AoS Narrative help - Unique Generals Personal Guard

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Sudsinabucket, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    For the narrative Im writing for my army I started with its origins in Fantasy (what I'm more familiar with), working towards AOS as I read more lore and now I'm thinking of writing a short story describing how my Old Bloods personal guard of sorts was formed.

    Little background: My Oldblood was spawned in direct response to Clan Pestilence invasion through out the world that was, in particular against the Dragon Isles (also working on Dragon Isles lore, my Homebrew Temple City of Xiuhcoatl (It means 'Fire Serpent' = Dragons/Salamanders -Flightless dragons imo- = Dragon Isles) . From blessed/purified pools and my OC is spawned a dual blessed Saurus Oldblood of Quetzl/Sotek (Thick scale armor, split tail) and has a unique Troglodon Matriarch mount which is also specifically Blessed by Sotek. Being blessed from these pools also granted him and later his spawnkin the unique attribute of being immune to all but the most potent Diseases/plagues/poisons/etc that Clan Pestilence or Nurgles hordes can throw at them. This is also why when I reach the AOS part of the lore I will be putting my homebrewed Temple Cities in the realm of life, to help against nurgle (I havnt read where clan pestilence may be in AOS yet)

    The idea for my special guard/unit for my Oldblood is a unit of Troglodon/Red Crested Oracles. My question is in my research on the subject I cant find much on Oracles, is there any good references on them? Are they what I read, sorta useless without a slann to cast magic through them? Or are they simply priest special spawns? A melee/caster type who is proficient in both? Doomfire warlocks of sorts? (I only know them from Total War, I know a little on their background)

    I think its a cool concept but also don't want to write something that is totally against the lore, but would/could it make sense that a special spawning of oracles
    happened that made this particular spawning of Bulkier/more magic proficient oracles?

    The new base Ive been showing is supposed to show the "First Meeting" (haven't fully decided on that name yet) of my OC's first Troglodon Rider. Im just imagining a line of Troglodons and their riders barrelling through an enemies line and its amazing in my head.

    Thoughts? Insight? Things to read?

    Also, where is the best place to start reading on events specific to the realm of life?


    Pics just because
    20191010_213609.jpg 20191011_142523.jpg 20191001_101247_007_saved.jpg
    ILKAIN, LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    lore wise not much they are single spawned skinks like chiefs. they are the only ones that can tame trogladons, they have limited for-site of the future simuler to star sears but more innate.
    they only show up once in book form in the 8th edition lizard codex
    Mounted on a Troglodon, a Skink Oracle travels the land, using his obscure divining powers to seek out lost artefacts of the Old Ones or to investigate disturbances felt in the geometric web. As with the Skink Priests, slann Mage-Priests can see the worls through the eyes of a Skink Oracle and can cast spells through them. This telepathic link means the Oracles often appear just when they are most needed - further adding to the superstitions surrounding the mysterious skinks and their revered mounts. All lizerdmen rally at the wailing cry of the Troglodon, for its eerie call stirs their savagery and proves they have the Old Ones’ favour.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, that's basically all I could find.

    Sounds like I can take the liberty to expand on them as I please then seeing ad there isn't much said about them

    Thanks for the response
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    glad i could help a lot of lore has changed since we fled lustria. you might want to check out the story boards for more we have a lot of talented writers over there.
  5. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    cool base, how'd you make that?
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thats a good idea and was considering it! I was going to post more of my story at some point
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks a lot! Just styrofoam cut to size then part of it hallowed out. I coat the styrofoam (all of it) in Elmers glue to protect it then pour the resin epoxy thats colored blue (ive done...2 or 3 pours now) and tomorrow I will paint it :) some areas will just ve grass/dirt while other areas will be a ruined path that leads to the spawning pool

    Hope that helps!

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