Army Fluff Need Narative help - Oldbloods unique body guard

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Sudsinabucket, Oct 12, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    For the narrative Im writing for my army I started with its origins in Fantasy (what I'm more familiar with), working towards AOS as I read more lore and now I'm thinking of writing a short story describing how my Old Bloods personal guard of sorts was formed.

    Little background: My Oldblood was spawned in direct response to Clan Pestilence invasion through out the world that was, in particular against the Dragon Isles (also working on Dragon Isles lore, my Homebrew Temple City of Xiuhcoatl (It means 'Fire Serpent' = Dragons/Salamanders -Flightless dragons imo- = Dragon Isles) . From blessed/purified pools and my OC is spawned a dual blessed Saurus Oldblood of Quetzl/Sotek (Thick scale armor, split tail) and has a unique Troglodon Matriarch mount which is also specifically Blessed by Sotek. Being blessed from these pools also granted him and later his spawnkin the unique attribute of being immune to all but the most potent Diseases/plagues/poisons/etc that Clan Pestilence or Nurgles hordes can throw at them. This is also why when I reach the AOS part of the lore I will be putting my homebrewed Temple Cities in the realm of life, to help against nurgle (I havnt read where clan pestilence may be in AOS yet)

    The idea for my special guard/unit for my Oldblood is a unit of Troglodon/Red Crested Oracles. My question is in my research on the subject I cant find much on Oracles, is there any good references on them? Are they what I read, sorta useless without a slann to cast magic through them? Or are they simply priest special spawns? A melee/caster type who is proficient in both? Doomfire warlocks of sorts? (I only know them from Total War, I know a little on their background)

    I think its a cool concept but also don't want to write something that is totally against the lore, but would/could it make sense that a special spawning of oracles
    happened that made this particular spawning of Bulkier/more magic proficient oracles?

    The new base Ive been showing is supposed to show the "First Meeting" (haven't fully decided on that name yet) of my OC's first Troglodon Rider. Im just imagining a line of Troglodons and their riders barrelling through an enemies line and its amazing in my head.

    Thoughts? Insight?

    Also, where is the best place to start reading on events specific to the realm of life?


    Pics just because 20191010_213609.jpg 20191009_204809.jpg 20191009_150917.jpg 20191011_142523.jpg 20191001_101247_007_saved.jpg
    Aginor and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  2. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Skink Oracles don't seem to have much lore beyond their descriptions in the army books, from what i can gather (which is generally the case with most new-ish lizardmen/seraphon) but they're not solely remote vesitages for Slann to cast through. The slann can caste spells and see through their eyes, as they can with Skink priests, but Oracles are born wanderers, emerging from spawning pools alone and using their innate powers of divination (Both through the more traditional meaning of what amounts to future-sight, and how you'd think a diving rod works- being drawn to disturbances in the geomantic web or lost artifacts/monuments/whatever) to go where needed. Given their comparisons to priests and ability to dispell enemy spells on the tabletop, I imagine they're magically capable too.

    They seem to be to Skink priests as red crested skinks are to normal skinks- a more elite and sotek-blessed spawning, with a more esoteric role in the great plan. I could see a Saurus blessed by Sotek having a host of Oracles as their guides and warhost, a mystical retinue that ensures the saurus shows up exactly where they're needed.

    There's nothing in canon about it (which goes for a lot of seraphon/lizardmen details) but I could see them being more physically warlike too, like the red crested skinks are in general, or you could have it so they're born that way specifically because they're intended to be the guardians of your blessed Saurus. There's tons of leeway involved
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  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks so much for the reply! :)

    This really helps me confirm that i can take some liberties in creating this elite cav shock group of sorts. Both Oracles and my OC Saurus being both blessed by sotek is just a bonus the power of fore sight is pretty powerful for a General, among their possible other attributes

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