This post is to share life hacks for taking advantage in game. Last time i found out one so here it is: Last game vs chaos chicken i was playing dracothian/shadowstrike. I set up slann 1 inch away from diapell and i adviced to move chicken for 1 inch to get it. It allowed me to drop rocks from 9 terrodons, and kill chicken turn one. You can make similar advice every game you only watch for 2 things: 1 model in range of dispell must be your first target 2 hemodel must be at least less than 7 inches from terrodons so less then 4 inches from screen
Yeah, if you're going to advise your opponent, it should be genuine. Otherwise just keep your mouth shut and let them play the game. Yikes.
Your advise is terrible. In a friendly game, I'm not going to 'advise' my opponent closer so I can do a Terradon rock drop.
Im a bit confused? What's the 'hack to take advantage'? Is it lying to your opponent and making up pretend rules?
Oh I understand, You lied saying that terradons could drop rocks from 7", so you insta killed his changer of ways... That doesn't sound fair, or fun...
I think there’s a bit of confusion here arising from the fact that he’s posted this thread twice - once in Discussion and once in Tactics. He explains it here and from what I can make out, I don’t think it’s as bad as you guys think or his initial post might imply. To quote it here: If nothing else, I think the fact it occurred in a tournament against a high level player makes it a bit more forgivable - frankly, they should probably know better
In a tournament anything goes even cheap tactics as long as it's legal. I would never "advice" someone unless it really helps the guy. Might be too honest but there you go.
I did not lied to him this wasnt even my plan, this just happened. I was giving him honest advices but this situation happened and i thought that placing your slann 27 inches from screen can make your shadowstrike work better xD its not cheating i dont break rules. This game is about winning and losing. I bet 100$ all of you play for fun but preffer winning than losing. In game each of players got their plan, when i play shadowstrike my plan is to deepstrike with rippers/terrodons and when i use terrodons i want to use mortal wounds on the biggest threat. So think whatever you want i think everything what can help winning is worth using. Thats all
While I agree that it isn't technically cheating, I do however take a bit of issue with some of the things you just said. So it wasn't your plan, it just magically happened that your "honest advice" put you into a perfect position to enact your plan? Again, this really doesn't sound like it happened on accident. It actually sounds like you planned it, and plan to do it again. You're not cheating, you're just completely bankrupt in the morality department. Also, I don't have a preference for winning or losing - I play to have fun with my friends. You can DM me for my paypal information - I could use a 100$, what with christmas and all. As a side note, and this might be because I'm old and have spent quite awhile of my professional life helping people untangle their legal problems: "It's not cheating, I don't break rules." is a philosophy that will more than likely leave you unhappy in the end. Do with that what you will.
Must be said that tournament are a totally different beast than friendly games in your local group. In tornaments you face unknown people, and between them there will be cheaters, liars, referees that favor the local team, and all a series of horrible things that are driving me away to such events. If you go at tournaments, you are going to swim in a sharks' pool, so better be prepared. Even if this means that, sometime, you must be a shark yourself.
Yes it magicaly happened thats all. Saying "im not cheating" is fact not sth that came to my mind. If you are saying that you preffer losing than winning than you are lying yourself. I don care if you belive me that this happened by accident. Thank god i got happy life so leave your wisdom for yourself.