AoS NEW *rumor*

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Logan8054, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    yeah, the model itself is quite cool. I guess it's part of the issue of having a (demi-)god being playable. It's very difficult to get a character like that and have him feel appropriatly powerfull while remaining interesting.
    Womboski, Dr.Doom and Lizerd like this.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the lack of rumors or rule is why we are grumbling nothing to talk about with our faction so we have to go elsewhere. it might be an endless but not a chaos one we've seen those. but a std box would be the best
    Dr.Doom and Lizerd like this.
  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    there's also the fact that the bonepeople are just not all that inspiring. It's yet another undead faction, it's yet another subfaction of Nagash, the consensus seems to be they're quite ugly and on paper they look super powerfull and very much like they're going to be the new FoTM. Also their release for some reason completly overshadowed CoS, orruks & mawtribes all of which were released around the same time both in terms of what was actually released & how much more attention and marketing they got.

    There've been other releases that were much better recieved on here simply cuz they were better/more interesting/less FoTM-ish than this one.
    Lizerd, NIGHTBRINGER and Dr.Doom like this.
  4. Lustrian Giant
    Chameleon Skink

    Lustrian Giant Well-Known Member

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    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Flavor of the month
  6. Scurvydog

    Scurvydog Active Member

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    While I still do not see what that has to do with Seraphon rumors, I can't help but comment that this is just an opinion. I play multiple armies, my largest is Seraphon, but I also have both Ironjawz, Nighthaunt and now started Bonereapers because I enjoy them all.

    In echo chambers with the loudest voices being those of discontent will easily create an illusion of consensus. While obviously these people do not enjoy the design decisions, that is of course entirely OK, it seems there is a strong effort in directing near toxicity towards Bonereapers and any who might enjoy them. There is a steady stream of complaining, while most barely got a chance to glue the miniatures together yet.

    I personally enjoy the Nagash lore a lot and find his character, mortarchs and Shyish in general to be very fascinating. Obviously an entirely new faction will also overshadow Orruks and CoS in some areas, but I do believe that is vastly underestimating the excitement for the CoS release. The Orruk release was very disappointing and did not need any help being overshadowed, GW did not even bother with any spells or terrain to the just about lowest model count army (Ironjawz) there is. Blaming any lack of interest in that context on bonereapers seems to be a stretch.

    It is great to enjoy different armies, which is fortunate people do, or all would play the same. But presenting opinions on matters of aesthetics and design as fact seems rather close minded, if not a bit rude. It also gives the sense of looking down the nose on people who might enjoy this content, which is not appreciated and certainly not good for the hobby.

    I have seen youngsters before at the store show up with enthusiasm for the hobby, but leave with none after having to hear whining and remarks from the old guard. If we can't encourage each other to enjoy the new cool (subjective obviously) plastic crack, and enjoy seeing all kinds of armies on the battlefield, what are we even here for.
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    While I sympathize with you and I agree that sometimes people can go too far with the negativity so far bone Reapers have shown themselves to be completely broken and busted. they have a win rating up there with slaanesh at 62.2%. If you want to enjoy the bone daddies that's fine I'm not going to decry that but I'm also going to call GW when they have made a bad rule and bone reapers have several
    Dr.Doom, ChapterAquila92 and Lizerd like this.
  8. Seraphandy

    Seraphandy Well-Known Member

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    Anyone got any opinions on Bonereapers? Just askin'............
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    they would be fine if they nerfed petrefix and toned down the catapults
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  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    @Scurvydog While I do agree that there is a lot of toxicity towards ossiarchs, I do believe it is justified. While we recently have had very powerful armies in the form of slaanesh, fyrslayers, and daughters of khaine. Atleast they could be beaten with lots of skill and finesse. However ossiarchs are just flat out broken. While there still is that minuscule chance of beating them, they just aren’t fun to play against
    Dr.Doom and ChapterAquila92 like this.
  11. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    i wouldn't go that far they have several large weaknesses just not ones seraphon can take advantage of
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  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Fair enough, but the games I played against them were far from enjoyable.

    there still are salamanders which could work
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  13. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    our range does not have the range to kill the harvester and that hurts. the thing is hyper anvils just aren't fun to play against because it feels like you aren't doing anything and when everything you try feels fruitless that's soul crushing. and then their is the fact that they keep breaking established rules so it feels like favoritism.
    Dr.Doom, Lizerd and ChapterAquila92 like this.
  14. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Feel free to enjoy whatever you enjoy, my apoligies if you felt like you can't. I very much doubt anyone stays in the hobby for long without getting multiple armies.

    Meh, I think it's a combination of certain aspects that make the bonereapers especially annoying if you don't like em.

    - Their art-style & especially their faces is divisive at best.
    - They have increadibly powerfull rules, but most importantly there's also little oppertunity for counterplay. There's little to outplay about things like having a 2+ re-rollable save on basic battleline that also ressurects...
    - It's the 4th death army in a year and a half or two, most of which owe complete allegiance to Nagash. It's getting tedious.

    All in all it makes it a very easy army to dislike. Obviously feel free to like em, but it's no surprise they draw their fair share of dislike like this.
    I didn't mean there weren't any people excited about the orruks, CoS & mawtribes, I meant that GW themselves barely did anything to showcase those, while the ossiarchs got all their attention. Which I find bad. Putting one army that much more into the spotlight doesn't help with diversity. I wish they had actually done something with the other armies. Especially the Ironjawz and mawtribes.
  15. Lustrian Giant
    Chameleon Skink

    Lustrian Giant Well-Known Member

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    Im currently playing Ogors for the meantime but Imean bone reaper math checks out.
    20 man unit of mortek
    Kill 24 models
    18 mortek still standing.
    (Without a harvester)
    Its ridiculous how easy it is for them to stand against attacks. Word which wont be said needs a nerf, and I think that the entire army needs a small points increase.
    Just make that legion a reroll 1s to save. Please. I would say to make it so the units cant be more than 20 models each, but that doesn't feel like a proper fix and would just make more individual units for the army. And honostly could work in their favor. Arkan can already heal up to 4 units.

    Mechanics aside, I quite like how all of the models look. Honostly wish the Mortek gaurd were on 32mm bases. Not for anything other than to get more visuals from the model. It's hard enough to see models already for me.

    As for the absurd win rates, I really think GW needs to look at these and try to fix them the best they can. Obviously there will never be perfect balance in a game like this, but you can attempt to make the difference as small as possible.
    Dr.Doom, Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.
  16. Scurvydog

    Scurvydog Active Member

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    I don't know if they can be called absurd yet, especially with so little data and entirely new rules to get used to. However take Krigsluntan GT with 8 players in the data attending that tournament. We see 1 with 5/5 wins who is already known to be an expert player. Then we see 0 with 4 wins and 5 with 3 wins, 1 with 2, and 1 with 1 win. This was one of the most played factions at that tournament, probably a lot of players excited to get out there with something new, including top players who also hardcore the hobby to already have an entire painted force.

    The 62% win rate is then down to the large "midfield" of 3/5 game wins. Against a brand new army that is not absurd, if that was 5 players with 2/5 wins would that be absurdly underpowered then? Keep in mind we only saw 1 player achieve 5 wins, a player who has done so with other armies as well. 7 battletomes had win rates of 60% or above, with Tzeentch being at 70%, does that make them absurdly overpowered? Obviously this dataset is too small to make such a claim in favor of either agenda.

    Also worth of note is the small amount of players from the top dog Slaanesh, with only 3 players but one of those not only getting 5 wins but also winning 1st place. Blades of Khorne also doing well, but with a larger distribution of players landing in all win rates.

    If anything even for such a low amount of data I would just about dare to say the reapers are strong, above average, joining armies like DoK, Fyreslayers, FeC and Skaven for example. I doubt we will see them steamroll any of those and especially not Slaanesh. Bonereapers have no teleporting, no deepstriking, no fight first/fight last mechanic, no attack twice either in combat or in hero phase abilities, no summoning and relatively low mortal wound output outside few niche builds like Nagash (then the army is more Nagash than reapers anyway).

    The thing keeping the reapers in that esteemed company is the Petrifex Legion, gaining the +1 save and universal access to +1 rend command, which I will agree is absolutely terrible internal balancing of the book and to a degree external balancing. I'd much rather see this evened out somehow, as the best defensive trait and best offensive command in 1 legion makes no sense.

    I doubt we could see any other legions doing well, as 4+ saves across the board and low wound count will not hold up for long. Any Seraphon player should know that high saves on expensive 1 wound models does not go far, we do not spam saurus guard with 2+ saves, ignore rend 1 and 3 attacks with d3 damage for a reason. Meanwhile people advocate the reapers to end up in the saurus guard bin, which is obviously not a solution to anything.

    The reapers are very average in anything but Petrifex and secondly in a Mortek Praetorian army with Katakros as the general (this setup seems the most balanced version of them in my opinion, with a "tax" for the save and no extra rend access). Increasing costs of base warscrolls will only serve to balance towards petrifex, instead an errata would be more suitable, to even out the legions usefulness.

    We see a lot of complaints from Ogor players who obviously are playing with the new book as well, but putting Gutbusters and Gluttons with 0 rend vs petrifexs mortek guard is obviously an uphill battle in this matchup. This is why I think Petrifex should instead of +1 save to begin with get changed to reduce rend by 1, this makes it far more forgiving for low rend armies. At the same time their command ability should be something like what the Praetorians have now to double down on the playstyle and then give Praetorians something more interesting.
    Dr.Doom likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Untrue (at least from what I've seen on this forum, but I could be mistaken).

  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    granted it's still worrying that they took 2nd in the first tournament they showed up in it took cities a whole month to get that. and maw tribes OBRs sister book is at 45% and people know how to play that army it's a lot easier to run.

    are you really saying oh it's not so bad because slanesh still crushes people?

    so fyreslayers but better and fyreslayers are a top army. they don't have the 1 deepstrike but in exchange they get acses to a heavy range option a loooot more bodies endles spells and good magic. maby i am being to hasty lableing them broken but a lot of what they can do is just nasty. also you don't need to be able to do everything to be broken you just have to be verry good at a few things

    we are in agreement

    that is a bad comparison to get gaurd to that lvl is a lot more expensive and even if you do not moving to be strong is the worst buff you can have but lets compare. lizard guard unsupported 160 for 10 save 4+ about 20 avrage wounds 2/3/3/-1/1 and skely guard 130 for 10 save 4+ rerolling (it's native) about 40 avrage wounds and a 6+ after save 2/3/4/-1/1. so the only time that lizards are better it's in attacks but then you remmember that skelies are on 25mm so worse their to. now buffed
    lizards 160 + 140 for a bad hero + 150 for the battalion lets cut those in 1/3 saying thatyour saporting 3 units (you wount be but im being charitable) so thats 257 for a 10 man yay save at 2+ cool about 60 wounds if no rend is involved, damage 2/3/3/-1/d3 if they don't move so no charging and no pile ins. and skelies 130 + nothing pettrifex is free + 200 for a harvester divided 2 ways becous it can suport more then 1 groop and as i sed im being charitable so 230 save is 3+3+6++4++ so 189 wounds average and damage 2/3/4/-2/1.
    if saurus guard where this good i would always take them thats just amasing a better comparisen would be phoenix guard and every one takes those.

    they have 2 or so leagions that would work great if petrefex wasn't so busted the spell ignore is really good and the sword that comes with it is nasty

    well the reason maw tribs are mad is that their book is desidedly worse and BCR got almost ignord i do like your fixs thou.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
    ChapterAquila92, Lizerd and Dr.Doom like this.
  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    isn't "Favorite of the month"?
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  20. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    urban dictonairy and the like say it's flavour, I guess because it doesn't necesarly refer to 1 favorite unit or army, but can also refer to things like a certain playstyle that you can achieve with multiple units/armies/characters/whatever it is you use in a particular game (e.g. summoning being FoTM, or turn 1 alpha strikes, mortal wound spam etc.)

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