Two weeks ago I decided to start playing Warhammer, since there is a small regular gaming group at my university. I have dabbled in wargaming before, but found it rather difficult to find other players. I've just finished my first skink (emphasis on "finished", since I have started to paint a few before, only to realise I didn't like their colour scheme and start again). At the moment I'm painting another five skinks (between 20 and 30 are the first goal), so I hope i can upload the first unit of skirmishers soon. P.S.: Why Raving Rabbits? Centzon Totochtin (meaning "four-hundred rabbits") was a group of divine entities in Aztec religion, basically they were the gods of parties and drunkenness
Me thinks you have some painting experience. I normally don't like orange skink paint schemes, but this skink is clearly superb. I would say don't waste your time on individual skinks, start with a bigger showpiece like a stegadon. You clearly are awesome and you could sell a stegadon painted to this standard for quite a bit of money. That being said I bet this sucker took you a while to paint, and if you put this much work into each skink you may never finish an army that has 70+ models.
That. Looks. Amazing. Good Work! That is really good for your first "finished" model. Keep it up. I want to see your saurus!
@Skrox: You are right, I do have a few years of painting experience (although the little skink is probably my favourite model so far). For the skin I basically followed along a tutorial on nonhuman skin at You are also right in that it took me horribly long to paint, I hope however to decrease the time by painting several models parallel, as well as now knowing in advance what I'm doing. @Benjiac: Yeah, first I tried green skinks with red scales (quite a contrast, let me tell you ) but it didn't work out. @Great Lord Tlanxla: As I said above, it's the first finished skink, not model (I may have phrased that ambiguously in my opening statement). The saurus are in the mail, as well as cavalry and more skinks. Overall, thank you for your compliments.
Wow, now that is a very high standard for a skink. I like the orange skin and the white jaw with the ashy scales... but for some reason the purple accents seem to clash...
He looks awesome, really great work! I like the effect of a paler colour at the knees and elbows, and really like the wood areas. Only bit that seems a touch lacking is the gold... Not sure if it just didn't come out well in the photo.
man these are AWSOME!!! they are exactly the colour that i would like to paint my army! please tell me what colours did you use for base coat, highlihting jaw/belly? please please!
WOW!!! REALLY REALLY NICE!!!! However I do have to agree that it would take you years to finish an army to that standard. I also had to come to the realisation that if I took two months over every five-man-unit they would look beautiful, but the rest of the army would be black. Cant wait to see your other models! Bez
@Walgis: Ok, let's hope I remember everything correctly. All colours are thinned with water, dipping the brush one to three times into the water per brushload of paint. GW=Citadel/Games Workshop, VMC=Vallejo Model Color, VGC=Vallejo Game Color. As primer I used The Army Painter's Uniform Grey Basecoat. Only when spraying I realised how hard it is to judge the amount of grey primer on grey plastic. This was probably not the prime example of me ahering to common sense The basecoat (except jaw/belly) is GW Blazing Orange. I applied shadows with a mixture of GW Scorched Brown and GW Blazing Orange, then cleaned up mistakes with GW Blazing Orange. The middle layer was VGC Orange Fire. The yellowish part of the skin is VGC Orange Fire mixed with GW Bleached Bone. I did the highlights on elbows, knees etc with a mixture of VGC Orange Fire and VMC Offwhite. To light the most protruding parts up a bit more, use the tiniest amount of VMC Offwhite. Jaw/ Belly: Basecoat is GW Graveyard Earth. I applied layers of GW Bleached Bone and VMC Offwhite. I may have used a mixture of Bleached Bone and a browntone somewhere after the basecoat (I did so on the crest, but I'm not sure of the rest of the skin). Where those two areas blend into each other I used the VGC Orange Fire / GW Bleached Bone mix. As I said above, there is a great tutorial over at explaining the several steps. @strewart No, it isn't just the photo. I don't like the gold, but thankfully it's in a very small area, so it doesn't show too much in reality. I'll have to do a few experiments on the metallics.
Great model!!! I really like it, it's different, it looks good and it's amazingly well painted. Congrats and keep us updated with more!
Great scheme and amazing paint job. I wish I had the patience to do so much detail on a single skink. Having to do 30 to that quality would melt my mind, and I totally envy you for that.
Awesome work! The body is absolutely fantastic in both depth and choices of color, its just the purple bit i think stands out too much. A company of these will be stunning, i think!