Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    With his bag full of weapons, and Hyaenodon parts in one hand and a small, Acid corroded, Paw charm clenched in the other. Somehow the small trinket had made its way into a hyenadons stomach, and now into Xolek’s hand. Xolek-Zi shambled his way back into the camp
    Frustrated Xolek slams the Butchered hyenadon peices onto the table next to Quas’s Items. Before heading to his isolated hut on the outskirts of the ruins. He needed rest.

    Items Added to the table:
    - 5 Hyenadon Teeth/Claws (These can be used as small makeshift weapons as well as item crafting)

    hyena skull.png
    Xolek-Zi is now wearing:
    Beasts Charm: (Item)
    - Description: This small metallic charm of mysterious origin is bent into the shape of a sharp dog like paw inside a small curved moon, the paws claws sharp enough to draw blood and the moon almost luminous with a strange, ghostly glow
    - Effects: +5% Success Chance on ALL Beast handling and Taming rolls.

    wolf paw.png

    Xolek-Zi - (M5 WS2 BS2 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld5) 1 skill points, 1 battle, 1 magic, 1 beast handling.

    - Your Characters EXHAUSTED State has been removed.
    - all points had a chance of 20% to fail to regenerate (Due to the lack of sleep), Only one of your skill points failed.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Silently Tik knelt down, The dawn sun shining on his back as he grabbed another one of blazing red fire roots that pierced through a large jungle tree’s mossy trunk. After cutting the root he gently packet it into his satchel, now full with an array of chewy bark’s, colourful flowers and crumpled leaves.

    These Items are Inisde Tiqxoltiq’s Bag:
    (+1 Fireroot (Consumable), These rare, native root plants are ground up into an orange powder, this powder heats and warms the users body when digested.)
    (+1 Chicao Bark (Consumable),This small slice of bark can be chewed, slowly releasing relaxing chemicals that calm the user)

    As Tik walked over a small group of purple ‘Xeyon’ Flowers he felt a cold, chilling sensation shudder down his spine. it suddenly became aware to him that He was being watched…

    He could make out the noises of twigs snapping in the canopy above, leaves slowly falling to the ground. Whatever was within the tree’s was large and well-able at climbing. Now worried Tik Fastened his pace, gathering his pack and beginning to return back to the safety of the camp.

    Suddenly a shadowy figure leapt down from the trees before hiding amongst the many bushes that surrounded Tik. Panic strucken and frightened Tiqxoltiq ran, bolting away. but as he was running he was stopped by what felt a cold, scaled hand touch his shoulder

    He turned around to see the outline of a scarred Chameleon skink as its skin melded from browns and other jungle colours to a more passive and subtle lichen green, the new colour only further outlined the chameleons disfigured form and mutilated left leg as well its right eye, that was mottled with burn marks and a large, vicious scar.

    Tik froze, slowly observing the chameleon's injured body. The chameleon whispered ‘A small price to pay for salvation’ in a croaking, unused voice, that carried with it a sense of revenge, a sense of hate as he signalled to his bodies many wounds.
    Before Tik could say another word, the chameleon bombarded him with confusing questions about the location, about the year on the great calendar and about who the skink in front of him was and where did he come from.

    Stopping him from continuing Tiqxoltiq Said ‘My name is Tiqxoltiq, High skink priest of Tlaxtlan, I have been put in sub-command of an explore, document and recover task within the ruins of Kara, Call me Tik. But more importantly Who are you? And where do you come from? Whilst leading the chameleon back to the camp.

    ‘I.. I… I was Xlauax, I was, I was a scoutmaster of Tlaxtlan, once... ’ He stuttered, struggling to get the words out. At this moment the chameleons working eye seemed to withdraw, and look to the floor in sorrow.

    'Now no one knows my name, I am forgotten. you, ‘tik’ .. You are the first to hear that name in a long time, a long long time.’ The pitch in his voice seemed to rise as he said the last part, and his hand curled into a fist. Which now highlighted the two, malicious dark daggers on his belt that basked in the morning light rays that streamed down from the canopy above illuminating the flecks of dried blood that coated them. As Tik looked down at them the Observant chameleon whispered ‘Pain and justice’ under his breath before pulling a large, spiteful Elvish crossbow from his back ‘ and vengeance’. ‘And with these tools of twisted iron, I shall find my redemption and revenge, drenched in the storm of bloodshed they cause. ', Xlauax spoke with a malevolent and troubling voice.


    ‘Look, We should get back to the others before they wake’ Tik said in a gentle tone, Ignoring the chameleons remarks. ‘Yes, Yes we should, I want to see more, I want to see more lizardmen, Now that I, Now that I am free.’ Said Xlauax with a burning fire in his eye.

    Tiqxoltiq arrived into camp with the mysterious chameleon behind him. The day had already started up as skinks and kroxigors began to gather tools from racks or come out of the thatch huts ready to start work , Each one looking at Xlauax as he passed with a strange, questioning glance.

    [Welcome @DeathBringer125 To the RPG! He will be playing Xlauax the chameleon skink, Here is his backstory -

    And here are his stats: Xlauax - (M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5.) 2 skill points, 2 battle, 1 blend ]


    Meanwhile, a lone skink rushed around the long grass outside the camp, Pacing back and forth staring down at the ground.

    It felt as if Xolek had been searching for hours. Trying his best to follow the blood smears and torn up grass he eventually made his way to the skinks rotting corpse, now torn apart and scraped clean by scavengers. With a look of hope, he continued further. His pipe was close, He could almost smell the refreshing fumes it produced.

    Suddenly the pipe clinked against his feet, the wood smooth and wet to the touch. With a yelp of joy, he quickly retrieved it from the mud. Whilst walking back to camp, Xo had immediately cleaned it out and lit it, Some fresh calming herbs now stuffed within.

    Describe what your character is going to do next, Weather thats get ready for work and begin exploring the ruins, Speaking to the chameleon skink and Tik Who have just arrived back in camp or something else. Keep in mind that 'Work' Will start in a few hours or so, at this time most people should be ready to begin excavating or searching the ruins.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  3. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax pauses outside the camp. He frantically looks back and forth and behind him as if he is walking into a trap. His hands immediately go to his daggers and he is ready to draw them in an instant. He gets multiple confused looks at his mutilated visage but he ignores them. He says "ummm..... Where is your sc-scout master.... I m-mean leader...." He mutters under his breath "confounded tongue, always trying to sprite me, I mean SPITE me". His voice trails off.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    With his pipe now in his mouth and smoke rising from it Xolek-Zi walks happily back towards camp, his crests thin membrane showing, a bright orange with white veins running through it. The new pendant he had found now attached to his wrist in a makeshift bracelet tied to a single small bone.

    Walking behind the Priest and the Chameleon he studies both of them and notices the disfigured left leg and other various battle scars of the new comer, but doesn't say a word. He begins to quicken his pace a bit and walks back into camp where he would look for Hakal, the one who saved his life twice. The Oracle not used to being around so many at one time felt uneasy in the camp for long, but wanted to thank the Kroxigor and to give him a gift he had made earlier, large necklace. Made of the fresh canine teeth and two paws he had taken from the corpse he had dragged in the night before. He would also talk to the head Priest to make sure there was nothing that was needed of him before going out into the jungle.

    Used to being on the move Xolek-Zi wanted to explore, forage for various things and to look for clues. Xolek-Zi looking up at the sun and feeling the warmth on his black scales, he knew he would need to make the most of the daylight while exploring. Before going out he would make sure he had all he would need for the next several days, who knows what could happen in the ruins.
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    [For your guys's Information, The official leader of the camp's efforts, and head priest is Izqux -Yuxa's Conduit. This ancient skink star seer rarely leaves his large hut and can directly communicate with the slann back at Tlaxtlan through various means. He often brings visions of the artefacts hidden within the ruins and is known to be a conduit of the heavens, being able to predict events and eclipses long before they pass, Very similar to Tetto'eko in many regards. Izqux is also protected by Eternity warden Qelionxi - Quetzl's Hand, at all times.]

    Xolek-Zi's necklace that he made for Hakal (Crafting Cost: 1 Skill point)
    Hyenadon Necklace: (Item)
    - Description: A small crude string of bloody canine teeth Mixed in with two preserved hyaenodon Paws still covered in serrated claws. (Crafted)
    - Effects: +6% Accuracy against BEASTS.

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
    Lizerd, Scalenex, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  6. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq'eko woke up in the Light of Dusk falling through the Ruins of Kara, where he layed down in the night before.He listened quietly with his closed eyesto the Songs of the Birds,which were beautyful and strenghtening at the Same time.Then he listenend to the River in the distant, which rumbled and roared quiet.Suddenly he felt How someone touched his shoulder softenly and shook him,he turned around and saw a familiär Face, it was one of the Skink workers who he sended to sleep läßt night to Not overworking theirselves.He asked Kuoteq'eko:"Did you recover your wounds from the fight of the Night?"Kuoteq'eko touched his left leg where the Carnosaur tail Hit him the Most and felt a Surge of burning Pain flowing thruogh his leg.Not as Bad as in the Night before but still Not healed,so he answered:"No Not fully as you can See."and Show him the Long wound.The other Skink looked a Bit worried at wound and asked:"Can you get up and walk?" Kuoteq'eko gets under a rather small amount of Pain up,but because of the much bigger Pain when walking he uses his Staff as crutch and leaned against it while standing to prevent more Pain.With the help of the Skink and his Staff he got to the new halvley Build up Camp where some Saurus where playing a game with a tooth and a Skull where you had to spit the tooth in the air and it had fly over your had and Land in one of the holes of the skull.It is quite funny to See Saurus trying to do that, because of their litterally Not existing Skill to shoot something.When he looked around he saw the badly injured Hakal who sät on a big Stone overwatching a larger Group of Skinks at sleep.Then he saw Quas the great Cook who prepared a meat Stew.He looked after Tik but couldn´t see him,sohe asked one of the patrolling skinks after him.They said he would be on a tour for new medical plants and he should be back in about a few minutes.Kuoteq´eko sat on a Stone to wait for him toask him about some things like binding bandadges or stuff like that .Suddenly Tik,Xo and a chameleon Skink broke thruogh the bushes:Kuoteq´eko stud up to ask Tik and Xo about the new one when Tik said likehe could read his Mind:"Xlauax a tlaxtlanian Asassin (@DeathBringer125 he probably is one)""He-hello you are Tzlatzi i know you"He stuttered.Kuoteq´eko was very worried that he could have lost his mind but then he remebered something:`Tzlatzi was once a great Skink Priest of Tlaxtlan who looked exactly like you young brute , The Slann Mazdamundi spoke`And he ended tragical in a Swarm of Daemons send from Tzeentch`.After a little Shock he said:"Tik,Xo go and eat something and you Xlauax come with me mabe i have to explain somethings to you."After explaining the Situation to him henicked and went to Quas to get some Stew.Kuoteq´eko looked for a moment around in the beautiful Landscape of the jungle and Ruinsand followed him to Quas slowly because of his Wound.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  7. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax freezes for a moment and stutters out "o-o-okay? Who are y-you? What was that you were t-talking about?". He nervously follows with his hand on his swords. (You would notice that the scar where his eye was cut out has the same shape of the blade on his left (that is held in his right hand)). "Ahhh Tlaxtlan.... That is where I was spawned." His voice starts rising and he says "that Is whO ABANDONED ME". His voice trails off in a stream of ramblings. You see him clutch at his stomach.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Walking through the bushes and then into the camp Xolek-Zi keeps at a distance at first and observes the conversations beginning. His mind loose and calm now, the herbs from his pipe taking full effect, numbing his body to a point that pain did not affect him. Putting his pipe away he continues to walk forward.

    Deciding to avoid the other skinks Xo tries his best to avoid eye contact with all that pass him, his eyes wandering looking for Hakal. Upon looking for a few minutes he sees the large Kroxigor sitting next to a large group of still sleeping skinks, slouched over.

    Slowly walking up to Hakal the Oracle clears his throat, the large Lizardman intimidating even while sitting. Bowing not only his head but getting down on both knees in what to Xolek-Zi was the most respect he had given to anyone in a long time. Pulling out the necklace he made from what looked to be a human made pouch he holds it out with both his hands in an offering gesture, again clearing his throat which sounded like a prolonged deep chirp

    "Great Kroxigor, Great Warrior. I wished to thank you for your courage and your saving of my life, twice. Sotek clearly gave you the strength and Topek the wisdom to take down your enemies. I slayed the beast which tore me from your grip and put its fangs and two front paws on this necklace: A Warning to all beasts of the Jungle that Sotek protects the great Hakal! If ever you need me, I will be there in your most perilous of times"

    Head still tilted the skink waited for Hakals reaction, high arms raising as high as they can go. Skinks around them had begun to waken and see the Oracle bowing to the Kroxigor.
  9. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    [I know you wrote up most of my day plan, before I could, so part of this text can overlap]

    Quas arose slowly woken up by the noise of hungry Skinks hitting the pans with their staves and pipes. He must have overslept a large portion of the day even though the sun was not yet at the zenith, he observed. Even in a crisis, the stomachs must be full. He noticed a second hyeanadon. It wasn't in the best shape and parts of the body were already rotting due to being left overnight, so cooking it in a large portions would make a disgusting meal.

    Instead, he methodically took the parts that were suitable to eat and chopped them to small pieces. Garlic and onions accompanied the meat in the large pot to which a pre-cooked rice was added later. Various spices finished the meal. Some of the more impatient Skinks were diligently looking at the whole process and gladly tasted the food, giving their remarks. As Quas observed, the more feathers the Skink had on its head, the more picky it was.

    While distributing the food he asked the Skinks if one can point him to somebody, or craft something from the claws, tooth and the skin he brought to the camp. He also inquired about a large weapon he could use his strength as an asset with, so that he can use his cleaver for cooking only.
  10. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After eating a delicious Breakfast from Quas, Kuoteq´eko leads Xlauax to the big chiefs tent.There he gives the gigant Alpha Guardian Quelionxi a Sign with his Staff and he let him pass thruogh but the Guardian stopped Xlauax and strechedhis hand forward.Xlauax understands and gives him his Weapons with the Words:"one scratch and they shall meet your throat."When entering the huge Tent a voice emerged from behind a huge Orb of Obsidian:"What does the Scout Master want?"The giant Orb turns and they see the yellow Eyes of the Skink Seer watching their steps.Kuoteq´eko asks carefully:"Oh you know him already My master?""no but i saw and heared you all talking"he whhspered back . Quiet they left the tent again and the Guard gave Xlauax his Weapons back .Kuoteq´eko said :"let´s get to work in the ruins . Or do you have different plan?"......
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As he returned to camp with the newcomer, Tik offered some Chicao Bark to the chameleon skink. "It will help calm you, if you wish," he said. "If not, I understand. It is not for everyone." He was a little surprised when Kuoteq spoke up, but shrugged it off as another oddity of one of his fellow Skink Priests. As Kuotek'eko and the newcomer headed off to talk, Tikxoltiq returned to his little corner of the camp. The Fireroot had to dry a little before he could grind it up into usable powder. That done, he made a quick circuit of the camp to check on the wounded before sighing and preparing himself for his day of work. Trading his sickle for a brush and small trowel, he headed into the ruins to continue their excavation work...
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  12. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    "ch-chicao bark? Ummmmm n-nooo I don't t-think so". Xlauax follows Kuoteq'eko to the starseers. He hates to give up his weapons, even if only temporary, but in the end he yields, but with a threat. The starseers turns to him and asks "what does the scout master want?". Xlauax gets sort of a spark of clarity in his eyes and seems to lighten up a little bit. "I was tracking a carnosaur and would like to know if you have seen it. My plan was to release it upon the Druchii.". Xlauax spots as he says that accursed name. "You seem to know me do you not? Your crystal ball tells you as much. If you know me then you will realize that my Vengeance upon the Druchii must be sated. I will do whatever it takes to stop their accursed excursion into my home... Or what was my home.". Xlauax sighs and looks out the small opening in the tent.
    Lizerd, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    With Hakal seemingly in a trance or otherwise incapaitated Xolek-Zi places the necklace on the Kroxigors lap after kneeling for some time.

    The skink turns around and decides it is time to leave the camp and search for clues of the beast he hunts, hidden valuables or even a new weapon since he used his to start a fire.

    About 200 yards outside the camp the skink comes across large berry bushes and thorn bushes, plucking a few from their branches he pops them into his mouth. Small red and blue colored berries sweet and sugary to the taste he savors the flavor, juices escaping onto his lower jaw. Sticking many into a small empty pouch he slowly turns around, the sun beginning to rise higher in the sky the skink pulls out his pipe and lights it. Surveying his surroundings he tries to decide which way to proceed.

    Seeing the jungle line hugging the outskirts of the ruins Xolek-Zi notices a swamp with mangrove trees among the jungle that travels south from the ruins with the river. Knowing that Troglodons prefer swamps and caves the Oracle begins to stroll in that direction, but taking in the sunlight after such a night, sweet berries filling his hungry belly.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
    Lizerd, Scalenex, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  14. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal sat there, staring towards the skink oracle. His jaws were clamped shut, and his eyes dulled as they looked on in uncertainty. He never saw a skink of such high rank bestow praise on a kroxigor like himself. His rescue of the fellow skink was already escaping his worn out memory.

    Instead, his mind ignited with a spark of rage and sadness. He needed time alone so much so, he refused to speak, and instead, sought time away from the talking.

    A fire was welling within him.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Away from the hustle and bustle lay Izqux’s tent, The largest and most permanent of all the structures, tucked away and hidden between the cliffside and forlorn ruins.

    With a gentle and quiet ringing, the large satin curtains that covered the entrance flapped open, the rays of blinding light streaming in to illuminate the large room. Through the sunlight In walked Kuoteq’Eko with Xlauax, who was now stripped of his weapons..

    Xlauax’s Hot and steaming skin, saturated with the morning heat immediately felt cool, as the refreshing air within poured into his lungs. Taking in deep breaths of the unusual smooth vapour he could smell strange, exotic essence’s. The calming smoke swirled around him, Like a serpent engulfing him in its coils. It was a strange feeling, one that Xlauax had not felt in a long time…

    ‘Welcome, Scoutmaster’ The simple words standout from the rooms ambient hum as the chameleon skink enters. Every syllable of the words seemed to hang in his ears with importance. Meanwhile Kuoteq beside him had knelt down, his head and crest bowed in respect awaiting his master's word.

    The second Xlauax was about to speak out, The large stone palanquin in the centre of the room slowly rotated, revealing a skinks large yellow eyes piercing the darkness, their owner speaking out in a quite and croaking tone ‘I know, I know’ In a calm calculated voice ‘You are, well, Were the Scoutmaster of Tlaxtlan, No need to introduce yourself Xlauax. Your arrival has already been foretold to me by Yuxa, Master of the stars’ ‘Let me see you now, after all these years imprisoned’ ‘Light’ At the last word the Seer’s Hand flicked above a large, obsidian orb in the centre of the room. With a flash the Orb sparked with a cerulean glow, the nightly sky and constellations within it magnifying out and reflecting into the room, casting out maps of the sky and stars onto the tent's walls.. Now illuminated the ancient skink's features became clear, he was frail and old, his skin shrunk and rife with the wrinkles of age. His fragile and small limbs were thin and weak, and his large, boney face was covered in dark blue flecks, whilst his crest was a space blue, covered in seemingly glowing dots like the sky itself.

    Now lit up Xlauax explained his situation and wishes to seek revenge on the Druchii. Interrupted mid-explanation the ancient star seer spoke again, closing his eyes as he did so ‘Yes, The carnosaur is far from here, very far indeed, there is no hope in trying to lure it to the eastern dark elves camp’s’ ‘But as for your mission, as for your revenge, fate is on your side, and if you wish to see those creatures be pushed back from our homeland then you should see to staying at the camp. We will have a small travelling band ready for Tlaxtlan in a matter of weeks, perhaps sooner if what I have foreseen is true.’

    Slowly the skink diverted his gaze to Kuoteq’Eko who was now beginning to leave the tent. With a sharp gesture, he reached out, closing the satin curtains with a swipe of his hand before the priest could leave. ‘Have patience young priest, I have much to tell you.’ ‘And as for you Xlauax, If you wish to stay here, and let your destiny fill out then I would begin work searching the ruins for until you leave with our travelling band for Tlaxtlan. Go to Tiqxoltiq our second priest, he will guide you.’

    With a sigh Xlauax walked out from the tent, leaving the star seer and priest to talk. The second he left the heat instantly hit him along with the noises, the sizzle of fires, the hammering of tools, chitters of skinks and orchestra of jungle birds. The very air itself was thicker and harder to breathe.

    Back in the tent, Kuoteq’Eko took a seat on a small stone chair as The seer spoke his words of wisdom. ‘I have had a Vision, Yuxa’s star orients above the eastern temple district, I believe that if we delve deeper than we normally do, we will find entrance to a hidden tunnel buried amongst the rubble of the lost sanctuary star chambers. It is no mistake that Tepok has guided me to this conclusion…’ ‘It is your job to spread the message to the workforce, rally the skinks and Wake the kroxigors lead by Hakal. Excavation must begin. We will surely find plaques within the labyrinth of tunnels below the Eastern temples.’ And with those last words, the light within the obsidian orb fades, and the starseer gestures his hand towards the door.


    Meanwhile, outside of the darkened tent, the dawn beams shining down on the great harbour of the old ones, The great ruins of Kara. The drops of dew and water reflect the light in tiny rays as they begin to sizzle and evaporate, blanketing the camp in a smoky morning haze, the fog mixing in with the delicious scents of Quas’s cooking.

    The pungent smells of onions, garlic and cooked meat wafted gently on the breeze, swirling its way into skinks noises, attracting them to his small kitchen in flocks, everyone of them craving for a small meal as the gentle kroxigor handed out his prized rice dish.

    Eventually He got an answer to his questions from a small, frail working skink. The older skink had agreed to craft him a fine weapon from the teeth and claws in return for a delicious meal for him and his artisan spawn brothers. Within seconds the Kroxigor shook his head in agreement before rushing off to collect the hyaenodon materials.


    Xolek followed the small camp stream outwards, it began to open up into a great swamp delta. The sun was now climbing higher with every passing minute, its rays shining down upon the huge clumps of mangrove trees and the large expanses of open water, gnarled tree roots piercing the surface above the muddy gloom like the spears of a saurus regiment marching to battle.

    As Xolek went deeper, he was forced to wade, the water climbing up to his waist. All around him he could hear the constant droning of many flies and mosquitoes as they buzzed past in small swarms, the bubbling of stagnant water, the croaking of frogs and small newts.


    The sun was soon at its pinnacle, making the water froth and swirl with the heat, Large crocodilian creatures basked out on rocks hidden within the mangrove forests shade. Well trained in survival, Xolek knew it would be best to find cover against the raging sun when it reached its peak.

    Before seeking shade Xolek could see a fallen tree in the corner of his eye, a large clawlike gash scraping down its side, Nearby he could also make out a small cave cut into the cliff rocks, Not big enough for a troglodon, but certainly a place for him to rest and last out the burning sun.


    With interest the skink glanced at the nearby gashes on the tree as he approached the cave , the cuts were wide and deep, slashing down into the tree’s trunk exposing sap that oozed out, now drying in the baking sunlight.

    Gripping the side of the wall, Xolek drew in long breaths of air, his throat burning from the long walk. Gently he peered into the cave, the rustling of clumps of bats and the flutter of their wings emanating from the gloom. Cautiously he stepped in, his eyes darting around the dark, he could see the wet, earthy walls as they swallowed him, blocking out the noises of the swamp behind. Now within the cooling shade, Xolek sat down to puff his pipe and wait out the heat of midday, The ceiling above him covered in a mass of glowworms, their tiny lights making the cave roof a night sky of constellations.

    That's when he heard a small rock clatter onto the floor, the sharp noise echoing throughout the cavern. Before he had a chance to react to the sound two blearing eyes blinked from the darkness retreating into the gloom, with a strange, rumbling growl an orange serpentine tail slithered from the nearby rocks away, trailing deeper into the cave. Xolek Was not alone…


    Describe what your character is going to do next, Weather you're going to begin exploring the ruins under Kuoteq’Eko’s Order or stay back at the camp and do various tasks such as quas fulfilling his end of the bargain with the skink artisan and cooking him a few meals

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    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax seems taken aback by the suggestion of staying and replies "very well I will have to consider it, I wasn't planning on staying". He then leaves the tent, and ponders this for some time but eventually decides he will do as advised. As he leaves the tent however he seems to grow more paranoid and goes back to his finicky, stuttery self. He recalls that the starseers told him to accompany Tiq in his excavation but he realizes the priest has already set out. After asking around the camp for a few minutes of Tiq's general location, he sets out to track him. (I don't know if this would take a skill point or not so please inform me.). Shortly he picks up the starpriest tracks and begins to follow him. After about 20 minutes Xlauax spots Tiq kneeling down and scraping and brushing away at a small ruined piece of wall as it reveals some sort of carving. Xlauax walks up behind the priest without making a sound (a common habit for chameleon skinks who hate to make noise even when it would be fine to), and says "Seer Izqux told me to ac- accompany y-you.". Alarmed at the sudden voice Tiq screams in alarm before realizing who it is. Xlauax replies "s-sorry for scaring y-you, I guess old habits die h-hard.". After this Xlauax offers to help him with his current excavation. As he joins in, using the trowel to help dig whilst Tiq brushes the pieces off, he starts muttering words under his breath which sound something like "make them pay, make them pay". Repeated endlessly over and over again. However it's very faint so Tiq isnt quite sure if he's hearing it right.
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking in the direction the tail had gone and the back outside to the sunlight that was still fairly visible Xolek stays seated and thinks a moment. Taking a large hit from his pipe, the mouth piece lighting up as if it had flame in it lit up the cave for a moment before dying out into smoke. Emptying his pipe of ash he puts it away in his bag, soon after taking out some of the many berries still left in his food pouch. Not arming himself at all, however having the Carnosaur Tooth secured to his belt incase he needed it along with his dagger.

    Walking further into the cave the cool air becoming dark as sunlight fades. Xolek's large skink eyes adjusting to the darkness the Oracle can see better than a man but not well as some wild creatures. Slowly feeling the cave walls for any turns he continues deeper in, every so often hearing claws scrape against stones on the cavern floor. Taking another step he hears a crack, looking down he makes out a leg bone, looking around he notices a skull.

    [Oh Lord]
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  18. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq´eko obeyed Izquxs command and gathered all workers andd send them to the excavation.After some time of searcing he found Tik and Xlauax excavating and joined them at doing that.After a while he found a little Obsidian Stone which glowed blue in the shadow, it looked like a tessera of a Starchamber,maybe they can excavate a chamber or this was only a lost stone......
  19. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    He then carefully placed the trophies upon a piece of material and roped it up for easier handling. Few seconds after he placed the wrapped bundle upon the Skink's hand. Meat was a plenty, but some balance in diet was needed as well as the Skink prompted about leaving for excavation for a longer amount of time and needing a more sustainable kind of food. Rice and beans and salted dried Hyeanadon meat was the Quas answer and was in preparation while the artisan could work on the new weapon.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek slowly pulls his blowpipe out out of ots carry from his chest and a dart. Reaching for a small vial from his belt, he tips a darts with a herbal extact that when turned and cured into liquid slowly down motor and respitory function but not harm in the dose given. Loading the blowpipe incase his first plan does not work, he will try to break the creature.

    Not wanting to go much further in he throws a few berries down a ways down into the cave waiting for what will happen next

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