AoS Fixing Serephon

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Erta Wanderer, Sep 1, 2019.

  1. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    we might have to make him more expensive i was spit balling his price
    Lizerd likes this.
  2. The Sloth Bear
    Jungle Swarm

    The Sloth Bear New Member

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    Has anyone commented on here about how maybe since Seraphon units have the Daemon keyword in their warscroll that maybe GW should make or use rules from the Chaos Daemons so that in some capacity they actually do something with that little lore tid bit. Thoughts?
    Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    sort of we are easy to summon have bravery 10 and we gave the entire army -1 rend reduction to show the ethereal nature of our troops
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
    Lizerd likes this.
  4. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Out of curiosity, how exactly is the army-wide -1 rend reduction supposed to interact with saurus and skink shields' ability of ignoring rend values of less than 2? If it's the army ability first, this effectively means that the only way to rend them is with a -3 Rend weapon. Otherwise, the shield ability is worthless.
    Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the alliance ability has taken over for the shield ability and the shields ability has been replaced with a 6+ shrug
    Lizerd and Canas like this.
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    I am open to a rework, but more testing would need to be done.
    Ive dome a 1v1 Oldblood on carnosaur against a zombie dragon and the Oldblood wiped the floor with the zombie dragon
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    well he is a monster hunter. did you have a vampire on him? if you have them both hit a 10 man they do about the same damage the carnasaur does more to monsters and the VLoZD heals and can fly and has spells. i think that a good price for him would be 320 i've been doing a mass comparisen between units and that seems to be where the numbers are for a non flying hero moster that hits this hard.
    ill have more price adjustments soon it's just a really big job.
    Lizerd likes this.
  8. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    heck im just going to release it piece meal saurus first
    we have already been over warriors and knights they are good at 110 and 150
    but ive been looking over guard and comparing them to the latest books and you can get 10 Great swords, Phoenix Guard for 160 and iron breakers for 130 all of these do far more damage and are just as durable as guard. comparing them to ard boys they have very close stat lines at 5 for 90 so i think we should drop saurus guard to 100 for 5.
    Lizerd likes this.
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    razordons and salamanders need to go up to 70/180 now that their range problems are solved and they get handlers by default. this is a bit shaky the only one that i could find to compair was ratling guns
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
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  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Sounds good, I am on translations in the points
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  11. Lustrian Giant
    Chameleon Skink

    Lustrian Giant Well-Known Member

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    What's everyone's idea on new units and battalion?

    *Obligatory I have no idea how to stat units or come up with battalion abilities*

    My thoughts were having a battalion that focuses on Kroxigor and Skinks. I was thinking something like this
    * 2-5 units of Skinks/Red Crested Skinks/Chameleon Skinks
    * 1-3 units of Kroxigor
    * 1 of either an Ancient Kroxigor or a Skink Cheifton

    Which would bring me to the next part, new units. My thoughts for them would be the following

    Red Crested Skinks:
    Melee focused unit of skinks with 2 handed weapons
    1 wound
    5+ save
    Bravery 10
    Move 8in
    2in 2/4/4/-/1
    On a wound of 6 does a mortal wound
    (+ all other base skink abilities)
    Battleline if a Skink is the general
    80pts for 10

    Skink Chief
    3 different builds that would reflect the 3 different kinds of skinks
    Shared Stats
    Wounds 5
    Move 8in
    Save 4+
    Bravery 10

    Command Ability
    Choose between using this ability in either the Shooting or Combat phase. Pick a friendly Skink/Skinks unit within 8 inches, that unit can either shoot or fight again, at the end of combat.

    Ranged Build (Chameleon Chief)
    20in 6/3/3/-2/2 missle
    1in 2/3/4/-/1 melee
    On a 6+ to hit, causes 1d3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends (missle weapon only)

    Mixed Build (Normal Skink Chief)
    16in 4/4/3/-1/2 missle
    1in 4/3/3/-1/1 melee
    Hit rolls of 6+ generate 1 extra wound roll

    Melee Build (Red Crested Cheif)
    2in 6/3/3/-1/2 melee
    Hit rolls of 6+ cause 1d3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends.
    Wound rolls of 6+ have rend -3

    I wanna say something like 100-120pts for them?

    Ancient Kroxigor
    8 wounds
    3+ save
    8in move
    10 Bravery

    Great Kroxigor Hammer
    3in 6/3/2/-2/3
    2in 4/3/3/-2/1d3


    - Ancient Kroxigor ignores wounds and mortal wounds on a 5+
    - Heals 1d3 wounds in the Hero Phase
    - Skinks and Kroxigor units within 10inches can reroll hit rolls of 1
    - Kroxigor Units within 6 inches gain a 5+ save to ignore wounds

    Command ability
    When used, all Kroxigor units within 24 inches heal 1 wound, and gain +1 rend and +1 attack on all weapons.
    Can only be used once per turn
    Say something like 240-300pts?

    Like I said before, I have no idea how to balance anything. But I hope the whole idea of each unit is there, and I wish we had a battalion that focused on Kroxigar and Skinks.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
  12. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    your command abilitiy is hillariously overpowered. as it can stack healing your and ancient kroxigor back up from the brink of death and giving them a load of attacks which are guaranteed to cut through saves (unless your playing against the nighthaunt). Admittadly you're only going to do that once per turn. But still, quite hilarious to suddenly pump out unsaveable attacks.

    Imho, kroxigor's need a hero & some battalions that they actually fit in (and some synergy with the rest of our army they're currently not affected by anything we really have...)

    Skinks don't really need a new unit, cool as red crested skinks may be. They mostly just need to give regular skinks the ability to actually hit an opponent so they're a vaguely relevant threat. Give them the skink handler's eyepoking ability and you've probably done enough. Also again, give them some synergy & some battalions that actually do something (yes they're a part of shadowstrike, but ultimatly the skinks themselves don't care super much about the battalion)
    ChapterAquila92 and Lizerd like this.
  13. Lustrian Giant
    Chameleon Skink

    Lustrian Giant Well-Known Member

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    Like I said, i dont know balance or how i would do all of that, all that well, however I did mean for that Command ability to only be used once per turn (edited now). But thanks for the input. It's much appreciated
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    battalions where adresed on page 13 here is what we came up with


    sunclaw starhost: requirements sunblood 2-6 units of saurus warriors 120 points

    memory of furry: saurus warriors gain 6s to hit generate an extra attack 6s to wound cause 2 damage

    eternal starhost: requirements warden 2-6 units of guard 160 points

    memory of defiance: temple guard can pile in upon death

    memory of chekax: the wardens shrug increases to 4+ as time bends around him as with Chekax of old

    memory of bulwarks: the temple guards shrug increases to 5+

    firelance starhost: requirements carnosaur of any variant and 2-6 units of knights 120 points

    memory of the rush: 6s to hit become mortal wounds on the charge the units can retreat and charge in the same turn.

    Shadowstrike Starhost this one is fine replace skink hero with storm priest

    thunder quake starhost: requirements 1 behemoth hero unit any 2-8 of the following stegadon, bastiladon 120 points

    memory of the herd: behemoth units in this battalion count as battle line

    memory of resilience: units from this battalion can reroll saves when wholly within 6" of the hero or 6" of 2 other units from this battalion. at the start of your hero phase heal 1 wound per model

    soteks star host: requirements 1 troglodon 0-3 of either skink priest or starpriest 2-8 skinks 0-4 chameleon skinks 1-3 kroxigor 140 points

    memory of the jungle: a 12" around the troglodon counts as cover for the battalion as phantom trees are called into being

    memory of zealots: skinks gain 2" range to their melee weapons as there weapons change to halberds and there crests change to bright red

    pack hunter star host requirements 2-8 of either of the following razordon salamanders maybe a hero im running out of options lets go with the star seer because of his history with salamanders.

    memory of the hunt: units can run or retreat and still shoot and gain -1 to be hit in the shooting phase 100 points

    i do really love your idea for a ancient Kroxigoar ill see what i can put together
    Lizerd and Lustrian Giant like this.
  15. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    as requested by Lustrian Giant
    Ancient Kroxigor cultist of nakai 160-180
    8 wounds
    3+ save
    8" move
    10 Bravery

    a Ancient Kroxigor can be armed with either a threshing maul or god touched gauntlets he makes attacks with his crushing jaws

    threshing maul 3 2" 3/4/-1/2
    godtouched gauntlets 6 1" 3/2/-1/2
    crushing jaws 2 1" 3/*/*/*

    threshing maul: a relic from a time when he did not know war a threshing maul is not a tool made for killing but to clear forests any units hit with a threshing maul is nocked off balance and takes -1 to wound rolls
    vice like jaws:hits with crushing jaws do a mortal wound if an attack made by the jaws has a hit roll of 5+ or higher, it instead inflicts d3 mortal wounds.
    star touched: 6 +shrug

    prayer: 4+ all kroxigor units within 6" get +2 to charge roles

    command ability
    eternal wanderers: like the first of their order these heros have a tendency to disappear into the jungle and re-appear where most needed

    when you use this command ability remove this hero and up to 2 kroxigor units within 6" from the board at the end of your movement phase they can be placed within 6" of any board edge and out side of 9" of any enemy models.

    keywords kroxigor, hero, skink, priest, order, seraphon, deamon
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
  16. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Your command ability ends midsentence.

    Also the gauntlets seem vastly more usefull than the maul. The potential debuff of -1 to wound is of course usefull and quite unique. But whenever he doesn't fight first it seems pointless. Though I do now see you didn't explain how long the debuff lasts. You should specify that.

    Also, he has a prayer? Seems odd. Isn't the average kroxigor far too stupid to be a priest?
    Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.
  17. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    im not sher what you meen as far as command ability whats unclear its a board edge teleport

    your right with all the activation wars out there lets say your next hero phase and if you're clever you can hit multiple units

    most kroxigor have unshakable faith in there skink frends and the gods that make them. also the oldest ones like nakai seem to get smarter with age. you don't have to be a genius to be a preist like you do to be a mage you just need to know how to pray
    Lizerd likes this.
  18. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    For some reason the sentence was cut off halfway on my screen. It appeared as
    "when you use this command ability remove this hero and up to 2 kroxigor units within 6" from the board at the end"

    When I just selected it to copy it, the remaining bit suddenly popped up for some reason though.

    Meh, I suspect it's still going to be on the weaker side. But at least this way it's guaranteed to actually achieve something.

    Still, generally a priest leads his followers in prayer. Requires a bit more than the usual player. Ah well, could work with some extra fluff I guess. The ancient ones are definitly revered enough for it I guess.
    Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.
  19. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    remember that korn has priests that pray by killing things and kroxigore worship sotek
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  20. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Well yeah, but those priests do actually know the correct rituals and stuff :p

    This is more like saying a korgorath is a priest. Which is a tad odd. But it can work. Especially if the more ancient kroxigor become smarter.
    Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.

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