Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    A warning Hiss began to echo throughout the long tunnel, the aggressive noise bouncing between the walls and Xolek's Concentrated ears. Despite the signals, the skink still cautiously edges forward, His blowpipe up to his mouth ready to release a dart if necessary.

    The berries land in a small pile, splattering with bubbling juices that slowly fizz out onto the cave floor, releasing a delicious and aromatic odour into the musky air. Unable to resist a small amphibian face appears from the darkness, its large mouth quickly engulfing the pile of berries before it gently laps up the sweet juices.

    After finishing the small pile its small animalistic eyes meet with Xolek's before it quickly disappears back into the gloom.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek sees the face and immediately recognizes the creature, a Salamander. Knowing of the danger he could be in the Oracle moves slowly and precisely with his arm as he reaches in to grab more berries. Throwing more infront of the creature , but closer to the entrance the skink slowly moves backwards.
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Gently stepping back the oracle sprinkled small amounts of calming herbs onto the food, before casting out another small handful. The plump and mellow berries gently roll about on the floor, just asking to be consumed. And consumed they will be as the salamander slowly slides forward away from the cave corner, its mouth now splattering out corrosive, oily drool onto the rock as it gobbles up the meal.

    Xoleks twisted face slowly turns into a smile, as he clutches the small, silver paw charm in his hand.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Inching forward again he rubs more herb and oils from his vial onto more berries, though getting to about half way through his berry stock. Throwing them just infront of the berries that are already there he doesnt break his sight on the smaller but still powerful creature.

    Clutching his charm he begins to rub it as he watches the reptile eat.

    Pondering how he would get close and some how "convice" it to trust him enough to leave the cave and remain by his side. Seeing there was enough room to move around Xolek starts to slide around but still staying in front of the Salamander to not spook it. Always been one to be able to soothe beasts Xolek slowly relaxes and sits in a crouching position, showing he is not a threat.

    Reaching into his bag slowly he takes out his pipe, stuffs it with plant material, and lights it after throwing more berries to the Salamander...the smoke of soothing herb entering both lungs of the skink and Salamander
  5. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal was all alone in his hut, darkness encompassing his being. The kroxigor laid down, for he bargained for sleep despite the shimmering ray of light that crept through where he came in from. His senses and his mind was numbing, until he heard the voices of skinks hissing and chirping forth in his mind.

    "You are weak! You bring shame to all kroxigors!"

    "And that humming! As if you're a skink!"

    "You know what happens to weak, stupid kroxigors..."

    Hakal's eyes flickered in shock, his senses a frenzied mess as they tried searching for the voices' origins. Seconds passed, when he realized the owners of those belittling voices were his long lost friends...

    "Why say all this!?" Hakal growled in the darkness all alone.

    "Still not simple enough for you? As a kroxigor, you should hate all things weak..."

    Hakal's memories of the carnosaur's fight ushered into his mind, as well as how he saved that skink oracle twice. His frenzied senses were now focused and enraged at the voices.

    "No i will not! I will continue to think about my kin, I will continue to protect them!"

    "All this talk about 'protecting your kin,' yet you've never once taken a moment to think about yourself..."

    Hakal looked on in pain as if the voice slapped his maw. A realization was beginning to ache throughout him. He had never once thought about himself. Ever.

    "Know this Hakal... we had never raised you to love others' lives so much so, you would value yours less. Life is often persisting and fleeting like a Fly..."

    The scarred kroxigor closed his eyes in order to take in what he heard. Moments later, he snarled out in anger and defiance, jaws threateningly opening in the darkness. He left his hut immediately to get away from the voices however he could, as the chirps, growls, and roars of other lizards seemingly drowned them out.

    Hakal soon stomped over to master Izqux, whereupon he received orders to join Kuoteq'Eko's excavation of the ruins with pickaxe in claw.

    He never looked at any of his fellow lizards in the camp along his trek.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    After so long doing these kind of tasks, Tiqxoltiq has learned to let his mind wander a bit while doing his excavating. That the chameleon skink could sneak up on him so readily disturbed the Priest for a moment, but common sense soon took control, reminding Tik that if the scout couldn't sneak up on people, he couldn't do his job. When the scout settled in to assist though, Tik smiled. A second pair of hands - especially a pair more likely to notice something trying to sneak up on them - never went amiss.

    Soon though, word came from the StarSeer. "Hmm. He wishes us to excavate to the East? This should not be an issue. I know of several likely places already. We shall try over there." Leading the way through the milling kroxigor and saurus, he indicated a few likely locations and stepped back to let their larger cousins begin the heavy excavation...
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The calming vapours swirled their way into the salamander's nostrils, its pupils dilating and body gently slumping as it continued to loudly gobble at the oozing berries. Xolek was now crouched in front of it, he could feel its warm breath as it snuffled around, Very slowly the skink reached out to stroke the salamander's side. feeling the strange uneven texture of its leathery and moist skin as his hand gently glided along is slimy membrane.

    With his other hand rested calmly on the salamander he slowly reached for a handful of berries, but his stash was beginning to deplete, he only had a small bunch of the sweet treats remaining.

    [This is just a small post for Xolek, I have a much larger one in progress for the rest of the group]
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Taking the remainder of the berries out of his pouch the Oracle runs his head down the Salamanders dide one more time before doing a daring yet possibly stupid thing: Attempt to touch its head. Throwing 2 berries down the Oracle slowly toches the head, witha sudden shake from the creature his hand retracts back. The Salamander picking up the two berries the oracle again throws two down and proceeds to slowly outstretch his hand and then rubs the head right behind the eyes and back towards the neck.

    Slowly rising to his feet while gently rubbing the head, Xolek slowly begins to back awayx hand now leaving the head of the Salamander he throws one berry down as he continues to back up to a larger area of the cave where he would finally attempt to tame the creature. Prepared to handle the beast and use magic if needed the Oracle stops at a wider area in the cave and in a whisper says something to the Salamander. Almost sounding like the voice was in the Salamanders own head, the drugs now taking a full calming effect, "Come with me, Xiuhcoatl" the name meaning "Fire Serpent" naming the Salamander after the great Temple City of the Dragon isles, known for its giant Salamanders (and other giant beasts).

    Pulling out his headdress he slowly puts it on, another large cloud of smoke exits his lungs and into the cave air. Walking back towards the Salamander he reaches out a hand, it slowly seemingly energized by the magic of beasts within the Oracle. Dagger and Carno tooth ready to be pulled from their strappings the Oracle puts a hand on the Salamanders mind trying to break its will to his own, reaching out with his own mind.

    Only moments he would have if this failed, he hoped it did not, to have to kill such a beautiful creature would not please the Oracle, Sotek or Itzl. To flee suddenly would likely mean being burned to the Salamanders next meal...

    (-1 magic, -1 beast handling +5% increase due to charm)
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Xolek's whole mind tensed with a numbing pain, as he fought against the creatures weak juvenile will with his own. meanwhile, his hand burned with a magical sensation as he pushed down upon the creatures soft head.

    Quickly the salamanders huge finned tail begins to thrash and contort in a frenzy of movement, and its mouth opens ready to spurt forth a torrent of boiling flame and acid. with its mouth wide open it produces a small guttural croak from the back of its throat, Xolek-Zi instantly flinches waiting for the warmth of fire to engulf him, but instead, the corrosive liquid and bile drools down into large beaded chains that hang from the creature's mouth, the swirling liquid pooling below as it drops onto the cold stone floor. The creatures burning eyes suddenly dilate, the pupils swelling from the thin amphibian slit into a more circular orb.

    The pain suddenly became too much, causing Xolek’s arm to flinch back. He slowly draws his eyes back around to see the salamander still on the ground, the magic-infused air swirling around the creatures reptilian form. drawn to the salamanders head he can still make out the faint glow of a skink handprint above its mouth, as the shape pulsates with a strange translucent light.

    Without attacking him the creatures small forked tongue flicks out, tasting the magic saturated air with a gentle sway before retracting back into its mouth as its huge eyes look up at the quivering skink, the pupil within bloated and large surrounded by a swirling iris dancing with orange flames. 'By S-S-Sotek' The skink sputters, unable to believe the events that have just unfolded.

    (The salamander is currently in a ‘ACCOMMODATIVE’ State, It will listen to small orders with its simple mind partially bonded to that of the controller, However, the creature will still fall back in its animalistic nature and remain with a lot of free will along with a high constraint over its own actions. This tenuous state can last anywhere between minutes and hours)
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A huge sigh of relief the Oracle he reaches out his hand again, and rubs its side, very warm to the touch. Xolek begins to lead the Salamander out of the cave, taking a last scrap of meat he had been saving and throwing it to the Salamander, who catches it mid air.

    Not entirely sure how long he had he decided to try to lead it closer to camp, perhaps he could convince a priest or beast handler, if there was one, to help him fully tame the Salamander with the aide of their greater magic or taming abilities, not to mention food.

    Looking over his shoulder every so often, Xolek and Xiuhcoatl finally made it back into the swamp, hot humid air hitting the skinks skin once again. The sun not directly overhead anymore, but still not ideal the skink quickly submerges into the cooler swamp waters before wading through again; the Salamander swimming with its giant tail. Xolek gently grabs on and begins to direct the reptile towards shore but not into the camp.

    Hoping there is a beast tamer in the camp Xolek begins imaging all that could be done with such a creature Screenshot_20191204-121139_Google.jpg
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As Hakal weaved his way through the crumbling buildings and ruins, heading towards the eastern temple district where heavy excavations were now underway the sounds of kroxigors grunting with effort as they lifted huge blocks of stone, the sharp clicks of pickaxes as they chipped against rock and the quick chirping of skinks began to make themselves clear before he entered the excavation site.

    he turned the corner and the once great temple plaza was revealed, now covered in thick layers of cleared vegetation and piles of strewn rubble. In one corner of the plaza he can see the figures of Kuoteq and Tiqxoltiq conversing, their priestly feathers and tassels gently swaying in the humid breeze. Nearby a great mound of rubble consumes the lower portions of the courtyard, blocking off what seemed to be one of the entrances leading to the interior of one of the many temples.

    Many lizardmen labourers are tirelessly working to shift the rocks away, the larger kroxigors shoveling away at the dirt and stone or hammering down with huge picks of iron, whilst skinks weave in between them clutching handfuls of rocks before they dart back to a huge lumbering Ahuatli standing in the entranceway to unload their quarry; An Ahuatli is known to be a smaller cousin of the bastiladon, supposedly blessed by Amyra. These lumbering creatures are often used by the lizardmen as beasts of burden or a living wrecking ball.

    The huge Ahaulti’s back was plated with dark gritty beige armoured spines that extended along its spine before reaching its long winding tail where they rised in a cluster of bony protrusions. The lighter and subtle orange hue of its huge armoured plates contrasting with its brighter beige hide. Its enormous body steamed and baked in the afternoon sun as it grumbled forward, carrying yet another fresh load of rubble away from the excavations.

    Sitting below several tiered skinks rested from the hard labour and the burning midday sun, lying underneath the cool shade cast out by its large shining carapace that absorbed the scorching sunlight.


    As Hakal approached further the clicks and calls of the fellow skinks seemed to burrow their way into his sorrowful skull. The noises causing his thoughts to swirl and spiral in his head. Doing his best to push the pictures of the dying skink away Hakal unslung the large working pick from his back, before starting to hammer down upon the fragile rubble with the other kroxigors.

    “Smash” “Smash” “Smash” Hakals large eyes narrowed as he released all the anger and rage pent up inside him upon the pile of rubble, Each time he could feel the blood gushing into his large muscles and the air escape his breath as the brought the pick down time and time again and again “Smash” “Smash” “Smash” The monotonous noise blocking out the cackling laughter of his thoughts which were drawn to the skinks limp body being torn away from his grasp. Now surging with anger and regret the kroxigor continued to pummel the ground the metallic and dust-coated end of his pick disappearing into the rubble like a serrated blade, or the tooth of a hyenadon as they tore away at the skink's flesh. Shaking his head and letting out a sorrowful bellow he continued to hack down at the stone as fresh cracks started to sprawl outwards along many of the large blocks he was hitting. Soon he felt the stone become slightly softer and less dense, as small gaping cracks revealed themselves allowing the sunlight to stream into the darkness beyond. The excavation team was making good progress, it would be a matter of hours and then a passage or entrance way would surely be uncovered.

    To his side, the skink priests had begun inspecting items of interest retrieved from the rubble. In Kuoteq’s hand, he held a small obsidian chip from a large mozaic that would have once lined the walls of a star chamber, Whilst Tiqxoltiq was kneeling down beside a small stone chest, its borders engraved with ancient symbols and depictions of an older time. The metal straps of the strongbox winking in the sunlight, bursting to be released to let the chests contents spill outwards.

    Nearby in a more secluded area, Xlauax slowly rambled to himself as he lifted away smaller boulders from the mound in a furious and unnecessary sort of scrambling motion. He was also making quick progress, revealing another small jade stone as he dug away.


    Meanwhile, Quas stirred a large pan full of steaming rice, plump beans and chunks of delicious hyenadon meat all covered in herbs and garnishes (-1 Skillpoint). These Skinks would not be disappointed.

    Eventually, the old skink artisan approached him, clutching a sharp claw-like weapon in his hands. The weapon was constructed of a hardened wood and iron frame, many serrated claws and fangs jutting forth like an extra pair of claws already thirsting for the taste of blood.

    Quas’s face turned to a wicked smile as he grabbed the newly crafted weapon and equipped it to one of his fists before moving about his large crocodilian hand, the blades slitting through the air with brutal precision.

    By his side its proud creator gently poured the rice dish into a small basket, His mouth already drooling over the delicious feast as he collected it.

    Item: Talon of fangs (Crafted)
    Description: Created by a skilled and old skink artisan this trusty weapon is yet to taste its first battle, the malicious and serrated series of fangs and blades that protrude from the fist frame thirst for a drop of blood.
    Effects: -50% Range (Just means that using this weapon will significantly lower the user's effective strike range compared to that of a spear or traditional weapon). +10% Critical chance against small foes.


    [I have another post in progress currently for those working at excavating the ruins so don't get too carried away :p]
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
  12. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax grabs the small jade stone inquisitively and holds it up to his eye and realizes it's almost the right size. After that he walks over to a starpriest overseeing the excavation and says "In r-return for my conti-continued service, could I k-keep this small gemstone?". The priest seems a little bit taken aback at the odd request but after pondering it for a minute he replies "I guess so... But get back to work!.". Satisfied, Xlauax awkwardly trots off to the location he was digging at and resumes his frantic confused mumblings "make them pay....make them pay....".
  13. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq'eko grined when he saw the obsidian tessera and was very curious on finding out if there is a Chamber Or Not. Kuoteq'eko was so curiuos about it that he gathered stellar Winds of magic in his hands and then pointed with his hands on a point of the Wall. Now he could see everything thruogh a channel and very unsharp, but he could recognize the Rest of the Mosaik because it crackled like his tessera with little Bolts of energy. After doing that he had to sit on a Stone for a Minute that his sight would clear again. When he could see sharp againHe called two other Skinks to help him excavating there where he saw the Chamber in his vision.After a few minutes of digging he and the other Skinks discerned more obsidian tesseras filled with power. He thaught about calling for a Kroxigor to break the Wall Or if possible a Skink tamer with a Ahuatli to break this Wall and Not that on which they were working on now all. But when he saw the raging Hakal he knew that he would Call him probably to break the Wall for he needs some good and motivating events. He shouted loud enough that he would hear him:"HAAAKAAAL I NEEED YOOUU TO BREEAK THIS WALL WITH FULL POWER" Hakal looked at him and......
  14. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding happily to himself, for work was its own reward, Tiqxoltiq continued to guide the excavations. Things were progressing well. He was growing a little worried about Hakal though. Something seemed to be troubling the Kroxigor, and the great lizard was taking some kind of pent-up aggression out on the stone he was shifting...
  15. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal was already starting to tire out, but he still worked on. Every burst and crack of stone echoed throughout him as pickaxe swung. The noise was soothing, but memories still lingered like dust mid-air. He still struggled - still swung even harder, as the answers to his questions hid even deeper. It had stabbed him in the heart as to why his friends - his very own world would belittle him...

    Just then, he heard a skink shout his name. The lizard inquired him to break open a wall.

    The strained kroxigor stomped amidst skinks until he reached the lizard who shouted. The wall was splayed across its entire length black, and it cackled with magical energy.

    He turned and angrily growled towards the skink priest, a roar almost bellowing out.

    "What this?"
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Kuoteq gestured towards the small chunk of obsidian jutting out from another pile of rubble ‘We think it could be part of a large chunk of wall, We need to start getting it excavated as soon as possible’

    With pickaxe in hand, Hakal began to violently smash the rocks that encompassed the larger chunk of obsidian tiles now revealing themselves with cries of cerulean light they begged to be saved from the suffocating blanket of rubble that smothered them. Soon smaller skinks and other kroxigors were attracted to the discovery, chipping away at it with their tools of iron and their own indefatigable purpose. Boulders shattered to cobbles, cobbles shattered to pebbles and pebbles shattered into a thin film of dust that blew away from the stone envelope in flakes

    Hakal’s muscles burned and strained as he dragged another large segment of obsidian coated wall from the rubbles grappling clutch, that was beginning to loosen and falter. The age-old obsidians colours were now becoming visible, despite the heavy coating of thick dust the strong navy and black onyx colours still bled through, now able to absorb the sunlight that they craved so much.


    Xlauax attracted to the commotion had also started to help uncover the obsidian wall. With a small pick in both hands he furiously scrambled at the rock face, slowly revealing the twisting outlines of a serpentine body.

    ‘Uh Uh P-p-Priestsss, I-I have found s-something,” Approaching to Xlauax’s side Kuoteq’eko rests his hand on the obsidian blocks before slowly wiping away at the dust and gravel, behind his hands the perfectly constructed engravings and patterns of a feathered serpent that swirled around in concentric circles and loops revealed itself.

    With new vigour and energy, the labourers began to fasten in their work as Kuoteq ordered them to reveal more of the beautiful artistry carved into the obsidian.

    Eventually, a large sprawling city covered in huge altars and temples hidden within the serpent's coils was unveiled, the picture of the city was seemingly cast into shade as the serpents huge wings stretched over the temples like the moon blocking out the sun in an eclipse. Further work slowly revealed that the serpent's coils spun and writhed into the lizardmen symbol for infinity…


    With a great heave, Hakal and the other kroxigors were able to finally drag the huge chunk of stone away from the rubble before placing it at the priest's feet for them to admire. After some short words the kroxigors once again picked up the wall, their huge muscles straining and burning as they carefully transported it onto the back of the Ahuatli that had returned to the plaza before careful skinks attached the obsidian artwork on with ropes and large wooden supports. When fully connected the beast rose with an effortus groan , suppressed by the huge weight of the obsidian and the tones of stone carried in large baskets on its back. Eventually, the huge obsidian chunk would arrive at the camp, where it would be met with the open arms of skink artificers and stoneworkers who would more successfully chisel at the image with higher levels of precision and accuracy.

    After sending away the recently discovered large wall fragment the excavation team rested before getting back to work, it would be mere hours until the passage they were working on unclogging would be revealed and accessible.


    A small frog gently rested on a broad green leaf saturated with warm water, its tiny body blazing with a whirlpool of colours. Starting at its head was a burning Chotec’s fire orange that gradually danced into a golden yellow, like the baking sand of a Lustrian beach as it hissed and cooled in the gentle currents of the aquamarine blue sea below on the frogs legs and arms.

    After calming the small amphibian Xahanol slowly drew in before picking up the leaf with a steady grip and swiping at the burning orange of the frog's skin. Its huge black pupils slowly slid shut as a small wooden paddle began to gently glide along the frogs moist skin. Slowly a blue-tinted gel like substance formed in the shape of a minuscule globule on the end of the stick.

    Satisfied the skink beast tamer carefully lifted the wooden paddle away before scraping the clot of slime onto the edge of a small crystal vial..

    No more than a few millilitres of the viscous liquid sat at the bottom of the vial, it didn't look like much, but its potency and power as a poison was almost unparalleled, it was said that less than a tiny speck needed to enter a wound to cause its impressive effects. First, the poison would enter the bloodstream where it would calmly travel throughout the body, paralysing and melting away at the organs inside before reaching the heart. Collecting and gathering before tenderly freezing up the creatures burning heart muscles within minutes or hours in an exercise of power and potency.

    Xahanol gently grabbed Slissix from his casual perch wrapped around the skink's neck, with a low hiss the Hamadryad slowly slithered down onto the table, it's onyx scales flexing their crimson tips in the midday light that was now streaming in through his huts thatch ceiling. Slissix slowly rose his head to meet the Xahanol's hand as it came down to stroke the snake's body before gently resting on the cobra's head. With a swift action, Xahanol carefully slid his fingers into the snake's mouth before slowly opening it up wide and pinching snakes fangs before it's pressing the mouth over a large glass jar.

    Both Xahanol and Slissix were familiar with the venom milking procedure. After a few seconds of pressure venom slowly dripped from the Cobra’s fangs falling with a satisfying ‘plop’ as it fell into the puddle of steaming liquid that frothed and boiled in the afternoon heat.

    Now Released the serpent writhed and slithered back into comfortable coil amongst the complex apparatus and devices of Xahanols shaded working desk.


    Placing the two vials of freshly harvested venom to one side Xahanol quickly scooped up the leaf holding the ‘Huanchec’ frog. He then gently placed it into a large swamp-like paludarium before preparing a small bowl of grubs and ground-up insects for the frogs within to enjoy….


    A small shower of moist, warm rain fell from above wetting the boiling scales of both skinks and kroxigor alike as they shoved away more and more boulders, the entranceway to the interior of a underground temple was now almost fully revealed. Hakal and Xlauax among other lizardmen all picked away at the stones, freeing large chunks of rubble to fall down into the opening...

    With one last shove from Hakals searing hot body, the final boulder rolled to the side, opening up a small passage (+1 FATIGUED State to Hakal due to his tireless working throughout the whole day, This is a minor stat reduction to various figures.- M2 WS2 BS0 S2 T3 W2 I0 A2 Ld 5))

    The large kroxigor peered into the darkness, spluttering out large coughs of sizzling warm saliva as he drew in only breaths of ancient dust. Calling out with a bellow to the priests he entered, consumed by the darkness of the passage. Before he made it too far in Both Tik and Kuoteq’Eko rushed in behind, with a small handful of pitch torches and other various supplies that they quickly distributed to the other three skinks and Xlauax entering in with them.

    As the small band of excavators faded into the gloom behind them a few kroxigors and skinks frantically started to return back to camp in order to spread the news of a new temple entrance being opened up.

    Leading the group hakal looked forward, with the burning torchlight behind he could now make up a series of four or five passageways jutting away from the central corridor, each one calling to the lizardmen with the promise of artefacts and plaques of their lost ancestry.

  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax looks around nervously. Something seemed too easy, though maybe his years with the Druchii just made him always feel like this. Exhausted from days of being around so many people Xlauax uses his training to slip away into a small side tunnel to explore a bit on his own. He figured if anything was in these ruins, it would be alerted by the hustle and bustle of all the Lizardmen streaming through. By setting out alone he may be able to ambush it.
  18. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    The commotion alerted Xahanol to something going on, and the skink found themselves quite curious at the sudden excitement abound in the camp. After making sure the food was distributed for their frogs they would mumble their thanks to the frogs and snake for their venom and peek out to see what the hubbub was all about, tail lashing curiously. They'd pause and take a look around, blinking in the rain, taking stock of their surroundings.
  19. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Just as Quas stopped playing with his new weapon he registered excited shouts and talks coming from the group of lizardmen who quickly returned to the camp. He decided to listen closely and though he couldn't make much of what they are saying, he decided to move out with the group of Skinks. He gathered the Hyenadon meat packs that were left, leaving the rest of the food for the camp's first shift he strolled towards the excavation site.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Gripping the back of the Salamanders body as it glided through the water Xolek could now see the shore of the swamp and instead of continuing to swim with the creature he reaches down with his legs and meets earth. The water still up to his cheat the Oracle now wades through the water towards the shore, large horse sized dragonflies buzzing in the air, when he saw one stop mid air as if it got caught in something. As he watched the giant insect struggle something moved from the trees, a large thin bone like leg reached out...and then another. Clearly caught in a web the dragonflies wings could do nothing but get caught more and more until finally with a flash of speed a human sized spider leaped from the tree onto its net before savaging the dragonfly with its fangs ripping off its wings until finally beginning to wrap it into a cacoon of silk, still alive.

    Not wanting to draw its attention the Oracle quickens his pace, then he heard it, a large reptilian bellow and then a gush of liquid and then what could only be an insects scream. The whole Tree now on fire, the giant spider and dragonfly crash into the water below in a blaze of flame as Xolek turns around. Looking around he sees a rush of water as the powerful tail of Xiuhcoatl pushed her forward towards the now charcoal black spider that was struggling to even move, the dragonfly drowning if not already dead. With its large claws and an open mouth with corrosive saliva, the Salamander lunges at the Spider, dragging it down into the water before thrashing it around, beating it against the surface. The Oracle watched with delight and then using this moment where the Salamander was distracted hurried back to camp, looking back all he can see is the Salamander dragging the limp spider to a shoreline a little ways away from himself.

    10 or 15 minutes pass and Xolek finally reaches the front of the camp, muddy and wet he begins to ask around if there are any beast handlers in the camp. He says there is something in the swamp that might be worth their while...if they don't mind a little heat.
    Scalenex, Tk'ya'pyk, Sevesh and 4 others like this.

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