6th Ed. Burning Lore question - Nakai and Albion

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Oh_Man, Oct 3, 2019.

  1. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Can anyone help me I am looking for the source of this claim "Nakai went to Albion". I have been trying to find the source for this claim, looked through Shadows over Albion, army book timelines, etc., can't find anything. All I have from some wikis are some quotations with no sources.

    "In the wake of the Albion campaign around 2520 IC, the Slann rediscovered the island and the treasures of the Old Ones that were left behind there at the Forge of the Old Ones. Determined to not allow them to fall into the wrong hands, Lord Mazdamundi, of the Second Spawning and Nakai traveled to Albion via the Geomantic Web. Using their magic to create a new jungle and maintain the mist that hid the island, the Lizardmen founded a new city there, the first since the Great Catastrophe."

    In fact looking at the 6th edition timeline I instead get this contradicting passage:

    2520 The threat to Albion. Gates are opened to the island. Scar-leader Kroq-Gar leads the first war parties to clenase the isle of warm-bloods. Under the manipulations of Lord Mazdamundi, the climate of the isle is altered, and the start of new jungle is formed. work begins on the founding of the new temple-city Konquata, Place of Resistance, in the interior of Albion.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Quote from Total War Warhammer 2 maybe? :joyful:

    Yeah I am not sure where that comes from. I definitely remember the lore quote sending Kroq-Gar over to Albion to conquer Konquata, not sure if I remember a Nakai story arch with it too.

    I never really was able to find anything specific on the Albion campaign itself aside from the small asides in the Lizardmen book, anyone have access to the old campaign material when GW was running it? Allegedly because of the great gains the Lizardmen players made during the campaign is why they decided to add a whole Lizardmen temple city in the middle of the island in the Old World.
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  3. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Here is the reference. His starting point in Mortal Empires is also in Albion.

    Here is the Shadows Over Albion pdf.
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  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I think I have seen this before, definitely seen the Dark Shadows version. Thing is I have a feeling that the whole bit about Nakai going their probably didn't occur in the actual Warhammer lore.

    I am not really surprised that Kroq-Gar didn't wind up in Albion for the Mortal Empires campaign even though it would have been more true to the (obscure) lore, but CA have been surprising people more and more recently with loads of great content!

    It is great to see that the Lizardmen currently have more characters than any other army right now! Six whole legendary lords?? AND Kroak as a playable hero? Sweet :cool:
  5. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Yeah it was a big swing because we were stuck with the base two for the longest time but then two DLCs in a row and now we have the most LLs of any faction. :p

    Only missing Tetto'ekko, Chakax and Oxytl.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Out of those three I would guess we would see Tetto'ekko next? Chakax would be pretty cool, though he is supposed to be a guard for the slann, not really the main man on deck. But then again I didn't expect to see any Kroxigors ever leading Lizardmen armies either though. Same with chameleon skinks, wonder if we will ever see the great Lizard Ninja himself?
  7. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    The link isn't working for me, I'd love to have this if anyone could help. Thank you.

    EDIT: The link appears to be working fine, I don't know why it initially appeared broken the first several times I tried.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019

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