Fixed that for you, I’m not going to tolerate GW doing a Middle Earth and consigning most of the new releases to Forge World where they can give them the most horrendous prices. That would be the worst move they could make.
Well, I kept all my minis on square bases to continue playing 7th and 8th in defiance of GW, so I never left either
Surely they will have to change the rules to allow both square and round bases because we now have models that are on round bases that used to belong to WFB! Also, I prefer round bases to everything that isn't line infantry so there's that. Yeah I think it would be beyond awesome if they gave us some of the units that are specific to Total War Warhammer such as the Sacred Kroxigors, Ancient Salamanders and maybe release entire factions based off the game like Vampire Coast with their legendary lord especially Cylostra Direfin. I'm kind of hesitant to buy third party now in case this happens... but it's also 3 years away so ... Also I will cry if they release an official Lord Mazdamundi model after I've already painted up my kitbash one. XD
Certainly because GW have allowed CA to become more creative with the factions in the game, such as Vampire Coast, and that these new factions are as popular as the original ones from the previous editions, this could be the way GW could keep Warhammer: The Old World running, by releasing new factions like this in between updating existing ones.
I’m both concerned and interested about what this means for the Lizardmen. I’m only recently new to the hobby and lore, but with it being billed as a Horus Heresy-style look back at the World That Was and the legend making of those who would live in into AoS, it seems like it’d be set in the End Times which is... not characterized by a large lizardmen presence. It’d be interesting to see what became of Kroak and how he ended up back in the stars as a relic priest, since that’s a loose end, but other than that I’m not sure what else they could go with, especially since slann are so iconic and basically entierly gone from the setting in that time period. Maybe bring back the southlands lizardmen? Or Kroak warping the lizardmen survivors out of danger before the meteor hits, letting Nakai and Gor-Rok have a presence? I guess it’s a long way off and they have a long time to think about it, but hopefully it’ll bring some fun new models and lore, something the lizardmen have sorely missed
Yeah, last we heard of Lord Kroak: But when he was first destroyed at Itza he didn't actually need his body: Maybe his spirit just found another dead Slann body and he hung around that?? You may be interested to know that Josh Reynolds, author of The Return of Nagash and The Lord of the End Times (first and final books in the End Times series, respectively), in a Q&A, did give some semi-canonical explanations for their fates: As part of the Legendary Lore Project I am working on for Total War Warhammer I wrote some lore snippets for their fate using Josh's comments as my inspiration.
New purchases come with round bases. It was a forced choice. ...but if square bases come again, i could well do some rebasing...
No fate but what we make. I just made myself some squares (I also have a bunch of 20mm and 25mm spares!) That's the spirit!!!
Or you could have hoarded spare square bases as I have always done, so that you always have enough squares to put Fantasy minis on. Just saying...
@Oh_Man: Thanks for those Q&A snippets, it's really cool to hear what one of the authors actually thought about what might have happened to Gor-rok and Nakai. At least this leaves some possibility for them to have lived. I still would like to hear what happened to Kroq-Gar, since he was supposed to be in one of the protected areas of Lustria at the end, IIRC.
It's heavily insinuated that Kroq-Gar survived because of the following passages in the End Times Thanquol book: So I think we can safely assume he got to the Obelisk of Silver Stars which promptly took off into outer space. You may be also interested to know Tehenhauin and Oxyotl were last seen at Hexoatl so it's quite possible they made it too. The Thanquol book also states that Tiktaq'to was at the Final Battle of Itza, and Josh Reynolds said semi-canonically that Nakai and Gor-Rok were also there. This means, based on the reading of this passage, the authors COULD, if they wanted, say that in fact all three of these named characters survived because of Lord Kroak's actions: Inside these domes could have been all our named characters, if the authors so chose, who were present at the final battle of Itza. This leaves only two named characters unaccounted for: Tetto'eko, who was last seen fleeing Tlaxtlan with a few survivors, after deliberating destroying the city and all the Skaven attacking it with a meteor. And Chakax: who was list seen at Xlanhuapec, the City of Mists, defending his Slann charge against a Skaven assassin. He was stabbed with a weeping blade, but he is portrayed as having "shrugged it off" like, somehow, the weapon did minimal damage to him. Maybe he died off-page from this wound? Or maybe the pyramid-temple he was in took off, which means he's alive. And only two named characters confirmed dead: Lord Mazdamundi, who perished from 'mental fatigue' after using magical powers to stop many warpstone meteors (more like giant continent-sized chunks of the green moon) and Lord Kroak whose dead body was "consumed in the conflagration" by the rest of the moon colliding with Lustria. But somehow he's still alive as a named character in Age of Sigmar so who knows.
I assumed Kroq-Gar became the first of the sunbloods and was a direct reference to them (or... they were a direct reference to him and what he became in that book?) since they're described to look so similar, and Kroq-Gar definitely did some literally-made-of-magic feats after getting the upgrade. It's always confused me a little that they never showed up in AoS since even dead seraphon heroes had justifications for being around, and the seraphon had(have) pretty much no new named characters of any note or personality anyway
I really hate the AoS lore how Skink and Saurus and even the dinos are just "remembered" by the Slann, and they're like made up of stardust or something ... ugh. I just hope they flat out retcon that in the next battletome.
I personally think it's because when AoS come out, they were thinking of going with the idea that the Slann were the only survivors, and that all the Seraphon soldiers and monsters seen in battle were just their mental magical constructs. But as things have fleshed out a little bit, we have confirmation that the shielded portions of Lustria did in fact survive, and that the temple-ships still have spawning pools. So I see no reason that they couldn't bring back a lot of the old heroes.