Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    The thumping reverberated throughout Hakal's stomach, tension rising within him. But his determination rose further, for whatever sought to harm his kin, shall meet their end by his own will, pickaxe in claw. Death wasn't much of a strange concept to him. The kroxigor had seen it many times.

    Hakal stood his ground, waiting for whatever may burst through.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Eyes bright with anticipation and wonder Xolek-Zi continues to walk forward while grabbing his pipe, a wooden twin tailed serpent. From a pouch on his belt he grabs some smokable herbs and packs them into the pipe and begins to light it as smoke begins to rise from the herbs. Ignoring the alarm of the others and shrugging off the hand of Kuoteq'eko, the oracles feathered tail snaps like a whip and sways side to side. The sun shining down reveals his charcoal black scales and yellow markings that fade to a bright sun orange towards his face, his hand moving to his club on his waist. Another large smoke cloud comes from the skinks mouth as he takes another puff, the herb now helping focus him but also making him overconfident and reckless. As it always had been, and as it always will be, for Xolek-Zi it was a ritual of battle and to better be prepared than not.

    The vision of the giant serpent made his soul leap for finally he felt this was a glimpse of what found he had been searching for and as if it was meant for him. It made the oracle energized on the inside though he remained calm.he now knew what he had to search for he had been searching for, "Sotek Guide me" he whispers to himself as he continues forward, but even as he mutters the Serpent Gods name doubt in it grows within the skink. He had been searching months for clues and answers, only to stumble upon the camp. Did Sotek guide him here? Or was it another? Regardless the vision was startling, such a large and powerful creature, would he have to fight such a creature soon? If so he was ready.

    From a larger pouch the oracle takes out a headband of razordon spikes and rare bird feathers and places it on his head. Securing it with the jaws of a human as a cheek guard the Oracle plants his feet in the ground and waits, again another large smoke cloud enters the air, what sounds like random laughing can be heard coming from the oracle amongst the alarm around him...
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2019
    Lizerd, Scalenex, Tk'ya'pyk and 4 others like this.
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    [Awesome stuff guys! I'm going to wait a bit for everyone to respond and then we can continue :)]
  4. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Abrupt lack of light played fool on Quas' eyes blinding him for a couple of moments. Desperately trying to make out of the situation he slowly, but silently - at least if you could call cracking only the smallest of branches this time a quieter approach - turned and moved towards the last heard sound source.

    Not only the scream of the fellow skink terrified him, but also confused the young Kroxigor. He hesitated for a moment. Bewildered and unknowing what to do, he looked around with his eyes straight open and surprise-looking. Despite a call to retreat most of his friends stood with weapons ready to fight the incoming foe. Weapon... He looked down and on his hands, still dripping with berry sauce, the reminiscence of the unfinished meal. He has only his claws, but his meat cleaver shouldn't be far away...

    Oblivious to the danger upfront he run past the fireplace destabilizing the poses of a couple of his comrades and almost tossing the few others away. Thankfully most of them stepped away on time seeing the pair of wide-open and fiery orange-yellow eyes glaring in the night and a larger than usual Kroxigor silhouette coming towards them. Upon reaching his kitchen - a set of neatly carved stones that made a table, ovens and a smaller fire, extinguished earlier - Quas noticed a familiar shape. He reached his hand towards the cleaver, but did he grab it in time?
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    A resounding silence suffocated the jungle like a blanket, no creature dared make a noise, no being dared to move, Hakal’s grip tightened, the blood flow in his hands constricted turning them a pale white, his breath stopped. To his side Xolek-Zi the multicoloured feathers of his headdress were beginning to smoulder and singe in the heat of the exotic fumes that now shrouded Xolek-Zi , his eyes burning with a psychotic fervour. They were ready.

    Suddenly the jungle erupted, shrapnel shrieking in all directions. A hulking carnosaur pierced from the canopy with unearthly strength, its thick crimson red skin scales glittered in the shafts of light, diversifying in a myriad of red hue’s, every scar, every battle-torn scratch had a history of its own, this creature was ancient. Its stained claws and bloodied teeth assured agonizing Death, every part of its body seemed to be perfectly engineered to kill, but worst of all its eyes, its huge dreadful reptilian eyes promised no mercy, no remorse, their narrow slits were dark as the onyx of the abyss, Caxuatn’s fury made manifest. With no stopping the carnosaur lumbered forward with great strides, its huge clawed legs tearing up the ground in its wake.

    Time seemed to play out in slow motion as entire tree trunks flew overhead, branches scattering like razordon spines, a large and old, moss-covered tree soared past, ploughing into a thatch hut, within an instance the building toppled over, decimated. Xolek-Zi’s eyes narrowed to slits, this was no troglodon. In a blind fury he began to charge towards the carnosaur, both hands outstretched, one holding the blunt club the other grasping a short sacrificial serpent blade inscribed with Soteks name that thirsted for the taste of blood. Huge boulders of mud and earth

    Huge boulders of mud and earth shrieked in all directions, some smashing into huts, others flying towards the floor. But one of the boulders, a large and hefty chunk of rock’s trajectory aimed straight for Xolek-Zi’s skull…

    Mere seconds before it came into contact with him, Hakal did the only thing he could, he lept with all his might. The boulder connected, Ripples of pain streaked down his back as the boulder crumpled into his hard scales (-1 Wound, Leaving Hakal at 2 remaining) , if it hadn't been for him Xolek-Zi ‘s skull and ribcage would have been torn and ripped apart with the impact, shattering into a shower of rubble. Despite the excruciating pain, Hakal roared to his feet, As long as he still drew breath no cold blood other than his and anything in his way's would be spilt.

    As he began a limping charge towards the hulking beast he picked up Xolek-Zi with his free hand, chucking him with ease into a pile of soft underbrush several meters away. Before striking out he gaped open his jaws, releasing roar of ferocity, all of his seething rage and regret since that dreadful day made manifest, the roar’s might could match the carnosaurs. globules of thick, bloody saliva lept out from his jaws staining the floor.


    Before anyone had time to react the shower of mud and debris began to rain down like a meteor shower, dirt, twigs and rocks crashing into the hard scales of the reptilian warriors. The group of skinks around the fire begin to run with panic, spreading out in all directions. The three saurus warriors among the group called a tactical retreat to a nearby building, aiming their spears upwards to face the beast, amongst them, was Quas. Successfully grabbing his Giant clever in time and reforming with the saurus before the rain of rubble descended down on the earth, in the distance he could make out the shapes of Hakal and Xolek-Zi getting pummeled under a salvo of rock and mud, and Hakal charging into the descending darkness. His numbed mind was bombarded with information, his ears ringing with the sound of skink’s screams and Hakal’s roar, The smell of blood sending tingling down his spine. He looked forward, blocking out the mayhem around him, the carnosaurs hulking figure pierced through the fog, within seconds its jaws would be on top of him, or he would be crushed under its clawed feet. Death itself was charging straight for him.

    Nearby Kuoteq'Ecko looked around observing the destruction, the skinks running, buildings collapsing. He had to help. Darting back he grabbed a small cup of Quetzal-grass tea, the burning liquid scraping down his throat, the warmth of the drink lowering his heartbeat, He would not run, He would stand and fight with his brothers at his side. Seeing Xolek-Zi and Hakal preparing to fight-filled him the vigour, grasping his sharp jade staff he pointed a condemning finger at the carnosaur, he felt no fear for he knew the old ones were watching.

    In a similar position to Kuoteq'ecko, Tiqxoltiq grabbed his sacrificial blade, and large priestly staff, his eyes widening as the events unfolded. Firmly fitting his terradon skull helmet onto his crest he reached down to grab the jug of herbal powders on the sand nearby the benches, He knew that this mix was potent and stung in the eyes, perhaps he could stun the carnosaur?

    Hakal - Options:
    • Take a swing at the carnosaur whilst shouting to the rest of the group to run ( -1 battle point, Leaving Hakal with 2 battle remaining)
    • Take a swing at the carnosaur whilst shouting to the rest of the group to fight with him ( -1 battle point, Leaving Hakal with 2 battle remaining)
    • Grab the carnosaurs leg and start biting it with his teeth ( -1 battle, -1 strength, leaving Hakal with 2 battles remaining, 0 strength)
    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)
    Quas - Options:

    • Stand with the saurus ready for the carnosaurs charge before striking at it (-1 battle, leaving Quas with 2 battle remaining

    • Begin running behind the saurus in a desperate rush to escape

    • Run forward with the saurus to meet the carnosaurs charge (-2 battle, leaving Quas with 1 battle remaining

    • Pick up a large boulder of rubble nearby and hurl it at the incoming Carnosaur (-1 Strength point, Leaving Quas with 0 remaining)

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)

    Xolek-Zi - Options:

    • Get up and pull out his blowpipe before shooting a dart at the carnosaur (-1 skill point,) (If he wishes to aim for the carnosaurs eye it will take 2 skill points and have a 30% chance of missing,)

    • Get up and begin running away

    • Get up and immediately charge back at the carnosaur with the support of Hakal, Striking it with the club once (- 1 battle point, Leaving him with 1 remaning)

    • Cast a spell from this list:
    - Enchant with venom (1 magic point) this spell will add venom to an allied weapon within 100 meters for 10 minutes.

    - Blazing Aurora (1 Magic point) Looking up to the sky whilst chanting seemingly incomprehensible ancient and forgotten verses the casters body begins to slowly illuminate, a strange cerulean light buds from their tail until their whole body is consumed by it. Seconds later the light erupts into a blazing supernova of pure light that bathes the surroundings in a lucent shimmer before blinding all those unworthy that look upon it (Duration: 3 Minutes). All enemies within the area will no longer be able to target the caster or anything within a large radius (10 Meters) around him. Furthermore, the accuracy of all enemies fighting within the light (10 Meters from the caster) will be reduced by 50%

    - Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 1-3 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding.
    • Begin channelling magic, this takes a whole action, Ie: several minutes But gives +1 magic point to all casters in the area, including himself
    Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)

    Kuoteq'ecko - Options:
    • Charge in with his brothers to fight the carnosaur (-1 Battle point, Leaving Kuoteq'ecko with 1 remaining)
    • Retreat behind a building to help the rest of the camp
    • Cast a spell from this list:
    - Bolt of Tepok's Thunder (2 Magic points) This spell will cause a roaring thunderbolt to strike down upon any foe within sight.
    -Apotheosis (3 magic points) This spell can heal any ally within 100 meters back to full health, A swirling mist of azure energy swirls around the target, their wounds healing and vigour restored - 10% Mistcast chance.
    -Tepok's Eyes (1 Magic point) This allows the caster to almost leave his body, witnessing the world outside the body in slow motion for 30 seconds. whilst this spell is being undergone the casters mortal body cannot move.

    • Begin channelling magic, this takes a whole action, Ie: several minutes But gives +1 magic point to all casters in the area, including himself

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)

    Tiqxoltiq - Options:

    • Retreat behind a building to help the rest of the camp

    • Charge in with his brothers to fight the carnosaur (-1 Battle point, Leaving Tiqxoltiq with 1 remaining)

    • Cast a spell from this list:
    - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for one minute , allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect.
    - Plague of rust (3 Magic points) This spell will cause three enemies armour to deteriorate and rust with extreme speed, small chunks flaking off into the wind and entire plates turning to dust.
    -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw two floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies

    • Begin channelling magic, this takes a whole action, Ie: several minutes But gives +1 magic point to all casters in the area, including himself
    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)
    [ whilst writing the part with the carnosaur bursting through the tree's it reminded me of a scene in film I always watched when I was little. Watch this but pretend that when it bursts through the tree's it is charging at the camp! -​
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
    Lizerd, Scalenex, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  6. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq'eko feeled a Bit insulted when Xolek-Zi shrug him of, but he immidieatly forgot it,because he was Kind of Happy to See those who didn't flew preparing to fight and don't standing unprepared around.Then he grabs a Mug of tea-Quetzl grass but he wasn't sure- which was left by the fleeing Saurus Group which sät here and drank it out in one big gulp.He felt the warmth of the Drink flowing down his throat and a pleased smile was shortly Seen on his face.When turning again to the jungle, thaught about what he heared Xolek-Zi whispering and felt now invincible. He took his priestly Staff in both hands now and started to inhale some of the soothing Smoke.His heart bet slower and slower and the presence of the Darkness strenghten him in a Stränge way.
  7. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal's bulky form bounded past the ancient Carnosaur's leg and its jaws of death, scarring his scales from the near miss. He headed straight towards the beast's tail, and with a powerful grip, held it firmly. He roared for others to help subdue the fierce beast in its moment of confusion.

    (-1 strength point, 0 left)
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Crouched down still Xolek-Zi surveys the ongoing carnage with heavy breathing momentarily. Out of the muffed chaos a hears two mighty roars and noticed Hakal squaring off against the Carnosaur with all but his muscle and pickaxe.

    Pulling out his blowpipe from a strap on his chest the skink loads a dart and like many times before aims for his target, though not coated in it usual posion. Accounting for wind and movement he inhales greatly and with all the force in his lungs he could muster he releases a dart aiming for the eye of the great beast. Knowing he wouldnt be able to charge in time he hopes the dart will slow the charging reptile.

    Soon after Xolek-Zi narrows his eyes as they begin to crackle with magical energy. A deep chant echoes from his throat calling out Soteks name in a deep reverberating voice for a skink. Focusing on Hakal he chants louder, "His Venom Enahnce You!" Casting his beast magic in the Kroxigor.

    Having given support to his saving grace the Oracle stands up and readies his weapon again ready to charge back into the battle. His tail again snapping like a whip angrily, the Oracle is not willing to back down

    [ - 2 combat, - 1 magic, 0 points left?]
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    [Alright guys! awesome posts, but I need to head off now so will continue the next part when everyone has done a response. :D - Yea Xolek-zi has no more magic points left now until he ethier rests/this combat finishes or someone/him channels magic. ]
  10. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Responding on Hakals Call Kuoteq'eko Calls a Bolt of Tepoks Thunder onto the Carnosaur (1 magic Point remaining?) So inccensed by the Beast he piles into Combat to Kill it as fast as possible.(1 combat point remaining?)
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Breaking himself free from the shock that seemed to lock him in place, Tiqxoltiq took quick stock of the situation. Rummaging through his pouches for spell components, he got as close to Hakal as he dared, and cast his spell, enchanting the Kroxigor's scales to hopefully protect him from further blows!

    (Casts Glittering Scales on Hakal)

    Once that is done, he hastily backs away and starts prepping a potent sleeping draught. If administered strongly enough to a soft spot (which won't be easy), it should be able to down even a Carnosaur...

    [Apologies, I work during the time you're posting replies and usually cannot reply until the timestamp you'll see under this post.]
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  12. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    As Quas picked up his blade and centered the eyes on the roaring darkness, the unusual sight appeared before him. A carnosaur, a largest of beasts, the one that could kill him by a mere bite was up to kill him. With a mental pain he realized his blade will do nothing here. Not at least if the beast is alive... and uncooked. To make matters worse a sight of Hakal relieving his hunger against the mighty gargantuan made him hungry as well.

    But wait...

    He is now standing in the place that was his kitchen not long ago, but now a large pile of rubble, rocks and boulders. As he instinctively wanted to hide behind the rocks the brief image from his spawnhood (referred by warm-bloods as childhood) crossed his mind. At that time he loved to play 'boulders' with the Skinks where he playfully threw stones so that his fellow lizards would catch. As he grew up, the stones become larger and larger, and Skinks more reluctant to play. He didn't know why...

    Once again he poured those memories into his muscles and picked a rubble he found fitting. A one that would make a Skink run away in panic, but fitting his muscular hands perfectly. One more adjustment and the stone was hurled into incoming doom's head.

    [TLDR: Pick up a large boulder of rubble nearby and hurl it at the incoming Carnosaur (-1 Strength point, Leaving Quas with 0 remaining)]
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The dart whizzed past with the speed of a hundred terradons, in the background a storm of violence was unfolding, despite Xolek-Zi’s efforts the dart began to veer off in a wild direction. It would miss…

    All of a sudden storm clouds above seemed to part up above, the moonlight shining down upon the fierce warriors, the light seemed to almost guiding the dart back into position, its direction angled back on course and it found its mark, the old ones were truly watching. Within a flash the carnosaur screamed out in pain, the small dart had embedded itself into the beasts huge retina.

    Meanwhile, Hakal’s claws clasped onto the carnosaurs tail, pinning it down with all his might. In the distance Xolek-Zi opened up his hands, calling out soteks name the winds of magic seemed to swirl around him in the form of a mystic serpent. Hakals talons and teeth began to seethe with new energy. A Green venom oozed from his claws, dripping onto the floor and spreading out along the carnosaurs scales, with all his strength he clenched his grasp further, his sharp claws beginning to dig in, the acidic venom melting away at the scales and pooling in the wounds.

    In more pain The carnosaur reared upwards, its eye streaming with blood. Its tail thrashing and lifting upwards And with it took Hakal, unable to let go the kroxigor was pulled upwards dangling from the monster's tail. His grip only strengthened further as he gaped open his wide mouth and began to chop down upon the carnosaurs flesh. (-1 battle point, Leaving Hakal with 2 remainings) His teeth pumping forth even more of the toxic poison directly into the carnosaurs bloodstream.

    As the carnosaur turned around a huge slab of stone and rock soared into its vision, slamming into the side of its huge reptilian skull, the table slab shattered upon impact, the rock had hit its lower jaw. Immediately the flesh connecting the jaw ripped, the lower mouth going slack and hanging down. With another scream of anguish droplets of blooded saliva began to drool onto the floor.

    Nearby Tiqxoltiq began to chant as he ran closer to Hakal, the winds of magic coalesing and swirling nearby, slowly the raw magic seemed to attach to his scales like a magnet, Hakal’s huge plates hardened, stronger than iron. His whole body seemed to solidify with a protective aura (-1 magic point, Leaving Tiqxoltiq with 2 remaining ). In quick succession Tiqxoltiq riffled through his pouches, unclipping a small bag of crushed flowers and plants, he peered inside. The airborne particles stinging his flesh, eyes. The powder burning up in his nostrils, immediately numbing his mind. The small amounts he had inhaled were already threatening to send him into a paralyzed sleep. This was his strongest collection of the deadly flora of Lustria...

    With all of the carnosaurs fury and might it shuddered and thrashed its tail in a blind panic, the tail that was now beginning seize up as the paralysing venom made its way through the monsters burning veins. With the sheer strength and erratic movement, Hakal was thrown off, taking chunks of the beast's flesh with him as he did so. With a crash he collided with a tree, his mining pickaxe shattering into thousands of metal shards, yet His impossibly strong scales deflected nearly all the damage. Still travelling backwards he Arced through another tree before finally slumping into a heap of steaming flesh, the shrapnel; chunks of metal and spikes of wood failing to dig into his supernatural iron hide.

    The carnosaurs ferocity and rage was now beyond calming, its great legs began to send it flying towards the nearest skink, Kuoteq’ecko. Within an instant the clouds above shrieked and lit up with the power of a slann, as an azure thunderbolt lashed out from above, the electricity connecting with the carnosaurs back, with another yelp of pain the light rippled through its body, singeing the organs and flesh within.

    Recklessly Kuoteq’ecko yelled out and began counter charging for the beast's leg with the jade tip of his ceremonial staff ready to pierce through the hide of the carnosaurs underbelly. Despite his fury he was no match for the carnosaurs skill and speed, its tail whipping around with a grotesque snap, sending his frail body skidding along the sand and roots, his weak rib cage threatening to give way as he was propelled backwards with extreme speed, hitting the side of a small thatch hut before sprawling into the dirt. (-1 Wound, Kuoteq’ecko is now prone, and unable to get up unless helped or healed.)

    Before Tiqxoltiq could use the powerful concoction he had mixed up The carnosaur turned to full panic, the hunter had become the hunted. surrounded on all sides by enemies it began to push through the saurus and past Quas’s ovens and fires. One of them impaling it in the side as it ran past with a sharp obsinite tipped spear the weapon becoming lodged into the reptilian flesh. poisoned blood began gushing out of the fresh wound painting the floor with another coat of red. As it continued charging another saurus was crushed under its heavy feet, the reptiles gurgling blood mixing in with that of the carnosaurs.

    It carried on running at full speed, all that mattered now was its survival. It ploughed through weak buildings in its path, sending logs and thatch flying in all directions. as it was passing a crowd of skinks that had been harassing it with blowpipes during the fight it managed to swipe one of them up with its flailing clawed arms, crushing the helpless skinks left leg with its serrated talons as it ran across the clearing back into the safety of the jungle. The skinks eyes closed as its weekend leg ripped from its torso, sending the limp body to lie in the mud now made bloody by the carnosaurs many bleeding wounds.

    There was an obvious paralysed limp in its backside and legs as it ran into the distance, the red colour of its scales blood indistinguishable from the coats of dried blood that they were now stained with. Before it disappeared it turned around one last time. It's one working eye staring back at the warriors that had caused these injuries whilst its huge nostrils flared with anger and ancient rage as if it was already formulating its revenge. It would never forget. And with that its hulking form disappeared into the mix of darkness and trees…

    They had fought the predator off, but at what cost…

    The dying, wounded and unconscious would need to be attended to before the darkness fully sets in. Disease and bacteria spread like wildfire throughout the humid jungle, open wounds must be sewn shut and cared for before infection has a chance to settle itself.

    Entire sections of the camp are in ruins, thatch and logs litter the blood-stained ground whilst straw and plant fibres are whisked away on the harsh wind now forming as another monsoon storm begins to form in the sky above.

    As Xolek-Zi returned from the edge of the jungle where he was thrown his agile foot hit something, he looked down. Amongst the gurgling blood that puddled on the floor a sharp shine illuminated itself, reflecting the moonlight in a small beam lay a small carnosaur tooth. After picking up the serrated incisor, he quickly sprinted back to the camp. (If applied to a weapon this will increase the user's weapon skill value by 1)


    Describe what your character is going to do next, keep in mind that Hakal only has 2 wounds remaining, Kuoteq’ecko is lying unconscious on the floor, a saurus has been crushed underfoot, instantly dying under the weight. And a skink’s unmoving (But not necessarily dead) body is lying a hundred meters or so away outside the camp.

    [And to think this carnosaur only wanted a small meal :D:eek:, you guys are a deadly team]

    I just thought I would give you guys a quick update with all your characters remaining points (These will heal slowly after rest or can be healed through magic during combat. As Well as potions, medicinal herbs and bandages outside of combat)


    Kuoteq’ecko - (M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5) 2 skill points, 0 battle, 1 magic


    Tiqxoltiq - (M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5) 2 skill points, 1 battle, 2 magic


    Xolek-Zi - (M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld5) 0 skill points, 1 battle, 0 magic, 1 beast handling.


    Hakal - (M1 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W3 I0 A2 Ld 6) 1 Skill point, 2 battle, 0 strength


    Quas - (M1 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W3 I0 A2 Ld 6) 1 Skill point, 3 battle, 0 strength
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  14. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq´eko layed in the bushes and thinks about how he forgot his Blowpipe at his belt.But he stayed optimisticaly that the others will kill the Carno but he couldn´t see them .He just saw a damn thorny bush and felt the Pain in his Back growing even more when he was thinking about his Situation so he decides to pray to Quetzl that no indefinable Animal stomps him and finally kills him.
    After sending this Prayer to Heavens he felled asleep and his mind faded away Completley by the intolarable Pain in his back...He will help the others when with Xo when he has been woke up by Tik
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    [I guess you don't think straight sometimes when you see all of your brothers charging in with weapons drawn. I guess some of Xolek-Zi's Pipe smoke started affecting him :confused: , + The Quetzl Grass tea probably made him think he was invincible and that he could take on anything :p]
    Lizerd and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at the giant tooth in his small hand Xolek-Zi gives a small grin before picking up his club from the ground and securing it back onto his waist and then doing the same with his blowpipe. With the battle over the Oracle removes his headdress and puts it back into the large reptilian hide pouch and looks around for his pipe. Finding his Pipe a few meters away from him he picks it up and looks it over, no damage and a sigh of relief. He cleans it a bit and then packs it once again full of plant material and with a spark of flint begins to puff in the new herb which offered a calming relief. Pipe in mouth he looks around and realizes he is further than he thought and runs back to the camp.

    Once reaching the camp Xolek-Zi surveys what was once a lively and secure camp. Buildings, weapons, food, camp fire, bodies...everywhere. Blood from both Lizardmen and beast alike soaking the ground, the moon shining bright above as if the souls of the deceased were looking down upon those who survived. All around him he sees skinks scurrying everywhere, the few Saurus calling out to make sure the area was indeed secure, he however did not see the Kroxigor that saved his life. Xo, the name that a lost companion from his wide travels - an amazon oddly enough - called him, began to look around him for anyone who needed help and began to channel the winds of magic while doing so to allow him the power to heal wounds if he were to find any.

    Hearing the now frantic calls of a wounded skink, Xo turns north and notices a broken body laying in a large footprint that was filled now with mud and blood, a single crippled hand in the air. Channeling magic and making his way to the skink [Im assuming I can move and channel at the same time?] Xo takes in another large inhale of smoke, the herb numbing his own scratches. Upon reaching the skink the first thing he notices that one of his legs has been ripped off, the skink screaming reaches out for Xo, his bloodied hands touching the oracles face, making war paint like lines down his cheeks. Taking his pipe Xo puts it into the skinks mouth and tells him to breath in deep, allowing the numbing effect of the herb to run through the skinks body. Looking around he sees the Skinks leg about 20 yards away, he runs towards it and grabs it and brings it back to the skink. He looks both at the leg and the skink, back and forth...until finally saying, "Yep, that's his leg alright" in what sounded like bird chirps and clicks of the tongue

    looking around across the camp Xo looks for a priest with greater healing ability, questioning his own on another with such a great wound. knowing that this unlucky skink wont make it if he does not have life magic healing done soon the Skink calls out...

    [I am assuming Channeling magic does not take a magic point]
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As the frantic skink, shuffling and squirming on the floor came back into vision Xo could see blood beginning to pour from the wound, a small buzzing now accompanied them, insects beginning to swarm like moths to a flame. Soon flies and mosquitoes seemed to be pouring in from all directions, attempting to borrow and bite at the already lethal wound. After placing the torn-up leg next to the skink Xo prayed that the others would soon come to support him, otherwise, this skink was going to die…

    The chances of infection were increasing every second, the skinks frothing mouth gurgling with cold blood. Xolek-zi did as much as he could, sitting beside the skink as its eyes closed, preventing it from moving around and trying to squeeze the wound as hard as he could. Despite all hope seemingly being lost the skink's faint pulse still beat, and its fractured nose still drew in panting breaths for air. This skink would not go down easily, he was a survivor.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2019
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    After watching Kuoteq'eko go flying through the air, Tik knew what he had to do. Scrabbling in his pouches, Tiqxoltiq runs towards Kuoteq´eko, already drawing upon the winds of magic to try healing his fellow skink. Combining healing magic with his herbal collection should prove fairly effective, he reasoned. So focused was he on healing his fellow that he lost track of what the Carnosaur was doing. When done helping Kuoteq'eko, he will try to spend efforts aiding Xo with the others...
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  19. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    A wave of joy ran through the Kroxigor's body when he confirmed the Carnosaur was on the run. With both hands arisen in triumph he muttered a low, growling laughter and sent the beast away with the hand signs ranging ones that would made a warm blood draw his sword to the ones that would make Skinks cover their faces with both hands.

    As he drew his eyes away from the withdrawing beast he noticed the brutal scene around him: a mangled Saurus body and a pool of cold blood was around him and the rest of the area that was Quas' kitchen before the battle. The joy was superseded by sadness. He moved his sight to one of the still standing Sauruses and said: "Burn. Outside". He grabbed the dead body afterwards and walked outside the camp. This lizardman earned a proper funeral today.
  20. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Tik kneeled down beside the unconscious body that was now slowly sliding into the mud, placing his hand on Kuoteq’s chest, he could feel the weak pulse, rapid and uneven. Quickly he grabbed a small lizard skin pouch from his belt, taking a small handful of the medicinal herbs and leaves out before gently placing them on Kuoteq’eko’s tongue. Within seconds the powders dissolved into his thick, bloody saliva, and his racing heartbeat began to soften.

    With urgency, Tiqxoltiq began Shouting out to the other skinks that were now streaming back into the ruined camp plaza. He demanded them to bring him a small jug of warm, boiled water as well as bamboo bandages for the battered skink.

    Within minutes the items were passed to him. As the jug of warm water was held in Tik’s hand he sprinkled in more powdered herbs before drawing upon the winds of magic now saturated with a small amount of power. The best he could do as a skink priest of the law of metal was to infuse the water with cleansing minerals and salts. Whilst other skinks wrapped up Kuoteq’eko’s limp body with bandages, Tiqxoltiq began to gently dab the infused water onto large cuts as well as pouring the soothing liquid down the priests rasping throat.

    Within minutes Kuoteq'eko began to stir, his eyes gradually opening and adjusting to the darkness. His head throbbed with searing pain and his ribcage felt weak and fractured. However he felt calm, warmth was emanating from his stomach and throat rippling throughout his entire body, numbing the agony and softening the pain, as the remedying solution caused smaller wounds to knit back together.
    (Kuoteq’eko is no longer unconscious, But has a wounded condition - Minus one to all stats and point caps, leaving him with (M5 WS1 BS1 S1 T0 W0 I3 A1 Ld4) 1 skill point (1 max) , 0 battle (0 Max), 1 magic (2 Max) This condition can be removed by further healing or rest. ).

    Kuoteq Weakley reached out to grab the shattered priestly staff beside him, the handle had been fractured and split, Luckily the divine jade tip was unharmed and still intact. Desperately he tried to call upon the winds of magic, in an attempt to heal his wounded flesh. But the power had been long exhausted. Leaving the night breeze depleted and unyielding as a result of the extensive use of magic during the previous battle (This means no casting (And by extension no channelling) will be successful until the magic in the area is refilled, Ie: Several hours)


    The waves of victory and joy that rippled through the kroxigors aching body were short-lived as the reality of the situation hit him. the sauruses spawn brothers beside him gently nodded their heads at the simple but effective order, one running off to collect firewood and thatch, the others moving away from the camp. now Sitting down in a small circle they produced a spark from a flint and steel attached to one's belt. With the addition of fresh kindling, the flame began to expand outwards.

    Now roaring with the echoes of the deceased it lit up the sorrowful warriors and burned bright with Chotecs fury. Quas sadly grabbed the broken body and gently placed it amongst the blazing flames, bowing his head with respect as he did so. Within seconds the purifying fire consumed the body. May Uxmac the messenger guide his soul. The inferno danced with sadness as smoke illuminated by Yuxa's constellations plumed upwards towards the heavens. A warrior had fallen on this day...


    Meanwhile, Xolek-Zi Continued shouting out, but his calls were left unanswered. He was further out from the camp than he thought. The skink's leg was now bleeding profusely, turning the skinks aquamarine scales pale and white. No matter what Xo did the blood kept gushing out to stain both his and the skink crimson with the cool liquid. a metallic scent was now wafting through the thick night air, attracting more and more insects to the cruel scene. Xolek-zi looked around to see if help was on its way, instead, he was greeted with several pairs of distant glowing eyes that pierced through the gloom. More than mere insects had been attracted by the sickly scent of spilt blood...

    PLAY THIS from one minute onwards :

    The quiet shuffling of feet began to surround him, as harsh cackles and laughter accompanied the agonising groans of the dying skink...

    (No one else can hear or see this)
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2019

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