AoS What do we want from an update?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Dracorex, Dec 11, 2019.

  1. Duo Sonata

    Duo Sonata Active Member

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    Could turn our summoning into a signature spell or Slaan lore spell for the Slaan that when cast your options depend on how well you rolled or have a risk vs reward factor by having different levels of that summon spell. Example being you could cast it at Level 1 to get some skinks or chance it at level 3 to get a stegadon but you get nothing if you don't meet the requirements for the level you aimed for since just cus a slaan tried to think up a big dino into existence and failed doesnt mean it suddenly turned in something else.

    Seems appropriate since our summoning was originally spells before and this doesn't force a slaan in forgoing all its casting just to be a battery. Also the Engine of the gods could count as auto casting a low level result of that spell instead of its usual summon roll.

    On another note let's say they don't change our summoning mechanic what would it take for a saurus/skink general to be on par with a Slaan one?
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    that how it used to be if you check out all the old warscrolls they each have a spell to summon that unit
    LizardWizard and ChapterAquila92 like this.
  3. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Saurus generals need to have more of a combat presence. As it is, most of them (except maybe the sunblood) also have the same limitations as other saurus units in AOS - for a heavy combat unit, they're rather squishy.

    Skink generals need to be craftier little bastards to be worth taking, as like with the slann there is no expectation of them being front line combatants. As more of a support unit, I fully expect skink generals to focus on allowing a seraphon army to 'fight dirty' (poisoned attacks, hit and run tactics, etc).
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  4. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    they'd need some absolutly ridiculously powerfull traits since as it stands a slann can always just summon the skink and saurus heroes anyway, or just take it as a random hero in your starting army. So unless their traits are freaking amazing there's simply no reason to ever make them your general. As right now the most you gain by getting a saurus general is +1 to save on him or something equally minor.

    Though the easiest solution would be to just say the slann can generate points without being the general assuming you don't actually want to change anything. And then just limit us to one slann per army.
  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I don't find it boring. I enjoy being rewarded for planning out a few turns in advance while generating CCP. I also enjoy the choice of creating CCP vs using a spell I want to cast. I think the decisions making side has only gotten more interesting since the GHB2019 changes to Slann and Spell lores. There are a number of good utility spells.

    In terms of concept I actually love it. I view the Slann creating CCP as being a such a powerful form of magic that enemy mages have no means to interact with it. The Slann is so power that if he sets his mind to creating new Seraphon it only requires time and their is no chance it will fail.
    GuaDan, Kilvakar, Dracorex and 3 others like this.
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    I agree with @LizardWizard than the CCP system is pretty cool, although I do wish there were more ways to generate CCP outside of the Slann, maybe ways for heroes to generate CCP. Other than that I feel that a sacrificed spell should generate slightly more points but overall I like the system.

    now I wonder what will happen to the beloved carnosaur....
    Dracorex, Kilvakar and LizardWizard like this.
  7. Lustrian Giant
    Chameleon Skink

    Lustrian Giant Well-Known Member

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    It needs to be the monster killer it should be
  8. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Agreed. It needs to be our big Target seeker missile. Sauras heros in general need to be more like a beat stick. Being buff oriented is fine, but they don't get to do much otherwise.

    Troglodon needs rend. Then it can be the jack of all trades it's meant to be.
  9. Guzzer

    Guzzer Active Member

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    Everytime I play a new opponent they look at my Trog or Carn and throw everything at it.. as it looks menacing.

    Next time I play the same opponents they usually don't both and concentrate all fire power on my Slann or Basti..

    Carn/Trog. look crazy tough.. but they don't last long :(
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    If carnosaurs and troglodons got a 3+ save and more rend they would be incredible. Although if you use the right artifact they can still be half decent as I have had an oldblood wallop a zombie dragon

    edit: and mount traits would be nice
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
  11. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    we will get mount traits. imnot worried about that. we just don't have them yet cuz our book is what, 5 years old?
  12. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    meh, if we're going to have to stick to this boring system I'd at least like to see the following:

    1) Better spells so there's a harder choice in more situations, and more importantly so we don't just sacrifice 90% of our spells by default. With balewind a slann already reaches 25 spells per game, make it cast more than a handfull...
    2) Failing that, give the slann something else to do. A decent command ability, an aura, combat prowess, a ranged attack. Whatever it takes to not just have him sit in a corner and teleport away the moment an enemy gets close.
    3) Failing that, just make him into our faction terrain. At least then he no longer defines half of our lists in bigger games, plus it takes the sting out of having a general that doesn't actually participate much.
    4) Give some options for alternate slanns. E.g. a casting heavy slann, or a combat focussed slann that rips into enemies with his magic attacks, possibly riding a big dinosaur, (fun fact, the slann is already one of our better combat heroes on foot, goes to show how terrible our saurus heroes are...). Just something to switch it up.
    5) Something significant besides the slann that plays into summoning. Right now all we have is the astrolith bearer.
    6) Remove the requirement for him to be a general, you can limit it to only 1 slann generating points.
    Lizerd, ChapterAquila92 and Carnikang like this.
  13. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Man, a Slann riding a Stegadon would be nice. Good ol'Mazdamundi needs to come back.
  14. Xuil
    Chameleon Skink

    Xuil Well-Known Member

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    Not at all what I expect, but my biggest wish list items are:
    • Something unique about our casting. Make the dispel range for us much shorter? Make us able to duplicate spells back in the enemy phase? Something that makes Slann feel like the casters they are in lore.
    • A big flyer. An ‘alpha of the skies’, above Rippers.
    • Some way to run larger battleline, whether full behemoths or terradons/Rippers. Probably in conjunction with the above.
  15. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Behemoths no longer have restrictions if they're battleline for your faction (see the recent update). So I'd imagine we get that too.
  16. karlsbc

    karlsbc Well-Known Member

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    I'd like to see changes in summoning in a way that Slann still is the focus point and summoner but is supported by skink priests. So the Slann doesn't need to do all summoning work by himself and can still cast spells. Maybe limiting the generation of conjuration points to one spell per turn and caster, but making that skinks starpriests can also contribute if they are around. There should be restrictions on summoning additional starpriests, to avoid potentially broken rules.

    That way summoning doesn't just rely on hidding a single model and can become a more dinamyc system. Conjuration should diminish through the game without necessarily losing it all at once. That way you can speculate more with the risk of using conjuration pointsr right away or saving some until later.

    This system can somehow be seen together with "arcane vassal" to represent that they create a kind of magical network with the Slann. Maybe an endless spell could also expand that "geomantic network" by creating beacons/portals.

    This temathic would be less "demonish" and more "spaceshipish"/"timetravelish" (proper Lords of Space and Time).

    The Slann should have its own spell lore. And it should be better than the skink one to represent how good at magic they are.

    I would like to see a new Warscroll for the Skink Starseer that gives him Slann-like abilities for summoning in armies that don't have a Slann. The model is awesome. I would also merge the warscrolls of skink priests and starpriests into one, somehow.

    I would like to have more variation in the conjuration table in regards of conjuration cost. So conjuring something other than skinks is more viable.

    I would make that conjuration points become a little bit random (rolling dices for example), and that using many points at once late in the game pays off. I'd maybe limit summoning to one unit per turn, to incentivate variation over skink spam.

    I'd like also to have a terrain piece, kind of an engine of the gods/astrolith/star portal, that supports summoning and magic. I wouldn't mind if that replaces somehow the current astrolith bearer's role and model.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  17. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    merging the two skink priests could actually be interesting. Both priests suffer from not doing all that much besides casting a single buff. Combining them allows them to do multiple buffs which does mean 1 priest will feel far more impactfull. Plus, if you take the right stuff it also becomes a halfway capable model.

    the 4+ save of a priest with cloak
    the ranged attack of the skink priest
    the celestial rights of a priest with trappings
    the venom and spellcast of the starpriest.

    It'd be quite good. It can provide some ranged support. It can provide various buffs & debuffs. It can cast a spell. It's reasonably durable with a rerollable 4+ save (since its aura affects himself as well).
    Lizerd, LizardWizard and Dracorex like this.
  18. Dracorex
    Cold One

    Dracorex Well-Known Member

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    I just looked through @Rikard ‘s entire sculpting tutorial...this is what we need our models to look like.
    LizardWizard, Carnikang and Lizerd like this.
  19. Seraphandy

    Seraphandy Well-Known Member

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    Dracorex, Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  20. Dracorex
    Cold One

    Dracorex Well-Known Member

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    Like the Leonopteryx to the Banshee, or the Quetzalcoatlus to the Pteranodon. Or maybe they could add the Coatl...

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