Fiction Xlauax the Forgotten

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by DeathBringer125, Nov 30, 2019.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    It all started that fateful day.
    "Scout master Xlauax! We have spotted Dark Elves marching into our borders!", "Very well soldier call the Chameleons, we will deal with them." We mustered our forces and headed out after the threat, we wouldnt let these monsters get away with this. We arrived at their camp the next day. Bolts flew through the air and Chameleons fired back. The Dark Elf commander paced back and forth shouting orders to his men. Our rear forces converged upon unsuspecting Dark Elves and made short work of them. I issued the order to charge, I had grown to arrogant from my military successes. That's exactly what they had wanted. Dark Elven bolt throwers were uncovered from tents. I had been one of the first to charge. However I was fast and made it inside the camp where I faced down the Dark Elven commander with hatred in my eyes. We fought for what seemed like hours, neither one of us gaining the advantage. Until suddenly I caught a gap in his defense. I swung my sword and gouged out an eye. I moved in for the killing blow when a massive bolt from a bolt thrower struck me, I should have died. Somehow it missed vital organs but I laid there impaled and dying. The commander got up and walked over to me. He said "Ha! Your forces are routing, the battle is lost for you. I should kill you but I have a different idea in mind." Those words sat like daggers in my heart.

    Those are the words I heard within my cell for thirty long years. Everyday I was tortured. The first thing to go was my eye, the commander laughed as the red hot metal made its way there. I screamed and screamed but to no avail. My brethren thought me dead.
    Days turned to weeks of torture. There was no hope.
    I held on praying that someone would find me. It had been 3 long years and I was still resisting.
    Pain....sorrow.....that was all I had to live for. A constant reminder of my failure. They liked to find new ways of torture just for me. I got used to the stretcher quickly, so they moved to water torture.
    What was the point, I could end all the pain, all the sorrow, with one quick blow to my spine.
    NO, that is what they want........THEY WILL NEVER BREAK ME!
    The years passed so fast. I was weak, I was weary, THEY WOULD PAY!
    But....they finally made a fatal mistake.
    They forgot to lock me into the stretcher. I lunged from it in a tornade of hatred. The elf was horrified. I bite out his throat and clawed, and clawed till his body was strewn across the ground like a frayed rope. I grabbed his sword, oh what pain it had caused. A cruel reminder of my torture. I focused what small strand of sanity still remained within me. I had one goal, one purpose in life. To get revenge.

    I spent hours navigating those accursed tunnels. Killing Druchii upon sight, they didn't even make a sound. Bells were ringing, they had found the bodies. I needed to escape. I finally found and exit and snuck to the Commanders tent. It was midnight. Opening the entrance he gasped, I lunged at him like a mad man. But perhaps I was a mad man. I hacked at him and struck many solid blows. He fired back at me with his repeating crossbow. After ten long, hard minutes I hurled him to the ground after cutting his Achilles heel. I heard a voice behind me gasp, "FATHER!" I turned to face him with hatred in my eyes. He tried to fight back but I made short work of him and pinned him to the ground. I glared at the man who had imprisoned me, tortured me, destroyed my purpose in life, and said "You have tortured me for thirty years, the guards never let me forget that. You have robbed me of my eye, my life. I have already claimed your eye but I shall not claim your life. That is too good punishment for you. But justice demands a life in return". I turned to face his son and yanked him up in front of the commander. "This life I will take in payment, this life I will take for justice." I then decapitated his son. And hurled the head at the commander. "NOOOO! WHY!!!!!!!!." He cried but to no avail I had taken his crossbow, and his sword, and left.

    Those were the sounds I heard no more. I had been robbed of purpose but a new one appeared. The inflict vengeance tenfold upon the Druchii. My brethren abandoned me, I was forgotten, but I would make sure the Dark Elves never forgot me.
    Those where the tears of the Commander as he screamed for guards to hunt me down. The sword in my right hand was my Pain, the sword in my left was my Justice, and the repeating crossbow on my back was my Vengeance. And with these I would seek my revenge upon the Druchii.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
  2. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    This is my newest story. This is the rough draft but I eagerly await any critiques and or Grammer corrections (I'm sure there are lots). This story is the backstory for my character that will be introduced into the Forum RPG being run by @Nazqua
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Love the backstory, it gives your character so much flavour and detail. Can't wait to weave him into the story in a bit.

    Here are your stats - Chameleon skink/ Skirmisher (M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5.) 2 skill points, 2 battle, 1 blend (used to camouflage and stealth.) (I moved one skill point to one battle point due to your characters history and fighting style up close with double swords.)

    For simplicity. (battle = Melee, skill = Range + puzzles + Other out of combat abilities)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Perhaps it would be cool if those last 'drip, drip, drip's were the commander's tears over his dead son? Or perhaps the blood dripping from the decapitated head :eek:
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  5. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Can't wait for you to join. It's pretty fun so far, and a chameleon skink would be pretty useful :p
    Nazqua likes this.
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    I wrote another story about Xlauax. Here it goes.

    Three years ago I had escaped them. A Scoutmaster no more I sought my vengeance. With my Pain in my right hand, and my Justice in my left I leaped into the dark elf camp. Screams erupted as I hacked and hacked. There were only 5 Druchii here. The first was killed on impact, my Pain cutting through his throat. The second swung at me but I leaped over him before stabbing him through the back. The third could hardly draw his sword before my Vengeance launched a bolt through his skull. I dodged the sword of the fourth before decapitating him but then the 5th decided to run. This was the fun part.

    He ran through the forest like a madman, but I was faster. I glided through the trees like a viper. The Druchii had come to fear me. They knew me as the Huinë Feredir, the Night Hunter. I had become a creature of nightmare to them. They used to send out scouts in squads of two, I had changed that and now a small scout party was five. The Druchii had hit a dead end, a large rock wall blocked his escape. He looked around wildly, fear in his eyes. I leaped from my branch to the ground I front of him, malice in my eyes. "Drip, drip, drip.", I slowly spoke. He was confused for only a second before he was ended by my Justice. After this I traveled back to their camp, I could salvage supplies from it.

    When I arrived I was met with a strange surprise. A Skink was bound up near the fire. I had not noticed him before now. He looked at me happily, but also very confused. I slowly approached, this was the first of my brethren I had seen in 33 years. He looked at me curiously as if trying to figure out why I was not already untying him. Xlauax nervously shuffled to the Skink. He could kill hordes of Druchii without fear but this terrified him. He was standing in front of the Skink as he drew his Justice. Slash, the bindings fell to the ground. The Skink stood up and said "Thank you! Those Druchii captured me 4 days ago. Where are your brethren? Are they camped nearby? If so I would be happy if you could take me to your Scoutmaster. I have an important mission, I am a Starpriest and I was charged with retrieving a plaque that the Druchii stole from a local excavation site.". Xlauax froze, this was the first Skink voice he had heard in so long. Xlauax paced a bit before replying "u-u-umm i-i h-have no b-brethren i-i haven't sss-seen a sk-skink in a l-lomg t-time wh-where are you going I th-think I sss-should g-go n-now.". These were the first words he had said besides drip, drip, drip. He hardly knew what to do with himself. He was a whirlwind of emotions. The Skink looked very confused before replying "Ummm you have no brethren? Were you the only survivor? Are you sick? Hurt? What was your mission?". These questions burnt into Xlauax. "M-my b-brethren sss-survived b-but they are n-no longer my b-brethren, th-they ab-ab-ab-abandoned m-meeee! Th-THEY l-left m-ME TO DIE!". The Priest looked at him in horror, there was clearly something wrong with the Chameleon Skink. "Umm how about you lie down, I can see what is wrong with you.". These words threw Xlauax into a fury, how dare this Priest assume he was sick? How could he not see that I was fine? I had never been better, HA! This Priest must be ill, I should go get him some medicine just to prove him wrong! Xlauax stood up and started to yell at the Priest but his emotions had spun him out of control and he dropped unconscious, the turmoil, and blood loss from his wounds, and infection, knocking him out.

    Xlauax woke up the next day. He went to stand up but quickly collapsed back down onto a Druchii sleeping bag. He was still at the camp, and could see the Priest standing nearby who seemed to notice his movements. Xlauax realized he had been bandaged up and had some medicine on his wounds. The Priest approached him and explained "My name Qul'toq, I am a Starpriest sent by the Slann, my master, the great Lord Ph'rogg. My mission was to recover a sacred plaque stolen by Druchii raiders. It was the mandate of the Great Plan that I depart alone, but I suspect you may have a part in this quest. The Great Plan dictated that I would receive help, and that seems the be exactly what you are. I examined you for some sickness to explain your behavior but I could find none. Nonetheless I patched your wounds and would like you to accompany me on my journey. You are not my first choice for this mission but who am I to question the Great Plan.". This was alot for Xlauax to ponder and it left his head spinning for a while. He wasn't used to traveling with anyone else. Years of solitude had made him cold and distant to his former kin. Yet somehow he felt compelled to help Qul'toq. Xlauax slowly stood up, with the help of Qul'toq and said "i-i-i-i w-will h-help you on y-your q-quest. W-where are w-we n-needed? Oh and b-by the w-way my n-name is Xl-Xlauax.". Qul'toq replied "There is a Druchii camp not far off, there are about 30 Druchii lurking there. With your blades and my magic we should be able to destroy them and recover the plaque. Speaking of you blades, how exactly did you get them? It is unusual for a Chameleon Skink to fight with swords and a crossbow. And what exactly have you been doing if you have no brethren?". These questions made Xlauax relapse into many buried memories he tried to keep dormant. Xlauax then explained his past as a Scoutmaster to Qul'toq on their way to the camp. Xlauax was starting to like this Priest, it was like he had a brother again.

    Over many days of travel Xlauax had become used to his new companion. The Priest had told him of his adventures during his training. Xlauax finally felt accepted and felt like he had a purpose. The next day they reached the Druchii camp. "If you can take out those sentries I could get close enough to cast a spell and kill many of the Druchii.". "I can t-take care of the Druchii sentries Qul'toq. I will meet you near the rondezvous point near the camps entrance. Be careful Qul'toq.". "I will Xlauax, we will succeed, for the will of the Slann is absolute.". After this I vanished into the trees.

    A Druchii sentry patrolled his normal route. Before he could even scream he vanished under a whirlwind of blades. All around the camp sentries silently vanished into the cold night. Qul'toq smiled, his new friend was skilled to say the least. He must have had alot of practice in the 3 years he had been free. He knew Druchii tactics and patterns like the back of his hand. After this 8 Druchii were dealt with. Qul'toq approached the rondezvous when suddenly Xlauax appeared as if out of nowhere. "Oh Xlauax, you startled me. Good job, those sentries won't be reporting in any time soon.". Xlauax grinned, then they proceeded to the next part of their plan. They silently scaled the wall of the camp, once on top of the rampart Qul'toq would cast a spell to bring fire down upon the camp. Xlauax helped his brother during the climb, keeping him from making a sound. After this Xlauax snuck around to the opposite side of the camp. Where he waited to attack from behind once the spell was cast.

    All of a sudden an alarm was raised, the Druchii saw as Qul'toq finished his spell, Xlauax had missed a sentry. That fateful day a Dark Elven bolt would take away his purpose yet again. A clean shot through Qul'toq's lungs. With the fury of a wild carnosaur Xlauax leaped into the fire with rage. Druchii swarmed towards him with weapons drawn. Xlauax had not known rage and pain like this since the days of his torture. In a whirlwind of blades and malice 4 Druchii fell. Xlauax used his camoflauge to crawl across the ground like a wild animal, lunging upon the unsuspecting Druchii as the hunted for him, the flame making it hard to see. "Drip, drip, drip.". His voice echoed through the camp followed by a sinister, maniacal laughter as Druchii fell left and right. In the end, a lone soldier stood. Corpses all around him. "I'm dead aren't i.", asked the Druchii. "Yes you are.", replied the phantom in the dark before the final Druchii was cut down.

    Xlauax made his way to the body of his brother. "Qul'toq speak to me! You can't die! You gave me back a purpose in life!". "I'm sorry my friend, but the Great P-Plan has decreed that I would die this day. Take the sacred plaque to Lord Ph'rogg so that I do not die in vain. I have foreseen great things for you to come. Remember me...". And with these final words Qul'toq died. The Druchii had taken my purpose again. They had first killed me and now had killed my brother. I wouldn't let this happen again, i would not grow attached like this again, it was a weakness I would not submit to.

    In the dead of night a confused shouting occured. A temple guard ran to his master Lord Ph'rogg and exclaimed "My lord! A plaque was found sitting in the middle of the throne chamber! We don't know how it got there.". Lord Ph'rogg smiled, he had expected this. And with this a lone figure vanished again into the night.

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