Oi! Finally i've had the time to actually take photos of my progress, and even transfer the pics into the computer. Painted and done so far are: 12 skinks w/ blowpipe + 1 chief (chief depicted here, the regular skinks aren't good enough) http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/skinkbp2.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/skinkbp.jpg 12 skinks w/ javelins http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/skinkjav.jpg 2 skink priests http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/skinkp2.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/skinkp.jpg 18 saurii w/ spears, FC http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/saurusch2.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/saurusch.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/saurussb.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/saurus.jpg 8 COC http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/cavch2.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/cavch.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/cavsb.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/cavmu.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/cavmu2.jpg http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/Troll_Angwi/warhammer/cav.jpg Primed, waiting to be painted: 10 TG 18 saurii w/ hand weapons 1 Slann In various stages of conversion: 10 terradons (made from tyranid gargoyles and various saurus parts Slann palanquin 4 kroot hounds, 2 of which will become razordons, the other 2 will be sallies. With a bit of luck, 2 more will find their way into my collection, so I'll have three of each. In the process of paintstripping and/or repainting: Oldblood on carnosaur Skink priest 31 saurii 46 skinks 5 old COC In the planning stage: A load of terrain pieces Chameleons A chariot (count-as-stegadon) with old CO, and magnetized variations for eotg/blowpipes/rbt). Of what i've seen so far, i can only say: COC are probably the worst models ever built by GW. I'm very impressed with a lot of their work, but the new COC are of mindbogglingly poor quality. The combination of me being superficial, and me being demanding when it comes to usability and function, I'm quick to nag at small things that annoy me. But as said, most GW models are very good, and I'm probably more into the painting than the gaming... (as a lousy tactician, to this date, I've had 8 games, and gotten my arse thoroughly kicked each time. Best result: not too far from a draw...) Oh well, enough babbling from me! Any comments on the models are very welcome! More pics will come as soon as i get time to make some progress.
Where did you get the leaves on this base? Link Cool stuff, could do with some more highlights and/or smoother layers on some models, but it's definitely Table Top standard. Cheers!
Thanks! I'm still experimenting with that level of highight that looks good, and how to succeed in getting it. hopefully I'll get the knick for it while painting the rest of my army. The leaves are from a plastic boxwood imitation, i find them very usable. Any tips on how much highlight to do are welcome.
Enough so that you can see the highlights from half a meter should do the trick for most models. Cheers!
Thats a good tip! I'll have to plunge into experimentation. Too bad I have to put most of my time into boring stuff like work...
Finished the head/neck bit on the terradons, too bad it looks like crap... I definetly need more skills with green stuff before i try something like this again. The general idea was alright, but i got the necks far too thick, i think. Anyways, it'll do for now. Next bit is attaching saurus arms with spears, and I'd want to try modelling a few feathers for decoration (same sort as with banners and shields). We'll see about that later. A modelling project that goes far better is my flock of chameleons (count as). I'm using the 40k palm trees as a base, and my vision of the finished result will be a patch of thick vegetation, with hints of curled tails, cone-shaped eyes and blowpipes being barely visible. So far it works out fine, I'll try to get some good pics of these little buggers as well.
Yeah the neck does look a bit thick.. I am doing the same thing except with no neck extension, it seems to work well once the wings and such are in place.
The width is ok, but the height is worse. The length got ok as well, I think. I first thought of doing the same as you, but I think i prefer the extended neck. The TG head on yours look very good though, I think that might have saved mine a bit. Very well, a dash of paint and some good basing and it'll just have to do until I've got time to make new ones. Quick question: original terradons are mounted on 40 mm bases?
Excellent. Then i just need like twenty 40mm bases for terradons, razordons and sallie conversions... And a bit of christmas: a stegadon and five DE cold ones arrived today... the pile of things to do grows...