How to make your own regulation Warhammer table!

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Thebestlazyguy, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. Thebestlazyguy

    Thebestlazyguy New Member

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    Step 1: buy a piece of plywood board that is regulation length and width. What i did was buy two separate boards that when put next to each other achieve regulation size. This makes for easy storage, and you dont have to play on a regulation board if you're only playing a small skirmish.

    Step 2: You'll need lots of wood glue and alot of sand. We bought a gallon of the glue and 50 pounds of sand. You probably dont need that much but this is just being safe. you need two people here to do this effectively. What you do is, one person takes a brush and brushes down the glue onto the board while the other person puts down handfuls of sand. Make sure you spread the sand around, and always put on a little bit of excess sand so that it doesnt go down too thin. To the person who is putting down the glue DONT BE WORRIED IF IT GOES DOWN UNEVEN!!!! if its thick in some areas and thin in others, dont worry about it! in fact this can make your battlefield look alot better! it gives the sand little hills and dips, making it look alot more natural.

    Step 3: After you've let the glue from step two dry, you're gunna wanna buy paints. For my table we used a gallon of black, a gallon of brown, and a pint of some other color. really, the only paint i suggest you get is black. you put this down over the sand, and it acts like a layer of plastic, ensuring that the sand wont rub off. now if you wanted a sandy looking battlefield, im sure there is some sort of clear paint or whatever that can just protect the sand. Next after you've put down the black paint, you put down your next chosen color. Once its dry, the black coming up from the recesses will give the table a natural shade to it. from this point on you can do whatever you want to your table. We then took more glue, and sprinkled down static grass in random spots to give the table war torn field look.

    And this is what the finished product will look like! Granted, you can chose to color your board and and details as you please, this is simply how ours turned out. (The surface of the board is rough, and i would suggest investing in movement trays if you havent already)

    Thats it! how to make a sexy regulation table in three easy steps! should anything confuse you, feel free to ask me and i'll explain to the best of my abilities.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Nice, it looks good. It really adds a dimension to the battle if you have a proper table rather than carpet or something. :)
  3. Gerdion

    Gerdion New Member

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    What glue works best? Regular PVA/White glue? Or would a gallon of something thicker like Wood Glue work better?
  4. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    Looks great, I'm gonna have to make my own. Thanks :D
  5. Thebestlazyguy

    Thebestlazyguy New Member

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    We used Wood glue. A whole lot of it. it really helps give the table an uneven texture like real earth

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