AoS Ilkain's November Escalation reports

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by ILKAIN, Nov 6, 2019.

    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    So guys this will be my thread for my fights in my league for this month. prolly wont have any pictures for the first few weeks as the points are so low and the battles are going to go quick, but I do want to get into a better habit of tracking what I do wrong and right and get feed back as I start to get more active again in the competitive scene.
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Week 1 battle 1 vs LoN (350 points.)

    this one was kinda simple. the other player is known for being WAAC, being that guy and rage quitting. I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. he had a necromancer a unit of skelleton warriers and a unit of dreadwalker zombies. I brought a slann and 10 warriors with clubs. I won the initiative for turn one, noticed that his skeletons and zombies were not within 3" of the necro, and went in for the quick kill. I used LOSAT to port my slann behind his lines and then hit the necromancer with Metoric convocation for 2 wounds (he failed to unbind this one). I then used the Shyish spell that deals d3 mortal and if its 3 they also lose bravery. I hit for 2 wounds. using my last cast I took the necromancers 5th wound with arcane bolt. he picked up his army and went onto his next battle.

    yes I know this was mean, but this series will be competitive, and he is the LGS's "THAT GUY", and I was advised to teach him a lesson by the LGS owner lol.
  3. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Well played!
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    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Week 1 Battle 2 Vs Iron Jaws

    mission was knife to the heart, played on a 4x4 board.

    260 Slann general, great rememberer, Miasma blade, metoric convocation,
    90 10x Warriors, Clubs

    Iron Jaws
    megaboss on foot
    5x ardboys
    5x brutes

    Seraphon turn 1
    I get the initiative and go first. trade 2 spells for CCP and use the third to cast the shadow spell that gives a friendly unit -1 to be hit on the warriors that are screening between his guys (placed as close to my territory as possible of course lol) and my slann/ objective. there are two terrain pieces that are causing a funnel and I place the warriors in a curved line to use them to choke it off. one of the terrain pieces is -1 bravery. I ensure that my warriors are 1.5 inches away. I summon a razordon and place it directly behind the alpha in the middle of the line.

    Iron Jaws turn 1.
    He places his ard boys on the objective. they will stay there most of the battle. his brutes and mega boss come barreling down the funnel, (brutes in front of the mega boss affecting its move/charge) he uses the command point to move them into charge range, and he has +1 to charge as he is the iron suns keyword. thankfully its still a 12" charge. he rolls a 10 for the brutes charge, the mega is out side of 12. nothing gets in turn one.

    S T2
    I keep the initiative. knowing the brutes are coming in, and knowing my opponenent didn't watch my first battle, I decided to get more summoning points and make the wariors -1 to be hit. I now have 8 ccp I get a unit of skinks and place them directly on the objective, down to 2ccp. realizing that his ardboys haven't moved I decide to bait the trap. I end my turn with exactly on skink shooting at the brutes performing as expected lol.

    IJ T2
    he has no casters, or ranged, moves his boys in close and then makes an easy charge with both brutes and the mega boss. I use the razordon "overwatch" ability on the megaboss and get off 10 attacks of which 3 get through! (thanks -1 rend!) the brutes are within the -1 bravery terrain he elects to have the mega fight first. the dice gods love me! he only kills two warriors. I then select my warriors and split the attacks 4 and 4 on the brutes and boss, with the alpha on the boss. I roll the brutes first and manage to get in 3 wounds killing one of the models. then I roll the mega boss and get 6 wounds! he saves 2 (one of them is a 6 and it does a mortal to my warriors) but the boss has died! this has changed the game big time. he rolls his brutes attacks and takes all but one warrior out. I decide to leave the banner as the only one left. my opponent asks why I didn't keep the alpha and I show him that he's in range of the -1 bravery terrain and -1 bravery from the banner, and he just says "crap". I pile in the razordon and am able to kill one more brute!. battle shock happens -2 bravery brings the brutes to 4 an 2 loses means only a 2 is safe. he rolls a 4 and loses two more models leaving only his alpha. my warriors are toast. I lost 9 and rolled a 2.

    IJ T3
    He double turns me, THANK SOTEK the dice gods were against him last turn or this would be my loss. the brute obliterates the razordon.

    S T3
    we are nearing the end. I cast meteoric convocation and kill the brute. then get 6 more CCP. I losat one set of skinks 13" away from the ard boys on his obj. I summon 10 more skinks. I shoot the ardboys and do 1 damage with the skinks. my opponent has relized he cannot actually win, but can keep me to a mnor victory if he can hold out for 2 turns and decides not to concede,

    S T4
    I get the double turn. I losat the new skinks to 9" away from the ardboys, (directly opposite where the other skinks are located, with the boyz in the middle) and move the other group in close. I roll the charge for both skinks. the 9" fails but the first group gets in easily. for Knife to the heart this is an immediate victory as I control both objectives at any point.
    Aginor, Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Well played!

    Nice luck vs that Megaboss. He can do some real work at that point level. You capitalized on the moment well.
    Lizerd and ILKAIN like this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    poor guys rolls were unreal. my plan was to just hold him off for a turn or two and port my guys in to have more models on the obj... but him dropping was a literal game changer.
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  7. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    LoSaT is awesome, very good use of objective grabbing and seraphon mobility. Very interesting battle reports!
    ILKAIN and LizardWizard like this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Week 1 vs Khorne. this player was newer, so I took a much nicer list (no slann) still 350 points

    My list:

    80 Star priest; General, Master of rituals
    120 Sunblood; Miasmatic blade

    70 10x Skinks, Blow pipes
    80 5x Knights; Lances

    His list: (I don't recall the names, but I helped him with the points)

    180 Named Khorne goretribe hero (has an axe than can auto kill wounded guys and a dog that can unbind spells)

    70 10x reavers(?) basic battle line with 6+ save and either two axes or one big one for weapon choice
    70 10x Same thing as above.

    terrain set up basically as much as we can between each other and still 6" away from each other piece of terrain. this is a 4x4 map. all terrain has the additional -1 bravery from rolling on the realm effects table for Shyish the terrain individual effects are -1 bravery (yes it stacks) 6+ fnp, +1 casting/dispel/unbind and "suffer d3 mortals, reoll roll 1's to hit

    Turn 1:

    he wins initiative. moves forward and quickly realizes he places his terrain in such a way that he really has to go around to get to me. leaves no models on his obj

    I Losat the SP to his back corner, just close enough to cast spells. I get off the -2 bravery realm spell from the core rule book and cast it on his reavers in range of a terrain. they are now -4 bravery, and only have a startng bravery of 5 (6 from banner) move my knights 14" up the edge of the board using drums to set up for a nice charge if he continues to move that way i leave the skinks formed like a T with 1 model in range of my obj so i can wary back for a turn or two if everything goes bad. I move the SB so that it has a 9" charge to the reavers that are debuffed. roll for the charge and get 12! I realize im 12 from the leader and that if I position just right I can pile in to make all three of his units in combat. then I move the 12, get into base to base with his leader and within 3" of both battle lines. he uses the command ability of the leader to create an aura of rerolls. I roll for combat putting my attacks on the debuffed reavers, only killing 4 ( I rolled bad he rolled well .) he fights with named hero and does three wounds to my SB. other reavers pile in and only 4 can get in range, they whiff. debuffed reavers pile in and only one can fight, it misses. axe ability misses its trigger no instant death for the SB. battle shock time and he doesn't have a CP. he rolls a 6. 6+4=10 - 2 bravery = 8 models flee.... he has learned the hard way that bravery matters.

    turn 2

    he maintains the initiative, repositions the leader to get more reavers in and goes to combat, saving his cp this time. leader gets two more wounds on my SB reavers whiff/I save (miasmatic blade for the save baby!!) SB fights back putting 3 wounds on the leader.

    my turn. I introduce him toi the tactical retreat use of LOSAT and pull my 2 wounds left SB out of combat and put him behind the skink line on my obj. the SP makes his prayer roll, but nothing is in range for casting spells. move the knights 7" and make a 6" charge into his other reaver unit. shred through the 6+ saves and the last 2 run from battle shock. I get one wound on my knights. I am not close enough for the leader to be in combat.

    Turn 3

    I get the double turn. I teleport the knights to within 6" of the enemy obj and outside 9" of his leader. game over major victory me.
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    So this league is by design forgiving of busy schedules. They are allowing any players to "make up" any games from earlier weeks, so long as they follow the correct format and report the battles prior to the end of the final week. as such some of my battle reports may be out of order. I will identify them by the proper week in which they should have taken place, not the week they actually took place in.

    That said:

    Week 2 Vs Nurgle

    700 points, Duality of death (2019). Realm Aqshy, endless spells = yes; Allies = no 4 terrain pieces 4x4 board. the terrain rules are volcanic, arcane, FNP 6+, and -1 bravery. the realm terrain effect is "geysers" (roll die, on 6 pick a spot a geyser erupts, every unit within 3" takes d3 MW)

    My list:

    260 Slann; General, Meteoric convocation, Miasmatic blade, great rememberer

    330 40x Saurus Warriors; Spears
    70 10x Skinks; Blowpipes/shields

    40 Balewind vortex

    his list: (I don't know the points)

    Nurgle demon prince; general, trait that allows him to turn terrain into mini gnarlmaws, artifact that lets him cast "Regenisis" (pick and choose where on the wheel the allegiance ability is for that turn)

    3x Plague Drones
    10x Pox bringers
    3x Nurglings

    Gnarlmaw starting terrain.

    so we set up and I put the 40 warriors as close to the right hand objective as I can I put the slann behind them on a terrain piece that amazingly rolled Arcane (+1 casting, dispelling and unbinding) then put the skinks as a screen as far forward on the left limit of the right starting territory ( I am going to force myself to take pics from now on the battles are getting to big not to) constellation is +1 cast

    he sets up with the tree between his right (my left) starting area and his drones at the forward limit and his prince right behind them. on his left starting area (my right) he has Poxbringer just behind his 10 man plaguebearers. as close to territory limit as he can, nurglings are hiding. his starting buff from "wheel of allegiance" is +2 move.

    Turn 1

    he gets initiative. no geyser. generates 7 summoning points (3 for his territory, 2 for me not being in 2 territories he's in (duality of death has 2 separate territories for each player and each one has to be maintained for the nurgle summoning points accrual) and 2 from the D3 tree) mystic shield on plague bearers, Demon prince (DP) casts regenisis but he keeps it at the +2 move after I explain to him how "start of hero phase" effects wont trigger when he casts the spell "during" his hero phase. moves the plague bearers up full move no charge or run directly towards my warriors/the right hand obj. pox bringing pulls closer to support. bloat drones roll a 6 to run and fly to the left hand (my POV... from now aon all things are my POV for left and right)objective and he claims them... only to realize they aren't battle line and he cant. moves demon prince forward but not out of the starting territory. at end of move he summons 5 plague bearers on the left hand obj. nurglings then appear in the my left hand territory... on volcanic terrain. no shooting (out of range for drones) no combat, zero VP

    My turn. no geyser. cast BVW … and FAIL!! with the +2 cast.... yeah that epic... use second spell for +1 damage aqshy spell on 40 man block and 3rd spell on Meteoric convocation (plague bearers in range at 23.75 inches lol) poxbringinger UNBINDS my spell with a 12... casting is not going well for this slann....I move the warriors 10" with drums and claim the right hand objective. I position the warriors so that only 2 rows of about 12 are facing his side of the board and the rest curve back to form an L (two warriors deep) and wall from the DP, drones and nurglings and my Slann. I move the skinks in front of them running so they can get as far as possible and form a screen to completely close off my starting area and protect my slann. I shoot at the nurglings doing one damage that they then fully heal from at the end of the turn. 1 VP scored

    Nurgle 0 Seraphon 1

    Turn 2

    he maintains initiative. no geyser, volcano doesn't trigger. generates 11 summon points. tries to cast stoke rage spell (+1 wound +1 charge) on Plague bearers, but I unbind it. DP casts regenisis to +1 to hit buff. 10x plague bearers move forward and are now 11 inches from Saurus line. poxbringer follows right behind. drones move 8 inches on an angle to my forces. demon prince oddly hangs back and only moves a few inches to be near gnarlmaw… but out of his starting territory. 5 x PB move a smidge to capture left hand OBJ. he doesn't summon anything. drones throw skulls at skinks and, but miss every shot. Nurglings charge skinks. plague bearers fail their charge. nurglings kill 3 skinks, fight back no damage. scores one VP

    My turn. volcanic territory triggers whacking nurglings for 2 MW. no geyser. Slann gets BVW. casts meteoric on 5x group holding LH OBJ. kills 3 after 5+ FNP takes away 2. cast +1 damage spell on 40 man block. cast PARCH (1/2 move and d3 mortals on a 4+ if they charge) on 10x plague bearers. Skinks shoot and get 2 wounds on to the Nurglings killing one base off. declare combat and skinks wary back exactly 3.1 inches away from nurglings. score 2 points for consecutive turns on obj.

    Nurgle 1 Seraphon 3

    Turn 3.

    he maintains initiative. no geyser. no volcano. generates 3 summoning points as he has no models in his territory or mine and gets a 3 on the tree. this makes him balk a bit as he is fixating on my summoning power (that I haven't used at all) he gets denied an arcane bolt, leaves the allegiance ability on +1 to wound. runs the plague bearers 2+ 6 inches for a 3" charge takes 1 MW but shrugs it off. moves the poxbringer back to his territory. moves the demon prince back to his territory (why he didn't launch that thing into combat ill never understand, hes not new, hes a veteran of WHFB) and moves the drones to 3" away from my warriors. drops 5 more plaguebearers and another gnarlmaw. 10 man plaguebearers are with in 7" of new gnarlmaw and can now charge despite having run (nice move!). drones shoot killing 2 warriors. nurglings charge skinks, drones charge warriors. 10x PB charge warriors. he does the drones first killing 5 more warriors. I wary the skinks back so now they are in line with the warriors but still 3" away from everything. the PB drop another warrior. warriors go apeshit with the horde bonuses (+1 to hit, +1 attack,) and +1 damage, absolutely shredding the drones and PB. scores 2 points for OBJ

    My turn. geyser hits! 3 mortal wounds to the 5 man (now 2) holding his objective. FNP 1 so both die! he loses the objective. he has until his next move phase to regain it or the cumulative points will reset. no volcanic terrain. Slann gets meteoric off on the new 5 man (which is in range to take the left hand obj) and nails them for 7 wounds! fnp 3 away, 1 model remaining. Slann casts arcane bolt and it dies horribly to a 14 cast roll! +1 damage buff on the warriors again in case the demon makes some sort of crazy cross map run (the gnarlmaws positioning just off center map make it possible but
    highly unlikely. (he'd have to command point 6" run and then make an 11" charge.) then I do 3 mortals to the nurglings with the realm spell that lets me pick a point and hit everything within 3". I dont move anything. skinks shoot nurglings and get the last wound off the second model! one to go. no charges no combat, score 3 VP

    Nurgle 3 Seraphon 6

    Turn 4:

    I get the double turn. Geyser hits! I blast the DP for 2 mw. the slann is just barely in range to hit him (flying demon has some serious threat range when they can run and charge!) so I unload the meteoric convocation. 3 more MW. I cast the realm d3 point spell and get another 2 on him. arcane losat the slann in range for arcane bolt and finish him off causing my opponent to concede.

    whew this was a ride hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! I promise pictures in future reports.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
    Aginor and LizardWizard like this.
  10. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Nice report so far.

    One thing to make sure both you and your opponent know in the future. A Deamon Prince is not a Wizard in AoS. Only the Mark of Tzeentch and named DPs have the wizard keyword.
  11. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    the trait he took allows it to cast the regenisis spell ONLY if its not a wizard, or to cast an extra spell if he is.
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  12. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I missed that in the list section. My bad. lol
    ILKAIN likes this.
  13. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    So I know I promised pictures, but my phone didn't cooperate (and by cooperate I mean died because I left my charger in my car and im in a rental atm)

    700 points vs Iron Jaws.

    he had the same list as 350, except now the mega boss was on a mawkrusher (MK)

    megaboss on mawkrusher
    5x brutes
    5x ardboys

    I brought the same list I had against Nurgle at 700

    40 warriors
    10 skinks

    this was bloody and brutal. duality of death has each player start in their two corners with the center third a no mans land. I put the warriors on the edge of the right hand starting area with the slann right behind them and the skinks as far forward on the left side as I could.

    he place his ardboys on the left, and his brutes and MK on the right (all sides are my POV)

    realm effect is +1 (-1?) rend to ranged attacks if shot from over 12" away there are 6 total terrain pieces in the board, a only the commanding (+1 CP at hero start if your general is < 1" and your opponents isn't) and the "if you charge or run from or across this terrain you take d3 MW on a 4+ is relevant. both are along the right side of the board between our starting areas with the commanding 3 or 4 " away from right hand objective

    Turn 1

    I get initiative. constellation is +1 cast. summon BWV, Meteoric 4 wounds onto the MK. I then parch the MK 1/2ing its speed and threatening d3 MW if it charges. roll snake eyes for +1 damage to weapons. I run the skinks onto the left objective (LOB) I use drums to move the 40 man in a straight line, again forming my L and I claim the right objective (ROB). shoot a few shots at the ard boys and kill one. pass turn, scoring 2 VP

    He uses the command ability of the ironsunz to force his MK closer, but now its on the run charge risk d3 terrain. then he uses his second cp (iron sunz get one free) to bring the brutes up closer as well. no casters. moves the MK 5" so hes still barely in the terrain, Brutes have to cut an angle away from my warriors due to MK base size. shooting isn't in range (MK breath is only 8") charges roll 12 for MK its in and doesn't trigger terrain or parch (dang it). brutes fail. MK slaughters 12 warriors. they fight back doing 3 damage. MK "levels up" (it gets +1 wound and +1 attack on the Mega boss weapon after every turn in which it slayed at least 1 model) I use my CP to not take the BS test. he scores zero

    Seraphon 2; IJ 0

    Turn 2

    I maintain initiative. meteoric gets 3 wounds (10 total on this guy now) on MK. +1 damage on warriors. Fireball on Brutes 2 damage. eruption on MK and brutes for 1 killing a brute. skinks repositions as far forward as they can leaving a chain back to the LOB (shaped like a T). skinks shoot ardboys dropping another one. no charges warriors roll like crap, he saves like crap I get 2 attacks through his saves for 2 damage. he has 1 left due to level up. fight back kills another 7 warriors. he levels up I again use CP to avoid BS. I score 2 points on each OBJ.

    his turn. ardboys move closer to skinks, brutes move closer to warriors. everything charges. everything makes it. MK fights first, only drops 4 warriors but this takes me out of horde bonuses. not willing to risk losing more warriors and the MK living I don't wry the skinks out yet and instead fight back with the warriors. MK is killed. brutes take 3 damage losing a second model (3 wounds each). ard boys kill 2 skinks. brutes kill 3 warriors bringing me to 14 left. skinks wary back maintaining control of the LOB but moving away 3" from boys. no more CP so I roll BS (6 of course) and lose 3 more models to go to 11. he scores zero

    Seraphon 6; IJ 0

    Turn 3

    I maintain initiative. I unload on the remaining brutes with meteoric and get 7 wounds on them bringing the unit to a single model with 2 left. I then losat the slann to be able to hit both units (3 ardboys and 1 brute) with spells. fireball on the ardboys does 3 wounds, 3 wounds to go. Gaze of vulcatrix goes of and I eliminate the last brute. arcane bolt goes off on a 11 for d3 and I get the 3 removing al IJ models from the game. I score 6 points

    his turn. he concedes.

    final score 12 - 0 major victory.
    Aginor and LizardWizard like this.
  14. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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  15. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    thanks. I am currently 5-0 in the league with 2 games scheduled Sunday. we are taking a break in the middle for thanksgiving and then the last week starts the Monday after.
    LizardWizard likes this.

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