Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax pondered the Starseer's words. Perhaps he should try to leave some of his past anger behind him. After all, there was no way his brethren could have known he was alive. But yet somehow Everytime he was around another Lizardmen he froze and grew awkward. Thousands of emotions would swarm through his head like a flock of angry terradons fighting over a worm. Tiqxol'tiq seemed fairly calm and Xlauax didn't mind working with him. Maybe he should try to talk to him sometime. Who knew, one day Tiq could be a Starseer himself. The thought seemed to drift off as Xlauax remembered the events at the moment and he pulled the small glowing stone from his pouch at his side, which contained a few small items such as bits of jade he had found in the ruins. Xlauax pulled the stone out and approached the slave. Holding it up to the slave he heard the frantic screeching and chirping slowly turn into legible words. "Screech! Hiss! Screelp! Help! Please merciful masters! Don't kill slay me?!?!?". Xlauax smiled as he responded "Well that depends entirely on you rat.". The slave was taken aback hearing Xlauax speak his language. "You... You can speak talk to me?". Yes I can but you better start saying some things I want to know. WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS HERE! Tell me swiftly unless you want to become aquainted with my personal friend Pain.". Xlauax held up the Dark Elven dagger as it gleamed in the sunlight. A cold grin spread across his scarred face. Ahhhh this is the life.
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    [Me and bOdziO wolf were discussing things, And I just want to remind everyone that your characters do not currently know the properties or effects of the items, as well as not treating them as their own. Before they can really 'Claim' Anything they would have to speak to the starseer who is most likely going to be alerted of the vault very soon.]
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    The Oracles Eyes Burn a Bright Orange-Red, becoming brighter as the moments passed until a bright red they burned like the Red Crested Skinks of the Cult of Sotek. Dropping his pipe to the ground Xolek puts one step forward, then another and another until reaching down and picking up a sharp stick. The oracle darts forward with speed not even realizing that the Chameleon skink infront of him is communicating with the ratkin slave.


    Using his forked tail Xolek-Zi grabbed the hand that held the dagger pushing it away and in the same motion put the stick right up to the jugular of the slave. Not piercing flesh but putting enough pressure on the artery that a single movement could puncture through, the Oracle focused on the withered figure infront of him.

    "Filth, the most unclean of all races, this Xa'Kota is worthy of nothing less than being a Qu'itt to Sotek!" Eyes Still Ablaze, now a light magical mist of sorts surrounding the Oracle, small snakes are noticeable around the feet, slithering on the slave.

    The moment of rage seemed to pass as the unnoticeable became clear in mind, turning to Xlauax

    "Were you just speaking to it?" The sharp stick still on the neck of the skaven, the magical energies around the Oracle dissipating. The Oracle totally oblivious this whole time to anything going on around him slowly begins to regain his calm....
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax is quickly interrupted by Xolek forcing a stick to the slaves throat. He uses his sword to slice the stick in half before yelling "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I am tr-trying to do an in-investigstion. I am f-figuring out what the sk-skavens business is h-here.". Xlauax seems to start packing nervously and rubbing his hands together frantically. His eye burning into Xolek with a gaze of fire. Suddenly Xlauax's voice seems to change and grow bolder as he says "I suggest you leave me to my investigation. I have important work to do.". After this Xlauax grabs his sword and lays it to heat up in the fire. A terrifying craze in his eyes.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Jumping back Xolek turns to meet the gaze of the chameleon, surprised at his speed. Seeing his weapons in the seemingly unmoving guards grasp the Oracle makes a non aggressive gesture with his crest

    "You speak with this...this Nka (captive)?" In a low croaking like voice, calming his heart. "Investigation?" The Oracle now walking back to where his pipe fell from his mouth, its contents fallen out. With a long sigh Xolek retrieves what he can of the herb from the ground and repacks it, and retrieves a little more from his pouch, though he notices it finally getting low.

    "I need speak to High Priest...however...I would like to see you do your....investigation...." the Oracles gaze friendlier now, taking a large hit from his pipe. In the shape of a great twin tailed serpent, the mouth of the pipe lighting up like purple fire...he offers it to the Chameleon with a awkward smile
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax asseses the skink coldly. His gaze like daggers against Xolek's throat. "I g-guesd you could ob-observe. But I d-do not want your p-pipe.". Xlauax then awkwardly moves his gaze from Xolek to the slave still seeming odd at Xolek's presence. Slowly he starts to get back to his routine of asking the slave about it's leaders and it's plans. Xolek notices that with a small crystal in his hand Xlauax's voice changes to the skaven language as he speaks. Each word comes out normal but then echoes back in the language of the Skaven. Xlauax makes sure to let the Slave see his sword getting heated up to extreme temperatures nearby. A cold grin spread across his face as he stares into the fire. He knows he just needs to wait until this slave breaks.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Swearing softly, Tiqxoltiq carefully inspects the damage to Kuoteq'eko's body, especially his arm. "Tcah," he muttered, the sharp scolding sound echoing through the tunnels like a hammer striking stone, "this is not good. Hakal, can you hold him steady?" Dipping into his pouches, he pulls out some clean linen and binds the damaged arm as best as he can, dosing the priest up on a special tincture made from little red flowers he knows about (Tincture of Poppy will knock him out cold while Tik works, keeping him from thrashing around while his arm is reset - it is probably broken and will need to be set back into place as quickly as possible to keep further damage from setting in). "We need to get him to the surface as carefully as possible," he begins, but pauses. "Wait, he said we, didn't he? Who else was in here with him?" Asking around, he finds out that Quas is nearby. He bids Hakal to stay where he is and lopes off down the corridor to find the other kroxigor. Quas is in better shape than Kuoteq, but not much better. "Oh, this is very not good. Quas, can you hear me?" Replacement guards arrive moments later. Commandeering two of them, they manage to rig up a travois strong enough for a kroxigor and start hauling Quas to the surface. As others enter the chambers, Tiqxoltiq takes a look around, saddened by the withered beauty of his surroundings, then shakes his head. "Later. Perhaps they will let me examine this chamber in more detail later." Stepping back into the tunnels, he strides up to Hakal and checks on Kuoteq. "He and Quas both need medical attention. This is a direct order, Hakal, I want you to carry Kuoteq, as carefully and gently as you can - and I know you can carry him with incredible care - to the surface, to the tent we set up for the injured. I am going on ahead to get my herbs and potions ready. Powder-of-mold, yes, I will need a lot of that, and some pulque..."
  8. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal held the small skink priest tightly, but with careful strength. He proceeded past lizards and their torches lighting up the darkness that was once so oppressive in this place. Once outside, his eyes winced in pain as the sun's shine glared down upon him. His senses washed and confused as the winds breezed them away.

    Hakal made his way to the camp, taking in the freedom that has gusted about him now.
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Glancing behind Hakal quickly checked the Quas was following behind and keeping up, a tiny trail of blood speckling the floor behind as they left the excavation site.

    Now feeling Kuoteq’eko’s pulse become everso slower, and his breath becoming shallower Hakal’s jog turned into a run as he pushed the thoughts of another skink dying in his hands from his mind, he tried to recall the directions to the medical hut

    Soon He began to enter the camp, the crumbling stone of ancient ruins turning into a sprawl of small thatch huts as he rushed past groups of skinks, their eyes following him with dismay and worried glances, some even following to help treat both the skink in Hakals hands and the wounded kroxigor behind.

    The series of Blurred images and vague directions in Hakals mind guided him whilst he sped in between campfires and tents. At his side was another skink, who was helping to rush the wounded to the medical hut, pointed his finger out

    ‘This way, Follow me’ He shouted before taking a turn, leading towards the edge of the camp.


    Eventually, Hakal reached a larger and more permanent structure, its walls were made from woven bamboo and logs and its faded thatch roof looked as if it had seen better days, covered in moss and saturated damp with rainwater. The raised hut was held up by large chunks of wood leaving enough room below for a small working station that consisted of a large table and many shelves filled with strange jars and vials along with chests and other supplies.

    “Quick, Get them inside!” The skink urged, helping Quas get up the uneven stairs and into the building.

    Once inside, the air seemed to become thicker and smokey, the scent of herbs and exotic spices burned into Hakals lungs and nostrils, clearing out his airways as he panted trying to catch his breath from the long run.

    Stepping forward on the creaky floorboards Hakals eyes quickly dart around, the small room was lined with many wooden shelves cluttered in even more curious jars, vials and containers, each one filled with enigmatic powders, thick bubbling liquids, growths of fungi and flowers or small animals that were gently suspended in strange solutions.


    When the skinks and kroxigors had made their entry into the hut through a waterfall of tassels and strings that formed the door, they had brushed past ribbons lined with small bells that caused gentle ‘Ding’s’, alerting another skink who was sitting on a small stone slab in the corner of the room with his legs crossed and arms neatly folded in his lap of their presence.

    In a slow and drawn out motion the skink's eyelids slowly slid back revealing two eyes, One clouded with light grey, the other warm and friendly, its orange iris contrasting with the skink's dark pupils.

    Now with his eyes open, the skink spoke in a soft amiable tone “So… What do we have here?” The skink Croaked before getting onto his feet now releasing that the blurred kroxigor in front of him was holding a frail skink priest and the skink behind him was supporting another wounded individual…

    Weaving his way through the many Suspended pots and pans that hung from the ceiling the old skink approached.

    “Oh no, Oh no no no. Quickly, Quickly place our priest here.” The skink indicated over to a large table before Quickly shoving many curious apparatus and bizarre devices out of the way, giving him room to place down a soft mat of large leaves.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Pain’s blade began to steam, the wicked metal gradually turning from a clean gray to a smouldering red glow as flames licked the sword, sending up showers of tiny sparks.

    Clutching the crystal until his hand went pale Xlauax spluttered ‘We c-can can either do this the easy way or -or we we can do this the hard way.” in-between maniacal laughter.

    Upon seeing the chameleon's face turn to a warped grin, the slave began to shiver violently, releasing the foul musk of fear as it cried “N-no, No Clan, must be loyalty, clan loyalty, Never tell-speak-k” before trying one desperate attempt to squirm free.

    ‘L-let me introduce y-you to my friend’ Xlauax’s face lit up in a storm of frenzied twitching before he reached out and grabbed the handle of his dagger, now searing hot ‘PAIN’

    “NoOOo I SPEAK! SPeak SCitter! I will I WiLL MAsTer” The Skaven squealed, closing its eyes and waiting for the flaming blade to plunge into its weak body.

    “Yesss Yess you willl” Xlauax brought the blade to the rats face, the heat singing its blood matted fur black as it glided past.

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax -
    Xlauax - M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5. +1 skill points, 0 battle, 0 blend

    - Your Characters points have begun to slowly regenerate now out of combat and 'Resting'
    - +1 Skill point regained.


    Xolek-Zi -
    Xolek-Zi - M5 WS2 BS2 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld5 1 skill point, 1 battle, +1 magic, 0 beast handling.
    - Your Characters points have begun to slowly regenerate now out of combat and 'Resting'
    - +1 Magic point regained. (Contributes to lower magic within the area) ​
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Satisfied with the methods used Xolek turns from the Chameleon and the Skaven back towards the tent, waiting to be allowed in

    Screams behind him are heard as the Oracle steps up to the Guardian
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    With hurried steps, Tiqxoltiq joins up with the old healer in the hut and begins to gather the necessary ingredients for herbal compounds. Deferring to the knowledge of the older skink, Tik asks which medicines they will need and quickly compiles those he knows by heart. Others he has to look up in a big Herbal book, but it only takes a glance to get him on the right track. Tik is not a very good healer, but he is a skilled alchemist and herbalist. Under the guidance of the healer, it takes him little time to get the necessary medicines prepared for their patients...
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The screaming of the slave like signing to his ears, Xolek turned back to enter the tent, and speak with the starseer. As he approached closer to the tent entrance, Qelionxi nodded to him before granting him access.

    It only struck him once inside, but Xolek began to release the room was cooled down to a light chill, and the air itself was smooth and easy to breathe. At last, Some respite from the blazing sun. But as Xo walked forward, it became clear that the Starseers central palanquin was empty…

    Xolek felt relieved when he could soon make out the features of the skink further back in the tent, who was now sitting on a smaller stone slab staring into a glass orb within the palm of his hand that seemed to emit a warm blue light, projecting images of a constellation onto the ancient skinks face that bounced back at itself through its own reflection within the Starseers weary eyes deep in study.

    After taking a small puff of his pipe, Xolek Cleared his voice and walked toward the starseer, informing him of his presence.

    “Oh, Xolek - Orical of S-sSotek?” Izqux turned around with a slightly confused expresion, noticing the other skink before bowing his faltering and faded crest with a sign of respect “Why do you seek my company? One of serpentss.”

    Before Xolek could respond, The starseer got to his feet and signaled for him to come closer, the skink’s wrinkled hand gently patting a small stone chair next to him “Take a seat, Take a seat child. ”

    Still remaining quite Xolek did as ordered and lowered himself onto the stone chair, making himself comfortable before bringing his pipe back up to his mouth, releasing a small cloud of soothing smoke that contorted and swirled with the other vapours already in the room.

    “One last thing before you state your business Xolek” Izqux leaned in closer, drawing in a deep breath of the smoke. “Hmmmm, What kind of herbs are you using this time. I can already feel my old muscles relaxing and my pulse soften. Is this another one of the batches you obtained from the Amazons? Or is it a homemade assortment?” He questioned whilst sinking back down into his chair and placing the glass ball onto a shelf nearby.

    Now closing his tiered eyes and drawing in another deep breath Izqux awaited Xolek’s responses.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  15. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Holding the red hot blade to the slaves face Xlauax slowly asks "what was y-your kind doing investigating the r-ruins! And who where are your leaders!". Tell me unless you want to feel my pain.". As he says this he motions to his missing eye with a smile. The slave starts sputtering out an answer in it's fear. After Xlauax heard his response he turns to the Starseer's tent to report what he found.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A bit shocked the Starseer knew of his dealings with Amazons the Oracle Nodded as he took yet another large inhale of smoke before releasing it

    "Yes, from the Amazons it is...they call it the Blue Paradise, Dark Blue with white orbs dotting it like the morning sky is with stars, they use it for various things..." Xolek extends the pipe to a small table next to the seer, nodding for the other skink to take the pipe if he wanted. Not wanting to reveal how much knowledge of the Amazons he had the Oracle changes the subject, unsure of how these lizardmen felt about the followers of Rigg the Outcast.

    Clearing his throat again, Xolek can feel nothing but ease about him, the various vapors about him calming his senses. Regaining some focus he starts to explain about the Salamander,

    "I stumbled upon a young Salamander in a cave while escaping the hot midday sun. I do not know if your camp could use such a creature or if you prefer it released. If you wish it kept, I would be willing to over seeing a pen built for it and others and a training area as well" Xolek offers, studying the star seer now before continuing,

    "I stumbled on your camp 4 nights ago but did not approach for 2, I am hoping to find clues to a sacred beast, told of upon this ancient plaque" the Oracle brings out a a golden plaque that is adorned with precious gems. It tells of many things, some of which only a seer or slann would be able to read. One such inspcription was of a beast that stalks the Lustrian Swamps, where it is abruptly broken away at after. This was told to Xolek long ago, back in his homeland.

    "I do not remember much of my past, I remember awaking on a shore that met a great swamp...this was 3 full moons ago. All I remembered was my name and that I needed to search for what is on this if Sotek has chosen me" trailing off the Oracle lowers his head

    Looking back at the seer Xolek straightens back up,

    "I seek answers" he then reached into a pouch and took out some bamboo scraps and started chewing on it
  17. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal gently placed the skink priest down upon the soft mat of leaves before stepping away. The hulking kroxigor eyed the energetic skink healer zip and weave all over, grabbing and tossing contraptions Hakal never seen before. Questions churned within him as everything around seemed to whirl and twist. It felt as though danger swarmed him, except, it was the mysterious jars and contraptions encompassing him.

    "What now?" Hakal questioned the skink healer.
  18. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Quick, Quick come here” The healer grabbed Hakals hand, dragging him over to another nearby desk before filling the kroxigors large hands with medical equipment and crystalline vials. “Just er, Just hold these for me, please. When, When I say pass them to me” The healer mumbled for rushing off again, Guiding Quas to sit down on a large slab of rock.

    Meanwhile, Tiqxoltiq Quickly flicks through the pages of a large leatherbound book, its pale bamboo pages slightly damp and mottled with flecks of mould and chemical stains.

    Flipping page after page, Tik Eventually reaches the one he was looking for, A double spread filled with saurian characters, Indicating symbols and complex diagrams. His eyes now following his finger as it dragged along the rough surface of the page Tik shouts out “Here, Here this is the one, Zuztle I found it.” Before stabbing the page with his finger and placing the book next to Kuoteq’s Shuddering body.

    With a mental image of the page in his mind, The then priest begins to rush around the familiar room grabbing small jars and handfuls of flowers before passing them to Zuztle who was now beginning to treat Kuoteq’eko…


    “Uh, Uhh Something for the pain, Quick, uhh” Zuztle mutters whilst searching the books open page. Something seems to click in the frail healer’s mind as he quickly darts over to the other end of the table that was now occupied by a series of flasks and jars.

    After picking up a large jar with both hands that was filled with a strange orange broth Zuztle moved over to another desk before plunging his hand into the thick liquid and retrieving a large clump of bizarre sponge-like fungus. “Ahh, this will do” His voice erratic and uneven whilst he shoved a cluster of the fungi into a small machine with one hand, and turned a small screeching handle with the other.

    Without wasting time, Zuztle quickly grabbed a handful of the orange sludge that was getting forced out of the contraption and headed back over to his patient who was seething and struggling to breathe, as the pain-reducing chemicals of combat were beginning to fade. “Here, Tik, You know what to do” Zuztle passed the slime into the unwounded priest's hands.

    Tik had been helping Zuztle ever since they had set up the camp and knew what to do within seconds. “Kuoteq…. Er.. Try to ignore the taste..” He hissed before feeding the sludge into the priest's mouth that was now frothing with thick orange saliva.

    After passing off the slime, the healer fumbled around in a drawer, pulling out a set of finely crafted needles dipped in a small vial of white liquid as well as a collection of bandages and a roll of silk thread.

    ordering Hakal to gently pin Kuoteq down, Zuztle returned to his patients left arm before he jolted it back into position and began to treat the skinks many larger wounds by first dripping a small drop of clear liquid into the cut or scrape, sprinkling in a pinch of powder and then carefully sewing the wound shut. The experienced healer’s hand making the work quick and steady despite Kuoteq’s Desperate thrashing.

    After several gruelling minutes of ceaseless operation, Zuztle finally wrapped small bandages around the larger wounds and fitted on a fibre sling onto the skink priests wounded arm.

    “Alright, alright It's all done now… Only the Old onesss know what caused those dreadful wounds… Just, Er try to keep it steady and be careful with your arm priest.” Zuztle spoke in a soothing yet irregular voice whilst sitting the priest up and passing him a small wooden bowl filled with herb and mineral-infused water provided from Tik.


    Having Kuoteq Guided to a small wooden stool where he could rest in the corner by Tik, Zuztle now turned his attention to Quas who had watched the procedure unfold.

    Calling for Hakals help, Zuztle and him moved the Stone slab that Quas was sitting on into the centre of the room, the floorboards below it whining like an injured patient as they strained. “All right big Krox, Come here So I can take a look at your injuries”

    Reluctant Quas stumbled over, Sitting down and closing his large eyes to let the healer do his work.

    Wincing at the thought of the pain Quas was undergoing, Zuztle inspected the wounds quickly, He wanted to get these lizardmen back to health as soon as possible.

    Now grabbing a small handful of instruments and a vial of clouded liquid, Zuztle began carefully scrape away at the wounds, cleaning them up after picking out small spikes or flakes of rock that had somehow made their way into the wounds. Before Sewing them shut, The skink applied a small dab of herbal Elixir to the wounds, the potent liquid steamed and hissed before it slowly sinks into the kroxigors flesh and bloodstream, Fortifying it from infection as well as helping speed up the regeneration process. Despite its obvious benefits, The Elixir caused Quas’s Wounds to burn with chotecs rage, Forcing even the mighty kroxigor to whine and howl with pain as what felt like thousands of burning needles pierced through the soft flesh exposed by his wounds and cuts…
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Quas -
    Quas - M1 WS2 BS0 S3 T3 W1.6 I0 A1 Ld5. 1 skill point, 0 battle, 0 magic

    - +0.6 Wounds
    - Your Characters Wounds are now ‘Healing’.
    - Quick Medical attention means your Character does not run the risk of getting a disease or infected wound.
    - -1 Exhausted trait, Leaving Quas with 1 Exhausted trait remaining.


    Kuoteq'Eko -
    Kuoteq'Eko - M1 WS1 BS1 S1 T1 W0.4 I3 A1 Ld4. 0 skill points, 0 battle, 0 magic

    - +0.4 Wounds
    - Your Characters Wounds are now ‘Healing’.
    - Quick Medical attention means your Character does not run the risk of getting a disease or infected
  20. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol could hear noides coming from the camp, perking curiously as they rubbed along the scaled side of the Salamander, giving thoughftul clicks to themselves. So much commotion today!

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