This always bugs me. I have a friend I knew for years and when I met all of his new friends, they all used their gaming pseudonyms outside of gaming. That said if I ever met any of my L-O friends in real life, I might be a hypocrite. There is a good chance I'd slip up. Gaslighting isn't real. You made it up because you are mahrlect crazy! (Yes I'm a Rick and Morty fan) (No I'm not one of those Rick and Morty fans)
You haven't played D&D, you haven't seen Monty Python... No wonder you cling to Star Wars so tightly. You need to branch out more.
The funny thing is that you don't need eight streaming services for the content you want to watch, just the streaming services that have what you want to watch. But, as they say, fools and their money are soon parted.
God, I wish it turned out that way. Too bad Disney will never let Star Wars out of their greedy little paws... unless the government steps in and breaks up the company.