Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    The smell of blood wafted through Hakal's nostrils, his stomach churning in agony at the stench. Pain was throbbing throughout his entire being, and In amidst his wounds' burning pain, he questioned if this blood truly was from the Carnosaur.

    Wobbling, Hakal tried placing one step after another, the memories of the past fight escaping him. With more wavering stomping, he could hear shouting as it pierced throughout the trees. He recognized the voice as a Skink's.

    Eventually, and with newfound urgency, the hulking kroxigor came upon two skinks. One of them had the recognizable attire of Xolek-Zi, visibly shaking.

    Hakal, however, saw the other skink's miserable condition - the blood gushing out of its missing leg like a waterfall. The pain that had blighted him was soon overshadowed by shock and anger. Memories he would rather hold faraway, collapsed down upon him.

    Hastily, the kroxigor hefted the skink upon his shoulder, holding him firmly just enough to restrict the blood's flow however he could. His mind that had already seen enough horrors and fears racing upon his heart, now settled on finding help where ever it may be.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2019
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As the lumbering kroxigor picked up the dying skink Xo’s pipe tumbled from its mouth onto the ground, lost in the slicing blades of long grass. With the beasts now beginning to circle them Xolek-Zi was pulled away by Hakal’s firm grip.

    With Xolek being dragged behind Hakal Began to gallop forward, his wide gate allowing him to make pace with ease, he could see the lights of the camp in the far distance and was running towards them at full speed. Another lizardman would not die. Another skink would not die in his arms. His throat burned, mind-numbed and his heart sprinted as if it would burst from both the fear and the running., the large beasts following behind him were driving him to his limit, tactically forcing him away from the camp as they lunged out from the darkness.

    That's when it hit him. new pairs of Jaws lept at him from all sides. The lion sized ‘Hyaenodons’ that were known to prowl these parts of untamed and rarely visited jungle, had forced him into a trap, an ambush.


    The snapping creatures went for his softer underbelly, running past in blurs, nipping at him, ripping small chunks of flesh away from his already worn-out body. He looked around in a panic, Xolek-Zi was gone, in the distance, he could see the oracles frantic and struggling body being dragged away into the grass.

    ---------:confused:Do NOT read ahead if you find a skink getting torn apart in detail disturbing or very stressfull:confused:---------

    Before he could charge to his defence he was surrounded, devilish cackles and laughter ringing in his ears. The beasts were unrelenting, with all of the rage inside him Hakal lashed out, but the foul animals dogged attack after attack. His pick slit the air, again and again, missing them by mere inches. They were wearing him down. He was now bleeding in several places, the cold air biting at the wounds (-1 Wound, Leaving Hakal with 1 remaining). In a flash, a creature jumped up at his face, before it could strike he dragged down the metal pickaxe with all his force the metal end ripping through the animal's soft rib cage before throwing the wounded animal to the ground with a slam (-1 Battle point, Leaving Hakal with 1 remaining) With a whine it began to cower away, disappearing into the thick darkness to lick its deathly wounds the second. The second the injured retreated new shapes seemingly emerged from the darkness to replace them, attacking with a new vigour and blood lust.

    Whilst Hakal viciously attacked the Hyaenodons in front of him another bit at the skink he held in a suffocating grasp, they tugged it away from him with a sudden pull, the body rolling into the grass and mud. before he had time to react the skink was enveloped by snapping jaws, its throat was ripped out and limbs were torn away with ease, as the huge creatures fought amongst themselves for the blood staturated organs inside the ripped-open body.

    Hakal’s mind screamed He was helpless, he was going to die, he had failed, another skink had died under his protection.

    In the blurred confusion he used his last ounces of energy to run at full speed, charging through the beasts in a random direction, his survival instincts had now overtaken all reason. He chucked the pickaxe to the side and desperately struck out with his raking claws. But to no avail. , seconds before he made impact they skillfully leapt out of the way. In his last moments before he would be dragged down into the mud to join the skink he screamed out a bellowing roar that shook the very ground…

    Skinks and Saurus were caring to the wounded and beginning to repair the most important structures when the scream roared out, immediately all turned their heads in the direction of the unhallowed noise, they recognised the bellowing call as that of a kroxigor in need desperate help. Quickly grabbing their weapons, spears, blowpipes, javelins and torches or whatever they could find they began to run towards the noise.

    Behind them Quas roared a singular word to the sky ‘HAKAL’ before going onto all fours and galloping towards the scene of carnage, with his brutal clever, that was now thirsting for blood clenched in one of his curled fists as he ran.


    Xolek-Zi felt his flesh being torn as he was dragged away from the camp’s familiar lights and from Hakal’s safety. He had no choice but to fight. As the Hyaenodon hauled him away he could feel the familiar sense of excruciating pain as the creatures razor-sharp canines dug into his back.

    Whilst yelling a pray to Sotek Xolek-Zi grabbed the serpent dagger from his belt before blindly shoving it into the creature behind him. With a yelp it cried out, the ceremonial blade had slid into the animals large, nocturnal eye, and it stayed there, the short blade was suspended in the flesh, hanging from the animals face.

    Immediately the Hyenadon it let go of him, But it didn't retreat, it was beyond sense. Its frothing jaws only wanted one thing: His death.

    [This scene is pretty brutal, So im sorry if you guys found it upsetting. but Im going for a tough and realistic approach to this RPG, so it makes sense for animals to take advantage out of any opportunity they can find.

    This reminded me alot of a video I watched a while back of a lion getting attacked by hyena's -

    Also here is another little reminder of your guys' stats:]
    (All magic in the area is now depleted meaning magic users can no longer cast with efficiency)

    Kuoteq’eko (M5 WS1 BS1 S1 T0 W0 I3 A1 Ld4) 1 skill point (1 max) , 0 battle (0 Max), 0 magic (2 Max)


    Tiqxoltiq - (M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5) 2 skill points, 1 battle, 2 magic (All spells have a 40% chance of failure)


    Xolek-Zi - (M5 WS2 BS2 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld5) 1 skill point, 1 battle, 0 magic, 1 beast handling.


    Hakal - (M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1 I0 A2 Ld 6) 1 Skill point, 1 battle, 0 strength


    Quas - (M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W3 I0 A2 Ld 6) 1 Skill point, 3 battle, 0 strength
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2019
    Lizerd, Scalenex, bOdziO Wolf and 2 others like this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Quickly getting up to his feet the Oracle grabs his side and feels where the flesh and scale was torn from him, his own blood now staining his already blood stained hand. The skinks body was full of adrenaline, his fight or flight instinct was beginning to kick in. Focusing his mind the skink meets the glare of the predator in front of him as he reaches into his pouch and again puts on his headdress calmly. Not breaking his gaze he snarls and showing his sharpest teeth. Xolek-Zi slowly reaches into the pouch that he had put the carnosaur tooth into and brings it out to bear in the way that he would hold a dagger. The tooth slightly digging into his own flesh the oracle readies both his blunt club and the razor sharp serated tooth. Knowing his blunt club wouldn't be enough to survive he hopes the tooth will tip the scale and possibly adding a story will increase its worth.

    The Hyaenodon now circling him more aggressively the Oracle mutters a small prayer invoking his 3 prime Gods: to Sotek for Strength, and then to Chotec for greater agility and to Quetzl for protection. With two deadly weapons in both hands the oracle squares off with the beast, the drugs from his lost pipe fully taking effect making him numb to pain, his overconfidence may be the end of him, or it might be his salvation, he knew he would not be able to out run the predator and this was a time the prey needed to fight back.

    With a calming breath the skink lets out a sky piercing war cry that can be heard far and wide, headdress dipping back with its blood stained feathers and razordon spikes they vibrate as Xolek-Zi's crest vibrates. The Oracle charges, his back scales nearly invisible in the night and the moon barley hitting his lighter side scales. Running the oracle moves as fast as he can through the darkness. With a horrifying laughter that would make any creature think that pure insanity had set into the Skink, he gains footing and ground unwavering with purpose and precision. When he finally would get close enough he would aimfor the lower jaw to jab upwards and rib cage to crush.

    (- 1 battle point)
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  4. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    When Kuoteq'eko realized that he couldn't help Hakal in the Jungle he sended all Skinks and Saurus under his command to work. He knew that the unprepared and the ones who never sawn the brutality of Battle would die with out a Sense.But then he stepped over something,what he couldn't belive, he found a very dirty but intact serpentine Bronze Rod.While the Screams of battle were heared and the axes of the Workers,he cleaned the Rod with a peacly Passion like he forgot about everything.After cleaning it he took the rests of his Staff and some linen on the grounded and attached it to the Rod which Shined fierce in the light of torches around him.With this he new Staff he began to go thruogh the Camp and oversee the Reperation Work.
    (-1 Skill Point for builiding a new Staff,0 Skill Points left)
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    [I personally love the brutal scenes, keep em coming! They're smart and tasteful)
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    [Quick question: Did the Spell of Protection I cast on Hakal wear off then?]

    The roaring sound of a panicked Kroxigor was enough to cut through Tik's concentration. Glancing down to make sure his patient was going to be... well, not necessarily healed, but all right for a while, he got to his feet and cast around, seeking where the sound had come from. His magic mostly spent, Tiqxoltiq pulled a bottle of poison from one of the many pouches about his waist and checked to see what kind it was (DM's choice). It wouldn't be a perfect option, but it would be better than nothing. He pulled out several of the prepped plant spines he used for ranged combat and jabbed them through the bottle's sealed cap, letting them soak in the brew. That done, he took off at a quick jog in the direction of the screams, prepared to throw one of the spines at the first hostile target...
  7. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    (I think the brutal scences keep you under a Kind of pressure that you don't wanna fail,so you and your friends don't die.)
  8. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Spearheading the expedition and cutting the distance first, Quas, located Hakal in melee with the creatures of the night. The sight imbued his self with anger and made him jump on one of the Hyaenodons with his blade slashing.

    [burn battle points if needed, he is going all-in on this one!]
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Poised to strike the creature leapt from its position, its jaws ready to bite down upon Xolek-Zi’s soft neck... But its teeth clamped down on nothing but air, Xolek-zi was no kroxigor and therefore had the speed and agility to match the incoming attacks. With indefatigable purpose and precision, the warrior rolled out of the beasts snapping jaws, before swiping out with a blow of his own. The sharp carnosaur tooth streaked through the hyaenodons neck, dragging down its side, slicing tendon and muscle alike as the creatures own energy drove it further and deeper. blood spurted out, speckling The Oracle’s dark face with mottled crimson as he danced with death itself.

    Now faltering the hyena went in for a last, desperate attack, only for its ribs to be shattered by a hit from Xo’s Mighty club, he could feel the soft organs and bone-crunching as it impacted, pushing the creature onto its side.

    Its ruptured and slashed body trembled with terror as Xolek-Zi approached, his demonic laughter mixing in with the distant cackles of the creatures pack. With fresh rigor Xolek pulled the sacrificial dagger from the creatures eye and withdrew the carnosaur tooth that was now embedded into its collapsing rib cage. Shouting to the sky he drew both weapons above his head, before striking them down into the creature's skull with brutal accuracy. As the dying creature's soul was ripped away from its body he spat into its bleeding face ‘Now we’re equal’.


    Quas Roared into the fight at full speed, javelins and darts were flying above him as he made contact. Ripping out his clever he began to swipe at the air around Hakal, allowing the battered kroxigor to recollect and breathe. With indignation, Quas Struck out at creatures as they encompassed him time and time again.

    Spotting an overconfident male attempt to stand up to him Quas grabbed its neck With a firm and picked it up in his free hand, before slamming it down into the ground repetitively, each time the body becoming limper, and its bones more shattered (-1 battle point, leaving Quas with 2 remaining). Spinning the broken body around as if it were a club, before chucking the carcass out at full speed into the darkness it was born from.

    The Hyenadons casualties were starting to mount up, but this only Further enforced their need for a kill. Quas was now standing over Hakals defenceless body, guarding him from attack. Every swipe never seemed to connect as they retreated and backed away into the darkness, only to attack at another angle. Soon Quas Too was becoming worn out and his burning muscles were beginning to cease up and ache.

    With another great effort, Quas Slashed out at a smaller hyaenodon that was attempting to drag Hakals body, before he could make connection the agile creature managed to squirm away. As it did so He felt cold claws and keen teeth gash into his back, The pack’s alpha, larger and more ferocious than the others had leapt onto his back and was now beginning to grapple down his lower neck, its sharp fangs gouging into his thick hide and flesh, as he reached up to grab it another individual surged inwards, taking the opportunity to bite at Quas’s softer underarm. (-1 Wound, Leaving Quas with 2 remaining).

    But help was soon arriving as and more skinks and saurus began pouring onto the grasslands in support behind him, He wouldn't have to hold on for much longer.


    Tiqxoltiq’s jog turned into a sprint as he could make out Hakal’s form being dragged down and attacked from all sides by five of the large, vicious beasts. Every second counted as he pulled out a small handful of the now toxin saturated darts. The vapour coming off of them hissed and steamed as it reacted with the oxygen, burning the air with an acrid stench.

    [The spell lasts only one minute, So it had worn off by now. But Remember you can still cast more spells with your two magic points, but they have a 40% chance of failure due to the lack of energy left in the area]


    Dizzy and frail, Kuoteq’eko knew he would only endanger himself and others by going into the combat, it would be nothing less than suicide. Instead, he ordered the remaining lizardmen within the camp to treat the wounded and continue reparations in a faint voice.

    Blocking out the nearby screams of the battle that boomed over the chittering of skinks and hammering of heavy work he looked down to the fractured staff in his hands. It was imperative that he repaired it.

    Quickly he scoured the area for a pole, a stick or something, anything to hold up the jade encrusted tip of his staff. As he walked forward during the search a bronze spear covered in still wet blood seemed to wink at him, the torchlight reflecting off it with a warm glow. As he picked it up, the ichorous liquid began to trail down the spears handle, revealing a serpent-like design that guided the blood down the snakes many rotating coils.

    Behind him he could see the raging fire of the wielders funeral. The brave warrior would not be forgotten, and his weapon would come to save lives and taste blood again in his name. He would have been honoured to let a priest use his weapon in life, and even more so in death.

    With an intensity unseen before, Kuoteq gently unwrapped the fibres at the top and disconnected the obsinite spearhead before claiming the weapons handle for his own. with little work it was fixed onto his with a strong bond, This Bronze would be far more formidable than any lousy piece of wood.

    Xolek-Zi - Options:

    Xolek-Zi no longer has any battle points remaining, this means he cannot attack during combat.​

    • Xolek-Zi can retrieve his blowpipe from the belt wrapped around his waist and let lose an inaccurate shot in the dark (-1 Skill point, 20% Chance of missing. Leaving him with 0 skill points remaining. Keep in mind It will take 2 darts to take down a Hyaenodon. )

    • Knowing he is vulnerable and weak, Xolek-Zi retreats closer to the camp and incoming groups of lizardmen before releasing an inaccurate shot in the dark (-1 Skill point, 50% chance of missing. Leaving him with 0 skill points remaining. Keep in mind It will take 2 darts to take down a Hyaenodon.)

    • With a shrill growl, imitating that of a hyaenodon calling Xolek-Zi attracts a large sum of the pack towards him. (-1 Beast point, Leaving him with 0 remaining)

    • Run back to the warmth and safety of camp.

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)
    Tiqxoltiq - Options:

    • Charge in with weapon and staff drawn to fight with the other saurus and skinks (-1 Battle point per Hyaenodon Killed)

    • Cast a spell from this list: (40% OF FAILURE ON ANY SPELL, DUE TO THE LACK OF ENERGY IN THE AREA)
    - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for one minute, allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect.
    - Plague of rust (3 Magic points) This spell will cause three enemies armour to deteriorate and rust with extreme speed, small chunks flaking off into the wind and entire plates turning to dust.
    -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw two floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies.
    (2 Magic points remaining)

    • Throw out a Handful of toxin saturated darts and spines towards the close hyenadons. (1 Skill point per dart thrown, with a 20% chance of missing. Keep in mind It will take 2 darts to take down a Hyaenodon .)

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (Please factor in point reduction)
    Quas - Options:

    • Attempt to strike at the beast latched onto his soft underbelly, with his thirsting clever (-1 battle point, 30% of missing)

    • Rip the Pack alpha from his back before decimating it in front of the pack (-2 Battle points)

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (Please factor in point reduction)
    Kuoteq’Eko - Options:

    With little to no points remaining Kuoteq’Eko can do little more than watch the fight take place from a distance, and order skinks to rebuild the camp.​
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2019
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek-Zi grabbed his weapons from the creatures skull and ribs but as he did so he felt a sharp pain strike through his body, the herb that he had smoked was starting to fade as well as his adrenaline; pain was flooding in from his wounds. The skink hearing the ferocious battle raging, Kroxigor bellows and skink cries in the distance, but he cannot tell if they are winning or losing. Looking around he sees a large tree and then at his club while taking some loose spare twine that he had been saving and begins to rip up any dry plant material wrapping it around the wooden frame. With the flint from his pouch he lights the plant material on fire and gives out a large call to sound like the dead creature infront of him calling out in pain, he hears distant calls in return. The oracle now begins to back up towards the tree lighting any dry debris on fire as he walks back hoping the fire will by him time until others can arrive.

    Throwing the now flame engulfed club away from the tree but in some long grass near the corpse the oracle gives out one more agonizing call and then scurries up the tree as fast as he can just as he notices the same eyes he first saw in the darkness, laughter soon with them. Struggling to reach a higher branch the Oracle is slightly lower than he wanted to be, but with the tooth in hand and the dagger in his mouth the Oracle desperately tries to climb higher before he is overran, hoping they cannot climb. Another call but this time in his normal skink tone hoping someone will hear him amongst the flames.The smell of death now stronger as the heat begins to cook the dead creatures body infront of its pack members...

    [- 1 skill point, - 1 beast handling...Out of points, oh lordy, picture is meant to show the Oracles point of view while in the tree]
  11. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    It was now when Quas lost the control over his mind and body for the first time. He grabbed the large creature by its neck with both his hands. Shortly after, ignoring another pair of jaws sucked to his underarm, he strengthened his grip and pulled the pack alpha down crushing its body on the ground in front of him. He then took the body again, opened his mouth and closed his teeth on the neck of the Hyaenodon. Fresh blood tasted surprisingly good. The creature still desperately moved only worsening its situation as new and new tears appeared on its throat. But that wasn't enough for Quas who ended the alpha's life by ripping its head off...

    [TLDR: Rip the Pack alpha from his back before decimating it in front of the pack (-2 Battle points)]
  12. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    While still ignoring the noises of battle and the screams of death,Kuoteq'eko sät on a Stone ,the head of a statue,probably a old one.He inspected his new stable Bronze Staff, thinking about the screams and what Monsters they do fight against.Suddenly he heared a familiär scared Voice and with another scream he knew whos Voice it was, it was the Voice of the mystierious Oracle Xolek-Zi.He shouted out for help, Kuoteq'eko wanted to stand up, but After one Step Fell tired on the Ground.Again laying on the Earth the feeling of Neglence overflew him because he thuoght that he would be responsible for their Deaths when they would die.With a Bad consience he Fell asleep again this Night.In his dreams he saw How Quas looked AT him with wide opened Eyes and then being teared to pieces.Then he saw the beheaded Skink Priest Tik in a lake of Coldblood speaking with him:'You betrayed us,you are a traitor. We all died because of your gross neglience .TRAAAAAITOR!' Finnaly he saw a leg, then looked up and saw a arm, and further up he spoted another leg, a Hand and again a speeking head,all skewed on wooden Spikes.He screeched:'Why ha-have you ki-ki-ki-illed US all?Why have you done that in Soteks Name?'When the Voice fizzled out a laughter emerged from the Head and it became bigger and bigger,and the tongue shot out of the mouth and pulled Kuoteq'eko back in.....

    (I hope the Nightmare wasn't too dreadfull guys)
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Upon sighting the Hyaenodons, Tiqxoltiq skidded to a stop for a moment and took stock of the situation. That was a lot of enemies. Briefly he flexed his magic to test the local magical field and winced. While it was an option, Tik decided that magic was going to have to be a last resort for the time being. Grabbing his poisoned plant spines, he slipped forwards as quickly as he dared, picking targets carefully. Once he felt he was close enough he began flinging darts out, trying to strike as many targets as possible. He hoped to double-strike one or two, but at this point hitting anything would be a blessing. While it would take multiple strikes to take such a large creature down, even one dose of poison would hinder the creatures, slowing them down a little.
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The blood dripped from Quas’s jaws as he let out a bellowing cry. Fear was quickly overcoming the hyaenodons, and their losses were mounting up. The weaker or already injured members of the pack had already begun scurrying away into the shade. These beasts were on their last legs, and most were beginning to turn and run, attempting to drag the corpses of their dead pack with them as they went.

    As they began to separate off bolting into the darkness, Tiqxoltiq seized the opportunity to fling out a pair of handheld darts (-1 Skill points, Leaving Tik with 0 remaining) With speed and precision they became lodged into the flesh of two fleeing hyaenodons , releasing the toxic payload they carried directly into the beasts bloodstream. The hit hyaenodons began to limp and whine, dragging themselves away from the battlefield with desperation as the venom raced through their burning veins.

    Skinks and saurus that were now helping fend of the hyenadons, began to recollect themselves The threat was over... Yet they still heard the alarmed chittering of a skink coming from the nearby tree’s?


    Attracted to the calls of a pack member in help two large beasts arrived towards the corpse of their butchered ally. The flames around it illuminating their horrifying forms as it expanded, sending clouds of smoke that hung low like a thick suffocating mist.

    As the Xo continued calling out in an attempt to attract more of the creatures away from the fight the ones already present began to locate him, their strong noses tracking onto his scent. With grating squeals the hyaenodons desperately tried to claw their way up the tree, their vicious jaws and hungry eyes yearning for the taste of flesh. But the second their feet left the ground they tumbled back down unable to ascend higher than a few feet.

    As more and more retreat calls echoed throughout the jungle those at the tree’s foot also began to withdraw, growling up to Xo with cruel, animalistic snarls before following the pack as it disengaged back into the deepest parts of the jungle, where they would no-doubt regroup before venturing back to claim the bounty of corpses and bodies that waited for them even if they were they’re own, but that was if Xolek and the other lizardmen didn't get to them first.

    Kuoteq’Eko lay gasping for air on the floor, the disturbing images fizzling away into a warm torchlight. A nightmare... It was only a nightmare… gasping, he got to his feet. The camp reconstruction was well underway, the many-tiered skinks working whilst others fought had managed to rebuild a hut or two and recollect the materials to begin burning the central fire, infusing the area with warmth and light. Yet it still looked like some lizardmen may have to sleep inside the local ruins, despite the skinks labour intensive work, there was still not enough room for all rest inside the huts.

    - With the hyaenodons gone it leaves the party with the opportunity to re-group and get immediate rest back at the camp/ in the ruins nearby if necessary. (This will add additional points, remove any exhausted conditions and heal the injured by a small amount).

    - Alternatively, that party could attempt to bring back the corpses of the slain hyaenodons (before other scavengers get hold of them) for meat, hyaenodon pelts and claws/teeth which could fetch a good price in markets both far and near, as well as allowing for crafting or refilling hunger.
    (Keep in mind that this will mean sleep for the characters that choose to do this doesn't heal as many points as it normally would. On Top of this dragging the bodies back as well as preparing/skinning them will take additional skill points)

    (All magic in the area is now depleted meaning magic users can no longer cast with efficiency)

    Kuoteq’eko (M3 WS0 BS0 S0 T0 W0 I2 A0 Ld3) 0 skill point (1 max) , 0 battle (0 Max), 0 magic (2 Max) (+1 Exhausted state, Meaning rest is needed to continue functioning properly, this can take the form of sleep or healing. Effects - -1 To all stats excluding wounds. THIS STACKS WITH KUOTEQ'EKO's WOUNDED STATE)


    Tiqxoltiq - (M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5) 0 skill points, 1 battle, 2 magic (All spells have a 40% chance of failure)


    Xolek-Zi - (M4 WS1 BS1 S1 T1 W1 I3 A1 Ld4) 0 skill point, 0 battle, 0 magic, 0 beast handling. (+1 Exhausted state, Meaning rest is needed to continue functioning properly, this can take the form of sleep or healing. Effects - -1 To all stats excluding wounds)


    Hakal - (M2 WS2 BS0 S3 T3 W1 I0 A1 Ld 5) 1 Skill point, 1 battle, 0 strength (+1 Exhausted state, Meaning rest is needed to continue functioning properly, this can take the form of sleep or healing. Effects - -1 To all stats excluding wounds)


    Quas - (M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W2 I0 A2 Ld 6) 1 Skill point, 0 battle, 0 strength
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2019
  15. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Drunk with the blood of its enemy, Quas slowly recollected himself and now was sitting down on the ground and breathing heavily. Mutilated Hyaenodons were lying on the ground around the battered Kroxigors and most of the plants around them were dripping with blood. What a wonderful world...
    With no way to tender his wounds he would have to seek help in the camp both for himself and for Hakal. He stood up, attached his meat-cleaver safely and turned to injured brother to help him stand up as well. [I'm letting @Paradoxical Pacifism to fill in the blanks, but I assume 1/3 wounds should still allow your guy to walk on its own]
    Grabbing the severed head on one hand and the rest of the body on another, Quas strolled slowly to the camp's kitchen. If a crocodile could make a smile, this would be a wide and a candid one...

    At a dawn a curious one could see a neatly arranged rows of cooked meat, a drying skin on the side, another table with severed claws and a Hyaenodon's cleaned head as well as a snoring Kroxigor huddled against the warm stone of the oven.
  16. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    The exhausted and bythe nightmare scared Kuoteqèko ordered some Skinks who work the hardest to sleepin the hut.He walked with his last energy to a ruin which they had discovered today to sleep.Before he fell asleep again he praised the Old ones and took his staff and raised it to the Skies.With a beastly Roar he screamed at the Heavens and fell asleep then;hoping that nobad Nightmares would searh him home
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Gasping for breath after his run, Tiqxoltiq let out a shuddering sigh and took stock of the situation. After a bit of rest, he walked over to the nearest non-poisoned Hyaenodon corpse and contemplated using his sickle to slice off a leg for eating later, but after seeing Quas pick up an entire 'yenadon body, he shook his head and opted to head back to the remains of their camp and check on the wounded. He would spend the remainder of the day and evening tending to the wounded and making sure Kuoteq'eko was doing all right. Every now and then he paused to test the magical field, but continued to shake his head at his efforts. It had been pretty thoroughly drained, so Tik knew it wasn't worth the effort to try making use of it.

    As evening turned to night, he took a moment to do a final check on his patients before heading off to rest. In the morning he would have to do something about gathering up some fresh bandages and more healing herbs.
  18. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Pain and fear descended upon Hakal like the darkness all around. Every part of him burned with the wounds he sustained from that terrifying fight. Most of them would heal. Others not so much. His heart had trembled for far too long now, for he had only the strength left to wobble. And his mind only worked as a miserable copy of its former self, unable to process the meaning of what had happened before.

    The scarred kroxigor just placed one stomping foot after another, humming to himself rhythmically.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    [Here is your guys's Stats after rest! If you want to have a read of anyone else's feel free.]

    After harvesting one of the Hyaenodons corpses Quas quietly separated from the group, finding a large stone that glowed with the warmth of his beloved oven. Before laying down he calmly arranged the pelts and claws he had gathered before taking a small bite on a chunk of freshly cooked hyaenodon meat. He was used to sleeping amongst the elements with the cold fought off by the basking heat of his kitchen.

    These items are now lying on the table:
    (+1 Hyaenodon pelt, This can be used for crafting/clothing/other)
    hyena fur.png

    (+6 Hyaenodon Teeth/Claws, These can be used as small makeshift weapons as well as crafting)

    hyena skull.png
    (+2 Hyaenodon Meat, This cooked meat is unfilling, covered in chewy muscles and tendons. But it can still fight off hunger and provide a small meal when necessary. This food item will last 1 Day max after being treated with a series of salts and preservatives from Quas’s Kitchen)


    Quas - (M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W3 I0 A2 Ld 6) 1 Skill point, 3 battle, 0 strength

    - All points had a chance of 20% to fail to regenerate (Due to the lack of sleep), Only your Strength point failed.
    - Your characters minor wounds have regenerated overnight, leaving you with 3 wounds remaining



    Kuoteq’Eko was exhausted throughout, his whole body groaned for sleep. Holding a small torch Kuoteq wandered over to a small ruined building on the outskirts of the camp, tucked away and engulfed in trees.

    Before settling down on the tiled floor he constructed a small fire, it could do little more than keep the insects away and provide a tint of warmth, but thats all it needed to do. Finally, his battered body could relax and his mind could calm, And with that, his vision turned dark.

    Kuoteq’eko (M4 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.8 (0.8 A decimal means your body is still quite vulnerable to further attack) I3 A1 Ld4) 2 skill points, 2 battle, 2 magic
    - Your Characters WOUNDED State has been removed .
    - Your Characters EXHAUSTED State has been removed.
    - an IMPAIRED State has been added to your character, This is a minor stat reduction to various figures.
    - Your characters minor wounds have regenerated overnight, leaving you with 0.8 (1) wounds remaining



    Luckily the wounded were well cared for during the fight, Minor wounds were patched up and fresh bandages applied before Tikxoltiq himself prepared for sleep, it had been a rough day.

    Before he could finally drop off his mind wandered, thinking back to the many that still remained wounded and in need of his care tomorrow. He would focus his efforts on getting resting soon, then he could wake up early the next morning to collect more soothing herbs and other medicinal plants for those in need.

    Tiqxoltiq - (M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5) 2 skill points, 3 battle, 4 magic

    - After point regeneration your excess points from the previous day have begun to build up, leaving you with an extra Battle and two additional Magic points



    Hakals face was emotionless and cold as he sat down next to the central fire, his mind was quiet and numb trying not to focus on the lives that were lost today, he did what he could, but a voice repeated in his head ‘It was not enough’.

    Silent in sorrow, Hakal crossed his legs and bowed his head towards the fire before falling into his rhythmic and repetitive but reassuring hum that reverberated throughout the camp, lulling the other inhabitants to sleep... Hopefully, rest would help to heal his many minor wounds and numb the pain of a skink dying under his protection.

    Hakal - (M3 WS3 BS0 S3 T3 W2 I0 A2 Ld 6) 2 Skill points, 3 battle, 1 strength

    - Your Characters EXHAUSTED State has been removed.
    - Your characters minor wounds have regenerated overnight, leaving you with 2 wounds remaining
    - After point regeneration your excess points from the previous day have begun to build up, leaving you with an extra skill point.

    [These are just for all your information, No need to write a response just yet.]
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Still up in the tree but a bit higher now as he did not trust that the predators couldn't get a holding lower down. The largest of the beasts look back at him, the Oracle thinks to himself, "Is he studying my face?" In response Xolek-Zi spits in its general direction before it sizzles into the flames below. Soon nothing but flame, darkness and a dead Hyaenodon.

    The Oracle stays up in the tree for at least 20 minutes before deciding the coast is clear as no movements or lurking sounds could be heard. Before climbing down Xo puts the bloodied Carnosaur tooth back into its tough scaled lined large bag, meant for rare and valuable things, as a sparkle of some sort (Up to @Nazqua what the item is. Have fun!) Shines bright within from the flames. He then removes his headdress and puts it away and then begins to slowly climb down.

    Jumping onto the ground he looks at the once mighty beast, a smaller one, and although tired he knew the camp would need nourishment, he could rest when back at camp. Mustering his strength he begins to first take the handle of his dagger and begins to break off the largest canines, and putting them in the vakuable bag, and then slices off both front paws and puts them in the bag with his headdress. Soon he stands and again mustering strength begins to pull the creature by the tail behind him to the place he was first grabbed from Hakal's grip. Toiling the whole way as the thick grass fought him the Skink looks for his pipe, longing for his pain numbing herb and its euphoric effects. He drops the carcass and gets down low and begins to peel back the grass, but to no avail. Surely someone must have a pipe at camp? But this was a sacred pipe, to him at least. Given to him shortly after his spawning, it is as much a pipe to him as it is a sacred artifact. He did not want to linger long for he knew he would not last another attack, hating the idea of leaving it behind it was much to dark to see much of anything.

    Seeing the torches of the camp infront of him in the distance Xolek-Zi gruffs and hisses angrily uttering words that would make a Slann blush and pulls on the tail of the soon to be meal and angrily treks back to camp...without his pipe....
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019

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