Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Swearing under his breath, Tiqxoltiq readied his sickle in one taloned hand before setting out after Hakal. He had to jog to keep the larger, stronger kroxigor in sight, but it was nothing he hadn't had to do before. Mentally, he reviewed his spells in his mind, prepping to fling another protection spell about his ally if needed...
    Nazqua, Sevesh, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  2. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    He felt the blood flowing down his left arm and knew that his End would be near . The Pain was so huge that he couldn´t held it and his mind drifted away again . Again he was about getting a Nightmare , his last thuoghts were
    ´Again really Again; AGGGAAAAIIIINNN? WHY?`
    Then he became unconcious right before a morderous statue.
    And the Nightmare came:´Stand up Ku´ he grabbed a hand and stud from where he could see the landscape of Hexoatl.He recognized that he was standing on a lare wooden Watchtower right before the cities gigantic walls`Everything alrighty Ku?´ said the Voice again .When he looked there were the voice came from he saw a rather small grey Saurus with a orange tatoo on his left bodyside.´Yes........Yes .....everything alright`he whispered back and the Saurus looked shortly worried but then turned around a overwatched the area again.
    Suddenly the earth around the City crumbled and massive fangs breached the ground .[​IMG]
    He heared frightening Screams all around him and everything became dark again.........
    Sevesh, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  3. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Upon seeing his Skink friend imminent death, Quas continued his murderous prowess trying to prevent what seemed to be unpreventable.
    With a desperate scream, the Kroxigor darted towards the last figure with his hands reaching out to its dreadful weapon.

    (-1 battle point)
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “Yes, In Fact, I like to keep these handy at all times when around larger beasts,” Xahanol spoke in between breaths whilst producing a small vial filled with sharp needles, already soaked with a strong sedative.

    “Fresh batch from earlier this morning, The frogs needed harvesting after all. Just apply it directly to the bloodstream.” The Beasttamer chirped before handing over the vial into the oracles scaled hand. “Oh yea, and this..” In an almost sorrowful motion he pulled out a fried frog from a leather pouch, the meat crispy and tender “I found him dead this morning, Must have escaped his pen and Dried out I assume, The poor bastard. I harvested him for all the venom he had, and then cooked him up good and proper. Xahanol Chittered whilst gently chucking the frog over. "I guess it's Best to let the future trainer Handle and feed his own beast I suppose…”

    Somewhat surprised by the Beast handler’s Amount of supplies Xolek Scanned over the salamanders still body looking for the best place to administer the Sedative.

    Eventually, His eyes fell on the creatures large back frill supposedly used to cool the creatures internal body temperature after breathing out flames. Upon closer inspection Xolek’zi could see that the transparent frill flesh was full of arteries and veins, splitting off from each other like the branches of a tree.

    Meanwhile, Xahanol Clapped his hands together. “So what's the plan with this beast anyway?”

    Back in the tunnels Hakal Quickly approached a group of two skinks not far within a smaller tunnel, Both of the smaller lizardmen fruitlessly trying to dig at a large boulder blockage that had blocked off the passageways access.

    Cautiously Tik followed behind, but his attention was not drawn towards the skinks but to a winding shaft further down into the chamber.

    ‘Err... I don't think those noises were coming from the skinks!” The priest Shouted as Xlauax Burst forth from the tunnel Screaming rapid and incomprehensible mutterings at the group.

    As the chameleon darted past his finger pointed widely at the direction he had just came from Tik only now noticed the vile ratman slave being trailed behind, its horrible fur bleached with a mixture of blood and dust….

    Before The group of lizardmen could calm Xlauax down a larger and more vicious Stormvermin appeared, followed by a group of 5 Malnourished Skaven slaves. Their Necks bound and chained to the stormvermin’s wrist resulting in them dragging behind in a similar manner.

    Xlauax - Options:

    • Now Within the safety of the group Xlauax can cast the slave aside for later whilst drawing back his crossbow and letting loose a shot into a target of his choice (-1 Skill point, Leaving Xlauax with 0 remaining)

    • Continue running, He had to ensure this slave survived for interrogation whilst also believing that the fellow group of lizardmen behind would be perfectly capable of handling the incoming threat.

    • Engaging the enemy Xlauax begins to counter charge the Skaven with the group, his slicing blades drawn and thirsting for fresh blood (This action will cost battle points that Xlauax doesn't have, causing him to immediately gain an exhausted trait, an exhausted trait is a -1 stat reduction to all stats excluding wounds, this will make it more difficult to perform actions. - (M4, WS1, BS4, S1, T1, W1, I3, A1 Ld4.) -0.5 battle points per Skaven slave, -1 per stormvermin 30% Chance of failure on all melee attacks due to lack of stats)

    Tiqxoltiq - Options:

    • Charge in with his brothers to fight the incoming skaven (-1 Battle point per stormvermin attacked, -0.5 per Skaven Slave, You can attack two slaves due to the low cost)

    • Cast a spell from this list:
    - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for one minute , allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect.
    - Plague of rust (3 Magic points) This spell will cause three enemies armour to deteriorate and rust with extreme speed, small chunks flaking off into the wind and entire plates turning to dust.
    -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw two floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies

    • Begin channelling magic, this takes a whole action, Ie: several minutes But gives +1 magic point to all casters in the area, including himself
    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)
    Hakal - Options:

    • Upon seeing the others charge Hakal follows, untying the mining pick from his belt whilst simultaneously wielding the huge torch, its bright flames licking the air in anticipation of the coming bloodshed (-1 Battle point per stormvermin attacked, -0.5 per Skaven Slave, You can attack two slaves due to the low cost
    • Grab the Skaven Slave Or a large boulder from the ground in front of him before filing it with full force into the incoming line of enemies causing devastating damage (-1 Strength Point, leaving Hakal with 0 remaning)

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)


      Unable to handle the pain surging through his body like Tepok’s thunder Kuoteq’Eko’s grip on life began to falter. As the priest's eyes slowly closed, a void of darkness consuming him whilst visions of nightmarish images simultaneously wormed their way into his wavering mind; images of fallen sarus legions and burning cities crumbling under the weight of corruption had won the battle for dominance over his feeble mind. In those few moments before the Stone guardian's Halberd would flash down, Kuoteq witnessed a glimpse of the abyss, a shadow of what was and what inevitably will be...

      The Temple Guards approach only neared as Quas began to scream with all his might and fury whilst starting to charge in a fleeting attempt to prevent the saurian from ripping out the life from the priest.

      Bounding forward Quas Dived for the Stone guardian, Something, anything to stop Kuoteq’Eko being taken from him, and taken from this world.

      Seconds later the kroxigor crashed into the animated statue, his breath instantly stolen from him as he made impact with both hands outstretched for the guardian's hand and halberd. Within a flash Quas and the statue flew through the air upon the impact of the charge, As Both of them landed the sound Quas’s flesh ripping as one of his already injured hands was impaled through a large spike within the halberd joined with the noise of Cracking stone whilst the Golem’s Halberd shattered against the tiles.

      As Quas raise to his feet in a desperate struggle he could see his unarmed hand dripping with blood that coated the freshly inflicted wound before he turned his attention to the guardian standing in front of him, its merciless eyes and relentless face now partially caved in and sprawling with new cracks.

      With an unforgiving motion, the creature flung the broken halberd pole onto the tiles before it opened both its palms whilst simultaneously unlocking its gaping jaws revealing Razor-sharp claws and crammed rows of stinging teeth. During those moments as it readied to charge, Quas could've sworn he saw a slight grin on the constructs face, Its first and only sign of emotion. The fight was not over yet...


    Kuoteq’eko (M0 WS0 BS1 S0 T0 W0 I2 A0 Ld3) 0 skill points, 0 battle, 0 magic - UNCONSCIOUS


    Quas - (M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1 I0 A2 Ld 6) 1 Skill point, 1 battle, 0 strength


    Hakal - (M3 WS3 BS0 S3 T3 W2 I0 A2 Ld 6) 2 Skill points, 3 battle, 1 strength


    Tiqxoltiq - (M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5) 2 skill points, 3 battle, 4 magic


    Xlauax - (M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5.) 1 skill point, 0 battle, 0 blend
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2019
  5. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax sprints into the opening and starts shouting nonsense, his eyes still glowing with madness. He throws the skavenslave to the side, away from combat before pulling out his Vengeance. "Nice to s-see you again old f-friend. How have you b-been lately? Ahhh good! Very w-well then Vengeance I hope you can s-serve me w-well then!". After his crazed mutterings he loads a bolt and shoots it directly at the Stormvermin's head. (-1 Skill point). As the Lizardmen around him swarm upon the 5 slaves. After this he walks over to the Skavenslave he tied up and hoists the pitiful creature to it's feet.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Finding a large Vein Xolek grasps the fin and gently inserts the needle into the bloodstream, the sedative flowing freely in. A small struggle from the needle prick only lasts a few moments until the salamander begins to give in. Waiting a few minutes the Salamanders eyes begin to close and breathing slow as it begins to relax, Xolek begins to check over his things, retrieving his pipe, that was thankfully in a water tight pouch and lights what was left of any plant material.

    Looking now at Xahanol the Oracle ponders the question, "I am not totally sure, I will need to speak to the head of the camp about keeping such a creature around I am sure. I'm sure it could be useful, training will be difficult. We will need a holding pen and a training area, we we do we should build it near the swamp and away from the camp and ruins. Perhaps I should return to camp and enlist some help, are you able to stay here and make sure nothing eats it while it is sedated?" the oracles eyes peering into the other skinks eyes

    "Perhaps I am destined to stay...Perhaps..." the words trail off from the Oracles lips
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2019
    Sevesh, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 4 others like this.
  7. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Snarling with anger, Hakal grabbed the boulder and threw it across, the mass of rock arching its way through the darkness...
    Sevesh, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Laughs at the Stormvermin. "Finally, someone worthy of my toxins! But first, let us get rid of that armor, shall we?" *Casts Plague of Rust on the Stormvermin* Gesturing to Hakal, he motions to the Stormvermin. "Be careful, my friend, but strike hard."
    Sevesh, bOdziO Wolf, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  9. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    The Kroxigor fortified his pose, his fiery yellow-orange eyes meeting the cold glare of the Saurus statue before him. At the blink of an eye both beasts darted towards each other. Hands met hands. Feet and tails hit the ground securing both Lizardmen in a wrestle duel. Claws screeched the rocks as Quas made use of his posture and strength and Temple Guard of his resilience and tirelessness...
  10. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol nodded sagely in response. Indeed, taking care for a creature of this size and danger would take some hard work for all involved. "Yes..We should speak with the elders. There was commotion earlier, much noise, many excited yells. Maybe they went to the excavation site? That's the only thing I can think of that would stir them like such." They drummed their hand on the vial of sedative nervously, anxious in a way about the large beast, even as they watch the sedative being administered. A brush with death so close is not easily forgotten!

    "I would be glad to stay with the beast, no worries there. Who knows, we may get another catch today."
    They end this with a clicking hissing equivalent of a laugh.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Smiling Awkwardly, as he always does, Xolek laughs along and then with what sounded like clicks and other throat noises responds, "Perhaps! Maybe you will find more frogs...I wonder if we could harness the saliva of the salamander somehow" thoughts of flaming corrosive Javelins pierced his mind

    "I will return with help, you be watchful, large predators lurk about I am sure."

    Xolek begins to walk towards the camp, a very faint noise in the stone being broken can be heard
  12. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol clicks thoughtfully at that. Indeed, flaming weapons could be quite useful in many situations. They would settle in what undergrowth they could find to hide themselves to keep an eye on their prize..and think on the possible uses of Salamander saliva. Many tests to do in the future!
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Quas’s Nose flared with fury, The light in his eyes danced and his muscles burned with searing heat.

    The Temple Guard Golem’s face remained unblinking, its eyes emotionless and its stone limbs were chilled by an icy breeze.

    Quas’s Claws dug into the stone, creating small cracks and chips, whilst the guardian's Talons bored into flesh, birthing new wounds and gashes. Here the two warriors, the two protectors faced each other for what seemed an eternity. Both desperately restraining each other in a battle of attrition. Yet only one of them tiered, Quas had to make a move before his muscles would inevitably falter….

    With a final surge of vigour, the hulking kroxigor pushed forward with all his strength in an attempt to throw the stone guardian from the cliff face (-1 Battle point, Leaving Quas with 0 remaining). After barely lifting from the air, the statue spiralled forward its sharpened claws screeching as they drifted across the floor sending sparks flying.

    Within seconds the construct was spiralling forward, turning into a storm of limbs as it was consumed by the abyss. Its stone body cracking and grating against the cliffside as it tumbled into the gloom.

    Upon seeing the harrowing creature finally disappear Quas knelt down, drawing in long breaths as he managed to smile. Kuoteq Would live, He would live….

    But alas, the fight was still not over. A large and battered stone claw suddenly appeared reaching from the darkness. After latching onto the tiled flaw the whole golem hauled itself back upwards its once intricate features were now shattered and broken, one of its arms torn off and its face sheared flat leaving more of a walking boulder than a statue. When would these walking stones finally fail?

    Upon seeing the dreadful statue reemerge and still living An animalistic savagery overtook his mind, numbing all thoughts and pain before his limbs launched him forward in a charge.

    The kroxigors blood rushed around his body and his heart raced as he impacted with ferocity unmatched and Ashax’s rage made manifest.

    Slamming into the golem for a second time huge drops of spit and blood paired with chunks of stone and dust scattered through the air. The force of the collision was so great that it sent the golem plummet down into the dark for a second and final time, whilst also making Quas desperately scramble in a successful attempt at trying to keep his balance and allowing him to barely avoid getting thrown to join the creature by his own momentum.

    After further securing himself on the edge Quas looked down into the ravine with a frenzied gaze, before he spat as a final message to the stone guardians. His bloodied and thick saliva now also sinking down in pursuit where it would hopefully land on one of their crushed bodies.

    Now having used his last reserves of energy Quas could do no more than collapse into a heap of steaming flesh and muscle, He had done it…(+2 Exhausted traits,Leaving Quas’s Stats at - (M1 WS1 BS0 S2 T2 W1 I0 A1 Ld 4) 1 Skill point, 0 battle, 0 strength)


    Xlauax Gently stroked Vengeance, its cool and smooth side of the weapon pressing up against his hand as he loaded in a sharp bolt whilst simultaneously aiming the weapon at the stormvermin’s head.

    But before letting loose a shot, Tiqxoltiq to his side closed his eyes for a few brief seconds, raising his staff into the air before calling to the winds of magic in a series of rapid chants.

    Soon the ancient and saturated air began to yield more and more, causing the now visible streams of magic to swirl above in a concentrated vapour. Now enough raw magic had been gathered, Tik shouted out the last word of the incantation whilst throwing out his hand, his staff stretching out to point at the Skaven with an accusatory glare. (-3 Magic points, Leaving Tiqxoltiq with 1 remaining)

    With a bright flash, the whole chamber illuminated for a fraction of a second whilst the air suddenly became scorching hot, Increasingly dry and incredibly heavy and thick. During the following moments, the air began to swirl around the band of Skaven as they charged down the passageway. Now engulfed in the magic-infused air the stormvermin’s armour seemed to disintegrate into choking dust that was swept away on the lightest breeze, whilst the many chains and locks that secured the Skaven slaves flaked away, withering and decaying into nothing within seconds.

    Now that the stormvermin was stripped of its defence Xlauax finally let the bolt loose, its sharp head slicing through the thick rusting fog within the blink of an eye. (-1 Skill point, Leaving Xlauax with 0 remaining)

    Unable to react the petrified stormvermin was struck in between the eyes, the arrow piercing through into its skull and feeble brain, killing it in a fraction of a second.

    Upon seeing their master and enslaver becoming killed and their hateful shackles and chains destroyed the small line of Skaven slaves began to bolt in random directions as the musk of fear surrounded them.

    During the retreat Hakal clasped a huge boulder from the pile that was blocking the passage to side, (-1 Strength point, leaving Hakal with 0 remaining) Allowing him to gain a deadly missile whilst simultaneously helping to partially reopen the collapse.

    Swinging his hand back the kroxigor let the boulder loose with all his force after shouting to the skinks that surrounded him. Violently the rock ripped through the air, howling as it rolled into the fleeing slaves causing a path of sheer devastation. Limbs separated, blood flying and whole Skaven crushed in its wake as it landed in an explosion of sharp shrapnel shards that dug their way into the flesh of any who managed to dodge the initial impact, impeding their escape.

    Now having finished the bulk of the incoming enemies, Hakal and the others charged forward, crushing the bodies underfoot and claw as they easily caught up with the malnourished and bleeding slave survivor…


    Suddenly quas’s Thoughts sparked back into action, Kuoteq was still unconscious and undoubtedly still in huge pain, He needed help. Exhausted and weak Quas pushed onto his feet to approach the priest, praying to the old ones that he was still holding on..

    Looking over the Priests shattered body Quas could see many tiny dust-coated wounds and gashes. After quickly studying the skink he reached out and placed a large hand on the priests body, Quas could feel the faint rising and falling of breath as well as a weak and uneven beat.

    Now turning his attention to the skinks mangled arm that was trapped in between the chamber wall and one of the guardian's shields Quas stepped back to slowly release the shield from the wall with his last residues of strength.

    As the shield was removed, Kuoteq’Eko’s Arm was revealed, it was coated in blood, disfigured and limp. An injury that would take more than mere days to heal….


    Kuoteq’eko could feel a pulsing pain run left arm whilst the noises around him becoming clearer and louder with every passing minute.

    Eventually, he could begin to hear the soothing gush of water within the cave, his senses slowly returning to him he could also feel the cold stone he was lying on, but also the heat and warmth emanating from the large kroxigor lent down beside him.

    Now opening his eyes, Kuoteq could make out the shapes of the battleground in front of him, broken stone bodies and small pools of blood gleaming in the dim light. As he turned to his side the priest could also see Quas’s friendly eyes watching over him as he recovered.

    Upon seeing Kuoteq attempting to get up and walk Quas quickly rose, supporting his frail body and mangled arm with care.

    Wishing to see the rest of the chamber now the combat was over, Kuoteq shuffled closer to the dead slann with Quas’s help. The priest strained his inquisitive eyes and focused his still blurry vision on the golden plaque clasped within the Mummified slann’s hands.

    The plaque is Engraved with large sprawling characters and symbols that seem to form some kind of message, only scarce characters and digits are recognisable by the skink as he looks closer, the rest either too worn away or indecipherable seemingly written in a far older and more ancient form of the saurian language.

    Ti=e -=/=-// /== before =-//,

    No-hing / =--// -=-//= ==--/,

    =///--=-///=- father =--/ =//= my/tery

    He c-=/rols ==/=--//=- /=--= , --=/ =/-==/ =- -//

    -=/---//== /=--//- guar/d-ans ==--/--

    =--==/=- =/=-/ --/-= we-ave ==-//= -

    ===/= =/ =- -==/=/=- /=---/= / spir=its --/ living -=

    -=/ =-==/==/- /=- -aste/rs - thir- ==/--

    =- ==//=t times -=/-= ma=-= =-= -=- -=/-- /-

    -I-=-=--/-=- for=ot-en

    N-=/ /-= /=-=/== - pr=t/ct /--=/- s=o/=ry

    =-/-- - dr/wn =- =--- -/--=

    Buri-= -=-/ --/= -=--=/- -=/- /o-/

    -= -//=-=/=- /=- /=--==/- /-=-

    -=/-= -=- = -=-/ =-org-=/en -= /- /=-==/ /=- -=/- /=- - j=de -==/- =/-== --=/-=

    /=-=/= /==-- /=-=/ = -==/-- /=--== = chaos

    =-/= =//--=/== /=-/=

    Encrusted at the very top of the plaque is a huge crystalline eye, its pupil but a slit of black diamond within an iris of pure translucent green mottled with specks of emerald green and sparkling tourmaline blue. The material inside the eye seems to swirl and slowly undulate with a magical power that rhythmically pulses from the pupil. As the pair’s eyes gravitate towards the hypnotic eye encompassed by strips of jade the room suddenly shakes, causing Kutoeq’eko and Quas to look around in alarm only to see the defeated obsidian vault door behind them slowly receding back once again opening up the passage...

    Now reconnected to the rest of the tunnels and chambers, both Kuoteq and Quas turn their gaze back around over to the hoard of lesser plaques, golden trinkets and valuables stacked high all around. their eyes sparkle as they spot more and more enigmatic and magical items smiling from within the pile whilst they shout out to the rest of the group, hoping their voices will be carried through the still air...

    Item: Scorpion Shield - (Weight: Extremely Heavy)
    Description: This towering shield has been constructed from many overlapping chitin plates coloured in a resounding black-brown. Firmly secured in the centre of the shield is a large jade scorpion with its stinger poised to strike outwards allowing this shield to also function as a deadly weapon when called for.
    - +10% Chance of deflecting most forms of forward-facing attack
    - Increase Toughness stat by 1 for the wielder
    - Decrease Speed stat by 1 for the wielder
    - 30% Chance to provide the user with an additional battle point at the start of the combat.


    Consumable: 2x Ixti Grubs
    Description: These Huge grubs are bloated with raw magical energy siphoned from the ground itself over their millennia-long lifetime, known as a favourite snack to the Slann themselves. Stored in a small gourd the dried bodies of these grubs infuse the gathered magic energy straight into the digester, however, they are known to cause unintended effects such as strong hallucinations or magic-induced visions.
    - 80% Chance of regenerating An additional Magic point to the consumer (1)
    - If the previous 80% Was Successful, The grub will then have 50% Chance to regenerate an additional magic point (2)
    - If the starting 80% AND the previous 50% were successful, The grub will then have a 30% Chance to regenerate an additional magic point (3)
    - If the starting 80%, the second 50% were successful AND the previous 30% Were successful The grub will then have a 10% Chance to regenerate an additional magic point (4)
    - Ixti grubs are known to have strong hallucinogenic properties, Decreasing accuracy by up to 50% and temporarily reducing all skill and battle points by -1.


    Item: Coatl Feather Cloak: (Weight: Impossibly Light)
    Description: This huge draping cloak is woven with many huge Coatl feathers that mirror light in stunning rays of colour. Blazing Crimsons like Ashax’s Fury within the Spitting serpent. Luminous Amber’s like Chotec’s Rage rising above the Clauachan plains. Golden Gleaming Emerald’s Like Amyra’s Care over huge jungle trees and their many avarice leaves. Swirling Ceruleans like Tzunki’s Aquamarine water that pools within salamander bay.

    Being born from a coatl, A magic serpent of immense size and strength, The feathers on this cloak have innate magical abilities and by extension provide the wearer with but a fraction of the coal’s magic prowess.

    Furthermore, Coatl Feathers are seemingly weightless whilst simultaneously being extremely aerodynamic and infused with raw magic, Allowing in the wearer to soar and glide, slitting through the air with speed.
    - Increase Speed stat by 2 for the wearer.
    - Makes the wearer Immune to all forms of fall damage, and allows them to glide over small distances.
    - The wearer of the Coatl feather cloak gains a MAGIC UPGRADE POINT (This can be spent on upgrading or learning additional spells.
    MAGIC POINT, Coatl Feather Cloak - Xolek-Zi (Lore of Sotek)
    Options: (Choose one)

    UPGRADE - Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 2-4 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding. (Upgrade from 1-3 Snakes to 2-4)

    NEW SPELL -Serpents Reclamation (2 Magic points) This spell causes the caster to be infused with new vigour, small wounds knit back together and pain withdraws. as if they are a snake shedding their skin, and re-birthing a new. This results in the caster healing 1 wound. (20% chance of failure) and a low chance of regaining a battle point. (60% chance of failure)

    NEW SPELL - Summon Razordon (3 Magic points) This spell will Summon a mystical razordon formed as a phantom of light out of a swirling mist. The razordon will last for 3 Minutes. 10% Miscast Chance.

    MAGIC POINT, Coatl Feather Cloak - Kuoteq’ecko (Lore of Priests/Heavens)
    Options: (Choose one)

    UPGRADE - Bolt of Tepok's Thunder (2 Magic points) This spell will cause a series of 0-3 roaring thunderbolts to strike down upon any foe within sight. (Upgrade, increased amount of bolts per strike from 1, to 0-3)

    UPGRADE - Apotheosis (3 magic points) This spell can heal any ally within 100 meters by three wounds. A swirling mist of azure energy wraps around the target, their wounds healing and vigour restored - 5% Mistcast chance. (Upgrade, reduces miscast chance by 5%, Adds an additional wound healed. )

    NEW SPELL - Wind Blast (1 Magic point) A strong gust of magic wind to blow forth from the caster’s weapon, knocking down enemies within a medium range with extreme force and raw power.

    MAGIC POINT, Coatl Feather - Tiqxoltiq (Lore of Metal)
    Options: (Choose one)

    UPGRADE - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for 90 seconds , allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect. (Upgrade changes duration from 1 minute to 90 seconds.)

    UPGRADE -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw Three floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies (Upgrade increases metal knives from two to three)

    NEW SPELL - Transformation of lead (4 Magic points) This spell will make all metal weapons wielded by enemies within a 20-meter radius of the caster to become extremely heavy, cumbersome, and almost impossible to wield in battle.


    Item: Bracelet of vitality
    Description: Crafted from many smoothed obsidian beads inscribed with sigils of protection laced in with jade pearls inscribed with wards of vigour and stamina, This bracelet is said to infuse the bearer with unnatural energy that allows them to stain injuries and wounds that would normally outright kill, whilst simultaneously providing them with unending endurance and vitality.
    - Increase Max wound stat by 1 for the wearer.
    - Immune to Fatigue


    Currency: 4x Golden Coins

    Description: These ancient golden coins are Engraved with the detailed picture of a serpent, Its eye carefully crafted from a small orb of amber topaz. These coins are sure to fetch a high price on markets both far and near, Valued by both the lesser races and lizardmen crafters, artisans and merchants alike.


    [! These items should be distributed throughout the party accordingly, Dispute and decide amongst you who should have what, and why they should have it !]

    [Sorry about the buggy double 'Spoilers' But its the best I can manage to do because they keep on doubling for some strange reason.]
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax begins laughing maniacally at the dead Stormvermin. He looks over to Tiqxol'tiq with a crazed expression as he drags the slave up. "P-priest I discovered s-Skaven below the ruins. We must t-take action. But for now I m-must rest. I will use that time to interrogate this s-slave and find out what he k-knows. But first I will report in to the S-Starseer.". Finally walking away from Tiq Xlauax seems to grow less tense the farther away he gets. He then heads towards the caves exit.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Scowling at the corpses by his feet, Tik motions to Hakal with one taloned claw. "Much as I hate to do this, I think we had better inspect the tunnel our scout was using and place it under guard until we can get some fresh warriors gathered together. Where there is one of the cursed rat-kin, there is likely to be a great many more!" Calling out quick orders to a few of the skinks nearby, Tiqxoltiq requests that they track down a pair of saurus (if available) to stand guard in the passage. While the skinks are locating fresh warriors, he checks down the tunnel to make certain another group of Skaven aren't about to boil up out of the tunnel and attack...
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    After a long travel back to the camp Xlauax finally is able to meet with the Starseer. As he enters the tent he seems to regain confidence and says "We encountered Skaven in the ruins. I captured this slave to try and interrogate it. Unfortunately I have no way to speak to it. Do you have anything that could help?". After this he waited for a response, the Skaven cowering at his feet. It felt good to be reporting in to the higher ups again. He knew what his duty was again. Gather the info, bring it back. A nice luxurious life.
  17. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    As Quick as he could Kuoteq'eko grabbed the cloak wrapped his Staff it. Then he took the coins and Put emm in his bags together with the Itzi grubs. He shouted to Quas to guard the brace let and the shield until he would get the others here and the starseer be informed.Then he ran over to the vault Door and thruogh it, alongside the apyss Tunnel and After some minutes he finally came to the exit. The Pain in his one arm became almost overwhelming but he could shout to the others :"We found a chamber inside!" Then he had to sit down and gather his strength anew to explain and guide the others.......
  18. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal nodded and prowled forth into the darkness with skinks and a couple of saurus in tow. Upon stomping some more, the hulking kroxigor found a stairway that lead down into an abyss of nothingness. Each heavy step of his made the stairway creak and stutter as Hakal and the small retinue of lizards winded down.

    The darkness encapsulated the kroxigor so much so, his heart thumped faster with every step. It was only the flame's flicker from his torch that sedated his worried senses.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Trusting the rest of the group to finish off the remaining Skaven and continue the explorations, Xlauax started to make his way back up the winding tunnels and passageways towards the surface. The bound slave behind him, its flailing and desperate shivering replaced with petrified silence and blank shivering as it tried to accept its fate.

    Eventually Xlauax reached the unblocked entrance, huge streams of blinding light flooding in, the dazzling light causing his eyes to sting and watered as they adjusted.

    Now clambering out from the labyrinth of tunnels and maze of chambers the chameleon could once again feel the warmth of the sun on his back and almost taste the freedom of fresh air as the wind licked past. A feeling all too similar to him, one of victories, one of revenge.

    Infused with fleeting and uneven bursts of energy that reflected his own fractured intellect whilst he made his way from the basking rubble littered plaza and into the forlorn ruins, the weathered buildings draped in jungle growth, covered in the patina of centuries and partially eroded away by time as he weaved his way through them with ease, precisely following the route back to camp with an unnatural precision and accuracy, another unnoticeable echo from his past as a scoutmaster…

    Now within the camp, many skinks and kroxigors quickly glanced in his direction and at the captive bound skaven he trailed behind him with inquisitive glances whilst the chameleon weaved his way through the huts. Ignoring the many pairs of eyes that set upon him, Xlauax continued straight for Izqux’s tent, he had to alert him of the skaven presence...


    His breaths deep and rapid, his muscles still burning Hakal looks upon the devastation he had caused, the stench of freshly spilt blood wafted in the still air, sending tingles down his spine as his eyes were drawn to the piles of broken bodies, showered in chunks of sharp stone… Hakal hated death, In fact, Hakal despised it ever since… Ever since…….

    Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, Hakal stepped further forward to inspect the only surviving slave, now cowering amongst the pooling blood. But as he approached the air was suddenly echoing with the sound of rushed chittering voices. Upon hearing them Hakal’s sorrowful face turned to alarm as he gripped his weapon tighter, anticipating another band of approaching Skaven.

    But as the echoing voices came closer, they seemed to merge into a single struggling voice, becoming clearer and louder. They were not at all from Skaven, but from a skink, A wounded skink. “W-w-We Foun another chamber-r., We N-eed help’ The words emanated from the darkness, bouncing around the tunnel before now also finding their way into Tik and the excavator's ears.

    Now all also alerted, Tik ordered one of the skinks to stay put and watch over the dead and dying Skaven whilst calling the other and Hakal to follow him as he brushed past the kroxigor and entered into the tunnel with haste.

    As Tik and the group made their way into the passage the voices became more intense until Kuoteq’eko’s Figure was eventually revealed, half leaning against the wall and shivering in the cold cave air, the warm glow of torchlight illuminated the skink's battered body that was covered in scrapes and small wounds. “I, W-e need help:” Kuoteq whispered in a faint voice, unable to gather enough strength to fully finish his sentence.

    The blood that plastered the priest's limp left arm reflected the torches dancing flames as Hakal shot forward upon seeing his wounded ally. without saying a word the kroxigor quickly grabbed the groaning priest in both of his huge hands, both of the skink's arms dangling down, one of them releasing his staff that was now wrapped in a strange blanket of feathers to slowly glide onto the ground.

    Ignoring the staff Hakal carefully brought the priest closer to Tiqxoltiq, Cradling him like a child. ‘Who.. Who did this to you” Tik spoke in slow surprised words, Kuoteq only able to answer in mumblings or fleeting words as he tensed his face, pain surging through him “S-stone guardians.. Protect vault…Quas..”.

    Taking control of the situation, Tik quickly turned to his side, Telling the other skink to get help from the camp, and get it fast. After little more than a glace from Tik the skink turned around and began to sprint backwards through the tunnel to join the other skink ordered with finding saurus and alerting the starseer on the surface with urgency...


    Xahanol sits thoughtfully at the salamanders side, one hand gently gliding along it moist leathery skin and the other slowly picking up small handfuls of the dirty swamp sand, letting the grains slowly cascade into small piles as he thinks about how to control such a beast, and what uses it could have…


    Meanwhile, Xolek ambles through the camp leaving a small trail of calming smoke and rapturous vapours behind as he makes his through the maze of huts, fires and small bands of skinks excitedly rushing here and there. The noises of simmering food, chirping of skinks and chopping of wood are all underlined by the echoing of excavation work and ruin exploration mix in with the late afternoon jungle chorus.

    Eventually, Xolek makes his way to Izqux’s tent that was separated from the bulk of the camp, trying to restrain his curiosity at the frantic movements and exciting voices of skinks as they ran towards the ruins, it seemed some form of news had been revealed, stirring up the normally relaxed atmosphere.

    As Xolek approached the large cerulean tent, He could see Qelionxi, The star seers temple warden standing deathly still, his menacing gaze staring out onto the Oracle, awaiting his actions.

    Ignoring Qelionxi’s looming watch Xolek continued forward ready to enter into the tent, the many draping tassels and ribbons that formed the door gently swaying, beckoning him to come in. But before Xo could make his way inside, the unmoving warden to his side suddenly sparked into action, the many charms dangling from his arms and huge scale formed shield whirled a storm as the saurus brought down his huge ceremonial club to block the entrance. Now denying the oracle from entering with a wall of sharp blood metal and shaped bone spikes Qelionxi turned his head to look at the skink, his eyes saying more than words whilst they drifted down to his belt that contained his ceremonial dagger and makeshift whip.
    Undazed, xolek understood what he was being demanded to do: swiftly he unclipped his trusted weapons and handed them over before offering the temple gaud a small puff from his pipe, crammed full with calming herbs and soothing Sotek spices. “You should really relax a bit, y’know chill out every now and then.”

    Expectedly, the saurian ignored the offer before barking back a single order “Wait.”, his halberd unmoving.

    Slightly taken aback Xo did as he was commanded, stepping back to sit down on a small mound of grass, encased in a light cloud of calming smoke.

    Now sitting still and quiet, he could start to pick up ono the muttering of muted voices conversing from within the tent.


    Listening to the Starseer’s orders, Xlauax quickly took a seat upon a smooth stone bench, twitching slightly as , memories of bringing back evidence and scouting for Tlaxtlan try to push their way into his mind.

    “Yes, Yes Qelionxi is very serious about his work, thats all. He doesn't mean to threaten of scare you...” Izqux gestured towards the warden who was now leaving the tent after tying up the slave with even more chains and ropes….

    “Before I talk further, You must know something young one” The ancient skink moved forward and placed a shaking and frail hand on the chameleons scarred shoulder, “Do not let the past haunt you, Seek your revenge if you must, but do not dwell on what Tepok has weaved for you. Let your restless mind be at peace and heal, Reside in the future for Yuxa lays down many paths before you...”

    The soothing words slowly melted away as Izqux once again spoke up “But as for the situation at hand, I will alert our Saurus who will undoubtedly rid the tunnels and chambers of these pests who seek to corrupt and steal what is not theirs. Oh yes, and this... ” The starseer reaches into a pouch that lines his feathered gown, before he pulls out a small crystal that seems to glow and bend the light around it.

    “Hold this before you speak to the vermin” Izqux Croaks, opening Xlauax’s palm and placing the crystal inside the chameleons hand before the skink slowly closes his eyes and begins to chant “Axua Ashundi Xa Leindisqua Hiqshun” The words seem to almost seek out the slave bound in the corner, a light glow surrounding the vile creature.

    “Now, Be on your way child, report back to me if necessary.” Xlauax nervously bows his head trying to show respect before grabbing the slave and exiting the tent.


    Xolek suddenly feels a strange sensation in his chest before Xlauax calmly walks from the tent, a small and malnourished Skaven slave bound in chains and rope behind him.

    Before Xolek even has time to react to the situation, A fury burns inside him causing is mouth to froth with anger as his fiery eyes look down onto the feeble rat.
  20. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Exhaustion slowly replaced the fury when the end of the battle finally reached Quas' mind. He barely registered the command of his Skink priest supervisor and took a look on the shiny looking bracelet and gazed on its beauty. Still looking at his shiny new toy he sat clumsily on the ground leaning his back against the shield. No much longer after that his eyes shut down on its own, his presence only noted by the loud snoring coming from the chamber.

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