Superhero versus series... choose the winners!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Nov 7, 2019.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Choose the winner of each matchup! After round one, I'll tabulate the votes and set up round two!
    Imagine that each match-up is run 1000 times under different circumstances and scenarios. Who wins more often?

    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Thor, he is a god.

    Wolverine, pretty indestructible.

    Professor X, Widow doesn't have Magneto's helmet.

    Hulk, he is a hulk.

    Wonder Woman, reasons.

    Black Panther, if he realizes that Mystque isn't his sister/ex/general/mother before she guts him.

    Spiderman, if Peter is the Iron Spider. Toss up if not.

    Dr.Strange, he is the Sorcerer Supreme.
    Lizerd, Aginor and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    My votes go to:

    Thor (defeating Batman) ➤ God versus man. Even though he is a rich man, god wins.

    Wolverine (defeating Captain America)➤ Wolverine is virtually indestructible, Captain America is not.

    Professor X (defeating Black Widow)➤ Easy win. Black Widow has no defense against mind control

    Superman (defeating Hulk)➤ Both strong. Both durable. But Superman has more tools at his disposal. Faster, smarter, heat vision, x-ray vison etc. The fact that he can fly is a game changer. All he has to do is launch Hulk into space. In a scenario with a red sun or kryptonite, Hulk wins, but under any other circumstance, Superman reigns supreme.

    Wonder Woman (defeating Groot)➤ Massacre. Every advantage goes to Wonder Woman

    Black Panther (defeating Mystique)➤ That suit is a game changer.... the ability to store energy from incoming damage. He is also stronger. Mystique will win a few when she gets a drop on him, but head to head she is outmatched.

    Spiderman (defeating Gamora)➤ Stronger, faster, better reflexes, more durable, spidey sense... you get the point!

    Dr. Strange (defeating Iron Man)➤ His magic can accomplish things that Tony's science cannot.
    Lizerd, Aginor and LizardWizard like this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Okey dokey here goes:

    1: Batman - If he can beat the justive league and superman he can beat Thor, and well... BECAUSE HE'S BATMAN!
    Also I do love Batman and Batman always wins otherwise is he really Batman? (Thor is nice as well after Ragnarok but Batman is a classic)

    2: Wolverine - though depends on the rules, since if it's first to kill the other, then Cap would have a chance, but if it's last on standing no matte rhow many times you died then Cap stands no chance at all.

    3: Black Widow - Fifty fifty really, depends on who goes first, but since I reckon that Charles is a gentleman, it must be ladies first so Black Widow wins. Although to be fair, in terms of abilities Charles definitely has the advantage.

    4: Superman - Hulk might be strong, but he's got nothing on the utter craziness of Superman's strength, and I doubt Hulk would have been planning and taken any kryptonite with him.

    5: Wonder Woman - Amazonian sometimes goddess with a magic sword, I'd say that would do fine for cutting down trees, although i like Groot more I don't think he stands too much of a chance.

    6: Black Panther - Mystique is not, as far as I know, any expert in fighting and does not have any real powers that would benefit her in a 1 on 1 fight, so she will get thrashed.

    7: Spiderman - Gamora might be strong but if Spiderman is at the top of his game She will have a hard time getting any hits in at all due to his Peter-tingles.

    8: Ironman - I have to pick Ironman, although this one is by far the closest, but I'm too biased about Ironman so I'll pick him. If I was not biased it would still be hard; I assume Dr. strange does not have the time stone, but I've heard he is one of the strongest avengers in the comics, and I think a case could be made that Ironman is one of the strongest avengers in the movies with his newer suits in mind, I mean he did more to Thanos than Hulk did.
    Mostly this fight is about who outsmarts the other I think.

    One critique of this versus series is that it is not specified if it is allowed to take stuff from the comics. I would assume you refer to the movie versions of the characters, but it is not clear so I chose to try and take into account everything I know about the characters.
    Lizerd and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The comics are a little too variable. Their relative power levels deviate too drastically depending on the writer or the comic series. Just try to go by each character's mainstream powers (movies, tv shows) which hopefully should be somewhat in line with their average/typical comic power level.
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Exactly my results and exactly the reasons I would have posted as well. :)
    Lizerd and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    After a little bit of thinking, my picks would be the exact same as yours, bar one difference: I'd say Iron Man beats Doctor Strange if strange does not have the Time stone, which I will assume he does not have.
    Lizerd and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Correct. The time stone would be an unfair advantage, especially as he only has possession of it briefly in the MCU (not sure about the comics). It isn't part of his "standard" abilities or artifacts/weapons.
    Lizerd and ASSASSIN_NR_1 like this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Thor vs Batman (i'm tired of the trope Batman wins because preparation. Thor is a God)
    Cap vs Wolverine (mortal meleer vs immortal meleer. yeah)
    Black widow vs Prof X (mind control baby!)
    Hulk vs Superman (Hulk is strong, but we're talking about superman. Assuming Supes doesn't fight with gloves on, because hulk is not Bruce Wayne)
    W. Woman vs Grot (please.)
    Mystique vs Black Panther (only because i like the character. In reality the winner should be BP)
    Gamora vs Spiderman (spidey is superior in basically every aspect)
    Iron man vs Dr. Strange (I would like some pop corn while the Sorcerer Supreme teaches some humilty lesson to Tony)
    Lizerd, Aginor and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  10. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Thor vs Batman: Thor, hands down.
    Cap vs Wolverine: Wolverine would win if only because he could keep regenerating any damage until he got some decisive hits on Cap.
    Black Widow vs Prof. X: Prof. X. Natasha doesn't have any special abilities that would prevent Xavier from just stopping her with his mind.
    Hulk vs Superman: Superman. While Hulk is really, REALLY strong, he just can't compare to the ultra-crazy levels of OP that Superman achieves.
    Wonder Woman vs Groot: Wonder Woman would win easily.
    Mystique vs Black Panther: Black Panther, because while Mystique is good at fighting BP is better, plus he has vibranium gear.
    Gamora vs Spiderman: Spiderman, because like a lot of people have said he just has superior abilities all around.
    Iron Man vs Doctor Strange: Doctor Strange, because MAGIC!!
    Lizerd, Killer Angel and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @LizardWizard @ASSASSIN_NR_1 @Aginor @Killer Angel @Kilvakar

    The results have been tallied (I used @ASSASSIN_NR_1 's updated list for his picks)....

    Thor 6 - Batman 0
    Captain America 0 - Wolverine 6
    Black Widow 0 - Professor X 6
    Hulk 1 - Superman 5
    Wonder Woman 6
    - Groot 0
    Mistique 1 - Black Panther 5
    Gamora 0 - Spider-Man 6
    Iron Man 1 - Doctor Strange 5

    Next round...
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok these are definitely a bit more interesting.

    I'll say Thor has a realistic chance to win against Wolverine. He can fly and fry Wolverine with lightning until Wolverine is temporarily unable to do anything. Then he can throw him somewhere safe.
    He can also avoid him better than the other way round.
    Not sure if he can kill him, but he can outlast him in a safe place. He can continue with whatever he is doing and Wolverine cannot follow him.

    Superman vs. Charles Xavier... as much as I hate it I think Superman wins. That's because I assume that- being Superman - the Professor cannot control him mentally. Superman can just go to space and drop a rock on the place he lives.

    Wonder Woman probably mops the floor with Black Panther. I don't know him well (only from what he does in Infinity War) so I don't know what he can or cannot do (same for her, I only know she is quite powerful, chosen by a god or something).
    He seems to be in the lower mid range of super heroes while she can compete with the best.

    I think Spiderman stands no chance against Dr. Strange. If you look at who his regular opponents are, how they have victories against him, and how he defeats them, it is pretty obvious IMO that he will not be great at all against someone who uses proper magic.
    LizardWizard, NIGHTBRINGER and Lizerd like this.
  13. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Thor vs Wolverine
    Wolverine could have a chance if Thor starts the fight thinking to go safely in cc.
    Every hit by THor will probably throw the x-man around, and Thor will soon realize his opponent can easily shrug off any damage. At that point, he will start doing something different, frying Wolverine with lightning. Not a problem for someone that can stand a nuclear explosion.
    We know Thor is vulnerable to weapons (at least he was severely wounded by Loki's knife), so Wolverine's claws are potentially dangerous if in any moment Thor thinks he won and lower his guard.
    If Thor realizes the danger, at that point he got a far superior range of powers, compared to wolverine ones, and he should be able to neutralize him.

    Xavier vs Superman
    the Professor X is strong, but Superman is stronger. Xavier won't be able to mentally control Supes for a long time, and at that moment he will be toast.
    However, for the first minutes, he will give Superman something to think about...

    Wonder Woman vs Black Panther.
    I do believe BP is more agile than WW, and so he will land some nice blow, but WW is much stronger and hard to kill than him, even with vibranium equipment. BP doesn't stand a chance.

    Spiderman vs Dr. Strange
    there's literally nothing that Spidey can do. Unless...
    In Dr. Strange (the movie) we saw that restricting wizards' movements is an effective way to keep them from casting any spells, at least temporarily, so if Spiderman successfully immobilizes Strange, he could have the upper hand for a brief time.
    But that would be too much easy. One standard explanation for this sort of thing (which is also heavily implied in the film, given that we have a wizard that casts without a hand) is that gestures act as a way of concentrating, but indeed they are not truly required. Like the "tricks" that many players do during the game (be it baseball, volleyball, basket...): they don't need to do it, but it focuses the mind.
    And I don't think a wizard like Dr. Strange needs gestures at all. As amply demonstrated in Thor-Ragnarok, when Strange teleports himself and Thor multiple times without gesturing. So, it will be a short, one-way confrontation.
  14. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    • Thor
    • Superman
    • Wonder Woman
    • Dr. Strange
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Thor (defeating Wolverine) ➤ Wolverine is limited because he can only attack Thor at extreme close range. Thor on the other hand can easily zap him from a completely safe distance. Wolverine will heal, but he can be rendered unconscious; at which point he can be restrained or launched into space. If Thor has Strombreaker (as opposed to Mjolnir) he could even use the bifrost to send Wolverine away. Could Thor use the bifrost to "cut" through adamantium (meaning, one part of Wolverine is taken away by the bifrost while another section is not)?

    Superman (defeating Professor Xavier) ➤ Superman has significant resistances to mind control and only needs a single instant to end Xavier. Easy win.

    Wonder Woman (defeating Black Panther) ➤ She is stronger, faster and more durable. He has some great technology, but not enough to turn the tides.

    Doctor Strange (defeating Spider-man) ➤ Magic! Strange has a much more versatile tool box of offensive and defensive capabilities. Spider-man's attacks are fairly basic and much more predictable.
    Aginor and Killer Angel like this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    1. Thor - Although Thor might not initially know how to kill Wolverine, he can probably just continually fry him to counteract his regeneration and find a way to actually beat him in the meantime. I guess Wolverine has a chance if Thor underestimates him at first, but he is outmatched in everything other than his regeneration powers.

    2. Xavier - This initially seems like an easy win for Superman, but he does seem to be rather easy to mind-control actually, question is whether his speed can help him against it. Can Xavier mind control Quicksilver? I don't know really, though I don't think Superman would beat a cripple, so maybe Charles has the advantage of going first having an easy time actually using his mind control, so assuming that he can mind control superman, I'd go with Charles.

    3. Wonder Woman - If Wonder Woman does not use her more magicky powers, then I'd say Black Panther, but since she does have some pretty strong powers in addition to her combat skills, I think she can easily get through the vibranium armor due to the magic part.

    4. Doctor Strange - If we are going with the marvel movie version of Spider-Man he just isn't skilled enough to go toe to toe with Doctor Strange. Spider-Man's spidersense is a nice tool though, but I'm not sure if that could be enough to avoid magic, so I'm going with Strange.
  17. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    1. Thor - While Wolverine is quite strong and would keep the fight going for a long time with regeneration, Thor ultimately has the power (if he wanted to use it) to completely incinerate Wolverine, which would give him the victory.

    2. Superman - While Xavier would certainly give Superman a hard time, Superman is basically as strong mentally as he is physically. He's fought his way out of mind control situations several times in various stories and would inevitably break the mind control, at which point Xavier could do nothing.

    3. Wonder Woman - She is not only physically superior to Black Panther in most respects, but she has quite a few other powers and his gear doesn't give him enough of an advantage to be able to win.

    4. Doctor Strange - Spiderman doesn't have any real way of dealing with all of the many, many different spells Doctor Strange could use to defeat him.
    Aginor and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    So? the four winners of the 2nd round are joining their forces and create the League of Avengeful Superheroes, mopping the floor with any fool that dares to challenge them?
    NIGHTBRINGER and LizardWizard like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Killer Angel and ASSASSIN_NR_1 like this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    1. Superman - Thor is a god, but Superman is Superman and I doubt Thor has any Kryptonite. I actually think Xavier had a better chance of beating Superman. Thor couldn't beat Hella, but maybe his lightning could be considered magic, if that is the case, then I guess he would have about the same chance of defeating Superman as Shazam has, still I think Superman has the edge, he is just too ridiculously powerful that most cannot take him on in a fight of brute force.

    2. Doctor Strange - None of Wonder Woman's abilities would seem to help her much against Strange, and like with the other match-up I think Spider-Man had a better chance against Strange if his Spidersense could help him.
    NIGHTBRINGER, Killer Angel and Aginor like this.

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