Impressive Modeling/Painting Mishaps

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Flint13, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Well, I just spent a good hour or so doing the first coats on my new kroxigor. It took longer than normal b/c i wasn't quite sure the color scheme i wanted, so it took a few tries. Anywho, finally happy with it, i took it outside to matte varnish the heck out of it before the final touches. Little did I know (until now, which is sadly far far too late) that GW brand Matte varnish comes in a can that looks EXACTLY like Ultramarines blue spray paint, well besides the little label at the bottom, of course. Needless to say, I'm repainting that first krox, exept this time around is taking longer b/c I feel like a moron at the same time. Pretty sad in all honesty. Anywho, I was wondering if any of you guys have a good (read : hilarious) story of an epic modeling mishap to tell. One, becuase I'm curious now, two, so I won't feel quite so bad ^_^.

  2. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    My first color scheme for my lizardmen was going to be gray with black scales. Unfortunately, priming a model black and then painting him adeptus battlegray just makes him look like a regular plastic figure off the sprue...

    Also, try to glue things together before you paint them. I finally got my TG standard bearer put together after painting him up and he looked great. After I let him dry a bit, my mom came in and I handed it to her. Unfortunately, it slipped out of her hand and hit the floor and every single piece that was glued together came apart...
    The main body part had bounced up and somehow had stuck to the table leg which took FOREVER to find! We were about ready to call it quits after crawling around under the table and say he just vaporized on impact until we looked up and saw him just chilling attached to the table leg...
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Aside from the stories everyone has of impressive models falling off tables, whole units being stepped on etc. my worst is hanging my converted skink priest in front of a heater so his first wash would dry quicker but leaving him for too long. I have to make another one...

    I have heard of other people mistaking paint for varnish, in fact I suspect there was even a thread on this forum ages ago on it. Luckily I haven't done it but god would that suck.
  4. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Haha... HEY!, my lizards are primed black and painted adeptus battlegrey. They have gore red scales which kinda evens them out though. :)
  5. Suppe

    Suppe New Member

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    Haha I've done so many screw ups I stopped counting....
    First one would be priming my first space marines, then start painting the front, turning it around and realizing that I forgot to prime the back...
    Second would be my space marine tank (can't remember which one) but thinking it was cool to put a space marine in the room (there was a back door) and then forgetting about him and gluing the door. Had to rip apart the whole door and put a new one in.
    Third would be when I got some tyranids... thinking I'm going to prime them black and then figuring out later that I wanted a white color scheme..
    Let's see.... what else have I done....
    Oh yes, held to metal pieces together to make sure they didn't fall apart when I glued them, then realizing my fingers were glued to.. had to break the two pieces apart -,-
    And that's just a few ones
  6. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I am a HUGE fan of painting then glueing. I just hate trying to weave my way under, around and through shields, arms and the like. What I've found is easy to keep those attachments on the model after painting is to just take a soft file or my hobby knife and scrape that paint off. That way you have plastic on plastic. This works equally well with super glue and plastic glue.

    The simple fact is that if you glue painted parts onto other painted parts (or even non-painted parts) the bond rests not on the strength of the glue but on the bond between paint and plastic/metal.
  7. Suppe

    Suppe New Member

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    Here is my newest... getting ready to put them down in the suitcase then realizing that making your terradons wings point upwards at a 45 degree angle is not the brightest idea
  8. Bush Craft
    Jungle Swarm

    Bush Craft New Member

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    Twice now the same thing: Spray varnishing 50+ guys at once... STUPID!!!!!!! I spent a week on cold once cavalry and they looked GORGEOUS...until the dreaded frosted varnish struck.

    If there's a bright side to it all, I finally discovered a magic, one-shot, cure-all to the dreaded frosted varnish: Testor's Gloss Cote. Spray it on, let it dry. If you don't like the gloss cote just put a matte on over it later. Works perfectly :D
  9. Gerdion

    Gerdion New Member

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    I was painting up some Ork Burna Boyz for a good friend of mine. For added touches I added charcoal and skorched rippers to the base. Was awesome. Not for long though. I was being cheap, so I got myself some Tamiya Bronze to do the promethium tank on the ork's back.

    It stank, and I worked quickly to get the paint on, thinking I ought to wash and shade it later. Not sure what happened, but the next day (when I was sure it had dried) I took a brush to it and with the slightest touch of the moist bristles, the entire work of the previous day (on the tank only) fell right off in a single uniform piece. I would have been more upset if I wasn't so fascinated by how such a thing could have been possible! XD
  10. ItzaAtaxa
    Jungle Swarm

    ItzaAtaxa New Member

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    My worst mistake was I had just made an awsome skink brave and left it on me bedside table and my dog came in.....later no brave. Guess what i found the next day(half digested) :rolleyes:
  11. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Let me guess... The skink ate your dog! :O
  12. Suppe

    Suppe New Member

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    And here is another one from me... completely painted all my 10 temple guards, and i was basing it and thought:" Hmm some temple ruins would be could" which I made on all of them. Then later when ranking them up i realize they wont because their tail is to big..... :rage:

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