AoS Army Harmonizer

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by samheim, Oct 24, 2019.

  1. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    The irony is, it shows that, when you take things for granted, like a lot of people take for granted, AoS is following a system that is all properly worked out.

    Well when you try and build on top of something, that is broken, there is no way to fix it.

    You have to start from the beginning again.

    That's what I think someone should do. Come up with set of home brew rules, that are mathematically harmonious.

    There are people who are a lot better at maths and understand AoS a lot better then me, and I think that would be a really interesting project.

    My idea, is just to establish a relationship between the small values. How much is 1 movement worth compared to 1 attack etc.

    I wound not advise anybody to try to copy or convert the whole of AoS, because a lot of things are impossible to convert.

    Its better to just start off really simple, and get a really basic system up and running, play test it, and see how well it works. Then add a bit more.
  2. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    How the hell do you screw up multiplying two numbers in a freaking computer program. That's goes far beyond bad programming.
    LizardWizard and ILKAIN like this.
  3. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Easily done.

    They were probably concentrating on getting something else working. They probably had that part all working, and moved on to something else which broke what they were doing with the inch's total.

    Then the people who checked it or tested it, like me were not very familiar with area equations, so took for granted it all worked.

    What is shocking though, is that its so high up in google search results. I picked the first result with an area calculator I found.

    I just expected it to be right. I didn't even question or check the results. As I said, I did think it was a bit odd, because I remember before the area of 2 measurements was a really high number compared to the initial measurements. But I put faith into google providing me search results that were useful.
  4. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    When your a programmer, a lot of the time your going to be working in fields you know very little or nothing about.

    Its hard to think of an example of a similar job where you would be doing something like that.

    The most valuable engineers, are the programmers who have domain knowledge of a previous field as well as being a programmer.

    Over time they have worked out methodologies and practises, so that software engineers can go in and work on things and solve problems, without having to become complete experts in those fields.

    The client will tell you what they want, and you work out a way to make it.

    It appears with the area calculator, the client wasn't an expert in maths either.
  5. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    it's grade school level maths, if you need experts for that level of "domain knowledge" something is very wrong...

    Not to mention that there is just very little to screw up in the first place. You basicly need to screw up on purpose to reach a result like this..
    ILKAIN and LizardWizard like this.
  6. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Not everyone likes maths.

    I am sure that, I would be totally humiliated with my maths ability compared to a 15 year old school kid. Why?

    Because they are studying maths, right now. I haven't done it for over 20 + years.

    I only know the maths I use frequently. Last time I worked on something that worked with area was about 4 years ago.

    I didn't work on the part of the application that done anything to do with the area measurements plugin though.

    Even if I did, I probably wouldn't remember it now anyway, as I have to constantly learn so much and look up new things, I remember very little of what I have done. I complete the task, and then focus on the next task.

    Everything seems easy, when you are good at it or you done it before.

    And not everyone man is intrested in science, maths and mechanics.

    I have very little interest in any of those subjects.

    I like philosophy, music and art etc.

    Programming appealed to me because it's logical. If it was about maths I would hate it.


    More interesting is that appears to be a Wordpress site, so there is a possibility the calculator could be a Wordpress plugin.

    That would be interesting to know. They might have had that plugin custom developed.
  7. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    again... it's basic multiplication, we're not doing anything remotely complex. It's not a matter of liking math, or even being good at it. Not being able to calculate the area of a rectangle, especially with small nice round numbers, by head as an adult is rather sad...
    LizardWizard likes this.
  8. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Literally that stuff computers were made to do as well. You know, compute numbers.
    Canas likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The post count of this thread since its very recent inception is pretty remarkable! :)
    LizardWizard and bOdziO Wolf like this.
  10. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    I will have to take your word for it.

    But really your so clever, what is it you do or can show me, that is really so impressive?

    I mean everyone like you say knows basic maths. So why do I need to know that as well. I pride myself on knowing things regular people don't know or can't understand.
  11. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    In the life, anybody can know all their basic maths, and think they are really a genius or something special for having the acumen of a super market supervisor.

    Basic run of the mill men think in that way.

    Its not about though, its about having works or being able to do things.

    An interesting story I will share with you, I got roped into this training thing I didn't want to do for a while.

    On the course was this completely obnoxious nerd, that got on everyone's nerve.

    He thought he was a genius. To give him his dues, he was actually a pretty clever guy. He could real off loads of technical crap on a million different topics.

    The problem was, he was completely useless, still living with his parents mid 30's, and only a basic set of skills.

    His thing was, he liked to laugh at other people. Which is ok, that's fine.

    The difference between me and that guy though, was I already done lots of different things, and proven myself good at things. I can pull out things I have done, and people will be "Oh wow you did this".

    For me admitting I am not good at everything and there are things I don't know, is no big deal, because I can show people other things I have done, that they probably will never be able to do, even if they tried really hard at it.

    He laughed at me one day, and so I brought something to show him I done, and it really pissed him off. He absolutely hated me after that.

    He actually had more potential then everyone else, because he was clever and had naturally good brain, better then mine.

    He ended up screwing himself by being a know all. He had high and mighty attitude. And above all nothing to back it up with.

    I tell you this for free, life is one big lie, its full of riddles and things that shouldn't be as they are, un yet they are.

    There's a lot of people working with a 60 Iq, who understand this and end up being amazingly successful.

    Then there are people with 120+ iq who end up going round in circles because they are trying to make life conform to their own version of how the world works in their head.
  12. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    it's been a rather wild ride.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  13. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    IQ is really not a good metric of intelligence. It was created as a means to measure learning potential in adolescence. Primary it was developed to differentiate between students who were underprefroming in caparison to their piers as a result of mental limitations or because of outside environments.
    samheim likes this.
  14. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Yes there are 2 schools of thought on that.

    One is that IQ is a good measurement, but because the way it correlates is not politically correct, it's been pushed to the side.

    I personally don't think IQ is really a useful measurement. Because I know lots of people who say they have high IQ and think they are very clever, but have actually done nothing worth while or intresting in their whole life.

    Also, a lot of the time, creativity can come from mistakes or doing things the wrong way. Or someone just spending a very long time doing something.

    And then you get people who are good at certain things, while they might be horrible at everything else.

    I will say though, its normally the people who do take seriously IQ and....

    Really everybody knows those people. Ya, know the people who really believe they are clever, and they are always laughing smugly to themselves.

    Normally its people who are from a middle class upbringing, and think somehow they must be special for some unknown reason.

    The main reason, I do my exaggerated know it all act, is to piss them off, and get them in a tizzy. I am doing it because its funny. And its funny because the people who take themselves seriously get offended by other peoples ego, and see it as a challenge that needs to be thwarted.

    In real life I only worry about what I am doing. Comparing myself or worrying about what other people think of me. What a waste of time.
  15. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    meh, it's a reasonable metric. Provided you take into account it's limitations, like how the tests are dependent on culture & language as well as on what we think someone should know at a certain age. So if for example you haven't had a formal western schooling you pretty much will do terrible on the test by definition. But provided the various subjects have the same sort of background it's a reasonable measure. And also, obviously by it's nature the further you end up on the extremes on the scale the less accurate it becomes. The difference between a 140 IQ and a 150 IQ can be as little as 1 wrong question which could just be bad luck.

    What's also important to note is that a high IQ does not necesarly result in any succes. Quite commonly it'l be assumed that they'l manage everything themselves. After all they're smart. However, being smart doesn't mean that you instantly understand everything, and without the proper guidance they can fail even simple school subjects because they genuinly don't understand what's going on as it's simply not taught in the right way. And then you haven't even looked at common issues that may arise, such as boredom in class resulting in acting up, the pressure to perform being too much, difficulty connecting with peers & issues with bullying, or the fact that it becomes an utter mess when they're also not neurotypical in other ways (e.g. ADHD, autism, etc.).

    A similar point can be made for those with a low IQ, with the right guidance they're often capable of far more than initially expected. But often their guidance consists merely of being kept busy during the day and they aren't helped to develop themselves.

    Unfortunatly the world is largely made for neurotypicals and if you differ from that things can get needlessly complicated, even though certain solutions would actually be relativly simple to achieve.
    Workschmock likes this.
  16. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    you were doing so well on not talking down to anyone, please don't slip now.
  17. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    That's not how the world we live in works. The only time where intelligence is valued over other more superficial assets, is in a male dominant society.

    Which is not what we are living in now.

    If you take a group of average looking men, and put them together, they will work out who does what.

    Also this applies to nerds and nerd groups. Men in the group will, in general value intelligence and knowledge.

    Now back to the real world. In the real world its far more valuable to be perceived as being intelligent, then actually be intelligent.

    Looks are 1 million times more important then intelligence to becoming successful. Even if you are applying for a job with a straight man, he will be massively swayed by how someone looks. And most people do this on a subconsciousness level without even thinking about it.

    Think of it like this, who do you think most men would want to lead them into a battle, Bruce Willis or Woody Alan?

    Most advice/information in the societies we live in, is aimed at women. Because women have an inherently higher value then men.

    Most men will pick up advice aimed at women, and then try it out, and realise it doesn't work for them.

    If you are a man, and you hit the 9-10 in looks, you don't need to do anything. You can become a heroin addict, and you will still probably have more success then someone who has a PHD, but only registers at a 3 in looks.

    Most of the time, intelligence could be viewed as a negative factor. People don't like to be around people who might know more then them. Being intelligent will make you more aware of your inability to get on or do things. It makes it harder to interact with normal people, who become frustrating and boring.

    Social skills come after looks. Its important to remember everything you get in life, you get through other people. Even if you set up your own business. People have to want to do business with you.

    So more important to learning new things or accumulating useless knowledge that wont' do anything for you.

    Is, if you are skinny, get down the gym and lift heavy weight, put on 20lb's of muscle. If you are fat, go on a diet and go to the gym and put on 20lb's of muscle. Before everything else, that should be every man's number one goal.

    Men only have a narrow definition of what makes them attractive. Its all in the face. You have to have a lean face, with the bones poking through. Most men don't have good face. But its still better to maximise your potential then to not.

    IQ, being intelligent, having special knowledge etc are very weak in comparison to what looks can get you in life.

    Social skills are a very distant second to looks, but still vastly more important then being intelligent.
  18. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    And, back down the rabbit hole we go....
    Quindominus Rex and ravagekitteh like this.
  19. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Yep, because Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos are know for their beauty.
  20. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    The same could be said for Danny Devito. He is a famous actor.

    I am not really talking about that level though. I am talking in general for 99.9% of men. Not the exceptions.

    Its the same if someone inherits money or an empire. These rules would not apply. I am talking about regular men who are trying to build up from nothing.

    Day to day life. There are always exceptions and this won't work the same for everybody.

    In general my advice can't be faulted, you should always try your best to present the best version of yourself. People will judge you on appearance and how you make them feel.

    Very few people in life are going to see the qualities in an awkward intelligent person.

    I wish it was not like this, and I wish that it was all about what people could do or offer. Or that things like integirty, bravery were valued above anything else.

    But when you have a porno industry twice the size of the music industry, and the highest moral virtue in the soceity's we live in are being a victim...

    You got to work in the world you live in.

    Also the three people you mentioned are probably promoted by the media, to give hope or create an illusion of fairness.

    Research showed that something like 80% of CEO's of companies were over 6 feet tall.

    Also what about the bankers, they have the most money, who are they?

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