(POTENTIAL CONTROVERSY) 007 Film Continued Discussion

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ravagekitteh, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Well stated!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Thank you ravagekitteh for your polite and well thought out reply.

    Perhaps I picked bad examples, but going back to prehistoric times, men are considered more expendable or women are considered more valuable. A prehistoric tribe with 100 males and 100 females. If they are reduced to 25 males and 100 females they will recover pretty fast. If they are reduced to 100 males and 25 females they probably are not going to recover. The males are probably going to cull themselves fighting over males.

    In the 21st century population is not a major concern and death doesn't lurk around every corner, but eons of evolution still hardwired our brains to think like paleolithic hunter gatherers. All societies put men in more dangerous roles and rescue efforts for women are prioritized over men in every culture on Earth.

    The video I posted before shows how a men's suffering and death is not given much consideration. Also this TV Tropes link goes into a lot of details. Granted the examples are all in fictional media, but culture is a reflection of belief and I have the news video before to show real life examples of this principle in action.

    This is why it's relevant that men die sooner than women. It's because society values female life above male life.

    Men do commit more crimes. But when comparing the exact same crimes in apples to apples situations, women get proportionately lower sentences and conviction rates than men. In one case, I remember reading a judge regarding a DWI saying "If you were a man I would send you to prison, but instead I'll send you to rehab." It's not hard to find cases where female criminals get far lighter sentences and more sympathy than their male counterparts. Especially pedophiles.

    Read the comment section of any news article on this and people act like the cops.

    I would vote for a female politician if she supported my ideals over a male politician who looked and sounded like me but was against everything I believed in. Most American male politicians are either feminists or traditionalists and both feminists and traditionalists will generally favor men over women.

    We have queens in history and queens are just as likely to send soldiers to their death as men. It doesn't matter who is sitting in the throne. It matters what the person in the throne does.

    I am not offended by this, but I disagree with your statement. I am inclined to be believe that men suffer at least as many gender based problems as men do in modern society. Though one person made a good metaphor that neither men nor women are very good at seeing their privilege. A tall man typically has more respect than a short man but a tall man, and a tall man can reach items easier, but a tall man is unlikely to focus on the positives. Instead he focuses on the fact that he often hits head on shelves, doorways and low ceilings.

    It's probably best we agree to disagree.

    I am pro-choice, I would never deny a woman her right to choose. I cannot deny that it is a problem that women face but I can deny that it's one that men do not have to deal with.

    (contains salty language\/)

    If a woman chooses to have an abortion. The father has no say and cannot say "No, let me raise the child, I want it."

    Safe harbor laws where a woman can drop a newborn off at the fire department no questions asked. Again the man has no say in this.

    If a woman chooses to not have an abortion. The father cannot say "I do not want to be involved with this child and I do not want to pay for it." The United States does not have debtor's prison but a man can be put in jail for not paying child support.

    There are multiple cases, where boys who are victims of statutory rape by adult women and are given a court order to pay child support when they turn 18.

    There are multiple cases, where men who are proven with DNA tests to not be the biological father are given a court order to continue paying the child support anyway.

    There is at least one case that I read about where a woman pulled a condom out of the trash and used it to impregnate herself without the man's knowledge or consent and a court orders the man to pay child support.

    There are multiple cases where a woman performs oral sex but no consent for other forms of sex was given by either party. She spits the seed into a cup and uses it to impregnate herself. Then a court orders the man to pay child support.

    Men are put on the hook for child support from women who lied about birth control every day.

    I do not want to take a woman's right to choose away. The principle that a moment of sex should not legally obligate a woman to a lifetime of motherhood should be applied to fathers as well. I want to give men a right to choose. I think the principles of egalitarianism demand this, but I do not believe this will ever happen.

    Traditionalists will oppose it because they will say this will destroy families. Non-egalitarian feminists will also oppose this because it denies women access to resources. The latter will also likely make a comment about men needing to control their base urges better though if a pro-lifer says women should control their base urges instead of having abortion they will be (justifiably) angry.

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