about five hundred Daemonettes, who had stopped advancing to the fighting and were now moving towards Lasrrisas to help protect the wagons as well.

    "Alfred we have to be quick here. We got to kill the wizard and the fiends, and then tie the wagons to these flies, so we can take them back to our side." Kirkah said as their mounts began to bob downwards towards the ground.


    Lasrrisas watched as the Drone flies and their passengers descended. The Fiends hissed and lashed their tongues. He opened his hand and directed it at Kirkah.

    "Tuslaven, xpabos, tarsheeh, zulx kafaben."


    Kirkah felt something wrap around him, some kind of invisible cord. He was then pulled violently from the saddle of the drone fly and through the air towards Lasrrisas. Playing along Kirkah uttered some of his own magic words.

    He reached into his belt and grabbed something.

    Lasrrisas directed the fiends forwards a few yards to catch the falling Kirkah. The Fiends, watched as Kirkah zipped over their heads and continued towards Lasrrisas. Lasrrisas panicked. Kirkah landed with a loud thud on top of Lasrrisas.

    Kirkah stood up. "Sometimes the best magic is a slight of hand" Kirkah said watching Lasrrisas take his last breaths, Kirkah's plague knife buried deep into Lasrrisas heart.

    Alfred charged into the Fiends. The fly bit, spit and stabbed with its proboscis. The Fiend snapped one of the drones legs off, Alfred swung his axe and cut off the Fiends front leg in return. The creature made strange screaming noises.

    Alfred swung again and spilt its head in the middle.

    The other two Fiends now attacked together. Kirkah conjured up a ball of green flame and hurled it at them. They were both set on fire, but the wounds instantly began to rot. Alfred quickly herded his Drone fly into them and finished them off.

    "Ok quickly, we have only a moments before those other daemons arrive. Help me tie these chains around the wagons."

    Alfred jumped off the fly. They quickly bound the two wagons to the two Drone flys. "Lets get out of here" Alfred barked.

    The Drones buzzed up into the air, the wagons weighting them down significantly.

    "Up higher!." Kirkah shouted. The Daemonettes had now arrived and were trying to jump and grab onto the wagons with their claws.

    The Drone flys, buzzed their wings even more furiously and Kirkah and Alfred were lifted clear.


    Bulbous Mike grabbed a pick from one of the many fallen Blight Kings. He turned to look at Peter the Sinful. Peter was working his way through the Plague Bearers with frightening speed.

    A Daemonette landed by Mike at that moment, it having leapt over the front ranks of fighting Nurgle troops. Mike grabbed his new found pick. In great anger, he swung grunting at the Daemonette. Which nimbly dodged his blows.

    It then snapped its claws open and lunged for a killing blow. Mike taking this opportunity, deftly deflected the claw with his mailed fist on his left hand. He then used the blunt side of the pick to bash the Daemonette's head. The blow caved in the daemons skull
    and it flashed back to the warp.

    "Mike, my good fellow. Things look in poor shape."

    Mike looked up to see Kirkah and Alfred buzzing over him, the wagons swinging wildly through the air.

    "Yes, come on, come down a bit my fellow, so I can get on board."

    Kirkah motioned to the fly to lower slightly. Mike jumped and grabbed the wheel of the wagon. With great effort, he pulled himself up the side and on to the top of the wagon, to rest on the crates of warp dust.

    "Ok the remainder of my army should buy us, about the same amount of time it takes to smoke two or three warp dust cigarettes, my fellows. Lets get out of here!"

    With that the drone flies buzzed off again, down the ravine, the wagons hovering and swinging a few feet above the ground.

    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
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  17. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Alfred, Mike and Kirkah bobbed along in the strange sky for what seemed like an hour or so, but could
    have been forever in the weird time vacuum they wandered in.

    "What's that on the horizon!" Alfred alerted his two comrades to a swarm of dark blotches blocking out the
    moon in front of them.

    "Your guess is as good as mine my fellow" Mike chimed in.

    The three of them watched as what looked like thousands of thousands of giant insects filled the frontier.

    "What do we do, should we turn back?" Kirkah asked Mike.

    "Nah, you can never go back my fellow. Let's see what this is."

    The shapes grew larger and larger as they came closer.

    "LOOK THERE OURS!" Kirkah shouted joyously.

    "ROT Flies!"

    "That's impossible my fellow, there must be a million of them." Mike said confused.

    The shapes could now be clearly made out to be Rot Flies, each mounted by a Blight King.

    Kirkah watched as 5 or so of the flies shot out ahead of the main body of the swarm and headed towards the trio.

    As they got closer Kirkah could make out a figure wearing a hood, the three Blight Kings were wearing white armour.

    The other figure was a huge bloated, armour clad man. He was carrying a great trident. He flew a banner with a picture of seven scythes from his back.

    The command section approached.

    "Howdy, friends." The man holding the trident called.

    "Hello my fellow!" Shouted Mike.

    "What yall fly boys, doing round here any how?" the Lord of Affliction shouted again.

    "We.. We were looking for help my fellows!" Mike called out.

    "What are you doing here, my fellows?" Mike asked.

    "I am General Lee, yall might have heard of me."

    "The General Lee?" Mike said his mouth aghast under his helmet.

    "Sure thing, the very same"

    "I thought you were a legend my fellow!" Mike called in disbelief.

    "I am a Legend" Rotburton Lee said, a smile crossing his face that was exposed underneath the visor of his helmet.

    "MY FELLOW!" Mike said awe struck.

    "So yall, I am General Lee, commander of the 7th air Calvary army that you see displayed before you." General Lee gestured with his hand to his million or so Rot Fly mounted troops.

    "Sweet Pus, received some visions, yall..." The hooded figure nodded his head.

    "THE SWEET PUS!" Kirkah's face now a mask of shock.

    "Thas right, the Sweet Pus, well, he had this vision." Lee went on.

    "Apparently, some magnificent son's of bitch's have decided to open up a new front against the pink one's on their own turf." General Lee said gushing.

    "Finally, these guys, come along and break the dead lock on their own. They found the pink god's back door."

    "Let it be known, these men of the 7th air cavalry army have flown for three days, with no rest, to support the break through. We came from the battle of Ghettysblight."

    "More armies are on the way too. Field Marshal Heinz Grotdarian first class, has dispatched General Stonewall Jackslime and General James Longscum."

    "Those ground forces are lagging a few days though."

    "Anyway in sweet pus's vision, he saw the guy's leading the action. I'm looking for Korkon and Ballonbus Max, so I can shake their dayum hand's." General Lee finished.

    "YOU FOUND US! MY GOOD FELLOW'S!" The star struck Mike screamed!

    "I am Bulbous Mike, these are my good fellow's Kirkak Kirkanovich and Alfreido Vullox." The word's jumping out of Mikes rotten mouth in excitement.

    "So your the hero's then huh?" General Lee said looking impressed.

    "That's right my fellows." Mike answered.

    "So what happened, where are your men. They all die fighting?."

    "That's right my fellow, General Lee. It was a terrible battle. The pink boy's had a mighty Keeper Of Secrets with them, Peter the Sinful. They outnumbered us five to one. We fought bravely to the last man. But then I said to my fellows Kirkah
    and Alfred, Look lets get this warp dust stash away from them. That way they can't use it to their own ends." Mike said sheepishly.

    "Get these boys some fresh horses." General Lee motioned to the two Blight Kings hovering beside him. They flew back into the main swarm and returned a while later with 3 fresh Rot Flies.

    They set about transferring Kirkah, Alfred and Mike to their new mounts. Some other auxiliary Blight King soldiers transferred the warp dust wagons to some heavy duty looking pack flies. They were about four times as large as a Rot Fly and
    much more sturdy looking.

    One of the Blight Kings handed Bulbous Mike a large scythe.

    "My fellow, is it possible you might have a hammer of some kind? I lost mine in Peter the Sinful's leg."

    "Hammer game huh" General Lee noted.

    "Yes my fellow, I feel like the axe and scythe thing is so played out. Everybody and his dog wants to be an axe man, or scythe reaper. I am just trying to forge my own path here my fellow." Mike stated thoughtfully.

    "Sure thang." General Lees motioned to one of the Blight Kings and they went off to find Bulbous Mike a hammer.

    General Lee turned to face his army. His voice came from no where, but it filled the whole sky with its volume.

    "Yall know what's at stake here air men. We got a shot at taking this thing to the enemy for a change. We sitting in their home soil now." General Lee's voice grew even louder.

    "Today, when none will stand against the forces of depravity. When they all, all of them's all will stand by and play safe. Loosing ground a little bit at a time. We the 7th Air Calvary stand strong.

    No more seduction to weakness. Its time to fight men, the forces of pestilence will always be the bulwark against the sick armies of perversity!." General Lee finished.

    The endless sea of Blight King air men erupted.

    "General Lee, General Lee, General Lee, Yee Haa" The air men sang.

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2019
  18. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Peter the Sinful finished up on the last of the Plague Bearers.

    His big claws snapping on the monsters cycloptian eye. Stuff poured out where the iris had been.

    "These bastards don't even feel pain." the daemon snorted.

    He began to lead his forces back to the portal, which lead to The Fortress Of Shameless Desires.

    He made to turn his head, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed some moving black specs on the

    He turned to gaze at them fully. More and more of them started to appear. Then what look liked an endless sea.

    "QUICKLY, MOVE FAST, BACK TO THE PORTAL!" The daemon howled, fear it hadn't felt in a very long time running
    up and down its spine.


    As Peter turned to run, Rot flies descended like meteors, blocking his retreat to the portal gate.

    He turned to his flanks and more high flying Rot flies, who had been hiding above the dark clouds, descended, trapping him and his forces.

    The flies had formed into a solid wall that stretched up to the heavens, and was ranks deep.

    Peter tried to take to the air, swinging and thrusting wildly at the buzzing monsters, but the riders, bashed at his wings. And the heavy flies
    swarmed on top of him pushing him back down.

    Peter went very still and watched as the wall parted slightly, and a dozen or so Rot flies headed down to land, about one hundred yards or so from Peter the Sinful and his army.

    "Peter you fuck shit, I told you I was going to hang you with your tail. I came back to make good on my promise!" Bulbous Mike gloated.

    General Lee and his entourage dismounted.

    "Well please excuse my boy Mike, understandably he has some grievances against you. But I am in charge here." General Lee spoke in an authoritative tone.

    "So Peter the Sinful huh? I know we all sworn enemies and such, but doesn't mean we can't also be gentlemen right?"

    Peter the Sinful was silent, smouldering rage filled his eyes.

    "Silent treatment huh?" General Lee continued to walk closer to the Keeper Of Secrets.

    "Way I see it, you don't have much choice, you see this army here. These boys, are all of me. And I am all of them." General Lee said.

    He was now only 10 or so yards from Peter.

    "So why don't yall tell me whats beyond that there portal?" he now stood only 6 yards from Peter.

    "We can make this easy, or we can mak..."

    Peter the Sinful sprung at General Lee, in a blur of claws and blades, the Lord of Afflictions was cut to pieces. His head neck snapped by Peters claw from his body.

    The head sailed through the air and landed at Mikes feet.

    "I think he's angry huh?" General Lee's decapitated head, winked at Bulbous Mike. The head stopped moving, and General Lee was dead.

    Mike, Kirkah and Alfred stood in shock. The rest of the 7th Air Calvary stood motionless.

    Then a Blight King from the entourage stepped forward and walked towards Peter the Sinful.

    When he was standing on top of General Lee's remains, he removed his helmet.

    General Lee continued talking in a matter of factly tone.

    "You took my life, in cold blood Peter, not very Gentlemanly. But I got a million more of them. I am all of the 7th Air Cavalry, and they are all of me."

    General Lee picked up his Trident.

    The furious Keeper of Secrets sprung at General Lee again.

    "clang, clang, clang, clang" This time Peters blows met General Lee's trident.

    Peter stumbled backwards, trying to work out which of its wounds to clasp. Blood seeped from the twelve holes General Lee's trident had poked in Peter.

    "Well I guess there ain't no reasoning with some people, Mike do your thang buddy." General Lee turned and walked away.

    "Right you fucking bastard Peter, I am going to hang you from that tree of cocks now!" Mike said with much anticipation.

    He lifted his hammer and whacked at the prone Peter, hitting his shoulder. There was a loud crunch. Mike stuck again this time on the daemons legs then on its midriff.

    When it lay completely limp its body liquefied from the heavy hammer blows, Mike produced his large dagger, and cut Peter's tail from his back.

    Mike good to his word and with the help of a dozen Blight Kings, did hang Peter from the odd shaped cock tree.

    Peters army was disposed of in a matter of moments by the scythe attacks of the cycle charging 7th Air Cavalry.


    "Ok party's over guys, lets get ready to go through that portal" General Lee commanded, and his men began to form into ranks.

    "Yall, better take care, we got no idea what lies beyond that thang. But its probably not gone be pleased to see us."


    Kirkah hovered alongside Sweet Pus. "Ahhh, a Bubgorex" Sweet Pus said surveying the large crater in the battlefield.

    "You know we could use a few of them...." Sweet Pus said in soft voice.

    "Yea I bet we sure could." Kirkah commented.

    "Well lets get some of them then" Sweet Pus said gently amused, staring at the crater.

    "Wha.. yes?" Kirkah said looking at Sweet Pus.

    "Bring me a box of that warp dust from the wagon" Sweet Pus ordered a Blight King.

    "Those things don't stay long though" Kirkah stated.

    "You done well to call on the pot monsters Kirkah Kirkanovich. I think you will make a promising student.
    But don't try to teach a master what he can and can't do." Sweet Pus said in a mild tone.

    The Blight king returned. Sweet Pus pulled out the top slats of the crate, and began to chant words and throw handfuls of warp dust into the crater.

    Kirkah noted the smoothness in which Sweet Pus spoke the incantations, his delicate pronunciation and confident spell crafting were a thing of beauty to behold.

    The crater began to fill with greenish, yellow ooze, large bubbles popped on the top of the boiling liquid.

    The first Bubgorex began to surface. The gigantic beast, as big as three score free city galleons began to climb up and out of the crater, and calmly march towards the portal that the 7th Air Calvary were now piling through.

    "hmmm... should fit through the gate." Sweet Pus estimated, looking at the beast and the large black whirling rift.

    The Bubgorex was followed shortly by two more.

    At that point Kirkah concluded, he really did not know magic at all.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2019
  19. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    "Great! we here now Sue, Choo Choo!" Walter said happily.

    The stage wagon pulled up at the side of the road, next to a picturesque cottage.

    "The farm looks like heaven!" Sue said observing the neatly kept flat fields and tidy hedge rows, in the late afternoon dusk.

    "Moo" Said a cow, as it lifted its head to observe the guests arriving.

    Walter walked quickly to the front of the cottage and knocked on the door.

    "HALLO, I am coming I am coming." A woman's voice called from somewhere behind the door.

    The door opened. And a well fed woman with grey hair appeared.



    "WALTER..... MY KINDERS COME HOME! PAPA, WALTERS COME HOME." The woman cried hysterically.

    Sue watched as the woman grabbed hold of Walter like a drowning man, grabbed onto a piece of drift wood.


    "Mama, ok. ok." Walter said embracing his mutter.

    "MY SON! MY SON!" A well built,balding, grey haired man with spectacles shouted at the top of his voice in a heavy deep voice.

    "PAPA!" Walter said as his father joined the group embrace.

    "LOOK YOU BROUGHT A GIRL WITH YOU!" Walters mother cried.

    "AND A GIANT YELLOW WALKING LIZARD!" Walters father shouted.

    "no no, these are just friends, they need somewhere to stay. If that's ok."

    "Yes yes of course" Walters mutter said.

    "HOW LONG ARE YOU HERE FOR" Walter's father bellowed.

    "I can only stay one day, I'm sorry" Walter said regretfully.

    Walters mother began to weep hysterically again.

    "THEN THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST DAY YOU HAVE ALL YEAR! I GO TO GET YOUR BROTHER AND UNCLES, I GO TO GET EVERYONE!" Walters father went out of the front door and went to climb on his horse.
    "I BE BACK SOON! AND GET THE GRILL HOT, WE GOING TO COOK A COW WHEN I GET BACK!" He rode off down the dirt road.

    Walters mutter ushered them into the large cottage. The home was immaculate, with a warm cosy feel. Beautiful ornaments made out of various stones decorated the abode.

    Sue stopped to look at a painting on the wall.

    "Yes, yes, that's my child when he got his commission." The still crying Walter's mutter said.

    Walter's mutter lead them through the cottage and out of the back door. "Sit" she directed the guests.

    She went over to the massive grill and began to place logs underneath it, to build a fire.

    "Mama, look I do this." Walter said leaning over to pick up a log.

    "SIT NOW"

    "ok ok" Walter went and took his place next to Sue.

    "So why are you on such short leave from Salisberg?" Walters mutter asked.

    Walter thought better of upsetting her again by telling her the town had been blown up and he had been almost killed.

    "Oh, ya know, I had to escort someone..."

    "Don't lie to your mutter! I know when you are lying."

    "Can I tell you another time?" Walter said, not really believing that was going to be an option.

    "TELL ME NOW!"

    "Well, um.. there was this problem. And..."

    "Stop it!"

    "Ok ok, the town was blown up, and most of my men were killed and...."

    Walters mutter put her hand over her mouth and began screaming!


    Henry, Walter's father was thirty or so yards from the cottage, with Jonas Walter's brother, when he heard the shriek.

    "MY GOD!" Henry said, dismounting his horse.

    Margret, Walters mother ran out from the front of the house.


    Henry walked round the side of the house to the back garden where Walter was sitting.

    "Walter, look you upset your mutter with your war stories" Henry said smiling.


    "MY BROTHER" Walter replied to Jonas as they shook hands.

    "Oskar said he go to fetch everyone else, ok let's get this grill going. My boy I got a whole keg of dwarven ale just for a special occasion like this." Henry said proudly.


    The other guests arrived and a mighty feast ensued.

    Henry threw some off cuts to his two salivating dogs.

    "What does your yellow pet eat." Henry asked Sue.

    "Choo Choo what do you want to eat?"

    Henry and the other guests watched in shock as the Sink replied.

    "Like Chicken." Choo Choo replied.

    Henry stuck his prongs into a plump looking roast chicken leg and began to put it on a plate.

    "No, cook." Choo Choo said.

    Henry went to reach into the bucket of raw chicken parts.

    "Like moving." Choo Choo asked again.

    "I see, Jonas go and catch one of those hens and bring it here will you."

    Jonas stood up and went over to a chicken hutch a little way away.

    "Careful you don't burn down the chicken house with that torch Jonas!" Henry shouted after him.

    "Yes yes, I know." Jonas called back.

    Jonas came back with fat hen. "Well give it to him then." Henry said.

    The guests went silent, all eyes fixed on Choo Choo.

    Jonas passed the Seraphon the hen. The Skink snatched the hen from Jonas's arms. What happened next was truly brutal.

    Blood and feathers flew up into the air. Choo Choo made loud grunting noises as he tore apart his dinner.

    The other guests looked on with horror.

    "Next time only cabbage." Henry said to Choo Choo.


    Walter awoke. It was hard to leave his bed with the crisp sheets. He stood up and walked out of his room and went to join Henry who was standing out the back of the house.

    "What's it doing?" Henry said, watching Choo Choo off in the distance.

    Walter looked on as he could see the Skink dragging stones from the pond, to place them on the field.

    "I have no idea." Walter replied.

    "Has he been at it long?"

    "I have been watching him for half an hour. But look how many stones he has already moved." Henry responded, fascinated with the lizard.

    "Its strange the dog's don't seem to mind him."


    The morning passed into midday. Most of the friends and family had gone home. Walter sat talking with his mutter and farther, Sue and Jonas.

    "LOOK!" Henry said pointing at Choo Choo in the distance.

    Walter and Sue squinted their eyes to see Choo Choo Jumping up and down.

    "Bang bang bang"

    "Someones at the door, I go to get it" Margret walked off to open the front door.

    "Look! those huge birds in the sky" Sue said.

    "Walter it's some of your friends at the door" Margaret called. "Wait I bring them through."

    "Friends?" Walter looked puzzled.

    Peter Frankfurton and Rudolph Ausfarth pushed open the back door, carrying Eligbert.

    Followed by Chadsun who had a very bruised looking eye.

    "Sir reported to Holstenburgh garrison as ord..." Peter Frankfurton was cut off mid sentence.

    "MY GOD LOOK THE BIRDS!" Henry cried.


    Xavi had been flying sorties for days now. He had discovered the battle ruins at Salisberg, thick with the stench of Nurgle .

    He had used that as a central point, and decided to search in a progressively widening radius around it.

    "There! Look!" One of the Ripperdactyl riders, directed Xavi, to look at a Seraphon help symbol made out of stones on a flat field below.

    "DOWN NOW." Xavi ordered, and the great flying beasts began to rapidly descend towards little meadow farm.

  20. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    "Choo Choo, we find you!" Xavi said touching down heavily on the farm field.

    "Xaviodollas, need go now, vital information for Luhumi." Choo Choo belted out.

    "Yes, go soon, but need, feed Rippers first." Xavi said sighting an ideal field of maize nearby.

    "I need take friends home." Choo Choo asked to Xavi.

    "I no authorise that." Xavi said flatly.

    "Friends, save me! Here they die. Dirty ones come."

    Xavi thought hard.

    "No take home, take to man city Hamborgen, drop there." Xavi said.

    "Xavi you great friend of Choo Choo" Xavi nodded his head and smiled at Choo Choo.

    Choo Choo turned and ran back towards the farm house, where his people friends were now all standing watching the Seraphon
    air team refuelling process.


    "THATS MY MAIZE!" Henry said laughing, not really caring as he watched the yellow Skinks
    dart in and out of the maize field, carrying back great bundles of the crop for the large bird
    creatures to eat.

    "Look here comes Choo Choo" They watched as the Yellow creature, ran at brake neck speed towards them.

    "Are they your friends Choo Choo" Sue called to the Lizard.

    Choo Choo didn't answer her question.


    "And why would we want to do that!" enquired Henry.

    "Dirty one's come, Kill everything. Go now please!" Choo Choo spoke so fast it was hard to decipher.


    Maw-Gritch watched the Yellow Skinks collecting the Maize from the field, his filthy green robes
    conveniently camouflaging him, in between the tall green maize crops. Clan Vagulch had agents in every area of the farm watching.
    He moved closer to where the Skinks were picking the crops from,
    and produced a vial with a clear substance in it. He popped the cork, and started to apply it to the leafs randomly, where he estimated the
    Skinks would take from next.


    "Look Chewy, We can't go to Hamborgen. We live here" Walter said.

    "I want to go." Sue said.

    "Yes me too!" Chadsun said instantly.


    "Yes, ve vill go also." Walter said reluctantly.

    "But you said you didn't want to go?" Chadsun replied looking frustrated.

    "I change my mind." Walter answered.

    Walter made his farewells.

    "Ok mama, papa, Jonas. I be back... when I get back!"

    "Ha ha, dirty ones. maybe he means Oskar! ha ha." Henry said as he waved goodbye to the companions.

    "ha ha ha" chuckled Jonas and Margaret.

    They watched as the group approached the Ripperdactyls, there were a dozen of the large flying beasts. Henry watched laughing as the
    Skink pilots told them how to sit and hold on.


    "Lets go home!" Xavi shouted, signalling with his reptilian hand.

    The Ripperdactyls began to run along the ground.


    The concept of flying, to the average person of the Mortal Realms was a romantic and abstract affair.

    Very few people would ever experience flight. The companions jointly shared the idea, that riding on the back
    of a flying Lizard while holding onto another Lizard, would be something like riding on the back of a horse.

    However the reality was an entirely different, terrifying affair.

    "AAHHHHHAAHHHA!" Chadsun screamed as he clung on for dear life to the poor Skink Pilot.

    "Not, touch there, distract me!" The Skink brushed off Chadsun's hand.

    Sue looked at the ground which now seemed to be a million miles away. She had never been so scared in her life.

    Eligbert seemed to be handling it best. The wind made it impossible to communicate verbally. The Skinks used hand signals or high pitched whistling noises to coordinate their formation.

    Walter tried to keep the idea of falling from his mind.


    From one of the hedge rows down on little meadow farm, a gutter runner, burst out at full speed. It jumped over fences and obstacles as it tried to keep pace with the Ripperdactyls, to make sure of their flight path.


    "Anybody seen the dogs?" Henry Asked to Margret and Jonas.



    "Tilbert, Sweetie" Henry called. "Here boy, Here girl." He whistled.

    He put down the pipe he had in his mouth. "Ah well, I am sure they show up when they are hungry."

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019
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