looks too clean for adeptus mechanicus. KO seems more likely. Though they haven't had anything with wings so far, they only really seem to use balloons. So that's a bit odd. A new copter seems more likely, maybe cities of sigmar actually get something new?
too clean for those as well. Unless grots have finally learned how to maintain stuff and not immeadiatly let it rust.
Seraphon have an extremely large and well developed line-up of models. Maybe their rules are out of date (I've been told the same of KO), but their model range is already top notch.
Kharadron Overlords vs Slaves to Darkness would be a cool pack, not as cool as Seraphon vs Slaves to Darkness but still
Agreed, those are very outdated. I'm not claiming that the range is perfect, only that it is much larger and more diverse than nearly any other AoS faction.
I wasn't counting grand alliances. "death" doesn't count lol. and cities is actually 1 more than SCE on the GW site... learn something new every day.
legion of nagash was what i meant but with the exception of OBR all of death is in LoN and aperintly korn, nurgle, and skaven are all bigger to
I think in terms of different units we still beat most of those. For example; Khorne has a freaking paintbundle listed on the site, they still have a boxed game against slaanesh, 2 underworld warbands and khorne has 2 start collecting boxes. That's already 6 items that are basicly doubles of other boxes, or don't really matter in AoS. And then there's also the fact that khorne has multiple slaughterpriests and exalted deathbringers still hanging around while we only have 1 variant for every model. Maggotkin has 3 different SC boxes a tree set & a single tree. Slaves to darkness still has a battleforce and army box and of course the entirety of warcry. Half of the new skullpeople boxes are bundles. Half the oger range consists of various man-eaters which are sold seperatly for some reason. We're still one of the larger armies when it comes to sheer unit count. Only skaven, CoS, LoN & SCE seem to be genuinly larger in that aspect.
seraphon 26 model range ignoring boxes and terane khorne 30 nurgle 25 STDE 31 i wasn't counting the other 2. we do have a large range (old but large) but we are not the biggest
i miss counted but according to the GW store page we have Chaos Familiars 1 Chaos Sorcerer Lord 2 Exalted Hero of Chaos x 3 but we will only count 1 despite being very distinct models 3 Godsworn Hunt 4 slambo 5 Darkoath Chieftain 6 Chaos Lord 7 Darkoath Warqueen Marakarr Blood-sky 8 Gaunt Summoner on Disc of Tzeentch 9 Lord on Daemonic Mount 10 Chaos Chariot 11 Chaos Marauders 12 Daemon Prince 13 Chaos Chosen 14 Chaos Chosen Command 15 Chaotic Beasts 16 The Unmade 17 Splintered Fang 18 Corvus Cabal 19 Iron Golem 20 Chaos Marauder Horsemen 21 Untamed Beasts 22 Chaos Warriors 23 Chaos Lord on Manticore 24 Chaos Warshrine 25 Chaos Knights 26 Varanguard 27 Archaon Everchosen 28 so 28 half way between us both