Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As Hakal steps forward, Tik waves him back, momentarily worried about the past. "Careful, it may be cursed to prevent grave-robbers from taking it. I doubt it is, but I am wary of disturbing the contents of burial chambers. I wish the passing of time had not destroyed their writings. It is a pity they chose to use that inferior paper instead of inscribing their words in the everlasting metal (gold, for those who don't know - Lizardmen used to write stuff down on golden tablets because gold doesn't deteriorate)."
  2. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax knew what threat lay below him. It was Skaven tunellers digging into this ancient temple, defiling it with their unholy putrescence. Xlauax faced a serious choice, go back and warn the others or scout further down in the hopes of finding out their plans first, or if they knew of the Lizardmen above. Xlauax thought upon this for a while and finally decided to move downwards the stairs with caution and stealth, using his Chameleon Skink training to hide himself amongst the darkness and rubble. He readied the swords at his sides, their wicked curved blade darker than night. These were no Dark Elves but they would not be a threat to him, one cannot fight the dark. With a cold grin Xlauax started his descent. (This may take a skill point for sneaking or may cost a use of my chameleon skink camoflauge?)
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Mustering all of his courage Hakal approached the skink priest and the staff. As the kroxigor neared closer he could begin to notice that the body was draped and covered in small golden necklaces made from tiny beads, delicate ornaments and other mysterious tassels now robbed of their once colourful feathers, and upon the dead skink priests head was a Small golden mask. In the slots where eyes would normally lie was two large triangular onyx gemstones and centred above them was a third swirling black stone that seemed to draw in a faint light around it.

    With one large hand, Hakal reached out and clasped the ancient staff before gently prying it from the skin priests frail skeleton... The second the staff left the priests grip Hakal’s mind suddenly began to spiral uncontrollably, the blurred images of a forgotten past began to flicker through his head.

    Him crawling from a spawning pool, the magical liquid slowly dripping from his small skink body onto the tiled floor.

    Him approaching a slann, blurred words pouring from his mouth deep in converse.

    Him slowly reaching out his hand to gently stroke a huge coiling serpent.

    Him raising a scorpion staff to the sky in front of a huge legion of saurus ready to march for war, lightning and power coalescing in the air above.

    Him staring into the eyes of a Tzeentchian daemon, before a flash of blue flames leapt forward from the demon's palm to engulf him.

    Tik could see Hakal’s huge body freeze, the kroxigors large eyes flickering, dilating and growing larger with every second. Without hesitation, Tik had no choice but to take the initiative and pul the Staff from Hakal's hands that were now burning with a searing heat. As it left Hakals grasp the kroxigor quickly collapsed to the floor. Quickly Tik placed the staff to the side, seemingly unaffected by whatever had reached hakal, before he helped the kroxigor get back to his feet.

    Hakal’s head pounded with a strange pain as his vision returned to him...

    Item: Rusted Staff (Magical)
    Description: Rusted and frail, this once great staff was forged in a time unknown. On the pinnacle of the mysterious staff lies a jade emblem that forms the shape of a scorpion poised to strike now covered in the dust and detritus of millennia.
    Effects: ???Unknown???

    [This is just a small post for Hakal and Tik, I have more in progress ready for the other characters.]
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    1: Give Hakal something for pain.
    2: Double-check the staff for curses or magic.
    Once those are done, Tiqxoltiq leans in to make certain that Hakal is all right before picking up the staff himself. (If/When) nothing happens, he scowls and leans in to inspect the deceased priest's mask. "Curiouser and curiouser. I have never seen a mask like this, especially not with such stones in it!" Once convinced it is not cursed, he reaches out and carefully picks it up to inspect the mask. Glancing around the room, he hesitates before putting it on...
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax carefully placed one foot in front of the other slowly approaching the stairs to see if he could get a better look.

    Since his earliest days as a newspawned He had always been told of stories relating to giant, humanoid ratmen that lurked in the shadows and deepest tunnels, seeking to plague and corrupt the lizardmen empire, undermining it with devious plans. These were some of the thoughts that swirled and haunted his mind for many years whilst he slowly rotted alive, trapped behind the bars of a Druchii prison. Clenching his fist, Xlauax continued to slowly tread down the staircase, He would make these ratmen pay for the years of suffering they caused him by slowly gnawing away at his sanity and thoughts…

    Peering through the dark Xlauax could make out three small figures, tools of warped iron and pickaxes clutched within their hands as they chipped away at a small vault door. In the attempt to get a better view the chameleon skink continued down the worn, fractured staircase. It was hard work walking in the dark, let alone when one had to be silent, So it came as no surprise when the chameleon skinks foot collided with a small pile of pebbles and rubble.

    Within an instant Xlauax Darted Back, pressing up against the wall whilst his skin rapidly changed from a pale green to a dark, dusty grey almost identical to the rock face behind him (-1 Blend/Camouflage). Unable to restrain himself Xlauax let out quite a curse, his furious mumbling masked by the tumbling of tiny rocks as they collided with a layer of stairs after layer of stairs, the clamour of rock against rock echoing throughout the chambers as the pebbles were consumed into the void below.

    Beneath one of the tiny rocks struck a ratman clad in heavy, crimson steel armour on the helmet. With a screech of surprise, the figure quickly turned around, gritting his teeth as he jabbed one of the other smaller Skaven in the side with a malicious halberd. ‘D-Don't Hurt us, Master, Masterful” one of the skaven draped in chains screamed, his matted fur becoming slightly more crimson than before.

    Xlauax Options: (Xlauax may take two actions if he wishes due to this being a surprise attack)

    • Xlauax retreats from the staircase, quickly alerting the others of what he has seen. (30% Chance of Being spotted)

    • Xlauax silently loads his elven crossbow, ready to take a shot into the darkness (-1 Skillpoint, leaving him with 1 remaining. 30% Chance of missing)

    • Xlauax pulls the two daggers from his belt before jumping down onto the skaven before slicing into them with a flurry of blades. (Note: Slaves - 0.5 Battle points to kill, Stormvermin: 1 Battle point to kill, Xlauax currently has 2 battle points.)

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)

    With a thrashing motion, the salamander whipped its tail in a curve quickly flinging Xolek into the swamp water and soft mud Whilst Xahanol Clipped the muzzle onto the squirming salamander's mouth with skilled actions. Now only further enraged the beast desperately tried to shake off the muzzle from its frothing mouth causing Xahanol to quickly jump back to dodge the creatures flailing limbs. (-1 Skill point from Xahanol for all of his actions towards the beast, Leaving him with 1 remaining)

    Drawing in rapid breaths of air, the salamander looked around before beginning to submerge itself under the water, kicking up huge clouds of sediment as it propelled itself forward in an attempt to reach deeper water. Xahanol looked over to the other skink before swiftly scooping up his handling stick and a large leash that would clip onto the muzzle from the sludge. After chucking the leash into Xolek’s Fumbling arms, The beast tamer dived into the water to pursue his quarry before it escaped their grasp.


    Taking a deep breath and ignoring the pain Kuoteq’Eko mildly spoke out ‘We better get going then... There must be all sorts of items hiding in the dark patiently waiting for us to reclaim them…” After seeing Quas nod forgivingly the priest turned back around and slowly continued forward…

    After winding down a long tunnel, the passage eventually opened out into a large chasm revealed by Quas’s Torchlight as he approached carefully behind. The ground below their feet seamlessly transformed from raw earth and rock into organised tiles that slowly transformed into a staircase held up by worn pillars that rose up from an abyss of darkness. Carefully the pair shuffled forward onto the stone staircase. Quas’s heart raced as he looked down to the side of the stair, A gaping ravine filled with a shadowy vapour replaced what would have been safe ground, If he slipped then he would fall into the gloom never to be seen again

    Gradually both Kuoteq and Quas reached a small platform, Both relieved to be back on secure ground they took a moment to catch their breath and study their surroundings, Laid out in front of them was a huge circular vault door, constructed from the darkest obsidian. Engraved within the smooth surface of the door was a collection of dust-covered rotational carvings and protective runes that seemed to emit a light of their own.

    While Quas gawked at the huge door, his eyes wide with astonishment Kuoteq quickly scanned the area, identifying two large podiums furrowed into the solid rock on opposite sides of the door. Grabbing the torch from Quas’s hand the priest approached one, Shapes and mechanical disks becoming illuminated by the flickering light.

    Wiping away the dust more and more of the surface was uncovered, It seemed to be some sort of large rotating dial or lock formed from a series of intricate lines that each darted outwards across the first disk before they became fractured and split up on the second, and on the third finally led to a symbol or shape.

    With his curiosity now peeked Kuoteq leaned his staff against the wall and pressed his hand down on one of the disks. To his surprise, the Disk rotated with his hand, the rasping noise of scraping stone following it as it revolved…
    Leaving the first Podium Kuoteq Quickly darted to the other, instead of a dial a series of pictures and images were laid out in a grid-like pattern.
    Perhaps the puzzles atop the podiums had something to do with the vault door?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  6. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    The salamander was not going to get away now that it was muzzled! Xahanol dived, grip tight on their handling stick, trying to maneuver to get in front of the Salamander to use the stick to turn the beast's muzzle to the other skink, so that they could get the leash on. Hopefully luck would be with them, and the bindings were tight enough on the muzzle. This is why beasts were usually raised from eggs!
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Tiqxoltiq Quickly riffled through his many pouches, opening and closing them indecisively before he found the one he was looking for. After a few seconds of further rummaging the skink pulled out a handful of Chicao bark that he had gathered earlier that day, its heavy calming effects would be of much use to Hakals frantic mind. (-1 Chicao Bark (Consumable))

    Hakal grabbed the Chicao bark and quickly began to chew on it, its soothing effects already beginning to take place as he bowed in respect to the priest. After passing Hakal the bark Tik immediately turned his attention to the rusted staff, Nothing looked strange about it other than its worn and ancient appearance. So with a skittish and quick motion, Tik grabbed the staff with a hand, bracing himself for some kind of effect, only to be created by nothing other than the deteriorating and rough texture of the handle.

    After placing the staff back down onto the ground Tiq reached out to grab the mask placed on the dead skink priests face. After gently pulling the mask down from its resting position the skin priests distorted and charred skull was revealed, the bone fractured and burned in many places.

    Upon further inspection, Tik could see tiny etchings and symbols along with tiny strips of red gemstones plastering the masks many surfaces. Once thoroughly investigated, Tik carefully placed it onto his own face...

    Within seconds a calming and almost peaceful darkness came over him, blocking out all of his thoughts, as he felt his mortal body seemingly become numb and gradually lose all feeling. The strange sensation of unity surged through him as he felt his soul being slowly drawn out from his mortal frame where it would join the spirits that doubtlessly rested in this very room….

    Suddenly shaking his head, Tik rapidly grabbed the mask from his head, realising how dangerous what he had just done was. If he had left it on for mere seconds more his soul could have been tethered from his body, leaving him ‘dead’ in any practical sense.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek dives in after the tamer and salamander, leash in hand connected (I'm assuming) to the muzzles harness. Letting the Salamander swim a moment he then tugs backwards in an attempt to halt it a moment
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    (Yes, that would have been a bad thing.)

    Shuddering from fear, Tik placed the mask back where he'd gotten it, and leaned the staff back in its original place as close as possible. "Yessss," he hissed out, "this is cursed, meant as a trap for grave robbers. We should leave this chamber intact and place a warning for our fellows." Perhaps the Star-Seer would have a better way of utilizing or controlling the magic bound in such items, but neither he nor Hakal could make use of them safely. "Come," he told the kroxigor, "we should rejoin the others."
  10. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax watches the 4 Skaven with interest, hatred burning is his dark green eye. He slowly draws the two serrated and slightly curved Druchii swords from their scabbards. He stares at the one in his right hand and whispers to himself, "With my Pain i shall make then find theirs.". Then he glanced to the sword in his left hand and continues, "And with my Justice I shall bring Justice, this is not an act of vengeance yet and my Vengeance will yet wait, and grow thirsty.". With a cold determination Xlauax silently pounces upon the Stormvermin and hacks into it will determination, a crazed zeal gleaming in his once life filled eye. The creature writhed beneath Xlauax's flurry of hate filled blows. Each strike was administered with the whispered words of "make them pay, make them pay.". (-1 battle point). The foul vermin tried to impale him with it's crude spear but Xlauax was too quick. And in the opening as the spear left a defensive position, Xlauax lunged forward to drive both swords up underneath the vermin's chin. He then turns to the cowering Skaven slaves and impales two of them on his swords as he glares at the third and final slave with a crazed expression. (-1 battle point, 2 slaves). He then stows his sword before pouncing upon the crying, writhing Skaven slave as a thick rope is being wound around it's arms and legs as Xlauax tries to silence the accursed creature. (Potentially a -1 skillpoint? This is an add in to try and capture the creature to bring to the Lizardmen). Xlauax is concerned more Skaven could be near enough to hear the pitiful creatures shrill cries for help.
  11. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal agreed as the incomprehensible images and scenes started to fade from his memory. Every since he entered into this chamber, his guts shivered in fear from all the skulls neatly stacked upon each other, staring towards him. That terrifying experience with the staff shook him even further.

    Hastily, Hakal made his way to whence he and Tik entered into the room, skulls watching them from behind...
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  12. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq´eko test at the dial the first combination he thunks of because he once saw a familiar dial .He rotated the lines on the disks to tongue, mouth and head and the face on the inner disk that it is straight
    Puzzle choice 1.png
    [first combination;-1 Skill Point]
    . When he finished aligning up , heavens blue light emerged from the lines and with a smile on his face he stumbled to the other puzzzle a rubric. Quas laughed and said :"Hahahaha i seen that puzzle hahahha too once haahahahaha "Kuoteq´eko had to laugh too and pressed on one stone beneath the images he thuoght would be the right.
    [-1 Skill Point ]
    A radiant Beam of pure Energy emerged from the massive vault door and Quas and Kuoteq´eko were dazzled for short but then they could see.......

    Attached Files:

  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    A loud hiss quickly grabbed both Quas’s and Kuoteq’Eko’s Attention as seemingly unnoticeable mechanical parts rotated and unlocked causing segments of the door to slowly begin to revolve and spin whilst a blinding light beamed forth from the centre of the inscriptions.

    After a short amount of time, the door finally gave way, retracting into the nearby wall allowing a strange cerulean vapour to pour out of the entranceway like a thick mist.

    As soon as the door opened the sound of gushing water immediately became clear, laid out in front of the pair was another small staircase leading up to a huge platform lit up by columns of natural light that weaved its way through the mingling of ancient winding tree roots and huge chunks of solid earth above.

    When the staircase reached the platform it split into two smaller paths, separated and lined by three large temple guard statues that held fierce halberds and impenetrable rock shields in each hand as their unmoving stone gaze looked out over the ravine on either side of the staircase.

    As both the kroxigor and priest finished the ascent up the stairs and reached the platform Kuoteq’s eyes began to sparkle when he saw the shadowy outline of a mummified slann, its huge sluggish body preserved delicately in a collection of neat bandages and casts. Its large bloated skull was covered by a detailed death mask encrusted with handcrafted jewels and dark stones that concealed the slann’s large face and boney features. The skink priests attention was immediately drawn to the distant outline of a plaque Clasped within the slann’s hands that gleamed and shimmered reflecting the dim light in a myriad of colourful beams

    [The slann would not be fully underwater, but I thought this was the best picture to suit its appearance][​IMG]
    Inline above the slann’s body was a large stone serpentine head, streams of crystal clear water pouring from its mouth to cover the slann in the simmering liquid before the water funnelled down into small troughs. The troughs eventually reached the edge of the platform causing the water to gush down into the dark void on either side of the staircase as waterfalls.

    With wide eyes both the lizardmen rushed further onto the solid ground to view the sea of smaller plaques and artefacts laid out in front and around the slann’s body. As Quas stepped onto the terrace a satisfying click began to echo from the floor, as the tile below his foot sunk into the ground. Immediately both Quas and Kuoteq stared at each other with nervous glances.

    Seconds later the huge obsidian door rolled from the wall, blocking the exit whilst the temple guard statues heads snapped around, their stone-cold eyes staring at the intruders.

    With lightning-fast actions, the masonry stepped forth from their podiums that lined the stairs, their clawed feet clinking against the tiled floor as they approached with stinging stone halberds and impervious rock shields.

    Before Quas has time to react, one of the statues was already on top of him. lashing out with unnaturally swift actions, the golem's weapon skimmed deep into Quas's scaled back creating a vast gash that now dripped with cool crimson blood that splattered onto the sculptures animated uncaring face. (-1 Wound Onto Quas, Leaving him with 1 remaining)

    Whilst two of the statues began to surround the towering kroxigor, the other grasped Kuoteq, its sharp stone claws digging into his shoulder before the skink's frail body was chucked towards the gaping abyss on the edge of the platform.

    Desperately scrambling the priest managed to grasp onto a small tree root piercing from the cliff face whilst he skidded off the edge, saving him from tumbling down as well as giving him the opportunity to haul himself back upwards in order to face the temple guard golem that is unrelentingly approaching him.

    Quas - Options: (Please note that escape from the chamber is impossible, You may only attack once during this action.)

    • Quas Attempts to strike at one of the temple guard golems that now surround him. (-1 battle point, leaving Quas at 2 remaining, 30% Chance of all damage being deflected)

    • Run to help Kuoteq defend from the golem he is facing (This will open Quas up to attack as he flees)

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (Please factor in point reduction)
    Kuoteq’Eko - Options: (Please note that escape from the chamber is impossible, You may only attack once during this action.)

    • Kuoteq’Eko Attempts to strike at the temple guard golem that approaches him with his jade tipped staff. (-2 battle points, leaving Kuoteq’eko at 0 remaining, 40% Chance of all damage being deflected)

    • Attempt to reposition further away from the dangerous ravine.

    • Begin channelling magic, providing you and anyone around with an additional magic point, this consumes an action.

    • Cast a spell from this list:
    - Bolt of Tepok's Thunder (2 Magic points) This spell will cause a roaring thunderbolt to strike down upon any foe within sight.
    -Apotheosis (3 magic points) This spell can heal any ally within 100 meters back to full health, A swirling mist of azure energy swirls around the target, their wounds healing and vigour restored - 10% Mistcast chance.
    -Tepok's Eyes (1 Magic point) This allows the caster to almost leave his body, witnessing the world outside the body in slow motion for 30 seconds. whilst this spell is being undergone the casters mortal body cannot move.

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (Please factor in point reduction)

    [Just describe what action you wish for your character to take, if it involves a percentage then I will do that during my next post]

    Kuoteq’eko (M4 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.8 (0.8 A decimal means your body is still quite vulnerable to further attack) I3 A1 Ld4) 0 skill points, 2 battle, 2 magic


    Quas - (M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W3 I0 A2 Ld 6) 1 Skill point, 3 battle, 0 strength
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    After the slaughter, Xlauax rapidly unties the rope around his belt and begins to wrap the quivering slave in a firm tangle of twine (-1 Skill point, leaving Xlauax With 1 remaining). Quickly Xlauax Places a dagger to the rat man's throat to silence the creatures squeals and screeches that echo around the cave. Despite his efforts, it seems that he was too late to silence the slave's calls…

    The tunnel wall is quickly lit up by flickering torchlight as another group of ratmen enter into the chamber coming through some form of broken vault door. Two of the slaves amongst the group quickly chuck down a large golden plaque they were hauling onto the floor before they draw their crooked weapons upon sight of the chameleon skink.

    His eyes filling with rage Xlauax kicks the wrapped up slaves limp body to the side before glancing over at the two slaves and another larger stormvermin plated in harsh steel armour.

    Xlauax - Options:

    • Deciding that the oncoming Skaven are to mutch to deal with Xlauax begins to quickly make his way up the crumbling staircase, dragging the slave along the floor behind him.

    • Upon seeing the Skaven approach Xlauax grabs his already loaded Crossbow and lets loose a shot into a target of his choice (-1 Skill point, leaving Xlauax with 0 remaining

    • With no choice but to engage Xlauax begins to counter charge the Skaven with his slicing blades drawn and thirsting for fresh blood (This action will cost battle points that Xlauax doesn't have, causing him to immediately gain an exhausted trait, an exhausted trait is a -1 stat reduction to all stats excluding wounds, this will make it more difficult to perform actions. - (M4, WS1, BS4, S1, T1, W1, I3, A1 Ld4.) -0.5 battle points per Skaven slave, -1 per stormvermin 30% Chance of failure on all melee attacks due to lack of stats)


    With a well-practised manoeuvre Xahanol manages to get his sharp obsinite handling stick tucked under the muzzle allowing him to drag the beast towards Xolek who was also in pursuit. With another click, Xolek manages to attach the leash onto the muzzle before the creature disappears into deeper water.

    Now using his full strength the oracle with help from the beast tamer’s handling stick skills manages to get the beast onto drier land. With little to no energy left after the desperate attempts to escape the salamander puts up little struggle as the pair of skinks prepare to….
  15. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    With fury Xlauax glares at them, he had lost the element of stealth now. Though, Xlauax had one potential idea forming. The Skaven couldn't alarm the others if they followed him, and as Xlauax knew there were plenty of Kroxigors up in the ruins to make short work of these pests. Xlauax grabs the tied up slave and get ready to drag him and says "With this slave my master will be able to learn all of your plans, I just have to get back to my temple city first. Catch me if you can you filthy mongrels!". After this Xlauax dashes off up the stairs and hopes they follow him, dragging the shrieking slave behind him. If he survived he would interrogate this filthy thing with the priests. He looked forward to that.
  16. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    A sharp feeling of pain struck the back of the giant Kroxigor which he demonstrated with a loud sound recognized as something similar to "Arrrghhrhrhrh" followed by "Courwwwwa". A sudden attack angered something in him. With another roar-shout he rushed on all fours towards first enemy he could locate with his eyes. Reaching with unarmed hand towards the weapon and other, spiked with additional claws and talons, towards the head of the adversary he crashed with it with the full force.
    "Should stayed and breed turtles" - a quick thought raced through his mind when the impact sent both to the ground...

    (This narration could be also used to steal/disarm/pick halberd for a skill point depending on how the attack comes out)
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Putting a knee into the shoulder blades of the Salamander Xolek looks at the other skink, the oracle breathing heavy.

    "I think she is finally tiring" he laughed that to humans would sound like a series of drawn out chrips, almost a song. Looking down at this pouches the Oracle looks at his food pouch, only 2 berries left.

    "Any Scraps of meat in your pouch?" the salamander looking worn out hardly struggles

    Xolek begins to think about how to hold the creature for a longer period of time, thoughts of a training pen with a holding area flood his mind. Made of thick stone slabs to keep any flame contained. Away from the main ruins though he thought, perhaps near the swamp itself would be best.

    Thinking now on how to keep the Salamander calm, he also asks the tamer if he has any calming remedies that could put the creature to sleep or make it easy enough for only one of them to watch it. He explained one of them should go get help if one of them could handle the beast alone
  18. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq'eko Calls Thunder onto the Stone colussus behind Quas
    (When Quas His attack misses he Calls it on that before Quas)
    (-2 magic points)
    Then he storms reckless ontu the rmaining Statue
    (2 combat points used leaving 0
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Quas’s Body ignited with flame as pain-numbing chemicals surged through his body, Desperate to save the priest the hulking kroxigor charged with an unmatched ferocity into stone temple guard.

    Bracing himself for impact Quas leapt forward. weapon and claw Both hammered down onto the masonry, causing huge cracks to stream down the golem’s body and as the kroxigor collided. Clenching The guardian's halberd with one huge hand Quas gritted his teeth as he pushed the golem towards the cliff, One of the halberds spikes piercing into Quas’s hand as he drove forward.

    Unable to stand its ground the temple guard slid across the floor its sharp claws sending screeching sparks flying into the air until it finally tumbled off the edge. As it's stone body was falling down into the gaping ravine it repetitively hit and collided with the cliffside causing its ancient limbs to shatter and break before it disappeared into the gloom.

    Meanwhile, Kuoteq’eko Held up his staff, The jade tip drawing in the magic that saturated the chamber (-2 Magic points, Leaving Kuoteq’Eko with 0 remaining) . Within seconds a swirling maelstrom of black blue clouds formed above, blocking out the natural light as the vapour gathered overhead.

    Chanting indecipherable words that bounced through the chamber, the priest closed his eyes before a bolt of pure energy and lightning Surged down arcing into one of the stone colossi. Within an instant the rock absorbed the strike, the sheer energy of the bolt heated the golem up to extreme temperatures, causing it to slide into the tiled floor as a heap of molten limbs and steaming lava.

    Upon seeing the power of his magic Kuoteq recklessly charged for the remaining statue with his jade tipped staff aimed for the temple guards face (-2 Battle points, leaving Kuoteq’eko with 0 remaining). Whilst letting lose a battle cry the skink prepared for contact, suddenly stone temple guard lifted its huge shield upwards within a fraction of a second. Kuoteq’Eko’s Staff made impact with the shields impenetrable surface, the force of impact jolting his arm backwards causing the tendons and muscles to rip apart with an audible snap. Before The priest had time to react the stone guardian pulled its arm back before flinging the huge slab of stone with the priest still shoved up against it.

    Unable to slow the shield Kuoteq Went flying with the hunk of stone as it raced through the air landing with a thud, crushing Kuoteq’s left arm in between the chamber wall and the shield's surface. Unable to render what had just happened the priest's body became limp and unmoving, his already injured arm trapped in between the wall and the shield now lodged within it…
    (-1 Wound leaving Kuoteq’eko Unconscious and prone, unable to get up unless helped or healed. +1 Wounded state to Kuoteq’Eko (M0 WS0 BS1 S0 T0 W0 I2 A0 Ld3). Kuoteq’Eko’s left arm is Fractured, dislocated and broken.)

    After Quas Chucked one of the statues off the edge of the cliff he glanced around to see Kuoteq’Eko’s body unmoving and trapped against the wall while the last guardian slowly approached,its steps methodical and merciless as it neared. Its huge stone halberd held up in both hands ready to strike down upon the skink with a final killing blow.


    The pair of slaves and stormvermin Looked up at the crazed chameleon skink as it began to dart up the crumbling stairs, kicking back a cloud of dust and rocks as the lizard spat out malicious words in a foreign language before disappearing into the gloom. Despite the Skaven being unable to understand Xlauax’s mutterings they all began to furiously chase him, pushing and shoving each other to be the first to land a strike.

    Sprinting up the staircase Xlauax’s Heart raced as he could hear both the Skaven slave’s winning and the other ratmen fumbling upwards in pursuit, the stormvermin pushing the malnourished slaves out the way with his halberd that thirsted for lizard blood. ‘A-A-Anything S-Scale MAsterr P-PLEASE MASTER” The slave howled out in between desperate screaming as its already frail body slammed and scraped against the hard stone rocks, its matted fur becoming a disgusting mix of blood and dust whilst being dragged along.

    With skill and precision in his stride, Xlauax managed to haul the Skaven slave up the stairs before darting through the open vault door and into the winding tunnel, His eyes perfectly suited for the darkness as a chameleon skink, allowing him to leap over boulders and manoeuvre through tight spaces with ease.


    Both Tik and Hakal calmly left the sinister tomb and began to walk back into the main tunnel in the hope to join the rest of the lizardmen in the search. As the pair ambled forward ready to explore another side tunnel a strange sound seemed to echo from a passageway further ahead. They could hear what sounded like flesh scraping against rock, light footfalls all punctuated by a desperate screeching…

    Despite the Chicao bark’s Influence, the noises caused Hakal’s Mind to spin once again, Was it another hallucination?
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  20. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal and Tik froze, the screeching piercing throughout their ear holes. The sudden scream and the following tapping upon stone welled tension within him as he awaited for whatever may come. His mind wearied from the horrors and strangeness accompanying this place. He yearned for at least a shred of familiarity - a shred of something he fully knew was safe and known to him.

    Couple of rushing heartbeats passed, when he suddenly heard a voice rang out. Hakal thought it was a pebble falling upon the stone floors, until he heard it again. And again. And again.

    "Chotec! Thing won't budge!"

    "Maybe push it to the side a bit?"

    "Nah. We need the kroxigors for this."

    "Hey! Hey, HAKAL!"


    The kroxigor could hear the skinks' voices up ahead, but couldn't see them beyond the blinding darkness. His memories began playing themselves inside his head as the familiar voices hissed and chirped.

    Hakal immediately jolted foward in a stomping run, his torch crackling forth flame to alight his way.

    He sought answers, and he sought safety. Both of which only seemed a flicker of light away...

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